21. Crackbrained Dunce

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🐅𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐🐅



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"No love, no friendship can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever."

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[Y/N's POV]

I don't know how long I stayed like this buried in the swamp of chaotic thoughts, but when I lift my head I'm pleasantly surprised by the thing I see outside.

It's snowing.

I exit the car as I notice Jimin in the same position I left him, bent down over his laptop as the snowflakes rest on his blond hair.

Glittering intricate patterns of ice float weightlessly downward from the already darkening sky, covering everything around with a thin layer of ice blanket and enveloping everything in a calm, silent coldness that is comforting in its own special way.

Snowflakes fall soundlessly taking their time before they reach their destined places of rest, and for some their destination is to come to my hand, to alight upon these ungloved fingers and let my warmth be their deathbed.

"It's snowing," I whisper quietly, more to myself than to anyone else, as a small smile graces my lips.

I hear the subtle crunch underfoot as Jimin strides forward and stops right next to me, looking up at the silvery flakes dancing in the poor light. "It's beautiful, isn't it? He asks.

"Yeah," I breathe out as the heat from my mouth rises in puffs of white vapor.

I continue staring at the falling ice powder, until I hear a loud humming and turn my stare to Jimin. My eyebrows rise in surprise and an amused chuckle leaves my parted lips. I watch Jimin stick his tongue out like a child, catching the snowflakes with it.

"What are you doing?"

"What?" Jimin questions glancing at me as if what he's doing is completely normal. "It's fun," he mumbles, "you didn't have a childhood if you didn't eat snow."

I scoff, "Oh please, it was my hobby," I give him an amused look, "but you also realize that you're a 25-year-old adult."

"The child in me will never die," he replies in a sing-song tone.

I snicker under my breath shaking my head, "if you come to think about it..." I trail off gaining Jimin's attention, "it's the first time we're talking like normal people, and not spitting comebacks at each other."

"Because you didn't have your normal portion of bitchflakes this morning." He murmurs, and my smile is gone faster than a cat in a Taco Bell kitchen.

Spoke too soon.

Rolling my eyes I lean back on the car's hood. "You know what, I won't answer to that, I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person, after all, I'm better. . .or rather," I make a scene of comparing our heights with my hand, "higher than that."

Jimin gives me a flat look, rolling his eyes. Even though we are practically the same height, he hates when people comment about that.

Judging by his disgusted face he's about to say something extremely obnoxious but gets interrupted by the shrieking sound of tires.

I turn my attention to the black SUV which parks a couple of meters away from us. The front side is covered with dirt, all windows are shattered from bullets, that were fired at them.

They didn't get here easily.

People exit the car but my widened eyes recognize only one's arrival. The chilly air gets stuck in my throat as if an invisible noose is pulled tight around my neck, turning my breaths into physical puffs of nervousness.

My eyes meet Yoongi's dark ones and his expression softens.

He looks different. His shuffled black hair rest on his head like a bird's nest, dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep seem to accentuate his pale skin even more. The grey overall he wears makes him look older than he is, as the obnoxious time in prison vividly reflects in his tired eyes.

At the sight of him, my heart tightens. Nervousness, happiness, and relief meshing together. I don't register my actions, as the next moment I'm throwing my hands around Yoongi pulling him into a tight hug and burying my face in his neck. I inhale deeply, feeling the familiar scent that always calmed me, whenever I needed it.

His arms wrap around me, as he lowers his mouth to my ear, his cold lips touching my lobe, that sends shivers down my spine. "Long time no see, Lil sis," I smile sincerely at the mention of my old nickname.

"You're a brainless idiot you know that, right?" He murmurs, his words only audible for me, "and you're going to explain, how you ended up in such an interesting company."

Deciding that it is not the right time and place to have any conversation with him, I pull away, giving him a huge grin. "For the sake of our friendship, I'll pretend I didn't hear the brainless part." I gesture to the red Mercedes, where, now, snow rests on the car hood, as if it's a feather cushion, waiting for someone to sink in it. "Get in the car."

Without any other word, I grab the container that's placed next to my car and start dumping the lighter fluid on their half-destroyed car. After finishing I whirl on my heels, leading Yoongi to the red Mercedes, and gesturing for the other four to get in the other car as we planned.


I thought that's what we planned; that I and Yoongi will go to the safe house, and they will lead the police the wrong way, and only after I'm sure Yoongi is safe, I give them a name. But of course, Jimin decides it's too much peace for me in one day.

"Wait!" At his voice everyone stops, turning their attention to the pair of us.

"What?" I retort sharply, already sniffing the fight coming my way. I start spinning the lighter, that I still didn't use, in my hand quickly.

"One of us is coming with you." He says calmly, making me roll my eyes, as I tap my foot on the damp ground as if waiting for the police to show up at any moment.

"Why?" I ask calmly, "we thought this through hundreds of times before and you didn't see the need of any of you accompanying us then. What's your problem now?"

"I'm not entirely convinced you won't just run away. So one of us is coming with you or you can give us the name now."

"Well, you see I'm not entirely convinced you won't lead the police right to us the moment you have the name," I say, my irritation not showing in my voice. "We had an agreement, Jimin," I state, "I keep my word, I'll give you the name when I'm sure he," I jab my thumb towards Yoongi, "is safe. I'm not having any of you breathing down on my neck for days, hell, maybe for weeks just because you have trust issues."

Jimin clenches his jaw dreadfully glaring at me, and somehow I know this time the thing I throw at him will definitely not be a book, but a metal blade, sharp like a samurai sword, going right through his empty skull.

"Sweetheart, this time we will do this our way," he muses sweetly that hides venom underneath, as he takes a step forward, his breath prickling my skin, "be a nice girl, and instead of complaining better be thankful."

I grind my teeth, barely restraining the urge to spit on his face.

"Thanks," a harsh voice makes me look in the direction of the sound, as I find Yoongi standing behind me closely as if ready to step in action if there's a need. "I am thanking you for helping me out." He says casually, making me doubt his sanity, "I am thanking you for coming, as I figured that's something you don't do much these days."

I have to bite my lip to prevent me from grinning. A new wave of confidence rushes through me as I realize how much I missed and needed to have him next to me like this, fighting by my side.

"Bro, but if you had a plan you better follow your plan, rather than act as a practical dick. . .and if you're going to act like one make sure to wear a condom over your head."

"I'm no-"

"Yes, you are," Yoongi cuts him off, deceivingly beautiful smirk pricking his mouth as he looks Jimin up and down, "I just saw more dick in your personality, than you have in your pants."

"As much as I like this," I commence, positioning myself between them, as it looks like Jimin will bite Yoongi's head off at any moment but, somehow, this fact doesn't seem to bother Yoongi at all. "We don't have much time, we need to get going."

Seeing how I'm the only mature one here, I decide to make things easier.

"You," I say, pointing at Jimin, "are definitely not coming, because I'm not sure, that we'll survive being together in the same house. You," I point at Hoseok who's casually leaning against the car, "are not coming too. I'm not having you yell at me at every move I make." Hoseok snickers at my statement, playfully rolling his eyes.

"That leaves the two of you." I point at Taehyung and Jungkook. As my eyes meet Jungkook's he instinctively takes a step backwards, earning from me an eyeroll.

"I think the choice of the character is obvious," I say as my verdant eyes land on Taehyung's indifferent face.

"I think so," Taehyung grumbles shaking his head, displeased. He goes to their car, taking a duffel bag from the backseat as he moves to the red Mercedes and gets into the back seat, without uttering a word.

Jimin gives me a triumphant smirk before waving at me and getting into their car. I flip him off as he blows me a kiss in response. Bastard.

I gesture for Yoongi to get into the passenger's seat as I occupy the driver's.

The times slows down as the both cars start moving simultaneously. My emerald green eyes meet Jimin's as he winks at me, a skittish smile still prickling on his plump lips.

Oh, I'll be having so much fun-time wiping that look off his face later.

My thumb presses the lighter button, as the newborn flame licks the oxygen with her wrath and fury.

Without breaking eye contact with Jimin I throw the lighter on the fuel-covered SUV, as ferocious fire erupts into life in an instant, engulfing the car into the smoldering ocean of sparks.

Now it's my turn to wink as my lips tug upwards creating a sinister smirk.

'You are next,' I mouth to him before my foot presses the accelerator full force and the car flies forward with aggressive speed.

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The world passes in a blur of white and yellow lights, as the car rushes through the highway. The only sound audible is the hiss of the tires over the smooth tarmac. A small headache strikes my head, making me blink harshly, to see the road vividly.

Taehyung is as silent as a corpse, but the silence from him is as welcomed as ever. On the other hand, silence from Yoongi is a bit concerning. I literally can see the questions in his brain as if they are cartoon birds, flying around his skull, but he also knows we can't talk while Taehyung is here. But obviously curiosity wins better of him.

"Well, I'm going to ask it," Yoongi states calmly, making me look at him, meanwhile making sure we don't crash. "WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON?"

I don't even flinch at his sudden ear-splitting yell, however, Taehyung jumps from the unexpected raise of Yoongi's voice. What can I say? I saw this coming.

"You should not be here, you-"

"Tell me something I don't know," I mutter dryly, as Yoongi ignores me.

"-feather-headed, crackbrained dunce!-"

"Wow, your vocabulary amazes me," I interject as he ignores me, again.

"-Of all the stupid decisions and ideas you could ever come up with this one is the most senseless, ludicrous, stupid, idiotic, mindless-"

"Well, at least we know you're good at synonyms," at this point I'm not even surprised when he ignores me once again, continuing to yell at me.

"-horrible, irresponsible, unwise, careless, and after all, dumb one!" He takes a deep breath, massaging his temples.

"Finished?" I chuckle, a smug look on my face. But my amusement doesn't last long as the small headache slowly transforms into a soaring pain.

"Just wait until I get my hands on Daniel. I'll wring his neck for allowing you to come after me." He hisses at me, and my face hardens. "Where is that little crackhead anyway?"

My mouth goes dry, shivers running down my spine, as I bite my tongue. I gulp focusing on the empty road, as the damn pain in my head grows, it's like a fucking toothache just in the brain. Through the rearview mirror, I catch Taehyung's knowing gaze on me. I avert my stare to the highway again.

Unfortunately, our little exchange doesn't escape Yoongi's notice.

"Y/N?" He questions, suspense obvious in his tone, as my throat tightens. "Where is Daniel?" I don't utter a word, as his stare burns the side of my head, I don't look at him, I just can't. "Talk," he hisses.

The words I have to say seem to be stuck in my throat, "I'm sorry," I choke out as a single shining silvery tear rolls down my cheeks but I'm quick to wipe it away.

"Wait," Yoongi stares at me, "Wha-....no....No," he whispers in realization. Shaking his head in disbelief and shock, he buries his face in his hands.

And for a moment everything in front of my eyes turns blinding white, invading my vision with unnatural luminosity. My foot pushes the brakes in instinct, not caring if we're in the middle of the road, as my head comes in contact with the steering wheel.

"Whoa!" Taehyung shouts, "Y/N, hey, are you okay?"

I feel a hand on my shoulder as I slowly open my eyes, the colors coming back gradually. I feel how the headache weakens. "I'm fine," I mutter, starting to drive again.

"No, you're not," it's Yoongi that interjects this time. I slowly turn my head to him, fearing what I'll see there. But as I look at him I see...nothing. His gaze pierces through me with an emotionless expression. "You're bleeding," He says coldly, "stop the car."

What? I slowly pull the car over, "what do you mean I'm bleeding?" I ask in confusion.

I don't think I reopened any of my wounds. Odd.

Taehyung leans forward through the gap between the driver's seat and passenger's seat, tilting his head to have a look at me. "Nose," he mumbles, more to himself than to me, before handing me a napkin.

I put it to my nose as I withdraw the white material, now stained with hot crimson color. Indeed bleeding. I let out a string of curses under my breath.

Goddamn it. There can't possibly be any worse timing.

"What's wrong with you?" Yoongi's modulated voice reaches my ears. My heart almost hurts from how cold he sounds.

"It's nothing," I murmur, wiping the blood off my nose.

"Now," he commands, his voice suggesting that he's not in a mood to play around, "I'm going to ask one more time, and this time I don't want to hear your bullshit," I wear a questioning look, peeking at him with wrinkled eyebrows. "What's wrong with you?"

I know he won't let it go unless I give him an answer. "I guess I just didn't sleep well for the last couple of days, that's all." I lie through my teeth.

I know he's going to find out sooner or later about the drugs, but it's better later than sooner. I can hide it from anyone, but not from Yoongi.

He gives me a skeptical look, before turning his head again, and I sigh in relief that he dropped the matter, for now.

"Do you want me to drive?" Taehyung asks.

I glance at him through the rearview mirror giving him a grateful smile, "No, I can manage it." I start the engine again, peeking at him once again before uttering, "thanks," as he nods in response.

The rest of the ride is silent, eerily, suffocatingly silent. Yoongi is deep in his thoughts and Taehyung...well, he's playing a game on his phone. Why am I not even surprised?

We arrive at a low-key neighborhood as I pull over in front of a small private lawn. I let out a heavy sigh, gazing at them. "We're here."

Yoongi hops out of the car without any word. I and Taehyung do the same. We move towards the casual house as I unlock the door and we step in. I flick the lights on, illuminating the cozy house, that has a living room and two bedrooms. It's nothing fancy, just bare necessities for a temporary living, until we get a call from Jimin.

I gesture to one of the bedrooms, turning to Yoongi. "There are some clothes and things you need that I prepared for you."

He walks to the bedroom, without even looking at me. My shoulders sink as I lower my head shoving my hands into my pockets.

I just wish he talked to me, it would be better if he yelled at me, demanding answers for his friend's death. I'd like him to let out his disappointment and anger at me, rather than this....this silent treatment. This is way worse than anything he could have possibly done.

"He needs time," at Taehyung's deep voice I lift my head, glancing at him. "How long did it take you to get over it?"

I shrug, "to be honest, " I croon softly, "I don't think, I got over it."

"Give him space and time. He'll talk to you eventually."

I sigh, taking my bag and smiling at him half-heartedly, "I hope so," I muse moving towards the other bedroom, leaving the couch for him.

"Good night, Y/N."

I turn to him, smiling weakly. "Yeah, good night," I mumble before entering the room, but somehow, I don't believe that I'll be able to sleep tonight.

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Hey Angel👼
Thx for reading, do not forget to vote and comment, please.

Chapters are a bit long as I want to keep the number of the chapters below 50. Yep, we still have a long ride ahead. 😂

And also this is a short story, just 7 parts. You can find it on my acc. Go check it out because it's need some love.

Till next time. Purple yaa. . .💜💜

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