Ships and Favs

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My main ships and favorite characters

My favs (not in order):
Nico (Riordanverse)
Piper (Riordanverse)
Newt (Maze Runner)
Katniss (Hunger games)
Lucy Gray (Hunger games)
Parzival (Ready Player One)
Achilles (Song of Achilles)
Simon (Young Royals)
Thomas (Maze Runner)
Elvis (Otherworld)
(Killer) Frost (Arrowverse)
Cole (Ninjago)
Charlie (Heartstopper)
Amity (Owl House)
Will (Riordanverse)
Leo (Riordanverse)
Rashid (Time Bomb)
Alex/Z (Time Bomb)
Aristotle (Dante and Ari)
Keith (Voltron)
Lester (ToA)
Jude Duarte (Folk of the Air)
+All my OCS ❤️
And probs some others I forgot

My top kins:
Nico (Riordanverse)
Leo (Riordanverse)
Charlie (Heartstopper)
Leo (Riordanverse)
Lester (ToA)
Aristotle (Dante and Ari)
Jude Duarte (tfota)

Fav ships (not in order):
Solaneglo (Will x Nico, Riordanverse)
Newtmas (Next x Thomas, Maze Runner)
Everlark (Peeta x Katniss, Hunger games)
Patrochillies (Achilles x Patroclus, TSoA)
Klance (Keith x Lance, Voltron)
Jurdan  (Jude x Cardan, Cruel Prince)
Wilmon (Wilhem x Simon)
KillerFlash (Barry x Kaitlin)
Alana (Alex/Z x Diana, Time Bomb)

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