-The Blueties And The Beasts by everydaydreamingxxi [Rev. Rihana]

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Book: The Blueties And The Beasts

Author: everydaydreamingxxi

Reader interaction: 5/5
In most chapters, the amount of reads exceeded the number of views and it was pretty clear that the readers were enjoying your work. Good job.

Cover: 2/10
The cover isn’t aesthetically pleasing at all, it looks really messy. I get that you’ve tried to show the beast aspect here but it doesn’t look good at all. The blue light emitting from Jimin’s neck just makes everything worse. The author’s name is too tiny and I have to squint at it to read it. The subtext is too long and barely clear, put in something that is short yet catchy instead. The cover is what attracts the reader first and a book as good as yours deserves so much more attention but this cover will not get you that. Do make sure to change it, I’m sure our graphic shop can help you with it.

Description: 4/5
The description is really intriguing and written very well.

Title: 9/10
The title is apt for the book and catches the reader’s eye too. Good job.

Plot: 7/10
The plot is really unique and rare, I can see that you’ve put a lot of thought into the plot and I appreciate it. I didn’t find any plot holes either. The reason I’ve deducted 3 marks is because even though it is an adventure plot, I could see very little action.

Characters: 8/10
I liked your characters and as the story moves forward, I can see the character development but there is definitely more room for improvement in this criterion.

Grammar: 18/20
Your grammar is pretty perfect, I didn’t find any mistakes at all. Your vocabulary is quite impressive too.

Writing style: 7/10
Even though I had to read some parts twice to understand because of your sentences, your writing style is fine enough. Try to simplify your sentences a little and it would be a lot better.

Attraction: 8/10
Like I already said, it would be a lot better if you included more action in your book. If I put aside that aspect, your book is interesting and keeps me hooked.

Opinion: 7/10
I’ve already reviewed your book once and since then, you’ve improved a lot- especially in the grammar criterion. It is truly impressive. But please make sure to change the cover- that is the only part of the book that disappointed me. Other than that, you’ve done an amazing job so far. I hope your book gets the attention and love it deserves.

Total Marks: 75/100

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