-Plexure by -yoonshooky [Rev. Suzy]

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Title: Plexure

author: -Yoonshooky

Reviewer: Suzy

No. of chapters: 12

Title: 8/10

Plexure, the act or process of weaving together, a really rare title I must say. I really liked the title, it's intriguing enough and creates the suspense a reader looks for.

Cover: 7/10

The cover is good but the font choice isn't the best. You can increase the text size as well. The picture used suits the book really well and it didn't fail to attract me.

Description: 3.5/5

Again, no dialogues from the book, try using key dialogues from the book in your description, it never fails to spark interest and curiousity. Yet it is a well written, short and intriguing description so great work there. Also, the description reveals an important plot of the book but doesn't reveal the unexpected so great work.

Reader’s Interaction: 3/5

You have surprisingly less commenters, I, personally loved the dark humor and the dialogues so I'm sure your book will get more recognition once it gets the attention it deserves.

Plot: 8/10

A really interesting and amusing plot, not gonna lie. I loved how it's about the female protagonist being the badass instead of the other way round. I'm really hooked up with the suspense and pacing of the book. It keeps the readers curious yet hanging, craving for the upcoming incidents and plot twists so I really appreciate the plot you've come up with, though, the mafia part can be a little modified since it is however a common format for many books.

Grammar: 18/20

Your vocabulory is diverse and exciting. I love some of the words you've used to describe the situations, instead of using the common basic ones, you went for better and interesting adjectives, keep it up.

The initial chapters were almost perfect with the grammar, the tenses and sentence formation is appropriately done but you do have few spelling mistakes and typos, try to work out on them. Below are few of the mistakes I noticed.

➪awarke instead of awake (ch 2)

➪Since someone people saw as cruel and heartless managed……. (Ch 3)

➪hasitence instead of hesitence (ch 3)

➪In the quote of ch 10,

'Nightmar' ***Nightmare

Plot twists and attraction:  8/10

Plot twists, a total roller coaster ride I must say. First of all was Namjoon's hidden persona and next was y/n's one. These two, for me, were the best parts and plot twists throughout the book. Though y/n suddenly disappearing would've been a plot twist only if it wasn't mentioned in the description. So even if  y/n's disappearance cannot possibly be called a plot twist, it did add onto the attraction part and lured the readers to give the book a try. 

Emotions and character development:  8/10 

I loved your descriptive writing, the way you've portrayed Jimin's or any of the other characters is worth the praise. Y/n being the protagonist, rather plays the opposite role until her own inner struggles and nightmares come into light. I loved how you didn't play the blame game on y/n and showed her side of the picture and I'd expect further explanations and peek into the back story of what made her what she is today. The scene description is average and the suspense is well maintained. I'm really looking forward to y/n and Jimin's meet. 

Creativity and way of writing: 9/10 

Creativity gets a 5/5 ! You're really creative with your work but again I'd expect better and unexpected occuring of events in the forth coming chapters. I'm really impressed with the quotes you added in the beginning of every chapter and apparently few of them seemed to be written by you on your own, all of them are rare and enlightening enough about the dark side of human emotions, great work there! The dialogues are to die for, I've rarely come across such hilarious, impactful and amazing dialogues in any other book. I must say that dialogue formation is your skill. 

Your opinion on the book: 9/10

Loved it, though I'd advice you to update more often to not loose your readers interest and work out on the small details. The cover font, spelling mistakes and more unexpected plot twists is all your book needs to get on top. Keep writing!✨💜 Thank You!💖

Total Marks: 81.5/100

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