𝐗𝐕. i try to have a good time (but i'm honestly feeling so attacked right now)

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I tried to squish so much in this chapter so I'm sorry if it feels weird. I just really really REALLY don't wanna make you guys wait 20+ chapters for Apollo and Percy's first interaction so I'm trying to squeeze a lot in the next chapters so the meeting would happen preferably before the 20th chapter

Also, for anyone who read ror chapter 85, I won't be adding any of that stuff into the fic. None of the new plot development in the manga will be included here cuz it'll get in the way of the plot that I made for this fic. So when Act 2 comes, Loki won't have a crush on Brunhilde nor will he have a sex doll of her (lmao), and Odin won't be making up some evil scheme in the background while Ragnarok goes on.

PERCY ENDED UP FALLING ASLEEP on the chariot ride back home. If she had known that Poseidon was going to carry her into the palace like one would do with a slumbering child, she would've forced herself to stay awake to save herself from the embarrassment of it all.

But unfortunately for her, she didn't. So Poseidon was now carrying her, cradled in his arms as he calmly swam through the double-doors of his palace. On the drive back he sensed Hades in Poseidonis, so he wasn't very surprised to see his elder brother already waiting for them at the foyer.

"Why are you here?" Poseidon deadpanned, making sure to keep his voice quiet so his daughter wouldn't wake up.

Hades definitely caught on to it, and he saw the way he was holding her so delicately. Clearly, their two month trip around the empire had done wonders for their relationship.

"I knew you were coming back today, so I wanted to be here to greet you," he answered smoothly, unable to hold back his pleased smile. "I take it you and Percy are better now?"

Poseidon harrumphed, deciding to swim past him rather than answer his question. Hades chuckled under his breath, choosing to go after him.

The blonde god headed straight for Percy's chambers. The doors magically opened as he approached and he swam in before carefully placing her into her clamshell bed. Hades watched in awe as his brother even tucked her in.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. This was an utter miracle. Poseidon was finally caring for his child like a proper father. He could almost cry tears of joy.

"Are you just going to stand there and watch?" Poseidon shot him a glare, his voice still hushed. "Leave us. Your presence isn't needed."

"On the contrary, brother," Hades grinned. Even Poseidon's moodiness wasn't enough to damper his joy. If he were a human, his heart might explode from how happy he was feeling. "I wanted to check up on you two after the tour was done. Honestly, I was worried you would be worse than before, but... I'm happy to note that I was wrong. You two have gotten closer."

"You've only been here for one minute, I fail to see how you've come to that conclusion," Poseidon scowled.

"So you're saying you still don't love your daughter?" Hades challenged, swimming closer to the bedside where Poseidon stood. His violet eyes gazed lovingly down at her sleeping form, fully aware of the icy glare Poseidon was giving him.

"How can you not love her? She's such a cute little thing," he cooed, hand reaching out to stroke her cheek.

Poseidon immediately slapped his hand away.

He let it fall back to side, shooting his little brother an amused look.

"Will you leave already?" Poseidon demanded.

"Not yet," he smiled teasingly. "Tell me about the tour. How did it go?"

"Everyone loves her," Poseidon replied with a small huff, as if the idea of people liking his daughter irked him for some reason. "The nobility especially. My court is enamored with her, they would probably kiss her feet if they could. They eat up every word she says and act like fools. It's pathetic."

"Someone sounds jealous." Hades raised a brow.

"Quiet," Poseidon suddenly hissed. At first, he assumed he was just getting annoyed with him, but the emperor's gaze was planted on his daughter instead.

He looked down and saw what was wrong. Percy was moving around in her sleep, her brows pinched together, and incoherent mumbles spilling from her lips.

"Oh," he murmured sympathetically. "It looks like she's having a nightmare."

"A nightmare?" Poseidon echoed, as if the word was foreign to him.

Hades nodded. "Yes. A bad dream, basically. They're usually terrifying for children. My children used to have nightmares back when they were young and still needed to sleep. They would climb into bed with Persephone and I as a form of comfort."

"...I see."

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Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.

Beelzebub's blood red eyes bore into the page of one of his many notebooks, scanning each and every word even though he had already memorized everything to perfection. His fingers drummed boredly against the armrest of his chair.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.

Percilla Atalanta Jackson. Daughter of Poseidon and a mortal woman she refuses to name. Age: Sixteen. Height: 5'10". Weight: 132 pounds. Green eyes. Black hair with a grey streak. Mixed ethnicity of Native Brazilian, Portuguese, African, Japanese, Swiss, and West Indian descent. The information just kept going on for pages, getting more and more detailed as the pages went on. He already knew this. Almost every facet that he could get out of her was already deeply embedded into his mind. The size of her fingers, her natural scent, the thickness of a single strand of her hair, he knew it and recorded it all—for research purposes of course.

But now he had a problem. A very big, disastrous problem:

He could not get her out of his head.

He had two months without her and while he felt a bit dismayed at the fact that he would have to put a stop to his experiments, he should've felt relieved. That was two months without her annoying presence! He should've rejoiced at that and immediately went to work on trying to find a way to access the multiverse, free of her interruption.

For the first few days, he managed to do exactly that. But then his mind wandered back to her and well... there went his hopes of studying.

Two months of no progress and here he was, pouring over his research notes about her, as if he didn't already memorize the entire thing.

He wanted to check up on her when she first left for the trip because he didn't quite trust Poseidon to keep his temper in check—he would've been furious if Poseidon had killed her, if his plan for the multiverse failed then using Percy would've been his only chance of atonement—but he couldn't.

Unlike Midgard and Valhalla who were connected to each other, Helheim was disconnected from the other two realms for their safety. It harbored the worst beings this universe had to offer after all, so it was better to keep it separated from everything else. Thus, his omniscience was at its strongest in Helheim, and weaker in Midgard and Valhalla, which was why he usually resorted to having his flies spy for him instead. But he wouldn't dare to spy on Poseidon, he would know immediately and bar him from accessing Percy. He could not risk that.

The only thing he could really do was hope Poseidon didn't end up killing her.

But still, her lack of presence was too obvious to him. Before she left two months ago, the one place she frequented the most was his castle. She used to be here almost every day, rambling away about inane topics, poking around at his conservatory (and nearly getting eaten by his plants again), and just being an all-around menace.

Perhaps he had gotten used to her being around him so much, but not having her around felt so weird to him now. He couldn't believe it. Eons of living in a silent home, and Percy's presence was all it took for him to nearly forget what it was like.

...Could it be that he actually missed her? Because he liked having her around? The sudden thought made him feel sick. Just as he was about to summon one of his psychology books so he could self-diagnose whatever new mental illness he had, he suddenly felt a very very familiar presence approaching the doors to his castle.

Without thinking about it, he immediately teleported to the foyer, his hand already reaching for one of the knobs. He paused. What the hell was he doing?

The person knocked on the door.

She's no one special, he tried to convince himself, hand grasping the knob and opening the door.

Percy's cheerful face was the first thing he saw.

"Hey, did ya miss me?!" She exclaimed giddily.

He immediately tried to slam the door shut, but she let out a hearty laugh (she's in a good mood, he noted) before promptly kicking the door with enough force to make it burst open. She casually walked in as if she owned the place, a noticeable hop to her step. She was clutching a small white container wrapped in a silk blue ribbon in her hands.

"So, you're back," he began blandly as she shut the door behind her.

"Yup!" She shot him a dazzling smile. "Just got back yesterday! The trip went well!"

"I can see that."

Poseidon hadn't killed her during those two months. That was good. Very good. Percy was his backup plan after all.

"I got you cookies by the way!" She added brightly.

He paused. "You... bought cookies for me?"

"No," she said. "I made them!"

"You made me cookies?" He echoed, like he couldn't believe. "You... made me... cookies?"

She snorted. "Dude, are you gonna keep repeating my words like a weirdo?"

"No, it's... I just didn't think you would do that." He admitted. He could feel a slight sting in his eyes and blinked it away.

"I made cookies for everyone," she explained cheerily. "The trip with my dad went really well, so I just couldn't help myself, you know?"

No, he didn't know, but still. He was quite touched by the act.

"Do you mind if we share?" She asked absentmindedly, already walking past him to head for the Great Hall (she must really be getting used to his place if she was just nonchalantly walking around his castle).

He hummed in response, his legs automatically following after her.

When they got to the Great Hall, she set the box on the table and sat down, eagerly motioning for him to do the same. He did so, while also summoning a glass of milk for her—because he knew she liked to dip her cookies in milk.

"Voila!" She undid the ribbon and opened the box. He peered into and blinked.



"Why are the cookies blue?"

"Because those are the best sort of cookies out there," she told him in a matter-of-factly tone. She took one and dipped it in milk before taking a bite. "Come on, try it! It's super good, I promise you: blue chocolate chip cookies with sea salt!"

He took a bite. It was... good. It was made by the clumsy, imprecise hands of a mortal so it wasn't perfect, but regardless of that it was nice. Whenever she was here, it was just her that would eat while he would be busying himself with something else. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had eaten with someone like this.

Lilith and his friends...

He pushed them to the back of his mind.

"So why the blue food?" He asked curiously. He was already on his sixth cookie.

"It's just a thing my mom does," she explained with a tiny smile. "I used to have this shitty stepdad, Smelly Gabe. He and my mom had this little spat about how 'blue food doesn't exist', so she started making all kinds of blue foods to shut him up. Blue waffles, blue cakes, blue cookies. My favorite color's blue so I loved every second of it."

Her smile became more wistful as she spoke. He could sense the longing in her voice, the amount of love she held for her mother.

"I miss her." She said at last, heavy with emotion like this was something she wanted to say for a long time now.

Right, he realized. He was probably the only person she could freely tell this to. Her mother was universes away from her and she couldn't even tell anyone about how much she missed her. Only him.

"I miss everyone. I want to go home so bad," and just like that, her prior joy about her successful trip with her father was gone in an instant. Replaced by an intense melancholy for the ones she left back in her real home. She looked at him, her eyes almost pleading with him. "You must have done a lot of research while I was gone, right? Are you close to finding a way back home for me?"

The cookie he was eating suddenly tasted foul to him, but he swallowed it down anyway.

"There hasn't been much progress, I'm afraid," he said, as if he hadn't spent the past two months wasting away in his home instead of doing actual research like he was supposed to.

As expected, she wilted, like a flower who had lost its light.

"Oh." She said lamely. Like him, the cookies no longer seemed to make her burst with joy. "That's fine. I understand."

Neither of them felt like eating the cookies anymore.

Percy cleared her throat, rising to her feet. "I should get going. Daddy said he's gonna help me use magic to get a mermaid tail tomorrow morning."

She tried to smile, but it was clearly forced.

"I'll talk to you later, Beel!"

She left like she was in a hurry.

Once again, Beelzebub's home was silent.

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The next morning, Percy woke up bright and early—and for the first time ever, she was actually happy about it. Usually she hated being forced to wake up at the ass-crack of dawn, but this was not one of those moments.

Today, her father would be teaching her how to turn into a mermaid.

Five year old me would be SO jealous, she thought as she did her usual morning routine. She wanted to skip breakfast and get straight to practice, but Proteus—who was very strict about her health and daily nutrition—would never allow her to skip a meal.

After she was finally done with all of that, she swam as fast as she could to the palace courtyard, nearly barrelling straight into her father's chest in her unrestrainable excitement. Fortunately, he didn't seem to mind.

(He didn't seem to mind a lot of the stuff she did nowadays.)

"You're quite eager," he noted, pleased.

There were practically stars in her eyes. "Oh yeah. I've been wanting to have a mermaid tail for ye—since I first got here!" She hastily corrected herself, hoping he didn't catch the slip up. She almost said 'for years', whoops. "Can I have a blue tail?"

"That's not something I can control," he told her with a shake of his head. "It's not something you can control either. Transformative magic doesn't work that way. Instead, it's entirely up to chance. You'll definitely have a tail, but you might not get the other mer traits like the fins, claws, or webs. You've noticed Hades' mer form, correct?"

She nodded slowly, recalling how he looked. "Yeah... he doesn't have fangs or claws or the webs between his fingers."

"Exactly. Every natural mer is born with the full set, but those who have to rely on transformative magic never get the complete set of traits. Aside from the tail, there is always something missing. As my daughter, there is a chance you can get it all, but since you are..." He trailed off.

Since you are a mortal, was what he would've said. For some reason, the topic of her mortality had dwindled to the point that he refused to even say the word. She didn't know why. He had no issues with speaking about it before—usually to berate her and sneer about it. She didn't know what had changed.

"But due to circumstances beyond our control, you should refrain from getting your hopes up," he finished.

Her shoulders slumped a bit, but that was fine, she supposed. As long as she had a tail—which was guaranteed according to him—then she would be happy.

(She kinda wanted those fins on her head though, but oh well.)

For about a whole hour she had to listen to him drone on and on about how transformative magic worked and how to accomplish it. The lecture was so boring that she could've fallen asleep in the middle of it, but the sharp glare he would send her whenever she got that faraway look in her eyes always made her snap back into focus.

It was the easiest form of magic, primarily used to adapt to certain environments, blah blah blah.

Finally, it was time for her to try it again.

"Transformative magic is quite simple to do, even you should be able to get it on your first try," he said after he finished with his lecture. She would've been offended had she not been so excited. "Go on now."

He swam back and crossed his arms, watching her intently.

Percy looked down at herself nervously. Magic wasn't her thing. She was a daughter of Poseidon, not Hecate. She was pretty sure the closest she had ever gone to performing magic was manipulating the Mist—which this universe didn't even have.

But that didn't mean she couldn't try. Everyone else seemed to be capable of doing this—it was a simple thing to do too! She had to do it.

It turned out to be a lot easier than she expected. One second, she was floating in the water waiting for anything to happen, and in the next she suddenly found herself trapped in a small whirlpool. She tried to look at what was going on, but the whirlpool was getting too strong that she had to close her eyes. An odd sensation coursed through her; she could feel her legs mold together, protrusions growing on the sides of her head, and a thin layer of skin grow between her fingers.

The whirlpool finally dissipated into a bunch of little bubbles that floated away. She couldn't believe it. She actually did it. She looked down to see what the transformation had done, but the sight of it was so shocking that her grin dropped. Across from her, she could hear Poseidon breathe in sharply for the same reason.

"Every natural mer is born with the full set, but those who have to rely on transformative magic never get the complete set of traits. Aside from the tail, there is always something missing," was what he had said.

She wasn't a natural born mer, but perhaps being the daughter of Poseidon had changed things because her mermaid form had the full set. The tail, claws, fangs, fins, everything. She had it all. But that wasn't the shocking part.

She carefully touched the tips of ear fins, noticing the vibrant hues of blue and gold. Then she looked down at her tail. It was almost two meters long, decorated with ethereal scales of blue, sea green, and gold. The semi-transparent flukes at the bottom were of the same colors, as were the fins on her sides.

It was him. From the fins to the tail, it was all him. Everything she had, he also had. She didn't think it was possible. She knew that mer traits were inheritable, but Poseidon wasn't her real father, just the alternate version of her real one. She didn't think her mer form would ever be so similar to his.

Across from her, Poseidon was also in a state of suspended shock. He hadn't done this. Like he said before, transformations were entirely left to chance. Sure she was his daughter, but she wasn't born a full goddess. He hadn't expected her to get the full set of mer traits nor did he expect her to inherit every one of his mer traits. Even natural born mer-children didn't inherit everything from their parents, but Percy was an exact replica of him.

But wait. Percy didn't have a mother. Perhaps that was why her mer form was so much like his?

While he no longer hated her existence, one thing about her that he hated still remained: her appearance (not that he would ever change it though). She did not look anything like him. While he was pale-skinned, blonde, and blue-eyed, she was brow-skinned, dark-haired, and green-eyed. Nothing about them screamed 'father and daughter', but this, oh this would be more than enough to tell everyone that she was his daughter.

No one would be able to deny it now.

"Wow," she was just as amazed as him, staring down at herself in awe. "I—"

Slowly, her expression shifted. From pure marvel to absolute horror.

Poseidon stiffened when she suddenly let out a panicked shriek, her arms reaching up to cover her chest.

"What is it?" He asked, immediately swimming to her. "Are you injured?" Has the transformation gone wrong? He had witnessed a handful of gods fail to perfectly attempt a mer transformation. The results weren't pretty, but none of them were ever in pain.

"My shirt's gone!" She squawked, her tan face just barely a beet red. She was hugging herself desperately, shrinking in on her own body.


"My chest—!" She squeaked. "People can see my—urgh! Just—h-how do I get my shirt back?!"

"What is wrong with your chest?"

"Wha—? Nothing! Daddy, can you just—"

Tired of her awkward stammering, Poseidon swam forward and grasped her arms with one large hand. And then, with a swift yank, pried her arms away, leaving her bare chest fully exposed to him. Percy could feel her eyes nearly pop out.

He stared silently at her chest before looking back at her. "I see nothing amiss. Your chest is perfectly fine."

"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!" She shrieked, nearly blowing up his eardrums. She felt like she could die of embarrassment right now.

"I need my shirt! I can't just go swimming around naked!" She ripped her arms out of his grasp to cover herself.

"Why not?"

"Why not—?! Because people are gonna see me NAKED? I don't want people to look at my boobs!" She sputtered.

"There is nothing wrong with your breasts, Percilla," he told her, probably thinking he was being reassuring when all it did was make her want to sink to the bottom of the ocean and become plankton or something.

"Oh my gods."

"Did someone insult your appearance?" He suddenly asked, a slight edge to his voice. "Is that why you are behaving so oddly about yourself? Who was it?"

"No one did!" She was too panicked to really take note of the dangerous tone in his voice. "Doesn't this transformation come with clothes or, like, a bra or something?!"

He looked at her like she was a complete weirdo for requesting basic clothing. "No. You've been around the empire before, Percilla. Did you see any of the mermaids wearing clothes?"

"Well... no..." The mermaids were all topless. Even the noblewomen she met were nude. Now that she thought of it, Queen Leucothea wasn't wearing a top either, her breasts were covered by a bunch of long pearl necklaces.

"You are the Imperial Princess and the daughter of a god," he told her. "Your body is divine. Do not hide it away like some insecure human."

Her jaw dropped. "S-so you're not gonna help me conjure up any clothes?!"

He actually rolled his eyes at her. "No. People do not wear clothes down here, Percilla. You do not need them."

She felt like screaming, but an idea popped into her brain. She clasped her hands together, making sure her arms were covering up the important bits of her chest before shooting her dad a pleading look, "Daddy, please? W-what if some creepy guy tries to ogle me? Or if Uncle Hades or Zeus visits—"

"—Fine," he said instantly.

There was a woosh of water and a small top shimmered into existence around her chest. The sight of it was almost mesmerizing. At first she thought it was liquid silk or organza, one of those ridiculously expensive fabrics that looked like liquid, but then she realized it actually was liquid. Her top, which was more like a bralet than anything, shifted like gentle currents. He had created clothes out of water.

"There," he sighed. "Now—" He paused, eyes darting downwards.

She looked down and nearly had another heart attack. Rather than disappearing with her clothes, Riptide had fallen to the ground. Faster than lightning, she swooped down to snatch it.

"Th-that's just my pen!" She blurted out, plastering on an innocent smile.

"I sense that it's been enchanted and cursed," he narrowed his eyes. "Give it to me. That thing is dangerous."

"N-no, wait, it's totally safe!" She backed away, which only made her look more suspicious. "It's, um... I stole it! From Beelzebub! He's a loser who keeps losing his pens so he enchanted this one to prevent it from being lost. As for the curse... well, uh, he's just an edgelord so of course he'd put his own harmless little curse on his pens! Silly him! I thought it looked cool so I just stole it, haha...!"

He looked displeased by that. "Refrain from stealing again, Percilla. I will not have you be a thief, it's improper."

"Yeah, of course! I promise I won't steal again! Now lemme just..." Realizing that she had no pockets to store Riptide in, she decided to just stuff it in her chest, red-faced with embarrassment. Before Poseidon could comment on that, she yelled out, "I'm gonna go try out my new form now!" and zoomed away.

That was a close one! She mentally cried out, feeling her heart race. I'm just gonna forget that ever happened...

She stole a glance back at her father. Fortunately, he didn't seem to care about the pen now, looking perfectly at ease as he watched her swim around with her new tail.

Speaking of her new tail, she didn't know how to explain it, but swimming around with a mermaid tail almost felt more natural compared to walking around on two legs. Or maybe that was just her inner Ariel fangirl talking...

Meanwhile, Poseidon watched her calmly, feeling something stir within him when he saw how happy she was.

She looked like a true Atlantean. Though... not completely. To his amusement, she was rather small for the average Atlantean, but he found it rather cute (not that he would ever say that out loud).

As he watched her dart around the columns, he spotted a glint of something coming from the inside of her mouth.

"Percilla," he called out. "Come here for a second. I need to check something."

Eagerly, she swam back to him. His eyes stayed transfixed at the iridescent scales on her tail before he forced himself to concentrate.

Without a word, he gently grasped her jaw and prodded her mouth open with his fingers. There it was. Two sets of sharp fangs in the upper and bottom row of her teeth. They were quite sharp, but the only issue was that...

"...Pfft," he had to quickly look away to keep from laughing. "You have baby fangs."

"I hah wha?" She asked, his fingers still in her mouth.

He released her, smirking in amusement while suppressing a snort. "You have baby fangs." He repeated. "How fitting."

She pulled away, feeling mortified. "What?!" She touched her teeth, feeling razor sharp canines in her top and bottom row of teeth. They felt quite dangerous, how were they considered baby fangs?

"Let me see yours!" She demanded.

Poseidon opened his mouth, barring his own fangs at her. Her jaw dropped. He had a sharp set of incisors and canines, not only that, but his fangs were much larger compared to hers.

"Wha—that's not fair...!" She pouted in disappointment. "Are they gonna grow?"

"Usually they do as the mer gets older, but you're already fully-grown," he informed. "It appears you are stuck with them."

She slumped in defeat. Now that she thought about it, her claws didn't look as cool as his either, but she supposed that was a good thing. She didn't want to accidentally hurt anyone with them anyway. At least the Curse of Achilles protected her from stabbing her eye out on accident too.

Speaking of stabbing incidents...

"Oh, wait!" She suddenly paused, remembering something important. "Can I go to Asgard tomorrow? I need to give Loki some cookies too."

Aaaand there went his good mood.

Yesterday she spent the whole day running around Helheim to give everyone her homebaked blue cookies. Adamas had gotten them, Hades and his family were given a giant box of cookies, and Beelzebub was given them. Down here, he had even seen her give some cookies to the staff. Proteus was given the most of it.

But him? He had not once received any.

Though it was understandable since he had reacted... admittedly poorly the last time she had tried to give him cookies, but he was her father. It would be considered an insult for him to be the only one to not get any cookies. And Loki? Since when were they even friends? Hadn't he kidnapped her?

"Loki kidnapped you." He felt it was important to point out.

She winced, chuckling sheepishly as if it was just a silly little prank Loki had done and not a grievous crime that would have resulted in war. "It's fine. We're cool now. I kinda attacked him first anyway, so..."

"Is he forcing you to feed him?"

"No...? We're friends now. Sorta. So can I go to Asgard tomorrow?"

He could feel his eye twitch. "You may. For thirty minutes."

She wanted to protest. Thirty minutes? She was also hoping to see the Valkyries since she hadn't been able to the last time she went there, but only thirty minutes?

But she couldn't argue. Not when he was actually willing to let her out. If she protested, he'd never let her leave at all.

"Alright. Thank you, daddy," she smiled.

An hour later, they went back to the palace where she immediately swam around to show off her new mer form to the genuine delight of the entire staff. Proteus had been the most impassioned, literally bursting into tears at how similar his emperor and the princess looked.

I am the real-life Little Mermaid, Percy thought, adoringly caressing the scales on her tail as she sat on her bed. She spent the entire day swimming around the palace nonstop to the point that some servants actually had to chase her down so she could eat her meals and she wasn't even exhausted after all that. In fact, she felt like she could swim to a whole new continent now that she was in this new form of hers!

Maybe I can swim to New York? She wondered. She'd have to ask permission of course—she couldn't even leave the palace grounds without his say-so—but hopefully he would let her go.

She fell back to her bed, allowing sleep to take over her, but it was like the thought of New York was cursed.

Her dreams were filled with images of a ruined city, bodies of demigods littering the ground, and monsters ravaging the streets. She saw a body of a boy plummeting from the skies, a flash of Luke's golden eyes, and—

She woke up with a fright.

Immediately, the bioluminescent plants hanging on her ceiling started to glow faintly, as if to remind her that she was far away from the war and in the cushy bedroom of her palace. Her heart started to calm down, but just as her eyes glanced over to the side, she saw a pair of piercing blue eyes staring her down and freaked.

"AHHHH!" She shrieked, toppling off of her bed like a moron.

Poseidon deadpanned. "Get off the floor."

"Y-you scared me!" She sputtered, shakily getting up. "What are you doing here?" And how long were you watching me sleep?!

Instead of answering her question like a normal person would, he ignored her and asked his own, "Were you having a nightmare?"

"...Yes," she figured it would be best to be honest.

He tilted his head. "How so? You were happy yesterday."

"Nightmares don't work that way," she shrugged, slipping back into bed. "They just... come when they want to."

"I see..." He murmured, looking deep in thought.

Then he said the last thing she ever expected him to say:

"Children tend to sleep with their parents after experiencing a night terror," he began. "So we shall sleep together."

"Huh," she said dumbly, but he was already climbing into bed with her. She started to wave her hands around in a panic, "Oh! No, no, wait, it's okay, you don't need to—"

"—Lie down," he interrupted, pushing her back down onto the bed.

Percy pretty much blue-screened after that. Her father laid down beside her, then repositioned themselves so that she was laying over him, his arms wrapped around her.

What is happening, she thought.

"By the way," he added as he absentmindedly caressed her hair. "You drool when you sleep. If you drool on me, I'll punish you."

His words made her stiffen. Not because of the death threat, but because that was exactly what Anthonius once told her.

I miss him.

"Right," she said weakly. "I'll try not to."

He hummed in response. Percy closed her eyes. She slept in her father's arms, but all she could dream about was another blonde male with stormy grey eyes and a warm grin, and he was universes away from her.

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The next day, she should've already been in Asgard, giving Loki her cookies and conversing with the Valkyries to share progress reports. But no. It was already past twelve and she was still in her father's palace with no cookies to give away. Why? Because she fucked up.

"You drooled on me. As punishment, you must serve me those blue cookies you've been giving away so freely. Bake them to perfection, or else."

She had drooled on her father. At least, according to him she did. He provided no proof of it, but the punishment was already set: bake him cookies or face the consequences.

Percy desperately swirled around the cookie batter in her bowl, making sure all the chocolate chips were mixed in. Did she add enough sugar? Use the right butter? Did she need to shape them into perfect circles? Would he count to make sure she had an even amount of chocolate chips in each cookie?


She prepared the tray and, as best as she could, shaped the cookie dough before putting them in the oven to bake. For the next twelve minutes, she swam around the massive kitchens in circles, thinking about her potential doom.

After the loud ding! was heard, she placed the cookies on a plate and immediately swam for the throne room where she knew her father would be waiting. Her heart thrummed erratically. The last time she tried to give him cookies, he had thrown them away, yelled about how much he hated her, and made her cry.

She entered the throne room. His giant self sat on his throne, already expecting her. His eyes zeroed in on the cookies she was holding.

She presented them to him. "Fresh out of the oven," she grinned weakly, feeling like she was about to be incinerated at any moment.

One of the tentacles living under his throne crept up and gingerly took the plate from her before handing it to him. His form was so large that the whole plate barely took up the palm of his hand. And then, she watched, in bewildered horror, as he casually tossed the whole thing—plate and all—into his mouth. He began to chew, the crunch of broken glass being the loudest thing she could hear.

She didn't know what to say. She just watched him eat a fucking plate.

"They were excellent," he said, delicately patting his lips with a napkin he conjured as if he didn't just eat a whole plate. "I expect more of this later on, daughter. But for now, I will take you to Asgard."

"Why—" she croaked. "Why did you eat the—"

He snapped his fingers and the two of them were promptly teleported away. Percy was too stunned to even shift back into her human form, so when they landed, Poseidon had to hold her in his arms else she'd flop to the ground like a fish out of water.

"Percilla," he said bluntly. "You need to shift back."

"R-right," she shook off her bewilderment to focus on shifting back, preferably with clothes. The top she had made out of seafoam (a trick he had taught her) melted off her form as her original clothes appeared onto her body: a sky blue corset top and a silky skirt decorated with pearls. 

Once she was clothed, Poseidon set her down and they walked towards the doors of Odin's grand palace where she knew Odin, Thor, Loki, and the Valkyries all lived.

"Odin is already aware of our arrival," he began as the doors opened for them. "So go on and... find Loki," he said his name with noticeable distaste. "I will be speaking with Odin." So he could ask him what sort of relationship she and his nephew had, not that she needed to know that.

She nodded in understanding and hurried for the hallways, remembering that she only had thirty minutes. She needed to find the Valkyries.

"Brunhilde, Brunhilde... where are you guys? Göll...?" She muttered under her breath.

One of the doors in the hallway opened, and the face of a familiar short girl peeked out. She gasped in excitement. "Percy!"

Sea green eyes lit up. "Göll!"

The youngest Valkyrie quickly brought her into her room. Percy didn't have any time to admire it before Göll was squeezing her into a hug.

"Oh my gods, you're alive!" She squealed. "When my sister told me that you would be traveling the seas with Poseidon for two months, I really thought it would be the end for you!"

"Same here," she sighed.

"I thought you were living somewhere in Helheim, why did you come back to him?" She was pretty sure that even Helheim would've been safer for her than with Poseidon.

"I... well, things changed," she answered vaguely. "Anyway, forget about that. How are you? Where are the rest of your sisters? How's Mnemosyne doing?"

"I'm fine and so is Mnemosyne. My sisters are probably out doing whatever," she shrugged. She bit her lip nervously. "But Percy, I'm so sorry, we haven't had much progress and Lord... B-Beelzebub, he hasn't been any help at all, he just comes over to take our books and leaves!"

"That sounds like Beelie," Percy rolled her eyes. "Don't take it personally, he doesn't like socializing."

Göll looked like she wanted to ask where the nickname came from, but there were more important matters at hand. "He... also told us that our help wasn't necessary anymore and that he would take charge of the research," she added guiltily.

"That's fine," Percy smiled reassuringly. "You guys have done enough for me, and I'm thankful for that."

"But... But Lord Beelzebub... are you sure you want to trust him?"

"Yeah, I mean, why not?" She shrugged.

Goll was starting to get increasingly concerned over Percy's trust towards the literal Devil, so she changed the subject.

"We already asked Mnemosyne this, but... is there a chance that Norse gods exist in your universe too? We believe that perhaps using their bifrost could help send you back home."

She frowned, "No...? I don't think so... I mean, wouldn't that get kinda messy? The Zeus in my universe is a power-hungry arrogant jerk," Göll seemed to flinch at every insult. "I assure you if there were other pantheons, he would've waged war against them a looong time ago and we would've been forced to learn about his 'glorious achievements' at Camp."

"Oh," Göll's shoulders sank. "I'm sorry then. I just thought that, maybe, I don't know, maybe they could find a way to get you back."

She shook her head. "Nah, it's fine. I think I managed to buy myself some time at least, so we don't have to worry about Poseidon trying to kill me any time soon."


"Well, hehe," she chuckled sheepishly. "Poseidon's no longer trying to kill me! I think he tolerates me now! I was so scared he'd realize I'm not his actual daughter, but I think that tour around the empire really helped bring us closer."

Göll's eyes widened in disbelief. "How did you manage that?"


"—Oh, what juicy secrets I'm hearing!" A voice moaned.

Both girls froze. They whirled around, and there he stood, leaning against the front door.

Percy could feel her heart drop to her stomach.

It was Loki. And he had heard everything. 

— author's note —

Had to look at so many pictures to make sure I'm describing the mer-forms right 😭

Anyways, here are the pics I used for reference: 

It's just like Poseidon's! They're daddy and daughter goals 🥰🥰🥰

Now here's some fanart from naoyaofficialmommy:

And Daddyseidon and Percy's incest lovechild:

Here's some picrews I made:

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