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- The Sacrifice

A little while later, Elena entered the Salvatore boarding house closing the door behind her as she was determined to know more about this sacrifice that involves her death and the original vampire who has been wanting to break the curse for centuries and wanted the female vampire help who had been staying at the Salvatore boarding house.

Elena made her way through the house in search for Rose when she walked down the stairs tying a red silk dressing around her body to hide her nudity as she playfully called out with a smirk on her lips, " it's not nice to leave a girl naked so early in the morning" Elena held a look of disgust on her face as she stared at Rose who sent her an apologetic look seeing as it was the doppelgΓ€nger and not Damon, " Sorry, I thought you were"

"I, uh, sorry, I..." Elena trailed off awkwardly with her cheeks flushing slightly pink in embarrassment before Rose shook her head with an amused smile on her face as she gestured around the Salvatore house and informed, " there's no one else here" Elena sighed heavily as she turned around to face Rose and admitted, " Actually, I came to talk to you"

Rose nodded her head with an awkward smile on her face as she raised her brows and stated, " then I should probably get dressed" Elena hummed as she watched Rose walk away heading back upstairs to get changed causing Elena to sigh as she walked into the library only for her eyes to widened at the sight of Cassie laid out on the couch smiling at phone with an amused glint in her eyes.

"Hey, who's texting you that making you all smily?" Elena teased with a small grin causing Cassie to look up from her phone sitting up straight as she placed her phone in her pocked and resorted, " Bold of you to assume that I'm texting someone. For your information it's Damon. So, what are you doing here?"

" To talk to Rose" Elena answered with a shrug of shoulders causing Cassie to narrow her eyes suspiciously at the brunette but nodded her head nonetheless as she stood up grabbing the glass of blood that was on the side table next to her, " Look, Elena. I don't know you very well but I know my brothers care for you but let me tell you this if your anything like Katherine and if your hurt either one of brothers I'll come for you"

Elena gulped nervously trying to hide the fear she felt at the Blonde's threat as she smiled innocently turning on her heel about to make her way to her bedroom but was stopped by Elena who called out, " Thank you." Cassie slowly turned around with a frown on her face as she stared at Elena in confusion and asked, " For what?"

"For helping us with the Klaus situation. I know you came here because Stefan and Damon asked you too and you didn't have to help us but you are" Elena softly spoke with a kind smile looking at Cassie with a grateful look. " My brothers mean everything to me and the both of them love you. I know that if Klaus's gets his hands on you your doomed and my brothers will be left heartbroken and maybe I'm helping you is because you remind me of me when I was human"

Elena tilting her head to the side waiting for an explanation causing her to raise her brows in confusion and curiously questioned, " What do you mean? What happened?" Cassie sent her a small smile as she glanced over her shoulder and told her, " A story for another time" Cassie then began making her way towards her bedroom only to bump into Rose at the top of the stairs, " Hey" the female vampire greeted with a look of surprise on her face as she thought she was the only one in the house.

Cassie nodded her head in acknowledgment as she held her hand out causing Rose to stare at her with furrowed brows, " Your phone. So I can put my number in it" The Salvatore tribrid explained causing Rose to nod her head in understanding taking her phone out of her pocket handing it over towards Cassie.

" I have a feeling that she's up to something. My brothers would kill us both if anything happened to her. So if she is up to something stupid call me"Cassie continue sending Rose to stern expression causing the vampire to nod her head in agreement as she watched the blonde Salvatore girl enter her bedroom before heading downstairs to speak with Elena.


A little while later, Cassie walked down the marble staircase in the Salvatore boarding house only to frown in confusion as she walked into the library to see that Rose and Elena where nowhere in sight and that Stefan, Damon, Bonnie and Jeremy were all gathered around.

"Hey, what's going on?" Cassie questioned as she moved across the room standing between her brothers as Bonnie sent her a small smile before sighing in defeat and informed the Salvatore siblings, " I might be able to lower the tomb spell long enough for you to get in and grab the moonstone from Kathrine"

Jeremy frowned with an confused look on her face staring at Bonnie and curiously asked, " How? It took both you and your grams last time, and look what happened to her" Cassie stared at the Bennett witch wanting to help the teenage girl not liking the fact her brothers are always relying on Bonnie when things get hard but knew if she did her brothers would question her and right now she didn't have the energy to explain everything.

"I'm well aware of what happened, but I've learned a few new things. How will you get it?" Bonnie questioned ignoring Jeremy burning gaze turning her attention to Stefan who folded his arms across his chest and explained, " she hasn't been feeding. She's weaker. We're not" Bonnie raised her brows as she scoffed in disbelief at the second oldest Salvatore and resorted, " you wouldn't be underestimating her, would you?

"It's a plan. Is it perfect? hell no. But what plan is especially when you're leaving it to these two morons" Cassie scoffed with a look of disbelief gesturing towards her brothers with her hand causing the two to look at their little sister with an offended look on their faces. " Let me do it. I've got my ring. I could get in, get out. No spells necessary" Jeremy offered glancing at Bonnie as he held up his hand showing off the Gilbert ring he was wearing.

Damon scoffed taking a sip of bourbon raising his eyebrows at the Gilbert boy and sarcastically commented, " Gee, thanks, you sixteen years old child. Why didn't we think about that? Why are you even here?" Jeremy turned his head glaring at Damon as Cassie slapped her brothers chest sending him a scolded look and muttered, " why do you always have to be such an ass"

Bonnie stayed silent for a couple of moments before looking between the four of them and stated, " maybe I can help better the plan. Do you have anything that belongs to Kathrine?" She questioned causing Cassie and Damon to share a knowing look before shifting their gaze towards their brother causing him to roll his eyes as Stefan walked out of the room returning a couple of minutes later with a photograph of Katherine which was taken in 1864.

"This belonged to Kathrine. Found it with her things after I thought she was dead, but it was hers" Stefan explained holding it to Bonnie for her to take as she grabbed the photograph and placing it inside a ceramic bowl before she dipped her fingers in a glass of water allowing the water droplets drip from her fingertips into the bowl.

Cassie watched as Flames sprouted from the bowl when Bonnie closed her eyes concentrating on the spell as she began to chant in Latin causing Damon to frown as he watched the Bennett witch closely and curiously questioned, " and what will this do?" Bonnie opened her eyes lifting her gaze up to stare at the Salvatore siblings and informed, " I can turn the metal to ash. Blow the ashes on her and it'll incapacitate her for a minute or two. Long enough for you to get the moonstone and get out"

"You know we could do it an easier way. Once Bonnie lowers the spell we can snap her neck grab the moonstone and be done with it. Or my second option is to just kill the bitch" Cassie commented with grin on her lips causing Damon and Stefan to both stare at their sister with an amused look on their faces.

Bonnie poured the ashes onto the table as Damon grabbed the bag from the couch handing it to Stefan who was putting in some weapons in case they need it to take out Kathrine, " so we gotta get the torches" Stefan spoke sending his siblings a look causing Damon to nod his head in acknowledgment and added in, " Alaric's stake gun's in my trunk"

"Bonnie?" Cassie called out turning her attention to the Bennett witch who was focusing on the ash in front of her and replied, " Go ahead. I'm almost done" the blonde Salvatore girl shrugged her shoulders watching Stefan walk out of the room before an mischievous glint appeared in her eyes as she ran out of the room jumping on Damon's back laughing loudly forcing him to carry him.

Jeremy waits until all the Salvatore siblings left the library before turning his head towards bonnie and harshly hissed, " What are you doing? You're not strong enough" Bonnie placed her finger against his lips to keep him quiet not wanting Stefan, Cassie or Damon to hear what they are talking about.

"I'll be fine" Bonnie assured taking a step away from him with a small smile causing Jeremy to shake his head with a look of concern on his face and pointed out, " You could get hurt" Bonnie clenched her jaw narrowing her eyes at her best friend's little brother and stated, " and Elena could die. I'll be fine. I promise. I promise"

Jeremy stared at her for a couple of moments before he sighed in defeat nodding his head and spoke up, " All right, here, I got this, okay? Go get me, um- go get me something to put thisΒ  in, all right" Bonnie smiled with a thankful look as she turned on her heel walking away not noticing that Jeremy grabbed his wallet from his pocket using his card to push a good amount of Ash into his wallet.

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