𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙊𝙣𝙚: 𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝙁𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜

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Disclaimer: I don't own any Total Drama characters only my OC's that may be present in this story. Warning: due to cursing, mature content, depression, (some violence), drug use, drinking, and much more the story will be set to mature...all proper warning will be given at the beginning of each chapter. Also: I hope you all enjoy :)

Friday, February.13th
3:00 P.M.  New York City, New York

Gwen's POV
       I was sitting on my balcony of my penthouse, with a bottle of wine looking out at the regular New York City traffic. It was of course freezing, but I've always been used to the cold. I grew up in Ontario, which is in Canada...so I'm used to the freezing weather. It's heat, humidity, the sun, and everything else that revolves summertime that I hate. I always burn no matter how much sunscreen I put on, for some reason...I always get sick, it's always sticky, and so much more...I could literally go on and complain for hours. It's funny, because I grew up with my little brother, and one of our pairs of foster parents loved the beach and going down to the very few beaches that were in Canada. We would spend hours...sometimes days just traveling so we could go to a beach.

   "You are not about to drink wine without me before opening any of your presents." Noah said, walking out onto my balcony in multiple layers. "How are you out here in a shirt and sweater?" He added

   "It's not even that cold...stop being overdramatic." I said and Noah stared at me and I shrugged.

   "It's literally 28 degrees out here, you understand that's below freezing right?" Noah asked and I made a face, as if that was supposed to change anything. "Duncan's right you are cold blooded." He added and sat down in the chair next to me.

   "Whatever, why are you out here again?" I asked and he smiled and I instantly regretted asking that.

   "Celebrating your 25th birthday." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Sadly...Courtney is busy in Connecticut, uh Duncan went to work, but hey...I'm here." He added.

      I just sat there with no emotion in my face and his smile dropped and I looked away.

    "Oh, my god...you sent Courtney back to her law firm...and then told Duncan to go to work. I don't get it...why do you hate your birthday so much?" Noah asked and I shrugged.

    "I never really liked it. As you know I'm not much of a party person." I said and Noah nodded. "Also growing up in the foster system-."

    "Nope...I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear about your depressing, ass childhood, with the heroin addicts and the abuse. I watched you go through it in high school, please don't make me listen to it tonight." Noah said, "I'm down for anything as long as I don't have to hear any of that shit...or stay out in this cold ass 30 degree weather. Oh I have an idea...let's open some presents." He added.

    "Duncan will most likely throw a tantrum and probably blow up my penthouse if I do that without him here." I said and Noah laughed "He worked the day shift, he should be home at 8 or 9 tonight." I said and he sighed.

    "I have another idea, how about...you make some drinks." Noah said and I shook my head.

       Fine, whatever. I got up and walked into my penthouse building and Noah started getting the things out for me to make drinks. I've known how to make drinks since I was fifteen. Why...one of my many sets of foster parents made me learn how to make drinks so I could make them...for them.

12:10 P.M. Los Angeles, California

Geoff's POV
      I opened the door and saw everything that Bridgette owned was gone. I closed my eyes and then grabbed my hat. I slid down the side of my apartment and tried calling her. It was one fight...one. I watched with tears building up in my eyes, making it hard to see, the call went straight to voicemail and I rubbed my eyes.

  "Geoff?" DJ asked and I looked up at my apartment neighbors, who also happens to be my best friend.

      I quickly sniffed, whipped my tears, and looked over at him. I hate when people see me upset or cry...I just like when people see the happy side of me. I liked to be remembered as a wild and happy guy, not sad, upset, or anything that isn't upbeat or in a good mood. The only people who've seen me cry are probably my parents....and Bridgette. I don't let anyone see me down, not even my siblings.

  "Deej...what's up man?" I asked and tilted his head, and looked around my apartment.

  "Uh...is this a bad time?" He asked and I wanted to say, yes...but I shook my head. "I uh, where's Bridgette's stuff?"

  "She...uh" I could bring myself to say it without tearing up. "Left" I added and looked away from him.

       I've known DJ since my first year of college, we were college roommates and we both have been best friends ever since. He knows how long I've been dating Bridgette...since February of freshman year of high school. He knows I was planning to propose soon, he knows how much I love her, he knows just about everything about me and Bridgette. I had my proposal all planned out. I was going to give her the two month cruise tickets I recently bought for Valentine's Day tomorrow. One random day near the end of it I was going to get down on one knee and ask.

      DJ closed the door behind him and then walked over to me. He sat down next to me and put his arm around me and I just stared at the wooden floor.

   "She's the love of my life." I said and DJ sighed.

   "Geoff...if she was the love of your life...she would still be here. There's a girl out there, just for you." DJ said and I put my head back.

      I sighed and then he put his hand on my back.

   "I can't return the cruise tickets...are you free from June 30th to September 1st?" I asked. 

   "I can check and see, but I have a lot of vacation days saved up at the restaurant." DJ said and I nodded.

      I sighed and then looked at my empty apartment and sighed. Maybe DJ's right, there's a girl that's out there just for me. I smiled thinking about what she might be doing right now.

9:04 P.M.  New York City, New York

Gwen's POV
        I was sitting with an annoyed face on my couch as Noah was throwing all the gifts that my friends mailed in for me on the other side of the couch. Courtney was on a FaceTime call which was hooked up to my flat screen tv. Duncan was running late, which probably meant he was getting a gift. I put my head back.

   "Gwen, can you at least smile it's your birthday?" Courtney asked and I looked at her.

   "I'll smile when this shit show is over." I said and there was a familiar laugh and I tilted my head and Courtney's eyes grew, and then she muted the call and all I could see was the ceiling.

    "Courtney...did I just hear Valentine's laugh?" I asked and I watched as she slowly picked up the phone, and unmuted the call.

    "Surprise" she said and showed him Valentine...my annoying older foster brother sitting behind her.

    "Happy birthday...we...aren't dating. I was just in the neighborhood, due to a hockey game and I saw she was home. I had no intention, because I knew today was your birthday and I thought she'd be in New York with you...and now I can see I was obviously wrong and you're pissed...so I'm-...I'm gonna-...happy birthday " He said and moved from behind her.

      Courtney gave me a little shy smile and I shook my head. The door opened and I looked over and Duncan ran in with like three bags in his hands and he didn't notice Courtney was on the call.

    "Dude you missed it...Gwen caught Courtney and Valentine together." Noah said and Duncan started laughing.

    "I knew she was never over him. She wonders why we didn't last?" Duncan asked and Courtney cleared her throat and Duncan looked over.

    "Uh I am over him...and we didn't last because you literally crashed Gwen's w-."

    "No! No, we are not doing this on my birthday. You two are not going to argue, and you are not going to bring up my past." I said and Courtney put her hands up and Duncan shook his head and then looked at my couch as it was covered with gifts.

    "Damn, who knew you and so many friends. There were less gifts at your wedding." Duncan said and Noah started laughing.

    "Duncan...what did I just say?" I asked and he looked around.

    "You are such an idiot." Courtney said, shaking her head, and Duncan looked up at the tv screen.

     "Say a word, and I'll kick you out of my house." I said pointing and threatening him

     "You can't kick me out...I pay rent. I'll sue you, I'll get Courtney to be my lawyer...and you'll be begging me for a place to stay." Duncan said and Courtney made a face.

      "No I won't." She said, bluntly.

      "Since when is rent you giving me tens dollars every time I go shopping to get food?" I asked and Noah laughed.

           The three of us continued to argue, as Noah just sat there laughing his ass off and choking on his drink every five seconds. Believe it or not...this is usually how every birthday, holiday, get together, or whatever ends up going. We all mean well, we all love each other...okay not all Courtney hates Duncan, but we're like one dysfunctional family.

           It was 10:52 and I was finally finished opening my presents from my relatives, friends, my agent's coworkers, and I don't like calling them fans...but people who really admire my work. Courtney had to leave as she had work in the morning and I laid back. Duncan was on his third drink, and got up.

    "Dude really...haven't you had enough to drink?" I asked and Duncan laughed.

    "I remembered I got another gift for you." He said and Noah laughed.

    "What did you get her another five dollar stolen shot glass from your work?" Noah asked and I laughed, while Duncan shook his head.

    "No...and Gwen I know you're going to hate this idea, but just trust me okay. My ma was going on and on about this two month cruise a few years ago, that she went on with my father. She was supposed to go on one this year with my father and one of their friends, but they weren't able to go so...she gave me the tickets. I thought the three of us could go, we'll be on some advanced VIP guest list, and I think some of my old friends from college are going to be there." Duncan said and I stared at him.

    "Sign me the fuck up." Noah said and Duncan nodded and then they looked at me.

    "I hate-."

    "I contacted the crew and they have art shows...on Wednesday nights. They said they would love to have you and your work there." Duncan said and I made a face.

    "You sure you don't want to take like...one of your ex-con friends or something...or someone who actually would have fun?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

    "Come on...when was the last time the three of us hung out just us, for more than a day?" Duncan asked.

     "Duncan, I don't know my agent-."

     "I talked to her, and she said as long as you do the art shows and make more art you'll be fine. She also told me that you need and deserve a vacation." He said and I rolled my eyes.

     "Wow, Duncan actually put effort into something, I think since he did that...you should go." Noah said and I put my head back.

    "...fine, but there are going to be nights where I don't want to do anything." I said and Duncan shrugged.

        I can't believe I'm going on a fucking two month cruise.

   "Hey Gwen...maybe, you'll meet someone, who can thaw out that cold heart of yours." Noah said and I rolled my eyes.

        I just sat there while Noah talked about how I might find the love of my life or some shit on the ship, which definitely wasn't going to happen.

Monday, July.1st
10:00 A.M. Miami, Florida

Gwen's POV
I was sitting in the VIP waiting area with Duncan and Noah. We came early so we could quickly get on the ship. The crew members were taking our luggage to our rooms. In about five minutes we were going to start boarding the ship. I was looking at a paper that was telling us all the places we would be going, what events and things they had on the cruise, and more.

"You find anything you might want to do?" Noah asked and I looked at him.

"Not...really." I said and flipped the paper over, and Duncan made a face.

"We should go to the casino." Duncan said and I chuckled a bit.

"Why so you can lose the money...you don't have?" I asked and he gave me a look.

Noah started laughing and I shook my head. Soon crew members came up to us and we walked through the second security center, and then we made our ways onto the ship. They took us to the VIP section that was in the casino area. I saw Duncan looking around and I shook my head. Noah leaned over to me.

"I bet he'll be broke in by the end of July." He said and I laughed.

"I give him till the end of the week." I said and we both laughed.

"I can hear you two, you know." Duncan said and we stopped.

"Prove us wrong, Dunc." I said with a smile.

I grabbed the menu and saw what drinks they had and ordered a frozen lemonade while Noah got some type of frozen drink like me, and then Duncan was looking at the menu and I laughed a bit.

"Don't blow your whole bank account on your first drink, maybe an...ice water, that's free." I said and Noah started laughing and Duncan looked over glaring.

"You know I'm regretting bringing you two." Duncan said and Noah made a face.

"We're your only friends that...aren't in prison, and how would you pay for anything?" Noah asked and I started laughing.

"And suddenly I feel less bad about other people, who I know are going to be on this trip." Duncan and I rose my eyebrow.

I shrugged it off and Duncan ordered the same drink I got, just the alcoholic version. The three of us talked about just hanging by the pool and lido deck for today, as the ship didn't depart until 5:00 P.M. or sometime around then. Duncan mentioned his friends were going to show up soon and I leaned back.

Around an hour later, we were in the same place still just hanging out, while people boarded the ship. I heard Duncan start laughing and then shot up. He jumped over the couch, Noah and I glanced at each other. We looked over and I saw Duncan do some kind of handshake with two guys. I rolled my eyes and then took out my phone and saw a text from Courtney.

Having fun without me -Court

I smiled and then she sent me a picture of her and her paperwork. The two of us earlier this month talked about her flying out to some of the places we were stopping at. The first one we'd meet up was going to San Juan, which is our first spot. We'll be there on Wednesday and she was going to meet me there, and will probably be with my foster brother. Suddenly Noah elbowed me and I looked up and then over to see Duncan over here with his friends. One of them looked like a brick house that could kill someone in a second, but was giving off the sweetest smile. The other looked fucking annoying. He wore a cowboy hat and pink unbuttoned shirt with blue shorts.

"Guys these are my old roommates from college DJ and Geoff." Duncan said and Noah nodded.

"What's up" Geoff said and I glanced at Noah.

"These are Noah and Gwen, my childhood friends." Duncan said and I just rose my eyebrows.

They sat down and I sat there putting my head back while Duncan talked to his two buddies from college. They talked about their current lives and Noah was even talking to them...or more so giving sarcastic comments. DJ wasn't too bad honestly, he was really sweet, but this Geoff guy, was so fucking annoying. The only words that seemed to come out of his mouth were "man", "dude", "awesome", or some annoying ass laugh.

"So what do you two do for a living?" Noah asked.

"I'm an events coordinator." Geoff said and I looked up a bit.

"I recently graduated from my professional culinary school. I had been working at a little restaurant in Los Angeles, but I hope to work with...or even for Patrick Bernard." DJ said and I smiled. "Even if I only get to meet him, I think I will be fine." He added and Duncan looked at me and then tilted his head toward him.

"Have you ever been to one of his restaurants?" I asked and DJ nodded.

"My mama always pays for a reservation for the one in Los Angeles on my birthday." DJ said and then looked at me. "Have you?" He asked and Noah laughed a bit.

"Yes, I've been to uh...all of them." I said and took a sip of my drink.

DJ made a face and I smiled a bit.

"Gwen doesn't like rubbing this in, but Patrick buys her paintings and puts them up in his restaurant...and he pays her to keep them up." Noah said and I smiled a bit.

"Wait...are you Gwendolyn Ingrid...or is Ingrid-Rousseau?" Geoff asked and I looked at him.

"My birth certificate says Ingrid-Rousseau, I go by just Ingrid." I said and DJ was just staring at me.

I laughed a bit.

"So you uh know Patrick Bernard?" DJ asked and I shrugged.

"We're best friends." I said and Duncan scoffed and I threw a pillow at him. "He knows my...birth...family." I added.

"Is...is it true he might come aboard for a week and teach classes, because I read that online?" DJ asked and I shrugged.

"I honestly have no idea, he's talked about needing a vacation, and I talked about this one...so there's a chance he could be coming on this one." I said and they both nodded.

I sat back and talked with them so more about our lives, while the ship continued to let people on. I would occasionally receive texts from Courtney, and I would just complain about how annoying Duncan's friend Geoff was.

Hiya! It's been a while...how are all you doing it? I'm rewriting this, because there were so many mistakes and a huge plot hole, so...yeah. Oh and I have a question, are you guys still interested in my high school AU "Dreadful Times." because if you are, I have chapters written out that could be published. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the revamp, and come back for more. I'll hopefully see you in the neck chapter.

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