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"I keep hearing that laughter, it won't stop disturbing me."

Jisoo said as Jungkook nodded from time to time. Gave his best advice to her as Jisoo couldn't help but cry from time to time. After what seemed like forever, Jungkook gave her a conclusion for their talks today.

Suggested some ways that she can practice to help herself as he advised her to keep getting treatment while saying that she's doing a great job. "Do you have someone to send you back home?" Jungkook asks as he escorts her.

Jisoo nods, "my dad's driver will come over to pick me up," She says as Jungkook nods in acknowledgment. "Safe journey," He said as he halted his step and watched her leave. Jisoo suddenly halts her steps as well and she turns to him.

"You..." She trailed off as their gaze met. Jungkook tilts his head a little, waiting for her to continue "You won't tell anyone right?" She asks as Jungkook chuckles and brings up his pinky finger "Remember our promise?" He asks.

"No one will know as long as you take care of yourself and try to get better." He said with a small smile. Jisoo smiles sadly and nods "Thank you, I'll take my leave now." Jungkook nodded and waved at her as she disappeared from his sight.

A sigh left his lips as he shook his head "What a pity, she's still so young." He mutters to himself. At an age like this, people his age had gotten their job but Jisoo is fighting for her life. It doesn't matter, as long as she lives.

Jungkook turns around as he walks back to his office. He stretches his back a little. Yeah, he gotta admit, whether it was studying or working. Both of them are equally tiring.


Lisa lends a hard fist on the punching bag as it swings a little, heavy breath leaves her lips as she finally stops. Sweats slide down her cheeks as she walks to a table and grabs mineral water. Drinking in one go, she put away the empty bottle.

Crossing her arms, she stared at nothing in particular. Seokjin's words rang in her head as she remembered their conversation this morning.

"It's not an accident, it's a hit and runs, perfectly planned." Seokjin said as he crossed his arms "Is it Jimin?" Lisa guessed as Seokjin let out a breath and nodded. "We guess because he might have killed his father to get the throne, he has a motive,"

Seokjin agreed with her but Lisa noticed something in his eyes "But?" She asked making Seokjin glance at her and let out an amused smile "We've been investigating the Park family for almost 13 years." he began.

"Although Jimin is not that close to his father, that guy is also not an enemy, I don't think that he would kill his father just like that." Seokjin explains as Lisa seems to think about something before asking "No evidence?"

Seokjin shakes his head "Sadly, no. It was raining that night, and the rain cleaned away all of the evidence." He said as he grabbed something from the drawer "This is the only thing that we found at the crime scene."

He pulled out a burnt cigarette that had been placed into the evidence bag. Lisa glanced at it as she instantly said "The culprit is a smoker." She pointed out and Seokjin nodded "And that just strengthens my thoughts." He said as he looked at her in the eyes.

"Because Jimin doesn't smoke."

Lisa pulled herself from her thoughts as she unwrapped the black fabric from her palm, grabbing all of her stuff she walked out of the gym lazily as she wished for a hot bath. From a distance, someone stood not so far from there.

The figure leans on the wall as the person puts nuts in their mouth. Munching on it, the person smiled to themselves as they watched Lisa disappear from their sight. Chuckling, the person grabs another nut and munchs it before walking away.

"This is going to be fun."


Rose stretched a little as she yawned, she had been working for the entire day. Feeling guilty for being late today, Rose decided to work a little extra. Not realize that it was already 11. The office is empty, and Rose suddenly feels scared.

She clears her throat and decides to leave. Standing up, she grabbed her stuff and was about to leave but her steps halted when she heard a footstep. Tap. Tap. Tap. Rose felt goosebumps all over her body as she just stood there frozen.

Cold sweat breaks down her forehead as she doesn't dare to look back. "Rose?" Rose screamed when someone suddenly held her shoulder. She grabbed her handbag and turned around as she was about to hit the person.

"Wait- Rose! It's me, Jennie!" Rose froze as she slowly opened her eyes only to see a terrified Jennie trying to protect herself from getting hit with Rose's handbag. Rose widened her eyes and immediately went to her senior.

"Unnie! I'm so sorry, I thought you were a ghost!" She apologized as Jennie blinked. Laughter left her lips as she smacked Rose lightly "Ghost, omo. You're so funny." She said as Rose looked down embarrassed.

"What are you doing here, it's so late." Jennie changed the topic as Rose looked at her "I've told you, I'm working late to repent my mistakes." Jennie smiled upon hearing that. She pats Rose's shoulder "You're such a hard-working employee Rose."

Rose smiled at the compliment "What about you? What are you doing here?" Rose asked as Jennie seemed to remember something, "Ah yes! I need to take the file for tomorrow's presentation, you know- to re-check it."

Rose nodded in acknowledgment "Did you come alone? Should I wait for you?" Rose asked but Jennie just smiled "Don't worry, I'm from the gym with someone, you can go first." Jennie waved at her as Rose felt curious "Who?" Jennie glanced at her and smiled.

"My boyfriend."


*Evil laugh*

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