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WALKING HOME, Lennon couldn't help but feel like there were constant eyes on her back. Just to be safe, she sped up her steps.

Once she got to her house, she took out her keys, opened the door and called out to her family. "Im home!"

Running down the steps, practically falling over his feet, Wes appeared. "Thank fuck!" he called out, engulfing his little sister into a hug.

Confused and surprised, she raised her eyebrows. "Whats the matter with you, someone get attacked?" she laughed sarcastically.

Wes' face held no humour when he nodded his head. Lenny's jaw dropped quicker then anything he had seen is his life. "oh- shit! who?"

Pursing his lips, he showed Lennon the texts from Sam Carpenter, stating how Tara had been stabbed.

"The fuck! Has mom got any news?" Lenny questioned, still processing.

Sighing, Wes nodded. "Tara told her that it was someone in a ghostface costume. Even mom is scared."

Lennon nodded, still taking everything in.

Wes continued. "You weren't answering your texts and you haven't been home since the other day. You have to be more informative." He scolded.

"Well i'm fine, arent i?" she reassured her brother. "Will Tara be okay?"

It was no lie when Lennon would say Tara was one of her bestfriends, along side Mindy and Amber. It had always been them as a group, no other.

"She is resting, but Sam will text me when she's awake."

Both Hicks twins stood there, taking it in. They had heard the stories their mom had told them about ghost face, which was why she was so protective over them. Now they were hearing more about the situation, they understood why.


" Attention, Panthers. A reminder that all classes and school activities are cancelled tomorrow due to public safety concerns."

Lennon, Amber, Mindy and Wes were all gathered by their meet up tree, sitting in silence and thinking about their friend.

"That was Sam." Wes spoke up, indicating to a text he got.

Amber didn't look too happy, from what Lenny saw. "She's coming?" Wes nodded his head. "Yeah."

The Freeman girl rolled her eyes. "Watch everything get worse."

"Cut her some slack, Amber. There was obviously a reason she left. I mean- she loved Tara and she loved us." Lennon defended.

Sam Carpenter used to babysit half the group a few years back. At the time, she was possibly one of Lenny's favourite people, and not just because she let Lennon have oreos for dinner.

Once again, Amber scoffed. "Or- she was just abandoning Tara."

Before anyone could say something else, Chad's voice (which was very charming in Lenny's opinion) interrupted them.

" Listen, all I'm saying is, with everything going on right now, i think everyone should keep in contact and we should all be able to track eachother." He reasoned, Liv by his side.

Lennon was positive they were dating, though she hated to think it, but Chad reassured her they were just friends. Get in there, Lennon!

Liv began to explain what the 6'2 giant was waffling about. "He wants us to accept his Find My Fam request."

Chad began to defend himself. "It's the smartest option with a would-be killer on the loose. You guys will know exactly where I am and i know exactly where you are."

"Awh- so you can stalk us like a creep?" Liv jokingly accused.

".. or you can stalk me like a creep!" He smiled humorously.

Amber's gagging noise made everyone look towards her. " God- just have sex already."

Lennon looked down. The thought of her crush for years now making out with someone else didn't seem right with her. Lenny failed to notice the look Chad gave her when Amber mentioned that.

" Don't do it. There's a psycho out there. We have to make ourselves harder to find. Delete social media, tape over your phone camera, disable GPS." Wes intelligently looked out for the group,

Lennon pointing towards him in agreement. "I agree. Although don't delete social media, how else will you see my Instagram photos?"

Chad laughed, before going back to the topic. "Yes, thank you very much, Edward Snowden."

Wes sucked in his lips, tilting his head in annoyance.

The Meeks-Martin boy changed the topic, once again. "Actually--" pointing towards Lennon and Wes."--your mother just interrogated me about Tara's attempted murder, which was very fun."

At the mention of their mother, Wes and Lenny looked over by the school buses to see the culprit staring straight at them. Deputy Hicks tilted her hat slightly towards her kids. Wes nodded at her in embarrassment while Lennon leaned over Mindy's head and waved in excitement. She loved everything about her mom, though she wished she was less protective.

"I'm sure she's asking everybody. I mean, Ghostface is back." Wes defended their mom.

Mindy spoke up for the first time. "The press still isn't saying Ghostface."

Lennon butted in. "Mom doesn't want to scare people, but it definitely is. Hate to break it to you."

"It'll get out by the second or third killing." Mindy stated calmly.

Amber leaned up slightly, looking quite disgusted. "Jesus, Mindy. There wasn't a first killing. Tara's alive."

Mindy hummed, nodding her head slightly. "That means she could still die."

Lennon tapped Mindy round the back of the head while Amber cursed her out. Though she just carried on. "Or the killer could come back for her."

"Fuck! Mindy, come on." Chad scolded his twin sister.

Once again, Wes started to talk about everyone's safety. That was Lennon's favourite thing about her brother. He cared deeply for those around them.

" Im just telling you, arm up, okay? Pepper spray, check. Taser, check." On that note, Lenny ruffled through her bag, showing everyone the taser her mom forced her to keep.

"Girlfriend repellent, check." Amber mocked.

The group laughed, though Liv's were cut off at the sight of her ex. " Oh, shit. Is that.. Vince?" She stated, causing the group to look over.

Stood by a car, there was a guy leaning against it, staring right at them.

"Wait- that homeless- looking guy you described to us? The one who knocked you up?" Lennon looked back at Liv in shock.

Liv nodded. "Yeah, he worked with me and Tara."

At the mention of Tara, Amber turned her head. "He worked with Tara?"

Liv carried on. "He's been stalking my Instagram the last couple weeks, posting the creepiest shit."

Lennon stood up and stared at Vince, who kind of turned away awkwardly. She then turned back to the group. "Okay- wild shout. He attacked Tara."

Wes grabbed Lennon's arm before pulling her to sit down.

Like Lennon, Chad also began to defend Liv. "Time to introduce him to Hobbs and Shaw." He exclaimed, flexing his muscles. Lennon hid her mouth, biting her nails to contain herself.

Liv glared at the boy. "Maybe not the best idea to incite violence right in front of the sheriff." She stated before looking up to see Vince walking away. "Looks like he's leaving."

Lennon leaned over to Wes. "Β£100 bet i scared him off." Wes chuckled slightly. "Im sure you did, Len." Before wrapping his arm around Lenny and pulling her in close. In return, she jokingly bit him.

Liv laughed, humorously thanking Chad's muscles.

Lennon, who was jealous, looked away again. Amber though, looked right at them and noticed bruises on his upper arm.

Amber hummed. "Tara says she fought back hard. You've got bruises."

Chad looked at her like she was crazy. "From football practice!"

"Oh sure."

Wes leaned forward, phone in his hands snd head straight down. "Tara's awake. She just texted."

Lenny immediately stood up next to Wes. " We are going to the hospital. Anyone coming?" The group didn't hesitate to say yes, all but Liv.

" Oo- uh, i can't but ill meet you guys later." She stated.

The group said their goodbyes to the girl before piling away.

Chad's steps fell in sync with Lenny's. She looked up at him and smiled, while he did the same. "We are going to be okay, right?" Lennon wondered. She was genuinely hoping nothing would happen. Somewhere in her, she still couldn't process Tara was attacked by Ghostface.

Sighing, Chad put his hand on the blonde's shoulder. "Lenny, we are going to be just fine."



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