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a/n i forgot to add in the beginning that in this story, andrew and tobey cross universes when ned opens the portals


"Can I help you?" A voice pulled Brooke away from her wonderment. She turned towards its source to find an older man dressed in a butler suit coming through the foyer.

"Sorry," Brooke said after a moment. She stood up from the floor. She took in her surroundings one last time. "Must've gotten the wrong address."

"Should I call you a taxi?" The butler inched towards a phone that was situated on a side table next to him.

"That's alright," Brooke told the butler. Truthfully, she did want a taxi since she had no idea where she was, but she decided that it would be better if she got out of the mystery building first.

The blonde scrambled to her feet and ran out of the mansion and found herself on the same sidewalk she was standing on moments before. She felt turnt around as she took in her surroundings.

There was something off about the city. The graffiti on the walls didn't show any references to the Avengers like they usually did. Instead, a picture of Spider-Man took up almost every alleyway. The word "MURDERER" scrawled over of each depiction of Peter.

People were quick to draw conclusions about Peter nowadays even after he was proven innocent. But what made these pieces of graffiti even more compelling was that Mysterio was nowhere to be found. None of the drawings made connections to the past villain.

Ripping herself away from the graffiti, Brooke started to walk back to where her apartment should be. On her walk back, small things around her seemed to be out of place. Advertisements for companies she has never heard about were plastered on billboards. What the hell was an 'Oscorp'? Restaurants she used to know were now going by a different name.

Fifteen minutes flew by as Brooke was caught up in these strange anomalies. Her building stood before her, looking normal.

After a moment, the blonde stepped up to the front door and punched in the code. The door didn't click open. Confused, she entered the code again and she double checked that she had the code right. The door still didn't budge.

Luckily, someone walked out and held the door open for her. She thanked the person and started the four-flight trek up to her apartment. Once she got to the fourth floor, she found her door.

In fear that her assumptions were correct, Brooke decided to knock instead of trying her key. This worked out because the girl that opened the door was someone that Brooke had never seen before in her life.

"Can I help you?" The girl asked. The girl looked around Brooke's age, but that was the only similarity. This girl has pitch black hair and bangs. Her clothing looked like it came from stores that were not in Brooke's taste at all.

"Sorry," Brooke apologized. "I think I have the wrong apartment."

"No worries," the girl offered Brooke a small smile. She started to close the door when the blonde spoke up.

"This is apartment 4C?"


"How long have you lived here?" The girl seemed taken aback by Brooke's question but answered nonetheless.

"Two years."

"Oh," Brooke nodded and turned to leave. "Thanks."

"No problem," the girl closed the door and Brooke headed out of the building. She couldn't do anything but wander the streets in confusion. Someone was living in her apartment, Peter was public enemy number one again, and New York City was a little too different than what she was used to.

"Yeah Spider-Man!" A man cried out from a crowd booing at a flying figure overhead.

Brooke's green eyes shot up just in time to see a flash of blue and red swing past her head. It landed on the edge of a three story building and crouched to watch a sea of people calling out to the vigilante.

"Murderer!" Someone screamed. A lot of people ran in the opposite direction and the rest were a mixture of supporters and haters.

"Peter," Brooke said to herself. She finally found him. She ran towards the building and spotted a fire escape on the side of the building in which Peter was perched on. She grabbed the ladder and yanked it down to start the climb.

When she made it up on the roof she noticed that Peter looked sullen and allowed the berating as if he deserved it. She felt terrible that he kept going back and forth from progress to depression in a flash.

Before Brooke called out to him, she glanced down at the bystanders down below to make sure they didn't see her climb up. When she figured they were out of earshot, she called out to the masked hero.

"Peter Parker!"

Spider-Man whipped his head around to see who called out his name. When he saw that it was a blonde girl, images of a familiar blonde flashed through his mind, but it wasn't her. This blonde was different. Peter could sense that she was not from around here.

Peter cocked his head to the side. How did this girl know him?

Without warning, Brooke marched up to the web-slinger and grabbed him by his covered ear.

"Ow!" Peter exclaimed as she dragged him from the edge.

"Get away from the ledge! God, Peter, what's wrong with you?" Brooke let him go when they were far away enough from the edge of the building. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry?" Peter rubbed his ear. He couldn't have been more confused. He situated his mask to make sure it didn't slip off.

"'Sorry' isn't going to cut it this time," Brooke shook her head. She brought her hands up to her forehead in frustration. "What were you doing in that basement? Who was that you were with? Why did you literally break the fabric of our world?"

"Okay, what are you talking about?" Peter gestured with his hands that he was genuinely confused, but Brooke didn't notice. She didn't even notice the change of pitch in Peter's voice.

"Look around, Peter! This isn't New York! Look, I know you wanted people to forget everything but I think this is a little extreme. I mean, what the hell is Oscorp?" Brooke tried to smooth her hair after she tried to pull it out in aggravation.

"Wait, you don't know what Oscorp is?"

It was only then that Brooke noticed that there was something off with Peter. She finally made eye contact with him, but was taken aback. His suit was different. His lenses were bigger and the spider on his chest was a different design. Not only that, but his figure was taller and leaner.

"What happened to you?" Brooke asked him.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" Peter asked in his authoritative voice.

"Peter, it's me," Brooke held back a scoff. It wasn't like he knew her since he was eight. "Brooke."

"I don't know a Brooke, sorry," Peter turned away from the blonde to swing away.

"I'm going to tell Aunt May what you did!" Brooke threatened. Peter stopped dead in his tracks.

"How do you know May?" Peter held back his fear by masking it with anger.

"You're asking the most ridiculous questions," Brooke shook her head. "Take that stupid mask off."

Peter was hesitant, but this girl already knew his identity somehow and about May, so no harm could come of it.

The vigilante slowly reached over his head and pulled his mask off. The first thing Brooke noticed was his fluffy brown hair, a different style from the cropped cut she was used to. Then it was Peter's face.

This man had big, brown doe eyes and a square jaw. He looked young but it was obvious that at some point in his youth he had to mature quicker than his peers. Years of responsibility weighed on his face yet he was still handsome.

"You're not Peter," Brooke felt her breath catch in her throat. She felt like she could throw up. Did she just reveal Peter's identity to some Spider-Man fanatic? But he swung above her head just moments before?

"Yes, I am," the boy in front of her said. "How did you know my name?"

"No, I know Peter. I know Spider-Man and you're not him," Brooke started to babble. "You're not Peter Parker. You're not Spider-Man."

"Well I don't carry an ID on me, but I can probably swing by my place..." Peter tried to soothe the babbling blonde in front of him.

"How can you be Spider-Man?" Brooke wasn't necessarily asking the Peter before her but rather she was trying to make sense of it all.

"There's not much I can do but show you the symbol on my suit," Peter shrugged while smoothing his suit.

"Swing around," Brooke pointed to the neighboring buildings.

"Are you serious?" Peter asked her. She was dead serious. To show this, Brooke crossed her arms and raised a brow.

"Fine," Peter caved and slipped his mask back on. He then aimed towards the building next to them to shoot a web out of his web shooter. He then leapt off of the building and swung building to building. He threw in a few flips just to show off a bit.

That was definitely a Peter Parker.

When he landed on the roof, Brooke felt like her legs were going to give out. She sat down right there in the middle of the rooftop to process everything.

That purple void she fell through, that couldn't be...? No. That couldn't happen. Quantum jumping is not possible. Not on this level.

"You still there?" Peter took his mask off and tilted his head to look at the stunned blonde.

"I'm just... thinking," Brooke nodded. She couldn't tell this guy that she was from a different universe. He would think she was crazy.

"Alright," Peter sat down across from Brooke, playing with the pebbles on the roof. She glanced over at him and watched as he focused on the pebbles then on the skyline of New York City.

He was Peter Parker in this dimension. The Peter Parker Brooke knew was back in the other dimension. Does this mean that there are more versions of Peter? What about her? Is there another blonde sidekick like her?

"I'm gonna tell you my theory, but you promise you won't call me crazy?" Brooke took a deep breath as Peter raised his brows.

"I don't know you well enough to call you crazy," Peter assured her.

"I'm from a different universe." Brooke waited for Peter to react, but he just stared at her with his lips slightly parted in confusion.

"Earlier this morning, the Peter from my universe ripped the fabric of our reality. I guess I fell through the... multiverse..." As Brooke listened to herself speak, she realized how stupid she sounded.

"I'm sorry, maybe I am crazy," Brooke stood up and started to walk towards the fire escape.

"Wait!" Peter reached it and grabbed her shoulder to stop her from walking away. "You're not crazy. Look, I sensed that you weren't from around here. And I mean that in a 'you're-not-from-this-world' kind of way."

"So you believe me?"

Passion flamed in Peter's eyes. "I've been studying the theory of the multiverse for a while, I just didn't think that it was actually possible. I mean, this is crazy!- I mean, not crazy, but-"

"The situation is crazy, I know," Brooke chuckled. A weight felt like it was lifted off from her chest now that Peter believed her. "I'm still trying to wrap my head around this."

"How do we get you home?" Brooke didn't expect Peter to be so keen on getting her home so quickly, but she didn't question it.

"Well, I came here due to a wizard performing a spell so unless you have one of those here, I have no idea." Brooke sighed and held her arms close.

"You have wizards in your dimension?"

"Yeah, my earth is always under attack by either a wizard, android or alien." Peter raised his brows at this.

"We could always try to figure out a way to do it ourselves,"Brooke suggested.

"I have some equipment at my apartment, though I'm not sure what you're looking for."

"It's a place to start. We need to do some research first," Brooke took out her phone to look at the maps. As soon as she tried to open the app, it informed her that she had no service.

"You guys don't have AT&T here?" Brooke groaned as she held her phone up in the air.

"What's AT&T?" Peter asked.

"Nevermind," Brooke stuffed her phone in her pocket. "What's your address?"

"Oh, I thought we could just... y'know, swing there," Peter scratched the back of his head.

"Oh, I don't know," Brooke awkwardly scratched her head, accidentally mimicking Peter.

"It's not a big deal, it's like five minutes away."

"I don't know, I've never really-"

"I don't wanna pressure you..."

"No pressure! I'm not used to swinging."

"Oh," Peter blinked. "I assumed that your Peter took you."

Brooke held back a laugh. "No, never."

"Well I promise you, it's not that scary," Peter assured the blonde. Brooke bit the inside of her cheek.

"Once in a lifetime opportunity." Peter held his arms out with a cheeky grin on his face.

Brooke couldn't help but smile back. She rolled her eyes and said, "Fine."

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