➙ 𝘹𝘪𝘷. 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘢𝘯

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AS THE fight between Yuri and Zabuza progressed, neither one showing an indication of stopping or slowing down, the battle inside the dome continued too. Naruto, stupidly, entered the dome, sneaking up on Sasuke, rather than rationally trying to eliminate Haku from the outside.

The two Leaf genin were ambushed by the multiple reflections of Haku, no matter how many fireballs or shadow clones they threw at him.

The continuous loud metal clangs of swords caught Kakashi's attention once more, seeing Yuri struggling to defend herself against the weight and power of Zabuza's executioner's blade. Her hands trembled as they gripped the purple hilt of her double-sided katana causing the blades to shake slightly as they pressed against Zabuza's. Though her quivering hands indicated that she was tired or scared, her face told a different story. She was determined - dedicated even - to finish her mission and send her students back home.

He hissed at his thoughts. He didn't want to help her, however, she was, for some reason, helping him. His left hand reached for his headband but before he could lift it, Zabuza was in front of him, stabbing a kunai into his hand. Yuri's head was trapped in the hole at the end of his sword in a flash as he dragged her back to Kakashi.

She quickly recovered, kicking Zabuza harshly in the gut sending him flying away from herself and her rival. "I thought I told you to stay here!"

"I did!" He argued.

"Then why are you going to use that, hm?" She questioned irritatedly, referring to his now bleeding hand that was still placed over his covered left eye. "I told you to stay put, don't get involved."

"At your rate, you're not gonna leave a scratch on him," Kakashi concluded, deciding to join her fight.

Zabuza grunted as he stood up. "You think you and your genin trash can stop Haku? He's the ultimate weapon of destruction!" He spoke, his voice dripping with madness as if he was completely unhinged.

"Are you done bragging? You're putting me to sleep." Kakahi taunted. "Let's finish this. Now." He ordered as he lifted his partial blindfold, revealing a red iris, decorated with a single ring and three tomoe. The Sharingan. The reason behind his title of the Copy Ninja. The Sharingan belonged to the Uchiha Clan from Konohagakure, a powerful inherited kekkei genkai that grants the user two extraordinary powers — the Eyes of Insight and the Eyes of Hypnotism. In short, the inherited eyes can bestow the user the ability to copy their opponent's moves to perfection and use nearly unbreakable genjutsu.

It was scarce for a ninja to possess the Sharingan who did not descend from the Uchiha Clan, but here Kakashi Hatake stands proudly with his one red shining eye. Words naturally spread around the ninja world about the new Copy Ninja and it eventually found the ears of Yuri. According to gossip, Stone Ninja attacked Kakashi and his old team when they were around 12. One of his team members was a Uchiha who perished and gave his left eye to the silver-haired boy, granting him the powers of his clan. 

Or something along those lines. 

Yuri didn't care about the finite details of his backstory, she just cared about how to destroy him even if he was more powerful. 

Zabuza's voice broke through her thoughts. "One more thing." He directed to Kakashi. "Haku was watching our last battle, studying your sharingan. To put a long story short, it is worthless now that I know how it works to a tee. You told me the same jutsu won't work on you twice, well, now I'm warning you for the same thing." Kakashi's brow rose in confusion before Zabuza held two fingers before his face. "Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Jutsu!"

Zabuza disappeared before their eyes, a thick cloud of mist enveloping them, it was nearly suffocating. "Sensei?" Sezaki called out to Yuri. 

"Don't drop your guard, stay together and don't move unless it's on my order, understood?" Yuri instructed, her magenta eyes scanning the area for any signs of movement. 

"Understood!" Her team replied, their weapons in hand - just in case. Even Sakura and Tazuna replied alongside them, leaving Kakashi dumbfounded. 

He would scoffed if he weren't in danger but still commented; "I still don't understand how you gained so much authority since the last time we met."

Yuri was a strong woman. She knew where to hold her priorities. If faced with rude comments or a swinging sword to the face, she will care more about the latter. However, when it comes from Kakashi spewing nonsense from his masked mouth, it never fails to crawl under her skin. 

"If we weren't under attack right now, I would have sliced your face off by now," Yuri uttered, murderously. "Now, shut up and let me focus." 

Not even a minute passed before she heard the familiar sound of swirling metal slicing through the mist. Shuriken. She turned, raising her katana and deflecting the shurikens. Though she missed one that was aimed right between her eyes, it never hit. A kunai was thrust in front of her face, protecting it from further scarring. 

She realised Kakashi had stepped behind her with the Sharingan ablaze and one hand wrapping around Yuri's shoulders. He spun her around so she was standing behind his protective stance. Although she did not appreciate being manhandled in such a manner, the position did give them 360 vision. 

"Very talented. I expected so from The Deadly Lily and the Copy Ninja." He appeared beside the two with his eyes closed and two fingers still raised before his face. "Though the last time you see me will be the last time you see anything. Without your Sharingan, you're nothing."

"What!" Kakashi gasped out.

Zabuza disappeared once more but his voice did not. "You wanted me to believe you could see through anything, even time. But you're a fraud, Kakashi. You can't read the future and you can't read me. Now that I can see through your cheap tricks, it'll be a piece of cake to bring you down. First, I neutralise your Sharingan with low-visibility mist." Kakashi was sent flying backwards by an invisible force. "Then neutralise your abilities by keeping my own eyes closed. You can't bore into my mind if you can't look me in the eye."

"Brilliant," Kakashi spoke sarcastically. "But you forgot one thing, you can't fight me if you can't see me either."

Zabuza's disembodied voice chuckled darkly. "Have you forgotten who I am? I am the Demon of the Hidden Mist. Master of the silent kill. I can take you out by sound alone!"

Kakashi froze momentarily. His thoughts raced with concerns about how he could defeat someone who he couldn't see or hear. However, Yuri did not falter. She crouched down, weaving several hand signs before pushing her palms to the ground. "Plant Style: Binding Vines Technique".  The vines burrowed through the ground, rooting far under the surface trying to locate any sort of unidentified vibrations. However, the search came back negative. She released her jutsu with a groan. "I hate this mission." She muttered. 

"Where would he strike?" Kakashi uttered out loud. After a beat of silence, both Jonin gasped in realisation.

"The bridge builder!"

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