-Prank call by taes_smirk [Rev. Suzy]

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Book Name: Prank Call || KSJ

Author: taes_smirk

Reviewer: Suzy

Cover: 02/05

Simple and sober. You can add a subtitle to make it look catchy and I'd suggest you add the author's name while you're at it. The cover background picture is not exactly that attention seeking. Gives those normal or plain vibes so you may use something which would evoke more interest from the readers.

Title: 02/05

Suits the plot but lacks creativity. If you plan to get serious and make major changes or plot twists in the book, it'd be better to have a rather unique title.

Synopsis: 04/10

There are a lot of grammatical errors in the blurb, you can work out on the dialogue building as well.

Execution: 06/10

Pretty good, the pacing is average but in the last chapters the story seems a bit dragged out, yes filler chapters hold an importance but you can divide it in parts and reveal things slowly. Rest is good.

Plot: 07/20

The plot isn't something rare, for me, I have read a lot of text fics but your humour is the cherry on top. You didn't make it all goofy or sexual or serious, the balance and twists were interesting and fun to read. Among many of the text fics I have read till date, your humour cackled me the most and I personally enjoyed reading the book, it didn't go too boring or dull or cliché. Well balanced.

Writing Style: 09/20

Cannot say much here since it's a humour + tad bit of rom-com type, I wouldn't expect some sophisticated vocabulary or dialogues here, the writing style fits the genre. Though, you can still work on the dialogue building and descriptive writing. Do word out scenarios instead of uploading it's pics (very few but still-)

Grammar & Vocabulary: 07/20

The book requires major editing, I'm not sure if you're done with the editing because you made an announcement about it recently I guess, so if you didn't, do proofread all the chapters minimum two to three times. 

Also, you may work on your vocabulary. Usage of better adjectives is also advised. 

Characters & Development: 07/10

I like the female lead, my perfect soul animal if you'd ask but I'd love to see her getting all serious yet soft. As a person who is well used to online chatting, I wouldn't judge Jin's behavior online. He does have a strict side and going goofy at times isn't something impossible or wrong, there are people who can kill you with a glare whereas they're kaomoji lovers when online. Feel free to experiment with Jin's persona, showing him goofy and funny at times is also a sort of character development thus the character's adjustment was well done. However, you can give the other characters a side story and more spotlight. 

Total: 44/100

Final Note: Work on-  Major editing, cover change and more plot twists. Thank you. 

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