-Perfect In Imperfections by blazepr5 [Rev. Nola]

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Title :: Perfect In Imperfections

Author :: BlazePR5

Reviewer :: Nola  ( SURREALGGUK )

I see a lot of readers commenting on your book and how it impacted them, which really goes to show that the reading experience has got to be really good. Good job for that!

COVER :: 4/10
I liked the cover before you changed it to the current one. The previous cover made me empathise with Jungkook before even reading the book, and that just shows how powerful that cover was. It was certainly aesthetically pleasing and meaningful as well. I really liked the previous cover, and if I’m being honest, it has to be one of the best covers I’ve ever seen.

The current cover looks like it took much less effort, and doesn’t look as aesthetically pleasing as the previous one as well. Currently, it looks like a generic cover you can find all over Wattpad.

It’s one of the most detailed, yet not-so detailed descriptions I’ve ever seen. I understood the general flow of your story, and you didn’t reveal too much of the plot as well. Your description seems like a description from an already published book, and I’m really impressed by that. I’m sure readers would be interested in reading your book after looking at the description, so good job on that!

TITLE :: 4/10
There are many other titles similar to yours, but I haven’t found a book on Wattpad with the exact same title as yours. However, I don’t see its relevance to the story. Maybe it’s because the story isn’t completed yet, but I still didn’t understand its relevance 15 chapters in. Perhaps a different title would do the trick?

PLOT :: 9/10
The plot is rather unique, and I could understand and go with the flow pretty easily. The unique and interesting plot managed to draw me in really well, and I found myself reading this in one sitting without stopping because of the way you ended the chapters, and because of the story in general. I can see this book winning awards in competitions, so good job!

I don’t really have anything to comment about your grammar and vocabulary. It’s above average for a Wattpad fanfiction author, and by fixing a few mistakes, you’re good to go. Here are some mistakes I found and how to correct them:

[I closed my eyes to feel it’s emotions…] should be [I closed my eyes to feel its emotions…]. This is because [it’s] is a contraction for [it is], and by using this, the sentence doesn’t make sense. Take a look at [I closed my eyes to feel it is emotions…]. It doesn’t make sense grammatically, right?

[...my legs failing to compile with my decision.] should be [...my legs failing to comply with my decision.]. [compile] means to assemble information collected from other sources, while [comply] means to conform to one’s wishes. In this context, [comply] is more apt.

[Y/N! Down to earth Y/N!] should be [Y/N! Earth to Y/N!]. [Earth to] is typically used when trying to get someone’s attention, which is suitable in this context. [Down to earth], on the other hand, means being practical and realistic, which doesn’t match the situation.

Overall, I’m quite impressed with your grammar. There’s almost no mistakes, and I didn’t feel like I was being forced to read your book because of the bad grammar. Good job!

The addition of Hana really spiced up the story. I found myself wanting to know more about Hana and Jungkook’s relationship, and how Hana is related to Y/N. Good job!

I felt myself empathising with Y/N. I’m sure everyone has been through what she has been through in one way or another, and her character scored well in the ‘relatability’ factor. Allowing your readers to relate with your characters is the way to go when writing a good book, and you’ve shown that. I felt for Y/N, and she was not just any other lifeless character created for the sake of the plot. I’m incredibly impressed. However, the fact that Y/N felt comforted reading the texts from a stranger is quite unrealistic to me. Sure, everyone would feel touched reading those words, but is Y/N not going to be suspicious of the text at first glance? I’m sure many of us would want to do that upon reading such texts from an unknown person.

For Jungkook’s character, I really felt for him. His attraction to Hana was something I could feel, and I think it’s amazing how you managed to do that. I was able to see how his character evolved from the past to present, and how he still holds on to Hana in his own way.

I really enjoyed your writing style. The descriptions you had to describe inner feelings or the surroundings were a treat, and I could visualise and feel the characters’ emotions easily. Your writing style would definitely enhance the reading experience and allow the readers to feel and empathise with the characters well. In addition, your writing style is rather unique. I don’t think I’ve seen any other author with a style like yours, and I enjoyed all the descriptions you had in your writing. Good job!

I loved the poems, as well as how you wrote the flashbacks as well. They were so elegantly written, and I was drawn to your book with every work. I’m really impressed, and I can see this book becoming popular in the future.

OPINION :: 10/10
It’s a beautifully written book. Your writing style was really elegant and a treat to read, and the unique plot drew me in as well. You managed to captivate readers with your talent, and the grammar was pretty good as well. I’ll be waiting to see your book on the leaderboards!

Your book has a steady foundation. It definitely has the potential to win quite a few awards with a bit of editing. With fixing of the minor grammar and spelling mistakes, your book is good to go. Good job!

TOTAL SCORE :: 80/100

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