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'My mother would always say to me, little me that is...the world is like an oyster.

It would mean that the world is something that allows you to do anything you wish or go wherever your heart desires. You had the freedom to do so.

I for one...refuse to believe that's true. I see the world as something that's endured, as something that ends up being corrupted by those blinded by power and as something that ends taking what you value most.

I am a woman who has loved and lost, a woman who has faced the hardships in life. Heck, I've lasted fifty five years through it all.

If you think I'm just exaggerating, tell me...have you ever had to watch lives slowly slip away? Feel that guilt of how you could've done more to keep them alive? However...

I do admire the blood slip, gives the adrenalineย rush you need.

And well, I guess the only way to start this story is...where the hardship began.'


"Where is he?" Victoria questioned, playing with her telekinetic powers as she levitated stuff in her room.ย  Victoria worked with Number Five, known as the best agent in the Commission, well...other than Victoria since she had been in the business longer than he had. They had built a close connection ever since Five joined, working in the same department; removing people that were a threat to the timeline. However, he had been sent on a mission earlier that day and was gone for quite a while, a bit longer than usual. "It's just one shot, how long does it take? I mean, it's no different than when I had to put a bullet in a dude, who tried to kill some great a**holes." Victoria chuckled but then stopped in realisation. "Then again, they did end up dead the next week."ย 

Victoria finally had enough of waiting, walking down to the main room to try and see if he had already arrived. She passed people on the way, asking the question, but people just cowered away from her due to her scary attitude. Basically, Victoria was known as someone who was able to have a snarky attitude, and sometimes not very nice to people. Sometimes people wondered how Five could even handle being around Victoria, let alone have a conversation with her.

After all, Victoria was appointed at a young age; no parental figures.ย ย 

"Hey, old red-head." Victoria turned to see Lila. Lila and Victoria were attached at the hip the day that the Handler had brought her back. The red-head didn't trust that woman, at all. True, she did save her from her situation and gave her a place/job. However, The Handler was always so pushy with her, and tried to make it seem as in a friendly way. God, if she wasn't her employer, she would slit her throat in front of everyone. So, when she put together the pieces of her plan with the young girl, Victoria decided to take Lila under her wing; making it a facade as to order her around, so the Handler could complete her shady ways. Instead, Victoria was raising her like a proper person.

She would teach her, read to her, feed her and always make sure she was safe at the end of the day. Of course, she also taught her how to be like her field, an assassin. Victoria wouldn't teach Lila HER ways; that's what made Victoria unique. She had her own set of rules, and dare anyone to cross her when it came to them. She simply taught her the basics...of course, making sure she wasn't exactly like the normal agents, just slightly better than them but not at her level. The two formed a close kinship, as if they were sisters. Victoria, as the elder, was protective of Lila and loyal to her, whilst Lila as the youngest was caring to the red-head and always there to comfort her with her words.

"Oh, hey Lila. I was wondering if you knew where Five was." She asked. Lila's smile slowly faded at her words, Victoria raising an eyebrow at the expression. "Did no one tell you?" She questioned. Victoria simply shook her head. "Well, they tried looking for him but he was nowhere to be found, he wasn't anywhere near the assassination." Victoria's eyes widened and her expression showed disappointment. "What? Tell me you're joking, you were always one to joke!" She said, trying not to let tears slowly form. "Victoria, you're the one person I don't joke around with on serious subjects. If I did, I'd be as flat as a pancake." The woman replied. The red-head looked down with sadness in her eyes. She couldn't believe that he was gone, and he left her behind. Five promised her that he would've brought her with him when he was done with the Commission, and he broke it.

In those moments, she dropped to the wall, covering her mouth as sobs followed. Lila kneeled down beside her, before going to hold the woman as Victoria cried in her arms. "I'm sorry, Tori..." She whispered. It was then, that Victoria thought back on all the memories she shared with him. All the missions, the lunches, late nights. Was it all a facade, just for him to escape later on?ย  She felt her breath turn hesitant, as she wiped her tears. Victoria Wilson didn't cry. She doesn't cry over heartbreak. She doesn't let people hurt her. Most importantly, she doesn't let anyone get away with it.

However, as her breathing got quicker, her hands began to shake. As they did, green surges began to surround Victoria. Lila felt a prick on her arm; taking her arms off her best friend, becoming shocked at her state. "Victoria?" She questioned, panicked. The red-head didn't reply. All she did was lay there, shocked, as the surges surrounded her entire body. Lila looked around to see if anyone was around to help. Unfortunately, no one was there. "O-Oh, uh, it's okay. I'm gonna get help!" She told Victoria, before she rushed off. Victoria held out her hand to the direction Lila left, seeing the wrinkles on her fingers. Those wrinkles were last things she saw before everything went black.





She stirred in her sleep. As Victoria opened her eyes, she found her surroundings to be the hospital wing of the Commission. She blinked a few times, as she sat up; pillow against her back. "Tori!" Lila gasped, rushing over to her. "Are you feeling okay?" She questioned. "Yeah, why are you asking?" "You had blacked out when I came back with Herb." Lila answered. Of course, it was Herb. He did have a running theme of cleaning up their messes. "How long have I been out for?" "Just a couple weeks." Lila confirmed as she rubbed her friend's shoulder.ย "Was it bad?" Victoria asked. "Well, uh...um..." Lila stammered. She raised an eyebrow; why was she muttering? "Lila Pitts, you tell me right now."

"Well, let's just say...those clothes are a bit too big on you now."

"What are you talking about?"

Lila winced, getting up from the chair and walked over to a counter. Picking up a hand mirror, she came back over and handed it to Victoria. "Oh, please don't be another scar." Victoria groaned. "It's kinda worse than a scar." The red-head arched an eyebrow again, then looked to the mirror.ย 

That's when it happened. Her face was filled with shock. All of her wrinkles had disappeared; instead, her skin was pale and smooth. She looked to her brown eyes in the mirror, dropping it as she let out a scream. Lila jumped and then tried her best to console the red-head. It didn't work, as Victoria got out of the bed and began to walk around; seeing the area in a shorter height than she normally would. She held out her hands in front of her and wiggled her fingers, making her start to panic again. What happened to her?!

"Victoria, listen! You have to get it together!" Lila put her hands on Victoria's shoulders. The red-head took some deep breaths, before looking right at her best friend. Lila had never seen Victoria panic in this way before; it was a strange sight to see, at most. "Lila...what...does the rest of me look like?" She questioned. "Are you gonna scream again?" She shook her head.ย "Well, it's you...only not you from before. Your hair's longer." Lila stated. "My hair?" She ran her fingers through her red locks. Victoria spotted a large mirror, and ran over to it to observe herself. It wasn't short anymore, it was now back to her old longer, wavy style. "Well, at least there's one good thing about this. God, I missed these red locks." She chuckled as she played with her hair. "Damn, I was skinnier." Victoria looked down at her, now more skinnier, body. It was more of an hourglass now, rather than before.

The door opened, to reveal Herb. "Oh, good. You're awake." He smiled. "And...more younger." He then chuckled. Victoria gave him a confused look. "W-Well, you see, Victoria, I did some analysing and I found something." "We're a time organisation; that's kinda what we do." The red-head pointed out. "It involves your powers." Herb stated. "Ooh, please, enough with the teasing. You have my attention." Victoria, sarcastically, said. Lila laughed in reply and Herb just rolled his eyes. The small man went into a drawer, and pulled out a file; throwing it onto the bed. Victoria jumped back onto it, with Lila leaning in to get a closer look, as Herb started to flick through.ย 

"Whilst you were resting, I took some blood and ran some tests. What I found, is unimaginable." He started to explain. "You see, Lila told me about the green surges that took over your body. It wasn't some accident, it was from your anger." "So? She gets angry all the time; why would this happen now, rather than sooner?" Lila shrugged. Victoria sighed, and flicked Lila's shoulder; her letting out a yelp of pain. "Your anger is a powerful flaw about yourself." He said.ย 

"Is this because I have red hair?"

Herb flicked through a few more pages, stopping on one where it was a picture of her arm. Victoria leaned in closer, and spotted something on it. "What's that?" She pointed to it. "That was the near result of your anger." The red-head narrowed her eyes in concern; sharing a look with Lila. "And what was the near result?" Lila questioned. "I'm not sure. That's what I'm worried about. You blacking out must've disturbed it, and caused...this." Herb said. Victoria scoffed with a laugh, getting up. "So, I have some secondary power from my stupid telekinesis. Cool!" She chuckled. Lila joined her, an arm around her shoulder. "This isn't some joke, Victoria! I'm seriously scared for you!" He exclaimed. "If you were to continue down that path, I wouldn't be able to save you, not even Lila!" "Herbie, you know no one can save me, or control me. I live this so-called life to my own set of rules."

She moved away from Lila, and sat back down on the bed. "I've been a prisoner of this place, for decades. When it comes to that woman, I'm seen as a lost cause." Victoria stated. "You are not a lost cause!" Lila defended. The red-head only scoffed again, crossing her arms. "As your co-worker, I want you to help you towards your future. And as your friend-" "We are not friends. I don't make friends." Victoria pointed a finger at him. "Then, what's Lila?" He questioned. "She's my non-blood sister. True, I raised her, better than The Handler, but she's the only person I now trust here."ย 

"What about Five?"

Victoria paused. "What was that about my future?" She tried to change the subject. Lila and Herb shared a look. As much as the man wanted to go further with that, he decided to follow along with the red-head. "I just want you to live a life, to the fullest." "Please, what future do I have? I've spent decades being a little protege, number two to that weave-wearing bitch." Victoria spat. "She controls everything and anything she can put her hands on, including my future." She went on. "She'd never let me leave this wasteland." "I know it's been hard for you. Loosing your...well, you know, and then being appointed here straight after." Herb tried to console. "She just wants to turn me into the next Handler, just like her. I don't want to lead this place. I want to be in charge of MY life." Victoria exclaimed back.ย 

Lila frowned, looking down. "I know, but you're the best of the best." Herb told her. She crossed her arms and turned away. "I get you're frustrated, but whatever this thing that appears on your arm, when you get angry, I just want it controlled." He said. "Think I can live with that." Victoria muttered. Then, he tightly grabbed her wrist, making Victoria flinch at the touch. "Everything about you...could change. Put you in a mindset where no one is safe; even those you, deep down, care for. Create someone unpredictable." He warned her. Victoria and Lila stared at him with concern.ย 

"I know it sounds ridiculous, but I care about you, very much."ย He stated as he let go. Victoria looked to Herb, and got up with a slight smile on her lips. She went over to him, and brought him into her arms; hugging him. Herb became shocked at her actions, hesitantly giving one back. "Thanks, Herbs. At least, someone still does." She muttered. "I'm standing right here!" Lila exclaimed. "Can we wrap this up? Mom wanted to see us later today. Something about the 60s?"

Victoria pulled away, went over to Lila and put an arm around her. "Relax, you're still my favourite." She booped her nose. Herb fixed his attire, and started to walk out. "Oh, and Herb!" Victoria called out. He turned around. "Tell anyone I hugged you, or that I was nice. I'll have you hanging in the main area, by your tie." She threatened with a glare. Herb nodded, and quickly showed himself out.

"So, you have some sort of secondary power? Awesome!" Lila laughed. Was it a secondary power, though? Could it have been something worse than that? Victoria looked to her arm; that green crack from the picture wasn't there. They must form whenever she gets mad. She stared at her arm, with concern whilst Herbs' words replayed in her mind. "Yeah...cool..."


'As you can see, from an early age, I saw the world differently than everyone else.

Granted...being an assassin isn't exactly a mother's dream, but...mine was gone.'


Victoria put her hood up, adjusting her spiky mask as she snuck around the Commission. Ever since The Handler had passed, everyone was calling for Victoria and Lila's heads; considering that they were in accusation for helping her with the attack. The red-head shakily sighed, and wiped a tear. It had been a few hours since that horrendous battle at the farmhouse. It was as if she was facing all of her guilts and fears during it.

She came past the Infinite Switchboard; hearing playback from the room. Victoria walked in, to find Lila sitting there and rewatching the moments of The Handler shooting her. She sighed and went over to her, sitting on the table. "You doing okay?" Victoria questioned, with a concerned face. "What'd you think?" Lila sarcastically questioned. She raised her hands in surrender. Victoria then rubbed her shoulder, in comfort, as she continued to play back the moment again and again. A knock sounded, and Victoria turned to see Dot and Herb at the door. "You know you two can't be in here." Herb stated. "You took away my briefcase, Herblet." Lila replied. "I have nowhere else to go."

"It's a new regime, girls, and they're calling for your heads." Dot said. The two shared a look, before Lila turned around in the chair and Victoria jumped down. It made the duo at the door step back a bit, due to their intimidating nature. "Oh, I get it. Ding-dong, the bitch is dead, so make her daughter and protege pay instead." Lila scoffed. "That doesn't sound fair." Victoria added, crossing her arms.

"Um, we can drop you off in any time period-"

"Fine. West Berlin, 1989."

Lila took her jacket, and walked out. Victoria twirled her bo staff, adjusted her mask and began to follow her. "Hang on, where are you going?" Dot questioned. "What does it look like? I'm going with her; we all know she isn't going to survive without me." Victoria scoffed. "Now that she's gone, I'm no longer being controlled. I'm getting out of here." She continued. Victoria started to walk, but Herb grabbed her arm. "Victoria, wait. You need to remember-" "I know. Just get her the briefcase."


Victoria sat down on a pile of rubble, as she watched Lila hit repeatedly at a piece of the Berlin wall. There was a piece of it, detailed with a heel symbol; resembling the woman the two resented. Eventually, she pulled it out; it was a briefcase in a duffle bag, with a note attached to it. Lila came over and joined the red-head, as she pulled the note out. She watched her expression differ as she read it.

'Oh, you clever thing. Look who found Mother's little escape plan.'ย 

'Whatever's chasing you, Lila darling, keep running.'

'Don't stop for a normal life. 'Normal' isn't meant for girls like us.'

'And remember, trust no one. Except for me, XO, Mom.'

Victoria looked up to Lila, noticing her woeful eyes but saw a slight rage forming. She went over to a guy, snatching the sledgehammer from him. As she ignored his yelling protests, she handed it to Lila; not sharing one glance with her. "Go on, let it out." She told her. Lila did so, rushing right over and hitting it repeatedly into the wall.

She crossed her arms as she watched, with a deep sigh. Victoria couldn't help but feel bad for Lila. This was the girl that she had raised, ever since The Handler brought her into her office that day. Now, she was the woman full of rage that could tear a crack in the world. However, watching her tear a hole right in the stone wall made her smirk slightly. She did love the sight of destruction.ย 

"Keep walking!" Lila yelled at a soldier on the other side. Victoria walked over, putting an arm around her. "Feeling better?" She questioned. "Yeah...actually." She sighed. A voice could be heard, and the two turned around to see a woman; holding a cigarette in her mouth. As the two stared at her, Victoria licked her lips with concern. Something told her that this was going to be the start of a very...long...period.


"Hey..." She patted Lila's head; now dyed with blonde highlights. Lila just groaned. Victoria huffed, placing her tea on the table by a young boy named Stanley. Stanley was the son of the woman that the two met, and Victoria didn't mind the little tyke. She patted his shoulder, as she went to the sink and filled a cup with water. Victoria went back over to Lila, and poured it on her; waking her up instantly.ย 

"Woah, woah! Stop it, I'm up! I'm up!" Lila shouted, shooting up from the couch. "God, sometimes you're insufferable." Victoria scoffed; going over to the table and sitting beside Stanley. The boy held out a fist, to which she returned it with a smirk. Lila came over to join them, downing some liquid from a can. "Where's your mum?" She asked Stanley. "She left with the bass player." He answered. "So, when she's coming back?" Victoria questioned. "A week. She does this sometimes with bass players." "Moms are the worst." Lila groaned, hitting her head on the table. "Wouldn't know the feeling." Victoria mumbled, taking a sip of her tea.

"I'll be fine. You two don't have to stay." Stanley told them. "Neither do you." Lila stated. Victoria looked at her, confused. "What do you say you go to America with us and terrorize some old friends of ours?" She offered. "Eh, could be fun." Victoria shrugged her shoulders. "Sure, I'm down."


'Don't worry, readers, we're just getting started. There's lots more bad things coming, I promise.'

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