➙ 𝘹𝘷𝘪𝘪. 𝘴𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭

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"DID YOU really say what I think you did?" Yuri questioned, darkly. Her eyes were locked onto the cocky Zabuza. Haku had thrown his short life away to save such a sorry excuse for a father figure just for Zabuza not to shed a single tear.

Zabuza chuckled. "So what if I did? He's a weapon for me to use. He did what he knew best."

Yuri seethed. "This boy has lost enough and yet expect him to lose his life for your sake?!" She yelled out. She was beyond angry. She was ballistic. The thought of her students throwing away their youth to save her made her sick, so why was Zabuza barely even thankful for Haku doing the same?

"Who stole everything from him in the first place, Yuri?" Zabuza argued back. The Mist village's Kaguya Clan had destroyed the boy's entire family. "I am his only reason to live now."

"You'll pay for that!" The shrill voice belonging to Naruto echoed through the air.

Kakashi held his palm out at Naruto, halting him. "No! This is my battle."

In a flash, Zabuza had unsheathed his sword, preparing to slash through Haku to kill Kakashi. But Yuri was quicker. She pulled the pair back with her vines, landing them safely behind her. Yuri pulled her katana from behind her back. "I've heard enough of this. You're mine."

She ran at him at full speed, her attacks were quicker and more precise. Her concern for his death was the last of her worries now. Zabuza was no longer her friend. He was no longer a ninja. No longer a swordsmen. He was a devil.

Kakashi watched in awe as Yuri finally began striking him, slicing his flesh in several places. Had she been holding back this entire time?

While the two fought, Sakura called out to Naruto, waving him down. "Naruto! So you and Sasuke are alright?"

Naruto remained silent. "What's wrong? Where is Sasuke anyway?" Yaragi questioned. Naruto's face contorted with discomfort as if what he wanted to say would hurt those who would hear. He was conflicted.

But it was enough to tell the others what had happened. Sasuke had perished.

Sakura began sobbing quietly. "I could try and heal him," Yaragi suggested.

"Are you kidding?! Yuri Sensei will have our heads if we abandon our positions!" Doremi countered.

"I'll take you there," Tazuna intervened. "As long as you still guard me, you aren't disobeying orders."

Sakura sniffled and nodded. "Thank you." She grabbed Tazuna and Yaragi's hands and rushed forward. Sezaki grabbed Tazuna's other hand, as well as Doremi who kept mumbling about the lecture they would receive from Yuri.

The group arrived at the lifeless body belonging to Sasuke. His body had been pierced multiple times with Haku's needles, his pale face adorned with several fresh cuts and scars, and a trail of blood ventured from his mouth to his chin.

Sakura collapsed beside him with a shaky breath as she took in his deathly appearance. "Yaragi, can- can you help him, please?" She asked in desperation.

Yaragi knelt on the other side of Sasuke. The boy placed a hand on his face, feeling the chilling temperature immediately. If he wasn't dead, Sasuke was unusually cold.

Yaragi looked from Sasuke to the hopeful Sakura. He furrowed his brow in contemplation. "I'll try my best." He nodded in determination. If Sasuke recently passed in the last few minutes, there might still be a chance he could be saved.

Sakura's body shook as she held in her tears. "Don't be brave on my account. Let your emotions out, Sakura," Tazuna announced.

The pink-haired girl sniffled. "I aced all my exams in Ninja Academy. I had memorised all 100 principles of Shinobi Conduct. I loved it when they quizzed us on it, it made me feel really smart. One day, they tested us on the 25th principle. I got it right, of course." Sakura began, and the other shinobi around her nodded in understanding. Except for Doremi as she had never memorised the principles herself, rather entrusting Sezaki and Yaragi with such information. "A Shinobi never shows their feelings, no matter what the circumstances. Feelings are a weakness. They only cloud their judgement and weaken their sense of duty."

Yuri had never valued this principle. Anger is fear-inducing. Happiness can be interpreted as madness. All emotions have their benefits in battle. Unless it is sadness. Sadness is the key to a ninja's demise. That is why she had taught Doremi, Yaragi and Sezaki to never cry over one of their deaths, especially her own. It was an impossible ask as emotions are hard to control, but they swore, nonetheless. But all of them knew if they were Sakura's position and one of them or Yuri was dead before them, they would be a sobbing mess too.

Yaragi continued his attempts at healing Sasuke but nothing was working. No blood began to flow, no heart began to thump. It was pointless and Sakura could sense this as her tears began to stream down her face, no matter how hard she tried to stop them.

The shark-featured boy huffed in exhaustion as he used up a lot of chakra to heal Sasuke. "I'm sorry, Sakura. I don't know what else I can do." He mumbled softly.

"I-It's okay..." Sakura sobbed, collapsing on Sasuke's chest, letting her tears soak his blue shirt. "Thank you f-for trying."

The clash of swords could be heard from the distance. Yuri and Zabuza were still fighting and the prior was winning. Yuri was practically unscathed, with only a few cuts to her uniform but nothing that she had to waste Yaragi's healing abilities over. On the other hand, Zabuza was a mess. His left arm was useless from the dog's bites and he was covered in his and Haku's blood.

"Why..." He panted, out of breath as he knelt on the concrete. "Why can't I keep up with you anymore?" He questioned.

Yuri grinned as she landed on the ground gracefully. "I've been holding back since now," Zabuza growled in anger as he ran up to her but she remained calm and still. As he approached, she summoned large, strong vines to sprout from the ground and punch him under his chin, spending him flying backwards. "Look at you, you're falling apart. You were never this embarrassing to fight. You sure are giving Kirigakure a bad name with such sloppy techniques. You have no idea what real strength is, do you?" She mocked as she summoned dozens of thick vines to intertwine around his form, trapping him successfully.

"What did you say?" His eyes were borderline psychotic. She was pushing him to his breaking point.

Yuri chuckled as she approached him. "I said, you don't know what real strength is." She finished right before him with her katana raised over her head. She swung her sword down but was shoved out of the way, missing him entirely. She slid across the ground with a huff as she looked up to see Kakashi in her spot. "What was that?"

"You're just as sloppy, Ren." He spoke as he gestured his Zabuza's arm that held his Executioner Blade, now empty and pierced with two kunai, rendering both of his arms useless. His sword flew from his hand, landing on the side of the bridge. "Now you can't even make hand signs," Kakashi spoke as he jumped back to stand beside Yuri.

Before anything else could happen, footsteps could be heard approaching, catching everyone's attention. "They did quite the number on you, didn't there, Zabuza?" The gruff voice questioned, mockingly. "You look like yesterday's sashimi. I must say I'm... disappointed." The voice belonged to a short man with fair hair and a small moustache. He wore small black, circular sunglasses and an oversized black suit, accompanied by a can and cast over his left arm. Behind him stood nearly 50 men, all carrying different types of weapons.

Yuri groaned in frustration, bending her back slightly with her hands on her hips. "Who the heck are these guys?" She sighed quietly to Kakashi.

"That's Gato. The man who wants Tazuna killed." Kakashi answered in a whisper as Zabuza addressed the short man.

"Gato. I don't understand, what is all this?" Zabuza stood. "Why are you here? Who are these thugs you have with you?"

Gato chuckled. "You see, there's been a slight change of plan. The new plan involves you dying right here on this bridge. You're too expensive. I have to take you off the payroll. These thugs cost something, so if you could take some of them out before they kill you, I would appreciate it. Think you can manage that, Demon Ninja of the Mist? Look at you, you look as demonic as a wet kitten." He and his thugs laughed, as Zabuza hadn't given his all in this current fight.

"Well, Kakashi, our fight is over. As I am no longer under Gato's pay, Tazuna is safe from me." Zabuza spoke without taking his eyes from Gato. "Yuri, I understand your mission is different. If I survive this, you may kill me straight after and take my sword back to Kirigakure."

Yuri's brows shot up in surprise. "What? Why are you giving up so quickly?" She quizzed. "You don't really expect these losers to take you down, do you? You're still the Demon of the Mist. Prove it to them."

Gato approached Haku's lifeless body and kicked him in the face. Yuri squinted her eyes in displeasure as Naruto gasped. "Stop that!" He ran forward but Yuri held her sword out to stop him and Kakashi grabbed him by the collar of his tracksuit. "What about you, Zabuza?! You gonna let him do that?"

"Be quiet, you fool. Haku's dead. What does it matter?" Zabuza retorted. "He is no longer useful to me. I used him just as Gato used me. You don't understand how the shinobi world works."

Yuri scoffed. "Zabuza, do you remember the day I nearly got captured by the Stone? You went ballistic. It was sweet, thinking back on it, how much you cared for your comrade." Zabuza side-eyed the jonin, embarrassed she was revealing this about him. "Haku was not a weapon or something to be used. Haku was your comrade. You should treat him as such."

"After everything he did for you - he lived and died for you! It's about time you did something for him!" Naruto pointed out angrily. "He sacrificed everything for you. Did you not feel anything for him? If I become stronger, will I become as cold-hearted as you? You gave up everything for you and your stupid dream! Are you gonna throw him aside like he was nothing?" Naruto ranted.

"You talk too much. Both of you." Zabuza spoke quietly. Droplets of water fell in front of his feet, staining the concrete. He was crying. "Your words cut deep. Deeper than any blade." He bit off his bandages with his teeth, revealing his sharp teeth. "What? Surprised to see I'm still as handsome as ever?" His question was directed to Yuri.

Yuri chuckled. "Shut up, loser." She looked down at the katana in her hand. "Here, take this and kill those bastards." She threw her katana at Zabuza who caught it between his shark-like teeth. Gato screamed in terror as the useless Zabuza was no longer useless.

Zabuza dashed forward as Gato disappeared into his crowd of thugs. The rogue ninja sliced his way through the crowd impressively. He shot through the back of the crowd with two spears lodged into his back, making his way toward Gato. One side of the duel-ended katana stabbed through the wealthy man. The thugs continued to stab into Zabuza's back.

"If you want to join your friend so badly, so be it. But don't drag me along." Gato pleaded.

Zabuza laughed manically. "I won't be joining Haku. Where we're going is far worse than where Haku will end up. We'll both be falling to Hell! I can't think of a more fitting destination for Demon Ninja, can you?" He slashed the katana through Gato's body several more times before shoving him over the incomplete edge of the bridge, leaving him to bleed out into the water.

The thugs parted down the middle to let Zabuza through. He dropped the katana from his mouth. His battered body stumbled through the crowd but he only managed to get a few steps in before falling to his knees in exhaustion. "I never once thanked you, Haku. So thank you." He whispered out before falling flat on his face.

Yuri rushed forward, yelling at the thugs surrounding him to back away. She pried the several swords and spears from his back. She would've taken more care but he was dying either way today. She turned him onto his back, placing his head onto her lap. "Zabuza, you did well."

"Naruto!" Sakura called out. The shinobi turned their head to see Sasuke up and alive by some sort of miracle. Yuri smiled in relief. She knew how hard it is to lose a comrade in battle, especially one that means a lot to you. It is a harsh burden that many ninjas have to shoulder. But she was glad Naruto and Sakura did not have to carry that burden just yet.

"Hey!" The thugs around Yuri shouted. They all pointed their weapons at her and the rest of the ninjas. "Don't go getting too comfortable. Who's gonna pay us now, hmm? No way we're gonna leave here empty-handed. We'll ransack the village and see what they have to offer. We'll take our prize in money or women," one of them added suggestively as he eyed Yuri.

She gagged in disgust but before anyone could attack, a single arrow shot from the village and landed just before the thugs. Everyone turned to see hundreds of villagers, armed and armoured. Font and centre was Inari with a crossbow and helmet, his mother standing behind him. "There's one thing you're forgetting about. Before you set one foot in our village, you'll have to go through all of us first!" A villager called out.

"No way I'm missing out on all the fun!" Naruto said. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Four clones of Naruto appeared behind him.

Kakashi chuckled. "I might have enough chakra spare to help out." He cast the same jutsu, summoning dozens upon dozens of Kakashi clones.

"Tsk. I don't wanna be left out." Yuri grinned. "Plant Style: Eating Fly Traps!" She summoned ten Venus fly traps to surround the crowd of thugs. They screamed in terror. "Still want a fight?" She spoke eerily.

They began sprinting to their boat on the edge of the bridge, all shouting their disagreement to her question.

The villagers cheered, victorious. Naruto, Kakashi and Yuri released their jutsus as the boat sailed off into the distance. Everyone watched as the boat sped away in fear. Everyone but Kakashi and Yuri. The silver-headed ninja approached a still-kneeling Yuri who still kept Zabuza's head placed gently in her lap.

"It sounds over," Zabuza whispered.

"It is," Yuri answered.

Zabuza painfully nodded. "I have a favour."

"What is it?" Kakashi questioned as he hovered over the two.

"Can you take me to him, please? I need to see him one last time before I go."

Kakashi lowered his headband to cover his left eye once more. He looked to Yuri for her answer. "Of course we can." Kakashi knelt and picked Zabuza up from Yuri's lap, bringing him over to Haku's body as Yuri walked beside them, Zabuza never letting go of her hand. As the trio approached the body, snow began to fall from the bright summer sky.

"Haku? Is that you?" Zabuza asked out to the white sky weakly. "Are you weeping?" Kakashi laid Zabuza down on Haku's right side so the Demon Ninja could gaze upon his comrade's face. "Thank you, Kakashi. Thank you, Yuri." Zabuza released Yuri's hand, giving it a final squeeze as he turned his head to look at Haku.

Kakahi and Yuri walked away, leaving Zabuza to his final words to Haku in private. Snow fell around them like a veil. Naruto wept as a light shone from the sky, casting down upon the pair. "He told me it snowed all the time where he came from."

Yuri smiled as she patted the jinchuriki's head. "Of course, his soul was as pure as the snow. I'm sure Zabuza will end up with Haku in the end."

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AFTER ZABUZA and Haku's burial, Yuri took his sword as he told her to. She gave it to Doremi to hold on to as they travelled back to Kirigakure. But before they left the Land of Waves, they stood before the two rogue Mist Ninjas graves, the genin and Inari had made the makeshift tombstones from sticks and flowers that Yuri had conjured for them.

The six genin sat before the graves as Kakashi and Yuri looked off into the setting sun.

"I suppose our truce has come to an end now," Kakashi spoke up quietly.

Yuri nodded, casting her eyes down to Zabuza's grave. "I suppose it is." Kakashi sighed at her answer, preparing to fight her straight away. "But, I would like to extend it a little further until after we've left the Land of Waves. I would like to grieve for my dead friend if that's okay."

Kakashi nodded, sticking his hands back into his pockets. "Sure thing." There was a beat of silence as the genin spoke amongst each other, giggling and speaking so casually. Yuri mourned for them. If only the ninja world was more forgiving, then they could all remain friends. But it isn't. In the future, they would most likely be facing each other in war. "You know..." Kakashi spoke up, catching Yuri's attention. "You impressed me today."

She scoffed. "Do you want me to call this truce off early?"

Kakashi chuckled. "Of course not. I just wanted to let you know that I suspect our next fight to be a tough call, especially with the way you fought today. Have you been holding back on me all these years?" He teased.

Yuri rolled her eyes. "No! I..." She paused, looking towards her genin once more. Doremi knocked over Naruto with a laugh. Sezaki giggled along with whatever Sakura had told her. Yaragi was speaking calmly with Sasuke as he healed his arm. They looked so carefree. So peaceful. "I've just got a reason to fight again."

Kakashi smiled beneath his mask. "I'm glad to hear it."

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