[22] π—₯π—”π—©π—œπ—‘π—š

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"WHAT'S HE DOING here?" Scott asked derek as Isaac and Derek walked in.

"I need him." Derek said making roll my eyes.

"What are you gay? Why do you need him." I asked Derek.

"I don't trust him." Scott said.

"That's makes two of us." I said to Scott.

"Yeah, well, he doesn't trust you either." Isaac said making me roll my eyes.

"You know what? And Derek really doesn't care?" Derek said as Isaac walked in like he owns the place sitting in the desk.

"Now where's the vet? Is he going to help us or not?" Derek said-more like demanding.

"That's depends." Deaton said from behind us leaning against the wall.

"Your friend Jackson. Are we planning to kill him or save him?" Deaton asked us.

"Save him."

"Kill him." Both Scott and Derek said at the same time.

"Save him." Scot said to Derek making Derek roll his eyes hating the plan to save him.

"Right this way." Deaton said as we went to the back as he took out a container full of different small containers in it. Isaac was about to touch one of them when Derek stopped him.

"Watch what you touch." Derek said as Isaac pulled his arm away as he leaned into the table.

"So, what are you? Some kind of witch?" Isaac asked Deaton making him look at Isaac.

"No, I'm a veterinarian." Deaton said to him.

"Unfortunately, I don't see anything here that's going to be an effective defense against a paralytic toxin." Deaton said making me cross my arms.

"We're open to suggestions." Derek said to Deaton.

"What about an effective offensive?"

"We already tried." Derek said.

"I nearly took its head off." Derek said.

"And Argent emptied an entire clip into it. The thing just gets back up." Derek said to Deaton.

"Had it shown any weaknesses?" He asked us.

"Well, one. It can't swim." Derek said to him.

"Does that go for Jackson as well?" Deaton asked me making me shake my head.

"No. Jackson is the captain of the swim team." I said to Deaton.

"Essentially, you're trying to catch two people." He said before walking to grab something else. And showing us.

"A puppet." Deaton said to us.

"And a puppeteer." Deaton said placing it on the ground.

"One killed the husband. But the other had to take care of the wife. Do we know why?" Deaton asked us.

"I don't think, Jackson could do it. His mother died pregnant, too, and she was maybe murdered." Scott said.

"He's right." I said agreeing with Scott. I'm really tired.

"I think he couldn't let the same thing happen to someone else." Scott said leaning on the table.

"How do you know it's not part of the rules? The kanima kills murderers. If Jackson kills the wife, then the baby dies, too." Isaac said making me frown. I didn't want to ask but I did anyways.

"Does that mean your dad was a murderer?" I asked Isaac.

"Wouldn't surprise me if he was." Isaac said to us.

"Hold on. The book says they're bonded, right?" Deaton asked me making me nod.

"What if the fear of water isn't coming from Jackson." Deaton said,

"it's coming from the one who's controlling him." I said to Deaton.

"What if something that affects the Kanima." He said taking out a container with mountain Ashe. And putting it around the symbol he has.

"Also affects its master?" Deaton said.

"Meaning what?"

"Meaning we can catch them. Both of them." Scott said.

"So, if Jackson is going to the under club party then the one controlling him will be there too." I said making Deaton nod.

"We need to get those tickets." Scott said.

"Well, my brother manage to get two online." I said to him.

"So good luck."


"Okay, if this was a haunted house I would totally be creep by it, but I'm not." I said through the crowd while my brother was behind me watching every girl making me roll my eyes.

"Look, we came here to help Scott so stay focus and stop looking at girls ass." I said to him,

"Aurora." I heard Scott say.

"What!" To him as he pulled me away from the crowd.

"Allison is here." He told me making me nod.

"Yeah, I know. She came with Matty ratty." I said to him.

"You knew and you didn't tell me." He said to me.

"Why should i?" I asked him confused.

"Your dad is here with Gerard and they're going to kill Jackson. Did you know that?" He asked me making me shake my head.

"No? All I knew she was coming with him." I said to him.

"What can I do." I asked him. "I don't know, call him off."

"What? How? I barely know the guy." I said to him.

"I'll handle it." He said before running away from me making me frown.

"What is going on?" I asked softly. I heard my phone ring making me sigh.

"Hello?" I asked through the music.

"Rory?" I heard Stiles said.

"It's too loud." I yelled through the music before I let out a small scream as I felt someone cover my mouth.

Oh, lord. Please.

I try to push them off but I couldn't he had a strong force. They covered my mouth with a wet cloth and my eye immediately closed my eyes and everything went black.



Aurora was tied up in a chair with ropes, as she flicker her eyes open, everything was a blur for a few seconds when she saw everything. She was in one of the rooms somewhere in the underground party but doesn't know where.

"Where am I?" Aurora said her mouth dry.

"You're with me like I promise." Aurora heard his voice again. She hasn't seen him since stiles beat him. What he doing here now.

"W-what do you want?" Aurora asked him. She felt scared for than ever.

"I'm here to kill you." He said to her making her eyes widen.

"What?" Aurora said to him.

"If this because of Stiles. I'll stop seeing him." Aurora pleaded.

"This is about him. But I am pretty damn piss about that make out session you and him had." He said to Aurora.

"I've been falling this entire time without you even noticing." He told Aurora with a smirk.

"What do you want then?!" Aurora asked him as he began to walk close to her.

"You're very special Aurora. And I'm following orders to keep you alive, for now." Stephan said to her as she had a knife and using to trace shaped around her expose skin.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about." Aurora said. She truly had no idea what he was talking about. Aurora isn't special. And she knows that. She's just a stupid teenage girl.

"Look, I don't know where your getting that but-," Aurora said as she slipped whimpers of cries.

"I'm not special. And you know that. Stephan whoever is telling you this all a lie." Aurora said trying to convince him.

"Look, everything was a set up." He said to her.

"Meeting you, bumping into you. It was all a set up. It was for me get close to you and which I did. That was a success." Stephan said making Aurora confused, she didn't understand any of it.

"Come on, please let me out. Stephan please." Aurora begged him but he didn't care.

"If I kidnapped from the party it was for a good reason. I'm not going to let you go because you beg me. So shut the fuck up before I start to cut you." He said to her pointing the knife to her.

"O-okay." Aurora stuttered as she wanted to cry more than she was. How can no body tell she was kidnapped from the party. How did her brother not noticed it. He was with her.

"Why did you change?" Aurora asked wanting to know why exactly was the moment he change.

"You were just a mission but I slowly started to like you. Until I saw how close you were with those stupid idiots. And i saw your looks always change when stiles walks through every room your in." He told Aurora.

"So you decided to be an abusive guy?" Aurora said to him as he didn't even deny the truth. "I've been an abusive guy for a very long time." He told her not even looking away from her when he said it.

"Did you ever regret the things you did to me? Do you regret for what happened at the school?" Aurora asked wanting to know the real truth behind it.

"No, I don't. I actually quite enjoy hurting you." He said to her making her scoff.

"If you why don't you just end it all here." She said having enough of Stephan Bull shit.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Meanwhile, Jeremy was looking for Aurora to leave because Jackson killed some girl as everyone ran out. Jeremy has been worried sick. He blamed himself for not paying attention when his sister went missing. He saw Allison as he immediately went to her.

"Allison." He said grabbing Allison's arm.

"What's going on?" She asked him.

"Rory's missing I've been looking for her everywhere her she isn't nowhere to be found." Jeremy told Allison.

"Where's Stiles?" Allison asked Jeremy making him shrug his shoulder.

"I don't know." He said to her.

"I'm calling my dad, to help us find her." Allison said calling her dad.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β  Stiles was outside with Derek.

"So we kind of lost Jackson inside, but it's..." stile said stopped mid when Erica and Isaac could get out.

"Oh my god! It's working. Oh, this is... yes. I did something." Stiles said happily.

"Scott." Derek said making stiles pause.

"What?" Stiles asked.

"Break it."

"What! No way." Stiles said. "Scott's dying." Derek said.

"Okay? What? How do you know that?" Stiles asked making Derek annoy.

"Oh my god, Stiles! I just know break it!" He said to stiles and stiles didn't want to break the mountain Ashe but he did and Derek ran after Scott.

Β  Β  Β  Β Β  Β Β  "Let's see if one of your friends is coming to save you." Stephan said making Aurora cry in pain.

"Please, let me go." Aurora cried but Stephan slapped her right in the face letting out a breath.

"Woah, that feels amazing." Stephan said as she let out a scream.

"Shut up!" Stephan yelled.

"I don't have anything for you. Just let me go and I promise I won't say it was you. I promise." Aurora said but he grabbed the knife placing it on her knock. Before they heard a gun click, growls coming from behind him.

"Drop the knife." Chris said to Stephan but he didn't Listen. Jeremy and Allison had a bow and a cross bow aiming it at Stephan.

"Drop the gun and I'll drop the knife. If you don't I'll kill her right here right now." Stephan said before leaning down and whispering into auroras ear.

"Tell them to put them down or I'll you here." He said to her making her swallow thickly.

"P-put the gun, and bows downs. Please." Aurora said whispering the last part.

"Listen to pretty Rory." Stephan said as Aurora nodded her head.

"Give me Aurora and you and I can talk. Man to man." Chris said to him making Stephan think about for a second before he shook his head.

"I don't think so." Stephan said before stiles came run in the room seeing Stephan holding a knife against Aurora.

"Let her go!" Stiles said walking towards him but Jeremy and Chris held him off.

"Seems like your little boyfriend wants to joint the party." Stephan said to Aurora.

"What do you want?" Aurora asked him.

"Want me to go with you. I'll go. If no else gets hurt I'll go. And you can kill off from there." Aurora said making Stephan think about it.

"That's a good idea." Stephan said ripping the ropes from Auroras body and lifting her up griping her arm.

"If I see any surprises she dies." Stephan said to all of them.

"Surprise." Aurora heard Derek's voice behind her and he grabbed the knife Stephan had in his hand and took it twisted his arm letting Aurora go as she tripped into Jeremy's arms.

"I got you. It's okay." Jeremy said as Aurora began to cry hard.

"He tried to kill me." She cried out.

"He's being dealt with." Jeremy said taking his sister outside and a Stiles followed behind.

"Rory," Stiles said making Aurora look up at him.

"You're okay." He said to her with a smile as she reached out her hand as he grabbed her hand squeezing it softly.

She was scared he was going to die. She never thought Stephan would go far with her. She wanted to know why he wanted to kill.

She wanted to know why Stephan told her she was special. She wanted to know everything.

"Let's get you home." Aurora's brother said to her giving her a kiss on top of her forehead and taking her away as she let go of Stiles's hand.

She just wanted everything to be over.


Not that long like the others. Who's up to beat Stephan up again. He never wants to leave. πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ


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