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- Rose

"Tell me more" Elena demanded as Trevor walked into the room behind the two girls, " Captivity has made her pushy, eh?" He commented with an amused smirk on his face as he made his way over towards Rose causing Cassie to roll her eyes in irritation as she folded her arms across her chest,"what do you wanna know Doppelicious?"

Rose, Cassie and Elena all rolled their eyes at Trevor's nickname for the doppelgΓ€nger not even the slightest amused with his words. " who are you running from?" Elena curiously questioned, eyeing Trevor as he were boarding up the windows in the room to prevent the sun light from coming in hoping that Trevor would be a lot easier to get answers from than Rose who was being very vague with the two girls.

"The Originals" Trevor replied casually shrugging his shoulders causing Cassie to sigh heavily with an annoyed look on her face and muttered under her breathe, " Yeah, she said that" gesturing her head towards Rose before she shifted her gaze back towards Trevor, " what does that even mean?"

Trevor frowned with an confused look on his face as he stared at Cassie for a moment before turning his attention to Rose who shook her head discreetly causing his eyes to widened as he took a breathe and informed the two girls, " the first family, the old world. Rose and I pissed them off"

Rose scoffed in disbelief raising her brows at the vampire, " Mm-hmm" she coughed under her breathe shooting Trevor a look who rolled his eyes in response before her corrected himself, "correction, I pissed them off. Rose had my back and for over half a millennium, they've wanted us dead"

"What did you do?" The Salvatore girl questioned noticing the looks that the two vampires shared as she was greatly interested what the two did for them to be running from the originals for five hundred years. " He made the same mistake countless others did. he trusted Katerina Petrova" Rose answered with a scowl shooting Trevor a look who avoided making eye contract with his closest friend.

"Kathrine" Elena muttered in annoyance as a look of realisation appeared on her face as all of the problems seemed to be because of her doppelgΓ€nger causing Rose to nod her head in confirmation, " the one and only, the first Petrova doppelganger," the vampire informed the two girls.

"I helped her escape her fate and now I've," Trevor began, only for Rose to clear her throat once again causing him to roll his eyes once again and corrected himself, "sorry, we've been marked ever since" Cassie sighed as she looked between the two with a sympathetic look on her face as she knew what it was like to have a target on your back - the only difference between them was that Cassie would get rid of those that wanted her dead because of what she is while Rose and Trevor were all doing this in hopes to get their freedom from the originals.

Rose and Trevor wanted to hand over the doppelgΓ€nger but with Cassie in their grasp it's a bonus especially because of how much she means to Klaus Mikaelson and how he would kill anyone without a second thought if anyone ever dared to touch a single hair on the blonde vampire.

"Which is why we're not gonna make the same mistake again" Rose added in sending a small smile to Trevor before eyeing the two girls as she would stop at nothing to get her freedom. As the two vampires walked out of the room, Cassie sighed as she made her way over to the couch as she knew they wouldn't be leaving until they bargained with the original vampire in exchange for the two girls they want their freedom back.

The two vampires were on the run because of Kathrine and that Trevor had stupidly fallen in love with the Katherine Petrova only it ended up with her betraying them and now they had to spend most of their life in hiding and the two are sick of tired and just wanted some sort of normal life a vampire can have. As Cassie sat down next to Elena, the blonde frowned as she found a crumbled piece of paper behind of the cushions. The two girls exchanged a look before Cassie opened it up, their eyes scanning over the note ' Stefan and Damon are coming for you guys - B.'


A little while later, Rose and Trevor both returned to the room where the two girls were sitting as Trevor began to pace back and forth frantically as he exclaimed, " He's here! This was a mistake! He wants me dead, Rose!" The vampire shook her head as she pointed towards the couch where the two girls were and assured her friend, " He wants her more"

Cassie scoffed with a sarcastic smile on her faceΒ  waving her fingers at the two vampires with a threatening look on her face as Trevor shook his head in denial not listening to a word that Rose was saying as he frantically spoke, " No, I can't do this Rose! You give her to him, he'll have mercy on you but I need to get out of here"

"Hey! What are we?" Rose asked as she grabbed ahold of his hand tightly, forcing him to look at her as she gained his attention in attempt to calm down as Trevor took a deep breathe as his breathing slowed down slightly, " we're family, forever" Rose smiled as she nodded her head in agreement silently telling him that everything was going to be okay.

Cassie couldn't help but think back to her relationship with her brothers as they were extremely close and knew it wasn't fair to keep what she is a secret especially as she's been hiding it for centuries. Stefan and Damon deserve to know the truth but she just hoped once the truth is out that they wouldn't use her because of what she is as there is no way in hell she would put her life at risk for the sake of the doppelgΓ€nger.

Suddenly, a loud knock was heard as it echoed throughout the abandoned house causing Cassie to frown as she noticed both vampires face started to pale and how anxious they were acting, " You're scared" the blonde Salvatore pointed out as she watched the two vampires closely who glared at Cassie in response before Rose turned her attention to Trevor and firmly told him, "Stay here with them and don't make a sound"

Rose then rushed towards the stairs heading towards the front door as Cassie turned her gaze over towards Elena grabbing her hand in her own squeezing it softly as no matter what she would protect the doppelgΓ€nger until her brothers arrive knowing if she didn't protect the women that they love she wouldn't hear the end of it especially from Damon.

A couple of moments later, Rose walked back into the room with a man dressed in a fine suit causing Cassie to narrow her eyes at him suspiciously as he looked familiar but she couldn't quite understand where she had seen him before. Elijah shifted his gaze towards the two girls with a look of astonishment before using his vampire speed to rush over towards Elena.

The original stopped as he appeared in front of the brunette as he leant into the doppelgΓ€nger who was shaking in fear, smelling her neck, " Human. It's impossible," Elijah muttered under his breathe as Cassie grabbed her hand pulling her behind her as she stood in front of Elena protectively, "Hello there"

The original then turned his attention towards the blonde with a look of confusion and awe on his face as he remembered the girl from 165 years ago. He had never met anyone quite like Cassie, she was sweet, kind and loyal and what surprised him the most was that she was able to bring out the humanity out in his brother.

The only time he saw Niklaus happy was when he with Cassie - the love the two of them shared was epic as they loved one another so deeply it made many envious and jealous of their relationship. Klaus had never loved anyone the way he loved Cassie and no matter who tries to gain his attention it never worked as he was intrigued and smitten with the blonde vampire.

"Cassie" Elijah greeted with a warm smile on his face in attempt to hide his surprise but what shocked him the most was the way the Salvatore girl was looking at him in confused like she had no idea who this man standing in front of her was.

Back inside the cemetery, Cassie body was laid still on the table where she killed not that long ago, but now, her neck looked as if it's been healed. Suddenly, the Salvatore girl gasped awake - grabbing onto her throat as she looked around frantically trying to catch her breathe.

As she sits up, she groaned holding onto her head painfully as she was overwhelmed with flashbacks of being held down by the witches, her aunt Kate pinned to the wall while one the New Orleans witches sliced her throat opened. Cassie gasped as her eyes landed on the dead body of her aunt, she jumped from the table with a furious expression on her face as she stormed out of the cemetery.

It didn't take her long until she found herself stumbling down the streets of the French quarter - trying to ignore the pain she was feeling when someone familiar caught her attention causing her to grab a dagger from one of the stalls.

Sarah, who was a close friend of Cassie's was struggling against one of the witches who was currently giving her a painful aneurysm making the brunette scream out loudly in pain only for her to sigh in relief when it suddenly stopped. She frowned with an confused look on her face as she looked up at the women who fell to the ground dead only to reveal Cassie holding a dagger on her hand, " witches are really starting to get on my nerves"

Sarah chuckled lightly in amusement but her smile faded once Cassie's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she fainted falling to the ground. " Cass!" The brunette yelled out as she crawled over towards her friend not noticing the witches who began to gather around holding hands as they began chanting.

The brunette turned her attention towards Marcel, who was standing with the originals who looked confused on what the hell was going on, " who is that girl?" Rebekah curiously questioned with a sympathetic look on her face as her eyes landed on the unconscious blonde.

"Her name is Cassie Salvatore." Marcel informed causing Rebekah's eyes to widened in realisation and surprise as her aunt had came to ask for her help regarding her niece as she had a feeling the witches were up to something and wanted to make sure that Cassie would come out of this alive.

"Kate, mentioned her a couple of times. She's a hybrid - witch and werewolf" Rebekah revealed causing her brothers to narrow their eyes at their sister in confusion and disbelief, " she needed my help to save her niece. I gave her my blood. I just never expected her to turn... Kate had a bad feeling something was going to happen to Cassie and I wanted to help she's just a teenager"

Klaus narrowed his eyes dangerously at his sister with his jaw clenched and harshly hissed, " what the hell did you do, Rebekah!" The blonde original scoffed as she shoved her brother away from her and replied, " I did what I thought was best. I saved her life!" Elijah sighed as he stepped between his siblings in attempt to calm them down before they started bickering in the middle of the street.

Sarah grabbed the dagger that was beside Cassie's body before slicing the palm of her hand as she slowly placed her hand in front of Cassie's lips who immediately grabbed onto her wrist tightly, " Cass, you're dying. You need to feed before you permanently die for good this time"

" I know" Cassie trailed off with a hesitant look on her face as she stared at Sarah who nodded her head with an assuring look on her face causing the blonde to sigh as she placed her lips against the wound on the brunette's hand as she began drinking her blood not noticing what was happening around her.

The witches suddenly stopped chanting as their eyes widened in horror as it began to thunder and lightning as the clear sky disappeared and a red mist appeared instead alerting everybody around of the new species that was born - the tribrid, the only one of her kind.

The originals watched closely as Cassie opened her eyes as her eyes glowed bright amber with veins under her eyes causing their eyes to widened in bewildered and awe as Rebekah only gave her blood to Kate in hopes it would turn her into a vampire - she had no idea that it would turn Cassie into the most powerful supernatural their is.

Cassie unlatched her fangs from Sarah when suddenly one of the warlocks snapped the brunette neck causing the blonde to gasp staring at the dead body of her friend, " I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" He questioned with a wicked smirk on his face.

Klaus clenched his jaw as he was about to make his way towards the newly turned to tribrid but Elijah stopped him as everyone around watched closely as Cassie stood up on her feet, " you have no idea what you have taken from me. Tonight that ends. I'm going to kill every single one of you"

The warlocks smirk on his face disappear as Cassie's vampire face was on display with her werewolf eyes. He tried to hide his fear as he smirked at the blonde and told her, " you underestimate us, tribrid" he hissed with a look of disgust on his face staring at Cassie.

"Hm- Mm, that might be so. But you killed me because you're afraid of what I'm capable off and now there's nothing stopping me from tearing you all apart" Cassie replied shrugging her shoulders casually as she held out an arm twisting her wrist and muttered, " Ictus"

Cassie smirked as she watched the warlocks and witches that was involved in the attempt to kill her, who had killed her aunt and Sarah go flying backwards before using her vampire speed to rush towards the warlock that had just threatened her and punched him in the stomach sending him crashing towards the wall.

The witches all looked up at Cassie in fear and horror as they watched her turn into a white wolf. She growled lowly before not noticing the look of awe and amazement on Klaus face as he was intrigued by her as she was exactly like him an abomination but the blonde girl didn't seem to care what others thought of her as she ripped into every one of the witches that had a part that killed her loved ones.

Klaus was too caught up in his throughs he didn't notice Cassie heading his way until she tackled him snatching his jacket as she turned back human - hiding her naked body from everyone around who had watched what happened and not even a moment later they all ran off quite quickly.

" All right, that's the full tribrid tour" Cassie smirked before turning her attention to the originals who were staring at her with awe and amazement as well as something she couldn't explain as she frowned wrapping Klaus's jacket around her body more tightly and questioned, " who the hell are you guys?"

Cassie frowned exchanging an confused look with Elena as she waved her hand in front of Elijah's face who seemed to be spaced out. The original vampire coughed, regaining his posture as he looked at the two girls and spoke up, " we have a long journey ahead of us. We should be going"

Elena frowned as she grabbed onto Cassie's hand tightly hiding behind the blonde vampire slightly before turning her gaze over towards Rose with a pleading look on her face, " please, don't let him take us!" Rose had a guilty look on her face shifting her gaze away from the two girls and towards the floor, " One last piece of business and we're done" Elijah spoke up with a smirk on his face as he walked towards Trevor with a determined look on his face.

Cassie watched the original vampire with her brows furrowed knowing that even if they wanted to give herself and Elena to Elijah it wasn't going to work out as they hoped it would, "I've waited so long for this day, Elijah. I'm truly very sorry; you trusted me with Katerina and I failed you" Trevor apologised his voice slightly shaky trying to hide how terrified he actually is.

" Oh yes, you are the guilty one and Rose aided you because she was loyal to you, now, that, I honour," Elijah replied as his eyes flickered towards the female vampire who watched the original with a wary look on her face, " where was your loyalty?"Β  He questioned as his gaze hardened glaring at the vampire who looked up at him and pleaded, "I beg for your forgiveness"

Elijah smirked cruelly as he tilted his head to the side, "so, granted," the original replied before separating Trevor's head from his shoulders with his hand using his vampire strength causing Cassie's eyes to widened in shock at the scene while Rose cried out in agony feeling her heart break over the fact that her best friend is now dead.

" You...!" Rose harshly spas as she began to make her way towards the original wanting to take revenge for killing her friend but she was stopped by Elijah who didn't seem that bothered as he pulled out a handkerchief, cleaning up the blood on his hand, "Don't, Rose, now that you are free" the original firmly told the female vampire before making his way back over towards Cassie and Elena, " come"

Before Elijah could ever grab ahold of Elena's wrist she quickly spoke up as she questioned, "what about the moonstone?" Elijah halted in his movements with a look of interest on his face his eyes flickering between the two girls and curiously asked, "What do you know about the moonstone?"

"I know that you need it and I know where it is," Elena replied in attempt to stall the vampire until Damon and Stefan turn up after she had read the note that Bonnie had left for the two girls not that long ago. "We can help you get it" Cassie suggested placing her hands on her hips not affected by the glare she was receiving from the original vampire.

Elijah grabbed the back of Elena's neck pulling her towards him before he compelled the brunette, " tell me where the moonstone is" Cassie anxiously avoided eye contact with the female vampire who narrowed her eyes suspiciously at the two girls as Elena answered the original against her own free will, " in the tomb underneath the church ruins"

The original furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before compelling the doppelgΓ€nger once again, " what's it doing there?" Elena eyes were locked onto his as she responded, "it's with Kathrine" causing an amused smile to appear on his lips as he finally let go of Elena.

"Interesting" Elijah muttered under his breathe when suddenly the sound of glass breaking was heard causing all four of them to turn their attention towards the stairs, " what is that?" Elijah questioned glancing at Rose waiting an answer from the vampire only she looked just as confused as he was.

Rose shook her head with furrowed brows as she turned her attention to Elijah and commented, " i don't know" Cassie couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face knowing full well that it was her brothers when suddenly another crash was heard from upstairs causing a frown to appear on Elijah's face, " who else is in this house?" He demanded with a look of annoyance on his face.

"I don't know" Rose firmly repeated herself causing Elijah to let out an a sigh as he grabbed the two girls and dragged them into the foyer of the abandoned house where two figures where speeding around them drawing their attention.

Elijah pushed Elena and Cassie into the vampires arms looking around frantically and warningly called out, " Rose?" The only problem was that she had no idea who it was causing her to shake her head and exclaim, " I don't know who it is"

"Up here" Stefan's voice was heard from upstairs causing a smile to appear on both Cassie's and Elena face causing Elijah to growl, speeding up the stairs with his enchanted speed when Damon voice was heard from the foyer, " down here"

Elijah turned around with an frustrated look on his face, about to make his way back down the stairs when he was suddenly impaled with a stake. The original gritted his teeth together pulling the stake out of his hand as he continued making his way down the stairs noticing that Rose, Cassie and Elena had all disappeared.

Cassie let out a relived breathe when Damon pushed her against the wall behind the stairs with Rose next to her causing him to place his figure manger against his lips. The blonde couldn't help the smile on her face at the sight of her oldest brother causing him to send her a look silently asking if she okay.

"Excuse me. To whom it may concern, you're making a great mistake if you think you can beat me. you can't. You hear that?" Elijah called out as he started breaking a wooden coat rake making it into a stake. Damon rolled his eyes as he placed his hand over Rose mouth to keep her quiet as Elijah continued speaking, " I repeat you cannot beat me. So I want the girls on the count of three or heads will roll. Do we understand each other?"

" I'll come with you" Elena called out as she appeared by the top of the stairs causing Elijah to turn around with a suspicious look on his face, " just please don't hurt my friends. They just wanted to help me out" Elijah frowned as he speeded towards Elena causing her to jump back in fright, " what game are you playing with me?" He questioned gripping the stake in his hand but before he could grab the doppelgΓ€nger she threw a vervain bomb in his face.

Elena ducked and jumped out the way as it exploded as Elijah screamed out in pain as his face began burning but it healed just as quickly. Stefan, in attempt to save his girlfriend and his little sister, used his vampire to speed to sped towards the original shooting him with a stake fired from one of Alaric's weapons.

Stefan let out a growl when it wasn't effecting the vampire and tackled Elijah causing them both to go rolling down the stairs. Elijah was quick on his feet ready to stake Stefan when Damon appeared in front of him staking him in the heart with the other end of the broken coat rack.

Damon had pushed the original against the door with the stake still embedded in him causing grey veins to appear on his skin causing both Cassie and Elena to smile in relief when Rose eyes widened in horror before speeding away.

"Let her go" Cassie exclaimed rushing into her oldest brothers arms when he was about to go after the vampire causing him to let out a relieved breathe wrapping his arms around his sister as they isn't anything he wouldn't do to protect Cassie as she was the only person he would go to hell and back for.

Elena made her ways down the stairs sending a smile to Damon, as she rushed into her boyfriends arms, " Hey, come here" Stefan told her gripping onto the doppelgΓ€nger tightly, " are you hurt? are right okay?"he asked frantically checking over her to see if she was harmed in any way.

Damon smile disappeared from his face as he let go of Cassie watching his brother fuss over the girl that he loves causing the blonde vampire to look at Damon with a sympathetic look on her face squeezing his hand in reassurance knowing how hard it must be for him to watch his brother with the girl he loves.

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