-Idol by taeslilkookie [Rev. Suzy]

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Book Name: Idol (BTS JJK FF)

Author: TaesLilKookie

Reviewer: Suzy

Cover: 00/05

Messy. Absolutely messy. The face claim adjustments need to be fixed and again the font choice isn't the best, use a better and bigger font. It would be better to have just Suga and Jungkook as the face claim as well. Also, no offense but the cover didn't pass my vibe check. The first impression I got about your book was that it's a simple, error-filled, cliché, fan idol relationship based fanfiction.

Title: 01/05

Something very common, not just that, though the story is about idols you can probably use something different? A title that'd describe Eunha's relationship with Suga and Jungkook.

Synopsis: 05/10

Okay I actually liked the description, though it says a little too much about the story, it's still an average description. Use dialogues from the book. Add pickup lines, quotes, anything as such to make your description more lively. However, it's still a tad bit dry and dull.

Execution: 05/10

According to what's mentioned in the description, every chapter got 3k+ words and for me, personally, the book kept on getting dryer because of the length and lack of plot hints in the initial 10 chapters.

Plot: 05/20

I'm not sure what to say, I have read 12 chapters, each of 3k+ words and what all happened till now is Eun-ha hanging around with her friends and Suga/bts. I'm sure that you must be curious about your readers opinion, and what I believe is that your book is too much dragged out. It's a Jungkook fanfiction, i.e, Jungkook is the main protagonist but I don't see him getting enough spotlight. The way he is described makes him look like a side character. I know you want to convey about the relationship between Suga and Eun-ha but where is Jungkook? And the only suspense that's built up is the backstory of Suga and Eun-ha's. I read only 12 chapters because I just didn't have the patience to keep going. When writing a book, you HAVE to create situations that'd keep your readers hooked up but I'm sorry to say that my curiosity died out at chapter 12, you didn't even give any hints. It's like I'm waiting and watching a girl living her simple, ordinary life. The point is, what's the fun? I myself have a simple life, how would someone be interested in the story if you aren't feeding them enough twists, dramas and challenges? The reason why I'm so worked up is because your writing is legit. I loved your writing style and trust me, the only reason why your book isn't blowing up is because the initial chapters are dry and dragged out. 

Writing Style: 15/20

Loved it. If you walk over to me and say that you're a native English speaker, I'd absolutely believe you. Your English though not perfect, is still good and interesting. The only thing which helped me keep on reading was your writing style. It's good and simple, nothing too complex to not understand. 

Grammar & Vocabulary: 13/20

1. Spelling mistakes: There aren't many, I'd rather call them typo's.

Ex: learning laughs from his hyungs : wasn't this supposed to be 'earning laughs from his hyungs' ?

2. Merged words and typo's

ex: helpingte man was out… : helping the man was out of question 

3. Use commas more often

4. Work on your vocabulary and adjective usage.

5. Do proofread your chapters once again to correct a few more left out typos.

Characters & Development: 00/10

Until chapter 12, I didn't find much character development. Eun-ha is the same cute and considerate baby sister. Suga being his usual self and Jungkook is out of question, the main characters don't even interact like, wouldn't this be better as an OT7 book? Plus, I do appreciate that all the bts members got almost equal spotlight.

Total: 44/100

Final Note: The plot, work on your plot and if you're going to tell me that there's a big fat plot twist ahead, then I'm not sure if many people would even reach till there. If you do have something big and unexpected coming up next, do drop subtle hints and clues in the initial chapters to fire up your readers' curiosity. Also, change the cover as soon as possible. It's too messy and the font is absolutely  unattractive. 

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