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- Masquerade

Later on that evening, the Lockwood mansion was beautifully decorated with string lights, various entertainers with drinks and food scatted around inside and outside of the mansion. The people of Mystic Falls had arrived at the masquerade ball each dressed in their fine suits and ball gowns, chatting, laughing and dancing on the crowded lawn as well as inside of the Lockwood mansion.

Cassie took a deep breathe as she appeared at the top of the stairs wearing a beautiful black dress with a masquerade mask to match as she had gone shopping earlier with Caroline who demanded to get to know the blonde beauty. Caroline reminded the youngest Salvatore of a friend of hers when she was human and immediately got along with the newly turned vampire.

The blonde began to walk down the steps when finding her brother standing at the bottom, helplessly pulling on his tie causing Cassie to roll her eyes with an amused look on her face, " Your hopeful aren't you? You always did the same thing at any event father made us go to" Cassie commented as she slapped Stefan's hand away from tie and fixed it for him.

Stefan couldn't help the smile on his face muttering a quiet thank you as while the siblings are always at one another throat half of the time they would do anything for one another, " I just want to get tonight over and done with. The sooner we get rid of Katherine the better"

Cassie hummed as the smile disappeared from her face and was replaced with a frown as she stared at her brother in concern as both Stefan and Damon was in love the Petrova vampire especially the oldest salvatore brother who had been obsessed with Katherine ever since he turned and knew deep down that they probably wouldn't have it in them to kill Katherine for good.

Before Cassie could say anything else, Damon Salvatore walked over towards his siblings as he looked between the two with his brows raised and curiously inquired, " do either of you see her?" The blonde shook her head in response as her eyes flickered across the lawn before sharing a look with her brothers, " Nope but when I find her I'm gonna kick her ass"

Stefan chuckled lightly at Cassie's commented with an amused smile on his face before he turned his gaze towards Damon with an apprehensive look on his face and curiously questioned, " sure you can do this?" Damon had an offended look on his face scoffing in disbelief narrowing his eyes at his brother, " who are you talking to?"

"Oh, I had a chance to kill her, and I hesitated" Stefan informed shrugging his shoulders casually causing Cassie to roll her eyes in annoyance sending a look to both of her brothers as Damon raised his brows in response and resorted, " Well, that is the fork in the road between you and me, my friend. I don't hesitate"

Cassie chuckled as she looked between Stefan and Damon not believing a word there saying seeing as the only reason the two of them are in love with Elena is because she's looks just like Katherine and the blonde didn't want what happened in 1864 to happen again as Stefan had told the blonde everything that had happened recalling Katherine and the way she got between the two brothers because she didn't just want one, she wanted them both.

"Well, it's not like you spent 145 years loving her. It could happen and no one would blame either of you with the history you have with the vampire slut" Cassie commented with raised brows as Damon had a scowl on his face staring at the blonde and assured his siblings, " I won't hesitate"

Cassie hummed as she stared at the raven haired vampire before she sighed and muttered under her breathe, " I need a drink" as she shrugged past her brothers making her way towards the bar oblivious at the attention she was receiving at the hot gaze from the men at the party and the jealous looks she was receiving from the girls.


Cassie was leaning against that wall in the room that Bonnie had spelled a little while ago listening to Stefan who was telling his siblings about his encounter with Katherine and how she had killed Aimee to make a point that she wanted the moonstone and wasn't playing anymore games with the Salvatore brothers.

"I put the body in the trunk for now" Stefan spoke with a look of annoyance on his face as he began pacing back and forth as Damon casually stated, " we'll dump her when we get back" Stefan groaned as he turned around to face Cassie and Damon and exclaimed, " this is exactly what I didn't want"

Cassie leaned off the wall walking towards her brothers with a knowing look on her face and pointed out, " Stefan, it's collateral damage. I know you wanted nobody to get hurt but this is what Katherine is like. She'll do anything to get what she wants and she's getting to you when she killed that girl in public"

"Right, which is why we need to call it off" Stefan informed causing Cassie and Damon to share a disbelief look before the blonde scoffed narrowing her eyes at her brother and frantically called out, " what? You have to be kidding me. You both called me to come here to get rid of Katherine and now what, you suddenly changed your mind"

Damon clenched his jaw with a scowl on his face glaring at Stefan and firmly told him, " who's hesitating now? Hey, don't do this to me! This women ruined our lives, she destroyed us and tonight it ends" Stefan hesitated avoiding eye contact with them not wanting to put anybody else in danger just to get Kathrine out of their lives after everything she had put them through since she's arrived to town.

" we can do it together. We've got your back, all right? Cassie assured as she grabbed each one of their hands squeezing it slightly with a small smile on her face causing Stefan to sigh before nodding his head in agreement staring between Cassie and Damon and mumbled, " All right" The blonde let go of her brothers hands before pulling out her phone texting Jeremy going ahead with the plan they had come up with to take Kathrine out.

A little while later, Kathrine stormed into the room Bonnie had spelled only to frown in confusion when the Bennett witch were nowhere in sight, " where is she?" Kathrine demanded with narrowed eyes only to turn around at the sound of Caroline laughing and not crying like she had been not even a moment ago.

"I did it. I really didn't think that I'd be able to fool you, but I did it" Caroline chuckled with a smirk on her face only for Kathrine to clench her jaw as she rushed towards the blonde vampire only she was stopped by the boundary spell that prevented her from the leaving the room, " What the...." She trailed off as she sighed in annoyance glaring at Caroline who was smiling proudly before she felt somebody else's presence, " Stefan"

Kathrine turned around rolling her eyes when Stefan walked out with a smug look on his face holding a stake in his hands and sarcastically greeted her, " Hello, Kathrine" Caroline taunting smirked waving her fingers in the brunette direction and told her, " Goodbye Kathrine"

Kathrine raised her brows as she watched Caroline leave her alone with Stefan before making her way towards Stefan with an amused look on her face and questioned, " you don't really think you can kill me with that, now, do you?" Stefan looked down at the stake in his hands before shifting his gaze back to Kathrine with a shake of her head and replied, " No, but he can"

Damon walked out of the closet he and Cassie were hiding in holding the compressed air weapon in his hands shooting Kathrine in the back causing her to gasp out quietly in shock when Cassie appeared by the doorway as she rushed towards Kathrine stabbing her with the stake in her arm, " Well, well, well, i would say it's a pleasure seeing you Kathrine but that'll be a lie"

Kathrine eyes widened in shock and fear at the sight of the blonde girl as she had heard rumours about the Salvatore girl but thought they were lies and that there was no way in hell she could be still alive but seeing Cassie standing in front of her realised the rumours were true and definitely didn't want to get on the wrong side of her especially because of what she is and even if Kathrine I'd older there is no way she would be able to beat the blonde girl.

Stefan rushes over towards Kathrine taking her off guard slightly when he attempted to stake her but Kathrine clenched her jaw grabbing his wrist stopping him before using her vampire strength to throw him across the room just as Damon removes the stake from her back that he had shot and went stake her away only for Kathrine to grab ahold of his wrist throwing him against the wall.

Stefan quickly stood up, releasing the stake from the contraption he had under his jacket sleeve launching it at Kathrine who quickly dodged it causing it to embed itself into the opposite wall. Stefan grabbed another stake throwing it at Kathrine once again as she catches it midair before launching it back towards Stefan who crouched down causing it to embed in the wall behind him.

Damon growled as he rushed towards Kathrine with a stake causing the brunette to spin around grabbing his wrist and flipping him over causing him to fall against a chair. The oldest Salvatore immediately stood up making his way towards the Petrova vampire again to kill her, only she grabbed his wrist twisting his hand backwards making the stake face his way.

Cassie was overwhelmed by anger, her eyes glowed yellow glaring at Kathrine dangerously unbeknownst to her brothers who were too busy trying to kill Kathrine. The blonde vampire grabbed her the neck pinning her against the wall watching the vampire struggle trying to get out of Cassie grip but it was no use as the blonde was a lot more stronger than she is.

Damon sighed in relief once Cassie had pinned Kathrine against the wall noticing the fear in her eyes causing an confused frown to appear on his face but before the blonde Salvatore could kill her Jeremy rushed into the room and frantically yelled, " Stop! You're hurting Elena. Everything you're doing to her is hurting Elena"

Cassie narrowed her eyes at Kathrine rolling her eyes in annoyance letting go of her neck knowing if she killed Kathrine she'll kill Elena and her brothers would never forgive her, " of course you had a witch link Elena's life to yours" Cassie grumble under her breathe in irritation as she walked away from Kathrine and across the room standing next to Damon.

"You think you three are the only ones with a witch on your side? Wrong. And something tells me my witch is better than your witch" Kathrine sarcastically commented snatching the stake out of Stefan's hands with a taunting smirk on her face causing Stefan to turn his attention to the youngest Gilbert with a look of worry and concern and ordered him, " Jeremy, go cheek on Elena. Make sure she's okay. Go"

Cassie watched Jeremy turn on his heel rushing down the stairs to make his way back to his sister while Kathrine clenched her jaw in jealously and harshly spoke, " let's all make sure poor Elena's okay. Just a little more pressure, and..." she trailed off as she dragged the stake across her hand

Stefan eyes widened as he hit Kathrine hand causing the stake to fall on the ground as she speed towards Cassie grabbing ahold of her stake and rushing towards the opposite side of the room glancing between each Salvatore and sarcastically spoke, " this is really gonna hurt"

Kathrine turned the stake around ready to stab herself in the stomach when she suddenly stopped when Damon frantically called out, " wait!" Kathrine smirked as she looked between the three Salvatore siblings before taking a seat on the couch behind her crossing her leg over the other with the stake tightly in her hands and commented, " Okay. So how about that moonstone"

BαΊ‘n Δ‘ang đọc truyện trΓͺn: Truyen2U.Pro