𝐈. my retirement gets flushed down the toilet

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Okay... some people asked about love interests and I was like "oh Beel and Apollo are endgame, Pussydon and Hades are only minor love interest blah blah blah..." forget what I said cuz I changed my mind 🤡

My ending is... well, I'm not gonna say, but Beel and Apollo are NOT gonna be endgame anymore. Instead, I've decided to leave the ending a mystery HOWEVER, Beel, Apollo, AND Poseidon and Hades will all be the main love interests in this fic!

As for the other characters, there will be some side romance with some of them but most are gonna be platonic yanderes tbh. Beel, Apollo, Pussydon, and Hades are the only ones with guaranteed smut so have fun with that info.

[EDIT: Loki has been added as a main love interest so he has guaranteed smut too!]

Now on to the chapter!

This is 8k words btw. I promised long chapters so I'm gonna DELIVER 😤

PERCY'S FOOTSTEPS ECHOED AS SHE walked towards the center of the throne room. Everyone's eyes were on her, the gods, the demigods, the Cyclopes, the spirits. Her limbs were trembling, the adrenaline she gained from the war had finally been spent up, but the sight of Hestia's smile was like getting injected by liquid courage. And so, she straightened up, tried to keep her head held high, and faced the gods.

First, she bowed to Zeus (because she knew the old crank would get pissed if she didn't), and then knelt at her father's feet.

"Rise, my daughter," he said.

She stood. She locked eyes with him. There was pride beaming in his eyes, but also pity; she followed the way his gaze seemed to trail over every splatter of blood on her clothes, every injury that littered her skin. I'm sorry, he seemed to be saying. You shouldn't have to be put through this, but you were. I'm sorry.

Percy tried to ignore it. Sure her childhood had been pretty much ruined, but the war was over now. The Great Prophecy had been fulfilled. Finally, finally, after years of fighting for her life, she could rest and retire.

"A great hero must be rewarded," Poseidon stated. "Is there anyone here who would deny that my daughter is deserving?"

None of the demigods disagreed, but what was surprising was that the gods didn't protest either. And they never agreed on anything. She looked at each of them; they all seemed to know what would come next, and they all seemed to expect that she would accept it.

"The Council agrees," Zeus said. "Percy Jackson, you will have one gift from the gods."

She hesitated. "Any gift?"

Zeus nodded grimly. "I know what you will ask. The greatest gift of all. Yes, if you want it, it shall be yours. The gods have not bestowed this gift on a mortal hero in many centuries, but, Percilla Jackson—if you wish it—you shall be made a god. Immortal. Undying. You shall serve as your father's lieutenant for all time."

Zeus seemed to think it was a good offer. A wonderful offer. But all it did was make her stomach sink.

Immortal. Undying. Her father's lieutenant for all time.

To her, all she could hear were the promises of never-ending suffering, of battles that would never cease. The weariness in her bones—a sort of weariness she had accumulated ever since she was twelve, when she was forced to go on her first quest—seemed to increase in agony.

Immortality was a curse, not a blessing.

It was like all the saliva in her mouth dried out. "Um... a god?"

Zeus rolled his eyes. "A dimwitted god, apparently. But yes. With the consensus of the entire Council, I can make you immortal. Then I will have to put up with you forever."

"Hmm," Ares mused. "That means I can smash her to a pulp as often as I want, and she'll just keep coming back for more. I like this idea."

"I approve as well," Athena said, though she was looking at Anthonius.

Percy turned to him. Anthonius was trying not to meet her eyes. His face was pale.

She thought about Anthonius and everyone she loved, watching them all grow old and die while she remained ageless, no longer able to help them when they were in danger because she would be a god and the Fates would never allow her to step in. She thought of her mother passing on without her. She thought of all the fallen demigods—her friends—that she would never get to see again in Elysium.

Her eyes traveled over to Dionysus, a demigod turned immortal. Despite being a god, his violet eyes seemed to carry the same weariness hers did, as if he had never quite passed on from his demigod days.

And then she thought about Luke. And Ethan. And Bianca. And Nico. Of every reason why this war happened in the first place.

"No," she finally said, and it was the strongest her voice ever sounded

The Council was silent. The gods frowned at each other like they must have misheard.

"No?" Zeus repeated. "You are... turning down our generous gift?"

She knew she needed to tread carefully; there was a dangerous edge to his voice.

"I'm honored and everything," she quickly added to appease him. "Don't get me wrong. It's just... I've got a lot of life left to live. I'd hate to peak in my sophomore year."

None of them were amused, but all she cared about was Anthonius. He was staring at her with painful longing, eyes shining and everything.

"I do want a gift, though," she continued, turning back to them. "Do you promise to grant my wish?"

Zeus thought about this. "If it is within our power."

"It is," she nodded. "And it's not even difficult. But I need your promise on the River Styx."

"What?" Dionysus cried. "You don't trust us?"

"Someone once told me, you should always get a solemn oath," she managed a small smile in Hades' direction.

Hades shrugged. "Guilty."

"Very well!" Zeus growled. "In the name of the Council, we swear by the River Styx to grant your reasonable request as long as it is within our power."

The other gods muttered assent. Thunder boomed, shaking the throne room. The deal was made.

"From now on, I want you to properly recognize the children of the gods," she said firmly. "All the children... of all the gods."

The Olympians shifted uncomfortably.

"Percy," Poseidon said carefully. "What exactly do you mean?"

"Kronos couldn't have risen if it hadn't been for a lot of demigods who felt abandoned by their parents," she stated. "They felt angry, resentful, and unloved, and they had a good reason."

The cramped Hermes cabin. The kids sleeping on the floor. Unwanted leftovers, they called themselves. Her own feelings towards her father back when she was twelve, so young and angry at the world she had been forced into.

Zeus's royal nostrils flared. "You dare accuse—"

"—No more undetermined children," Percy barreled on. "I want you to promise to claim your children—all your demigod children—by the time they turn thirteen. They won't be left out in the world on their own at the mercy of monsters. I want them claimed and brought to camp so they can be trained right, and survive."

"Now, wait just a moment," Apollo said, but she wasn't going to bow down.

"And the minor gods," she continued. "Nemesis, Hecate, Morpheus, Janus, Hebe—they all deserve a general amnesty and a place at Camp Half-Blood. Their children shouldn't be ignored. Calypso and the other peaceful Titan-kind should be pardoned too. And Hades—"

"—Are you calling me a minor god?" Hades bellowed.

"No, my lord," she said quickly, nearly getting a heart attack from his interruption. "But your children should not be left out. They should have a cabin at camp. Nico has proven that. No unclaimed demigods will be crammed into the Hermes cabin anymore, wondering who their parents are. They'll have their own cabins, for all the gods. And no more pact of the Big Three. That didn't work anyway. You've got to stop trying to get rid of powerful demigods. We're going to train them and accept them instead. All children of the gods will be welcome and treated with respect. That is my wish."

Zeus snorted. "Is that all?"

"Percy," Poseidon frowned. "You ask too much. You presume too much."

Percy wanted to scream.

It's not that hard! She wanted to yell out. You're all-powerful beings, you can show a smidgeon of care for your kids, can't you?!

She was tired. She was so so so tired. Couldn't they understand that they were the cause of this war? Her demands were simple. It wasn't going against their Ancient Laws. They just needed to care, just a little bit. She wasn't asking them to act like proper parents—she knew they wouldn't be capable of it even if they were allowed to. She just wanted the bare minimum.

As she looked at each of the gods, she almost wanted to cry. Apathy, discomfort, anger. She could already see the second war looming in the horizon, the gods' eyes trained on her as they demanded her to fix their mess a second time.

Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat. Another Luke. Another war. The gods would never change and this pain would never end.

We're just kids. Don't make us go through this again.

But instead of crying out, Percy managed to take a deep breath and give them all a firm stare.

"I hold you to your oath," she said bravely. "All of you."

She got a lot of steely looks.

Strangely, it was Athena who spoke up: "The girl is correct. We have been unwise to ignore our children. It proved a strategic weakness in this war and almost caused our destruction. Percy Jackson, I have had my doubts about you, but perhaps—" She glanced at Anthonius, and then spoke as if the words had a sour taste. "—Perhaps I was mistaken. I move that we accept the girl's plan."

"Humph," Zeus scoffed. "Being told what to do by a mere child. But I suppose..."

"All in favor," Hermes said.

All the gods raised their hands.

The weight on her shoulders lifted. She allowed herself to feel a glimmer of hope. It was naive of her, but naivety was a child's trait, and all she wanted was to be a child for once. Even for a short while.

"Um, thanks," she said to the gods. It was a pretty lame finish, but nobody seemed to care.

She turned, but before she could leave, Poseidon called, "Honor guard!"

Immediately the Cyclopes came forward and made two lines from the thrones to the door—an aisle for her to walk through. They came to attention.

"All hail, Percilla Jackson," Tyson beamed. "Hero of Olympus... and my big sister!"

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"Seven half-bloods shall answer the call.

To storm or fire, the world must fall.

An oath to keep with a final breath,

And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death."

Percy wasn't going to say it out loud (because it would've been rude), but Rachel spouting out what sounded like a second Great Prophecy was kind of a mood killer.

She, Anthonius, and Nico were already glancing at each other and thinking the same thing: here we go again.

Apollo seemed to be the only one excited about it. "I believe we just heard the next Great Prophecy!" He cheered, as if another doomsday scenario was just what they needed after finishing a war.

"What does it mean?" Percy asked wearily while internally hoping it wouldn't be about her this time.

Rachel frowned. "I don't even remember what I said."

"No," Apollo mused. "The spirit will only speak through you occasionally. The rest of the time, our Rachel will be much as she's always been. There's no point in grilling her, even if she has just issued the next big prediction for the future of the world."

"What?" Percy frowned. "But—"

"—Percy," Apollo smiled. "I wouldn't worry too much. The last Great Prophecy about you took almost seventy years to complete. This one may not even happen in your lifetime."

"Maybe..." She said, still frowning. "But it didn't sound so good."

"No," Apollo said cheerfully. "It certainly didn't. She's going to make a wonderful Oracle!"

It was hard to drop the subject, but Apollo insisted that Rachel needed to rest, and she did look pretty disoriented.

After Rachel was given some rest and Apollo went back to Olympus, Percy and Anthonius stared at each other apprehensively.

"You're thinking about the prophecy, aren't you?" Percy asked Anthonius knowingly.

"Seven half-bloods shall answer the call," Anthonius recited. "I wonder who they'll be. We're going to have so many new faces next summer."

"Yep," Percy agreed. "And all that stuff about the world falling in storm or fire."

"I don't know, but I don't like it. I thought... well, maybe we'd get some peace for a change." Anthonius' shoulders slumped.

"Wouldn't be Camp Half-Blood if it was peaceful," Percy snorted.

"I guess you're right... Or maybe the prophecy won't happen for years."

"Could be a problem for another generation of demigods," Percy was bouncing on her heels giddily. She just hoped she was already long dead before that happened. "Then we can kick back and enjoy."

The rest of the day blurred. The air turned solemn, campers mourning their fallen siblings and friends. The Olympians are probably still up there celebrating their win, she thought bitterly. She couldn't really picture them grieving their kids—except maybe for Hermes.

At the end of the day, she was alone at the Poseidon table while everyone else trickled out for the sing-alongs by the campfire. She watched the moonlight shining off of the Long Island Sound; thinking, wondering, ruminating.

There was still a heaviness in her bones that she didn't think would ever go away. She wondered if this was going to be a permanent part of her from now. She wished it wouldn't.

Suddenly, Anthonius slid on the bench beside her. He set a cupcake with blue icing down on the table. There was a single blue candle on it.

"Happy birthday," he said quietly, smiling.

She blinked. "Huh?"

He raised a brow, "It's August 18th. Your birthday, remember?"

Percy was stunned. She had completely forgotten. Today was her sixteenth birthday.

She stared listlessly at the cupcake. She didn't think she could ever celebrate her birthday the same way after this. August 18. Her birthday, but also the day she had watched so many demigods die. The thought made her feel dizzy.

"...Oh," she managed to croak out.

He frowned. "Are you okay?"

She shook her head, "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

"Well, make a wish." He slid the cupcake closer to her.

Percy faced the cupcake. I wish for this all to end, she thought. Just take me away already. Far, far away from all of this.

She knew it was never going to happen—the Fates had always been cruel to her—but she wished for it and blew the candle anyway.

She watched as the smoke softly billowed away.

They cut the cupcake in half to share and ate it with their fingers. After they were done, they settled with watching the ocean, listening to the crickets and monsters in the woods.

Next to her, Anthonius shifted in his seat, like he was about to do something that he was nervous for.

"Percy," he spoke up. "I..."

"I'm sorry, Anthonius..." Percy gave him a sad smile as she rose to her feet. "I think I'm gonna head to bed. I... I'm exhausted," in more ways than one.

His face fell. "Oh."

"Are you gonna sleep too? We can walk to our cabins together," she offered.

He shook his head. "Nah, it's fine. I'll see you tomorrow I guess."

She nodded in acceptance and walked away, feeling his stare on her back.

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Okay. Percy had to admit, she wasn't the brightest demigod in the world. She was actually kinda dense, a fact that Clarisse never hesitated to remind her.

"He was about to kiss you, you idiot!" The daughter of Ares roared the day after her birthday, looking seconds away from throttling her.

Percy blinked, like a moron. "Huh?"

Clarisse facepalmed, which Percy appreciated because at least she wasn't facepalming her. "Ugh! Anthonius was gonna kiss you and you totally just walked away! Can you get any dumber?!"

"Hehe was?"


"...Oh... Wait. How do you know about what happened last night?" She asked, brows furrowed. She was pretty sure she and Anthonius were alone at the dining pavilion.

"We were all watching you, dumbass," she groaned. "All of us. We were hiding behind the trees and bushes and waiting for him to kiss you but you fucking left!"

Percy's jaw dropped. "Are you serious?! He was about to kiss me?! Shit, now I feel terrible...!"

"Good," Clarisse scoffed. "'Cause thanks to you, he no longer has the guts to try it again. You walking away was like a rejection to him and you know how fragile boys' egos are!"

"I'll make it up to him, I swear!" She promised. "I'll make the first move this time!"

Except... she never did.

It was December 12 now. Four months had already gone by.

Four months since that fateful day and she had yet to really do anything.

In her defense! She and Anthonius weren't year-rounders. The second summer break ended (and it ended rather quickly, curse the war for ruining her summer vacation!), the two of them were pushed back into school.

So a good portion of those four months were spent stressing over school, and thanks to all the wars, battles, quests, and the spontaneous monster attacks, she was very much behind in the material. Sophomore year was important for her; it was the time of the PSAT and while that may not be a big deal to other kids, for someone with ADHD, dyslexia, and many, many absences due to the demigod life, it was vital that she did good.

Plus, things were finally getting better for her now! The war was over. There were no Titans threatening to take over the world. No more apocalyptic quests to risk her life on. She could finally have a normal life and live like a normal teenage girl.

(Not counting the constant monster attacks, of course.)

And that meant worrying over her grades. Her freshman year was... not that good. She needed to do well for the next three years of high school if she wanted to be accepted at a local college because she didn't want to force her mom and Paul to pay for dorming and all that.

Anthonius took his academics super seriously too because duh, child of Athena. So thanks to school, they weren't really able to communicate much. But they were planning to visit each other during the next break; Anthonius was about to fly over to New York in a couple of weeks so they could spend the winter break together.

It would be the perfect time to tell him how she felt. But the thought of trying made her feel... well, she didn't even know.

She couldn't understand why she was hesitating so much. She liked Anthonius—loved him even. She would probably travel through hell for him!

So why... why couldn't she pluck up the courage to tell him that she liked him? Every time she approached him to confess, she would falter, the words feeling like heavy weight on her shoulder.

Maybe she was just scared? No, that couldn't be it. For almost five years she had reminded herself that a demigod's life was short, she needed to live her life to the very best without ever holding back. She couldn't afford to hesitate and sit back. Her years were limited.

"'I've liked you for some time, Anthonius'... no, that sounds weird coming from me," she muttered, pacing around her room. It was already time for lights out, but she could hardly sleep. "'Hey! Wanna go on a date?'. That seems better, I think? Too casual? Ugh..."

She flopped onto her bed like a starfish, staring miserably at her dark ceiling. "My dad can get bitches like it's nothing but I can't... this is so embarrassing."

Blowing out air, she turned to her side, hugging a blue pillow close to her. She snuggled into her comforter, the warmth it provided already lulling her to sleep.

I'll just wing it once he gets here, she decided before finally falling asleep.

Up in the heavens, a certain goddess was scheming.

Hera sat in her shared bedroom, her husband already off to harass the minor gods and throw his weight around as usual. The palace was empty save for the wind spirits flitting around and doing their duties. Her omniscient eyes watched, split between the two sides of America: the east and west coast.

The chess pieces were falling into place. Gaea had yet to make her move—something that Hera needed to take advantage of before the opportunity was lost, and her two heroes—her champion, Jason Grace, and her brother's annoying spawn, Percilla Jackson, were innocently tucked into bed, unaware of what was about to happen.

Her plan would proceed.

I'll do Poseidon's brat first, she decided, watching the girl sleep contently.

She wasn't going to teleport herself into the demigod's bedroom—she hated traveling down to the mortal world, everything was just so filthy!—so she settled with teleporting the demigod away instead.

However, before she could transport Percy to that comfy little cave she planned to keep her in (under a comatose state while her memories slipped away), she watched, in stunned silence, as the girl was enveloped in a myriad of colorful lights before disappearing.

Hera reeled back, blinking as she stared at the now empty bed Percy once laid in. She was still in disbelief.

Just like that, Percy Jackson was gone.

"Well fuck."

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Percy didn't even know she was falling until she landed face-first on the floor. Had it not been for the Curse of Achilles, she would've broken her nose with a loud crack. The Curse of Achilles, however, did not save her from the pain of her not-so-soft landing.

"What the—?!"

"Who is that?! How did she get here?!"

"Get her!"

"HUH?!" Percy barely had any time to register what was going on.

First off, she wasn't in her room. That part was obvious. Somehow, she had woken up in front of a gigantic, fancy-looking set of double-doors that these guys were guarding.

Second, the guards. They weren't human. That part was obvious since they had wings poking out of their medieval knight armor. They were also carrying swords. Sharp, real looking swords.

She bit back a curse as she ducked to avoid a swipe to her head. She didn't really know what was going on, like how she got here or who these people were, but she wasn't planning on sticking around.

After dodging what would've been another lethal blow, she bolted for the hallway to get away from them.

"I'll chase after her! You! Get reinforcements and alert Lord Zeus!" She heard one of them shout behind her.

Wait, Lord Zeus?

Shit, did she somehow end up in his palace or something? Did he kidnap her? Or Hera? Whatever, she'd get answers later.

The second she saw a window, she didn't hesitate to jump out of it. Stupid move since she didn't even check what floor she was on, but luckily, she face-planted (once again) on a bush. Her face was hurting like hell, but it was better than her whole body flattening like a pancake.

She kept running.

(Meanwhile, the guard she had left behind met up with the reinforcements, out of breath and empty-handed.

"Did you see where she went?" One asked.

"No," he shook his head. "But..."


"I don't know... something weird... I could've sworn she had Lord Poseidon's godly aura..." He trailed off.

"Yeah!" His partner, who had been guarding the gate with him but left to get help, agreed. "After that bright light appeared, for a second, I thought Lord Poseidon had teleported to us!"

"Forget about that," another snapped impatiently. "Lord Zeus ordered us to find that girl. He wants her alive for questioning."

They nodded in agreement and spread out. Unbeknownst to them, a figure was watching them in the shadows, a playful smirk on his face as he turned his gaze to the direction the girl ran to.)

Tree branches smacked her on the face as she ran recklessly at a random direction. Dirt was probably getting onto her skin, but she didn't care.

This must be Olympus, she figured since they mentioned Zeus and all. She had been here a couple of times but never really got a full tour of the place, but she was sure she could find her way around here.

Her plan was to find someone who could help her. Her first choice would've been her dad, but he was all the way down in Atlantis. Maybe Apollo? Artemis? Or Hermes? Or even one of the minor gods! She was pretty sure they liked her enough!

Or maybe I could just book it to the elevator and get the hell outta here! She thought. Yeah! That was a better plan!

She sprinted through the forestry, finally reaching what looked like a town. It didn't seem familiar at all, there were no Grecian manors in sight. It looked like a cozy European town instead, and even more confusing, the people she saw weren't gods.

Or well... they didn't seem like gods. Unless the gods decided to dress up as people from the past, but forgot to discuss which period of the past.

She saw people milling around; some dressed up in medieval clothes, others dressed in Victorian wear, and she swore she saw someone who looked like Marilyn Monroe!

Not only that, but she was seeing... creatures too? There was this one woman dressed in a realistic looking fox suit walking around and no one seemed to mind. And then there was a man who had a cow for a head. Again, no one cared.

What was this? A history event and a furry convention?

She slowed down into a confused walk, brows furrowed as she took in the scene. People were a bit miffed to see her since she was still dressed in her sleepwear which consisted of a baby blue t-shirt with matching pajama pants that had a pattern of cartoon dark blue whales on it and barefoot with only fuzzy socks on (which were now dirty).

Where is that elevator...? She wondered, looking around in pure confusion.

"Um, excuse me," she called out to one lady dressed like Marie Antoinette. "Do you know where the—"

"—Mother!" The child next to her interrupted. He had a thick French accent and was dressed like a noble boy from the 1700s. "Why is she dressed like that?"

"Look away from her, Louis, she's probably a homeless soul," his mother whispered that last part not too discreetly, ushering her son away.

Percy cocked her head back in offense. She was not a homeless soul! Whatever that meant.

"Rich people," she harrumphed, only to cringe in disgust when she saw her reflection on a shop window. There were stray branches stuck to her hair, a couple of fallen leaves, and dirt marks on her skin. No wonder nobody wanted to help her.

Okay. Fix appearance first, then ask around for the elevator.

Luckily for her, there was a fountain nearby. She hurried towards it, looked around to make sure no one was watching, and once the coast was clear, controlled the water; a small orb flew up and started scrubbing at her cheek relentlessly. Once all the dirt and grime was gone, she let it splash back down.

"Ooh! That was an interesting display of power!" A sly voice cooed over her shoulder.

"AHHHH!" She shrieked in surprise.

She whirled around, jumping back when she realized the person was standing way too close to her for comfort. She nearly fell into the fountain had it not been for the firm arm snaking itself around her waist and catching her just in time.

It was a man. He was tall and had green hair with a lighter colored streak framing his face. His eyes were purple and had a sort of madness to them that reminded her of a less depressed Mr. D. Unlike the other people she had seen so far, his outfit didn't seem to belong to a historical period. Instead, he looked like he had just walked out of a fantasy cosplay convention.

"How interesting... I wonder, who are you?" He hummed playfully, purple eyes gleaming as he leaned closer to her.

She tried to crane her neck away, but his words caught her attention. This guy didn't know who she was? Not to sound arrogant, but after the Second Titan War, pretty much every god, spirit, and monster knew of her—a fact that she didn't particularly enjoy. Who was this guy?

"Um... dude, can you—" She wanted to ask him to release her, but he went on.

"And you caused that ruckus back at the bifrost too," he added thoughtfully.

Bifrost? Like the rainbow bridge from the MCU? Huh?

She stared at him in confusion. Maybe this guy was a cosplayer who boarded the elevator of the Empire State Building and somehow accidentally got to the 600th floor? This wouldn't have been the first time something like this had happened; one time, a very lost pizza delivery guy ended up at the borders of Camp Half-Blood. The whole camp got into a fight to try and get the only pizza box. Fun times.

Oh well. This was the least of her worries now. She still needed to get out of here.

"You didn't see anything," she said, snapping her fingers at his face as she willed the Mist to take over his mind.

He blinked, eyes darting to her fingers, then back at her. There was no dazed look on his face that usually came from being obscured by the Mist.

Uh oh.

She tried not to feel like an idiot. "...That totally didn't work, did it?"

He grinned. "I don't even know what that was, but you're funny! I like you!"

She smiled anxiously, "Thanks! Now, uh, I gotta—"

"—Oh no you don't," he giggled mischievously, yanking her back before she could sneak off. He threw his arm over her shoulders, forcing her to follow him.

Percy was as stiff as a statue. She had no idea where he was leading her and despite being certain that this was just some weird mortal, her senses were screaming danger!

She could feel the familiar weight of Riptide in her pajama pocket, but she hesitated to whip it out. He was just a lost cosplayer... right?

"Here we are!" The man said brightly.

She looked up and blinked. The stranger had taken her to... an ice cream stand? For some odd reason, as they approached, the people in line started to make way, avoiding eye contact as he tugged her along. They seemed to fear and respect this guy and she couldn't figure out why.

"Peanut butter slime," he said before turning to her. "You?"

The dyslexia was keeping her from reading the menu, so all she said was a feeble, "Um, the blue one, please?"

For some reason, the ice cream vendor was nervous as he served them. To her surprise, after they were handed their respective cones, the man tugged her away without paying and no one seemed to care.

"Sit," he ordered, pushing her onto a chair.

She sat.

He sat down across from her, all nice and pleasant, as he started indulging himself. When he saw her staring, he grinned and motioned for her to enjoy her sweet treat.

Percy hesitantly licked at her ice cream. This was technically her breakfast now and if her mom were here, she'd totally scold her for having ice cream so early in the morning.

Eventually, she gave in and started enjoying her meal.

But then something occurred to her and she paused in mid-lick. "Hey wait, you're not using ice cream to lull me into a false sense of security so you can get more answers out of me, are you?"

His grin widened. "Depends, is it working?"

"Kinda," she answered honestly.

But now that things had calmed down, she was finally starting to notice that something was off about this guy.

He wasn't some lost cosplayer—hell, he wasn't even a cosplayer. His presence exuded with power like a god's, but it felt too strong to belong to a minor god. This guy felt like an Olympian.

No wait. It couldn't be an Olympian. She had already met them... Could it be that he was a Titan? Oh great.

"Look, sir—"

"—Sir? How cute! Call me Loki, please," he smiled.

She nearly choked on her ice cream. "Uh, sorry, Loki?"

As in, the god of mischief? As in, from the Norse pantheon?

There's more of them?! She despaired.

Wait, if this guy was for real... then was she in Asgard instead of Olympus? If so, why would Zeus be here too? Unless both pantheons were friends and decided to keep it a secret from their half-blood kids...

"Lord Loki..." She said cautiously. "Is there any reason you... um, approached me?"

"Simple curiosity," he answered slyly. "I was just passing by when I heard about a little problem that appeared before the bifrost. And then I saw you running like a bat out of hell and I figured I might as well follow you to get some entertainment."

He licked his ice cream slowly, savoring it as he eyed her up and down. "Imagine my surprise when I saw you manipulate the water from the fountain. You're no nymph. But you're no god, either."

Hasn't he heard of demigods?

"Instead, you feel like him," he smiled wickedly. "I wonder how long he's been hiding you."

She frowned. "Who?"

He leaned closer. "Did a little princess run away from home?" He cooed. "Was daddy not paying enough attention to you?"

Her face hardened.

"I wonder who your mother is," he simpered. "Poseidon was never the type to keep a lover—or have a child." He licked his lips. "Your mother must be quite the vixen to chain your father down—"

She slammed her unfinished ice cream onto his face, forcefully shoving him back into his seat.

"You don't know anything," she hissed venomously. "So keep your mouth shut."

She had never been known for showing respect to the gods, but this was probably the most disrespectful thing she had ever done. Especially towards a god that wasn't even from her own pantheon. But she didn't care, consequences be damned. She wasn't about to let anyone—god or not—get away with insulting her mother like that.

The ice cream slipped down from his face, falling to the table with a sad splat. Loki was staring at her wide-eyed in disbelief, but then his eyes started to glitter and she knew she was screwed.

"Oh," he breathed out, deranged and grinning crazily. "We're gonna have so much fun together."

Before she could do anything, Loki snapped his fingers and they disappeared in a poof of green smoke.

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They poofed onto the balcony of some palace.

"Let go of me, you creep!" Percy grunted, trying to reach into her pocket for Riptide.

He let out a laugh as he dragged her into the hallway. It was massive, but worse of all, disturbingly empty. That was until she heard a voice ring from behind:

"Lord Loki, who is this?"

They both turned. Calmly walking towards them was a tall woman with long dark hair and piercing emerald green eyes. She was dressed finely in a white and navy blue dress, and radiated with the aura of a warrior.

"Oh don't go ruining my fun now, Brunhilde," Loki pouted at her.

Brunhilde? Percy perked up. Wasn't that the name of a Valkyrie?

"This guy's kidnapping me!" She didn't hesitate to tattle.

Loki giggled playfully, pinching her on the side to keep her quiet. "You sense it too, don't you?" He asked, conveniently ignoring her. "She feels like him, doesn't she?"

"Yes..." Brunhilde answered warily, still eying her as if she was the threat. "I had assumed Lord Poseidon came to visit us, so I sent Goll away. Who is she and what are you planning?"

Before Loki could explain, another, much deeper voice, announced itself.

"What is going on here?"

Two more figures appeared and Percy could feel her eyes widen into saucers at the sight of them. Brunhilde and Loki were tall, but these new guys were giants.

The first was a bearded old man dressed in black. He had two crows sitting on each shoulder, one white, the other black. His left eye was covered by an eyepatch which, for a brief moment, reminded her painfully of Ethan Nakamura.

The man next to him had long red hair and yellow eyes with black scleras. He wore a white sash over his chest, showing off rippling muscles that gym bros would die to have. This guy was humongous; he had to have been over eight feet at least. Holy shit, she thought. What were they feeding these guys?!

"Uncle!" Loki greeted cheerily. "I found a little stray running around Valhalla. Rumor has it, this is the girl Lord Zeus is looking for~"

"The one who appeared before the bifrost?" The one-eyed man said sharply. "Then why bring her here, you fool? Take her back to Zeus, let him deal with this mess."

"Aw, but can't you see? This girl obviously ran away from home and since I found her, finders keepers~!" He sang, patting her on the head as if she was some puppy he found on the side of the road.

"The child's been kidnapped by Loki, Lord Odin," Brunhilde said bluntly, not buying the other god's bullshit.

One of Odin's crows, the black one, flew off of his shoulder and began to circle her, but when he got too close, he yelped and flew back. "Gah! I knew it! That kid belongs to Poseidon!"

"Poseidon?" The redhead finally spoke up. His creepy yellow eyes turned to Loki, almost tired. "Loki, what did you do?"

Loki's grin was nearly splitting his face. "Alright, alright, you got me. This is Poseidon's daughter. Tada~!"

"...How is that possible?" Odin asked.

Percy looked between each of them. For some reason, they seemed almost in disbelief at the prospect of Poseidon having a kid. Sure there was the pact between the Big Three, but everyone knew her dad would break it eventually. He was kind of a huge whore after all. So what was with the astonishment?

"Dunno," Loki shrugged, enjoying this too much. "I figured Poseidon's just been hiding her and the wifey down in Atlantis this whole time. Maybe they got into an argument and the princess here just had to run away."

"And what was your plan here?!" The white crow squawked.

Another shrug. "I just wanted to fuck around and keep her in the palace to see how Poseidon reacts to it."

"So you were just planning to hide the girl here while her father wages war?" Brunhilde pinched the bridge of her nose.

"How do you even know the girl belongs to Poseidon?" Thor asked skeptically.

"I saw her manipulate the water," Loki answered. "She is no nymph or a simple mer, Thor, she radiates with Poseidon's aura."

Percy had to keep her eyes from bulging. The redhead was Thor?! He was nothing like the blonde and sunny Chris Hemsworth she was used to seeing on the big screen.

Odin turned around and started to walk away. "Bring her to the throne room," he ordered. "We must have an audience with the Greeks before a war wages." No thanks to my nephew, he mentally groaned.

This night was beginning to stretch out for too long now. Percy just wanted this to be all over. She didn't fight back when Loki started to drag her to wherever this throne room was, Brunhilde and Thor following behind. She could feel their eyes plastered onto her.

This is fine, she tried to tell herself to keep calm. Sure she may have somehow gotten involved with the Norse pantheon, but her dad was going to be here. He'd surely back her up, especially since she didn't even do anything wrong!

They reached the throne room and after a while, Odin appeared with two more gods at his side. Probably more Norse ones.

The first one caught her attention. He held himself with the air of a king; he was tall, around seven feet actually, with silver hair and an eyepatch over his right eye*. He had strangely pointed ears that reminded her of the elves from Lord of the Rings. There was a leaf-styled tattoo across his forehead too. Maybe a nature god?

Beside him was someone less impressive. It was a frail old man that stood a couple inches shorter than her. He had a tuft of grey hair on the top of his balding head. Despite his appearance, something about him made her falter. He seemed powerful, just like everyone in the room.

"Oh my!" The old man croaked when he locked eyes with her. "You weren't kidding! She really does feel like Poseidon!"

"She does," the silver haired one murmured in agreement. He walked up to her calmly. The closer he got, the more apprehensive Percy felt. He was just so tall.

He gave her a polite smile as if sensing her uneasiness. "Hello, little one. Do you mind giving us your name?"


"Percy, how cute. Is it short for something?"

"Percilla," she answered, less nervous this time.

"Ah, what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." This guy seemed really charming. Maybe he was a love god rather than a nature one? It would explain why he was so good-looking.

"Hey kid! Catch this!" The old man suddenly shouted. He appeared at her side, a goblet of water in his hands which he didn't hesitate to splash at her.

She reacted on instinct, making the water stop in mid-air before it could reach her.

He grinned. "Definitely Poseidon's kid."

"So it's true? He reproduced?" Odin's voice was calm, but they could see a hint of disbelief in his eye.

"Yup! Can you believe it?!" The old man was bellowing with laughter. He slapped the silver haired man on the shoulder. "Our brother finally got laid! We ought to celebrate! Someone go get Dionysus!"

Percy's eyes widened at what he said.

"Actually, Poseidon has had a handful of lovers before, so this isn't his first time," the silver haired one corrected. "It is, however, the first I've heard of him siring a child."

Thor tried not to look too judgmental, "You keep track of the people your brother has slept with?"

"Of course," he said, as if not doing so was insane. "It is my duty as the eldest to make sure my little brothers aren't sleeping with the wrong sorts."

Loki snorted, "You must have your hands tied with Zeus then."

"I'm sorry," Percy had to interrupt because what the fuck? "Did—did you just say your brother?"

"Ah yes, forgive us for not introducing ourselves," the silver haired one beamed. "I'm Hades, your uncle. And this one here," he motioned to the old man. "Is your uncle as well, Zeus."

Percy could feel the gears in her head stop working. Her mind blue-screened. This couldn't be right. It couldn't be. This charming man was Hades? And the old goofball was Zeus? Something was very wrong here.

"U... uncle...?" She said faintly.

Hades frowned in concern. "Are you alright?" He turned to the others. "Does she not know who we are?"

"Loki kidnapped her, Lord Hades," Brunhilde was all too happy to throw him under the bus. "She must be very confused right now."

Before Hades could direct his glare onto him, the green haired god put his hands up, "Whoa there! I didn't kidnap her! I found her after she ran away from home!"

Percy drifted off from the conversation as she tried to wrack her brain around things. These guys were Hades and Zeus, but they were not the Hades and Zeus she knew. Not only that, but they had no idea she even existed.

She swallowed a lump down her throat, her heart beating away inside her ribcage. She thought back to how she got here; she was sleeping in her room back home, wasn't she? All she remembered after that was a bright light and suddenly she was falling on the floor. Clearly, she had been transported somewhere, but now she was beginning to think this spontaneous transportation had taken her far, far away from home.

Like... 'maybe to another universe' far.

She was pulled back into the conversation just as Loki finished explaining his whole theory about her 'running away to escape from her father's overbearing nature'.

Hades seemed sympathetic, placing a hand over her shoulder. His large palm engulfed her completely. "You poor thing... I understand my brother could be a bit headstrong, but I'm certain he only had your safety in mind."

"I can't believe he managed to hide you away for so long!" Zeus huffed. "And without telling us too! How rude!"

"I'm just glad he's finally starting to open up. I knew he would eventually come to appreciate the joys of fatherhood," Hades placed a hand over his heart, genuinely impassioned.

Everyone seemed to be wholly convinced now. Except for Brunhilde.

The Valkyrie kept her eyes glued on Percy. The girl certainly had a somewhat divine aura that was similar to that of Poseidon's, but something was amiss.

Firstly, her appearance. She looked nothing like Poseidon. Poseidon was fair-skinned with blonde hair and blue eyes. Percy had tanner skin, black hair with an odd grey streak running down from it, and sea-green eyes.

But that wasn't all. The girl looked confused as the gods chattered all around them. Her eyes kept darting between Zeus and Hades, like she was in disbelief. There was no flicker of familiarity as they talked about her father in front of her.

In Brunhilde's opinion, the girl looked like a lost, scared animal ready to bolt.

"Let us call Poseidon already," Odin interrupted the little family. "I'm sure he would like to know that his daughter has been found safe."

"No thanks to me!" Loki chimed.

He was ignored.

"I'll retrieve him!" Zeus volunteered. "Maybe I can catch a glimpse of his secret wife too, hehe!"

He disappeared in a clap of thunder.

Hades squeezed Percy's shoulder, mistaking her apprehension for something else. "Don't worry," he said in a warm, comforting voice that the Hades she knew would never give her—or anyone. "Your father won't be mad at you."

But that wasn't what she was worried about.

If Hades wasn't Hades, and Zeus wasn't Zeus... then was her father—was whoever that was about to show up—even her father?

It didn't take long for Zeus to return, grinning. He was alone, but not for long.

A geyser suddenly erupted at the entrance of the throne room.

"Ah," Hades smiled. "There he is."

Please, Percy started to pray as a man's form began to solidify from the water. Please, dad, let it be you.

The god appeared at last. Like his elder brother, he was also very tall and just as handsome and with pointed ears too. He had golden wavy locks and a pair of piercing blue eyes.

He didn't hold himself like a king—he held himself like a god. His expression made her stomach churn. It was devoid of any emotion; it reminded her all too much of the apathetic gazes of the Olympian gods when she demanded that they show an inkling of care to the children and gods they've thrown aside.

Her heart dropped.

This was not her dad.

"And who," he finally spoke, eyeing her with a cuttingly cold gaze. "Is that?"

— author's note —

* Yes I made Hades over 7 ft tall. The heights in ror are RIDICULOUS omg, so I hc the gods as very tall. Here's my hc of their heights:

Percy and Poseidon are about to enter their Athy and Claude era 😍

And, no I do not have any explanation as to how Percy got into the ror verse so don't bother trying to theorize how CUZ I GOT NOTHING LMAO. This is just a silly lil fic, i don't wanna do too much thinking 😭 i'll figure out an explanation later (or maybe one of you guys will let me use yours??? 🥺)

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