➙ 𝘹𝘪𝘹. 𝘳𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥

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THREE MONTHS had passed since Team 4's mission in the Land of Waves and Yuri had not let up on their training. After their acceptance into the Chunin Exams, Yuri had been advancing their skills tremendously.

For Doremi, she had been working on her level-headedness. Not allowing her frustration to be her downfall in battle was crucial for her to get far in the exams. They focused on her Mist Jutsu with a close colleague's help who specialised in defensive techniques.

Sezaki's focus was to become more confident in her attacks. Having limited experience fighting tough opponents, her nerves were understandable. But Yuri was determined to bring the girl out of her shell and give her the confidence to succeed. Sezaki entrusted another ninja in her training who faced similar challenges as a child.

Yaragi, being a member of the Hoshigaki Clan, was more difficult. Yuri had previously worked with Hoshigaki members and was familiar with their techniques after her work in the Seven Swordsman. She had taken the responsibility of training Yaragi herself to master swordsmanship. During his training, she had lent him Zabuza's Exectioner's Blade for practice and the two would duel from sunrise to sunset until she deemed him perfect.

After such rigorous training, all three genin had improved to Yuri's liking. The team and multiple Mist Genin squads travelled to Konohagakure for the Chunin Exams. It took a week of boat rides and hiking until they arrived at the gates of Village Hidden in the Leaves. Yuri and the other Jonin leaders bowed their heads to the Leaf ninja waiting for them while the exhausted Genin collapsed on the ground.

"I apologise for our genins, it was a long journey with very few rests. Could we please be taken to your rooms?" Yuri spoke eloquently.

The Leaf Ninja with spikey black hair and a bandage running across his nose nodded. "Of course, your guide will be here shortly. You arrived earlier than we expected." He stretched the back of his neck, nervously.

Yuri nodded with a closed-eyed smile. "No worries. We prefer being earlier than late, hence why these guys are so exhausted." She laughed.

"Sorry, I'm late," a deep familiar voice called out from the distance. Yuri cringed slightly at the familiar bored tone, a visible shudder running down her spine.

One of her colleagues laughed and slapped her shoulder. "Isn't that the guy you hate so much, Ren? How hilarious!" The Mist Ninja laughed hysterically. A quick magenta-coloured glare was shot out to the man who had knocked her shoulder. The Mist Ninja removed his hand rapidly, in fear of losing it.

The familiar deep voice spoke up once more before Yuri could rip the man to shreds. "Yuri, how nice to see you again."

She turned to see a silver head of hair accompanied by a dark blue mask and headband covering one eye. "Hatake. How lovely to see you again," she spoke through gritted teeth.

Kakashi chuckled softly as he bent down slightly to her eye level. "Aw, you were so friendly to me a few months ago, what happened?"

Yuri glared. "Our brief alliance was made out of convenience. As agreed, it ended after our missions in the Land of Waves." Her voice was eloquent and graceful as if she had been preparing her small speech for weeks in case Kakashi brought up their truce. "Now, we are back to being enemies." Kakashi sighed. "But once again, luck seems to be on your side. I'm here for my squad. Not you. I don't need you as a distraction while I encourage them."

Just then, Kakashi was thrown to the ground with a huff. Above him were the three Mist genin he was acquainted with. Doremi, Yaragi and Sezaki all toppled onto him in a group hug. "Kakashi-Sensei!" "How are you?" "Where's your squad!" All of them spoke at once.

Yuri chuckled at the sight. "Perhaps death by smothering could be an easy way to end you."

Kakashi glared at the woman above him before patting the genin's heads. "It's nice to you all too. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura should be somewhere around the village but-"

Before he could finish, the three ran off in search of them. Yuri exhaled with a shake of her head. "Predictable. All they've been talking about since I told them about the Chunin Exams are those three. They really seemed to have left an impression on them... unfortunately." Yuri spoke as she watched Kakashi jump to his feet. He grabbed Team 4's discarded bags and ushered the rest of the Mist Ninja to follow him, Yuri beside him.

"Mine have been the same. Sakura particularly missed you and Sezaki, whenever she's not talking about Sasuke, she's talking about you both."

Yuri smiled at the thought. "That's sweet." Kakashi showed the fellow Mist ninja to their rooms, leaving Yuri's until last. "How come mine's the furthest away?" Yuri questioned with a raised brow.

The silver-haired ninja shrugged causing one of the rucksacks he carried to slip to his elbow. "It's just how they were set out, unfortunately for you." He smiled beneath his mask.

"KAKASHI!" A loud boisterous voice cut through the air causing them both to halt. Yuri froze in surprise, whilst Kakashi sighed in embarrassment. The pair turned around to see a flash of green, orange and black sprinting towards them. The figure stopped right before them, nowhere near out of breath. A man with a black bowl cut and strong facial features wearing a green jumpsuit, orange legwarmers and a Leaf Jonin vest. The man raised his hand and pointed at Kakashi. "Fight me!"

Kakashi rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I'm a little busy at the moment." He gestured to Yuri who politely waved with a small smile and closed eyes.

The green-clad man was speechless. The beauty beside Kakashi smiled at... him? Women around the Leaf Village only smile like that at Kakashi, never him. His dark eyes practically melted into the shape of hearts as he stared at the mysterious woman. "Hi there, the name's Might Guy, who might you be?" He asked smoothly.

Yuri giggled. "I'm Yuri Ren. I'm here to support my genin in the Chunin Exams."

Kakashi furrowed his brow as he glanced between the two. There was no way Yuri was actually being kind and nice to a Leaf Jonin, right? Of course, she was kind to Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura as they were friends with her genin, but Kakashi assumed that is where her kindness ended. How come she's nice to everyone but him? He grumbled as he rolled his eyes. "We've got to be going, Guy. I've got to show Yuri her room then find her genin."

Guy nodded. "I can join. Six eyes are better than four, right?" He grinned.

Kakashi groaned internally. He did not want Guy to flirt with his enemy in front of him all day. Just as he was about to speak up, Yuri interrupted him. "That would be very kind, but don't feel like you have to."

"I insist! It would be an honour to help you!" His booming voice declared loudly.

Kakashi sighed. "Fine, let's get to your room," he said as he continued forward. Yuri continued beside him as Guy took his position to her right.

"So," Yuri spoke up, looking toward Kakashi. "I have no doubt you put Team 7 up for the exams."

Kakashi nodded. "They are more than capable."

Guy looked between the two ninjas. "Do you two know each other?"

Yuri tutted with a nod. "Unfortunately."

The bushy-browed man's forehead creased in confusion. "Unfortunately?"

"We have known each other since we were 12," Yuri answered. Her eyes cast downward remembering the day as Kakashi remained emotionless. "You could say it wasn't a pleasant day."

Guy took in her saddened face, truly appreciating all her features - the two scars that ran across her face, her magenta-coloured eyes, and her two-toned hair. Guy remembered Kakashi speaking over a decade ago of a girl with pink eyes who he scarred across the face during a mission. Yuri must be her, he thought. Guy looked to Kakashi to see his profile unchanged.

The trio made it to what would become Yuri and her squad's chambers. Kakashi dumped the genins' bags on the floor as Yuri walked past him, taking in the dull decor. "It's rather lifeless in here, no?"

Kakashi sighed. "I'm sure you'll be able to do something about it later but we should go and find your team now." Truthfully, Kakashi just wanted this to be over so he could go back home and read.

Yuri tutted as she dropped her bag on her bed beside the window. "Fine."

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