2.12 | Klaus Rumours

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Cordelia had woken up with Stefan's arms around her, she tilted her head to look at him and smiled at the content look on his face. "You're staring," Stefan whispered to her feeling her gaze. "I'm admiring your peace," Cordelia whispered back as she reached up and dragged the tips of her fingers down his jaw. "It's creepy, you know?" Stefan replied as he relaxed under her soft touch. "It's romantic to some," Cordelia remarked as she poked his cheek causing Stefan to open his eyes and looked down at her. All the times he held Elena like this and it never felt as good as this, it was what he was missing and he was angry at himself for ruining it by chasing ghosts.

"How are you feeling today?" Stefan asked Cordelia, her skin had returned to its normal fair tone and the purple bags under her eyes had disappeared. "I feel a lot better than yesterday," Cordelia answered him as she allowed her eyes to turn white, a light mist forming around her fingers showcasing that her magic had returned. "I'm glad. I don't know what I would have done if you were..." Stefan trailed off as that anger he had knowing that Cordelia had been kidnapped returned only to fade when Cordelia brushed her fingertips under his left eye where the veins from his true face appeared. "Is it bad that I think you're hot when you vamp out?" Cordelia asked absent-mindedly.

Stefan smirked at her question, he let his vampire face show itself and watched as she looked at him in complete awe; no fear, no doubts and no desire to run away from the monster he believed himself to be. Cordelia admired the way his eyes darkened and filled with blood, the look from a distance reminded her of the demons in Supernatural but up close, it was like a hurricane and you were standing in the eye of it. The veins underneath that appeared purely due to the blood filling his eyes to better his vision was like little rivers leading into a singular ocean ─ the North Sea was a good comparison. And Stefan was sure of one thing watching Cordelia admire him like he was the most beautiful piece of art; Loving Cordelia Forbes was as easy as breathing and he was a fool for taking so long to realise.

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"The moonstone is break some curse that it is binding but they need my blood to break the curse, a sacrifice according to Rose," Elena explained as she leaned against the desk in Alaric's classroom ─ if the walls could talk in that room, they'd all be sent to the nuthouse. Stefan leaned by the windows with Cordelia sitting on the desk next to him. Caroline and Tyler sat next to each other at one of the desks while Jeremy and Bonnie stood on the other side of them. This left Damon and Alaric standing next to each other by the board listening to Elena's explanation on what she had learned from Rose and Trevor.

"So this sun and moon curse, it's real?" Tyler asked causing everyone to look towards him, it was obvious that the teenager was not eager to experience his first shift considering he was completely clueless on how it works without Mason around to help him. "I don't know for certain as Rose only knew about the sun and moon curse and that my blood is the one to apparently break it," Elena answered with a shrug while Cordelia looked down deep in thought. "You okay, Cori?" Alaric asked the girl, he knew it had been a stressful time for the blonde but she continued to fight through everything. "It's just... witches and spells aren't likely to help vampires and werewolves... no matter how close in nature they might be," Cordelia expressed with a sigh.

"So why would they have a binding moonstone that could allow Vampires to walk in the sun or Werewolves to no longer shift under the moon?" Bonnie questioned catching on to Cordelia's point, the two shared a look knowing more than everyone else about witches. "You don't think the rumoured curse is real?" Caroline asked her twin understanding her better than everyone else in the room. "I don't know, Care. I mean... witches can go dark or owe someone something so it isn't impossible but... something feels off to me," Cordelia replied with a frown, she shook her head and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Look, either way... the one who wants the moonstone for the sacrifice is still out there and we know one person who has the answers and they're trapped with the moonstone," Cordelia added knowing that two certain Salvatore's wouldn't be too keen on talking with Katherine. "No way!" Damon exclaimed. "We can't trust her," Stefan added with a firm tone, his worried eyes watching Cordelia as she looked up and made eye contact with Elena. Both of them knew what they had to do, both eyes turned to Caroline for a moment before subtly sharing a nod while the others discussed alternative plans; unaware that Cordelia and Elena had there own plan in mind.

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Cordelia walked into the Salvatore home in search of either brother however, the home seemed to be empty. She sighed and walked further inside until she reached the library, brushing her fingers across the book spines until a hand rested on her hip. "Stefan?" Cordelia turned her head and made eye contact with him, he held a glass of bourbon in his other hand. "I thought the place was empty," Cordelia added as she turned her body to face the younger Salvatore. "I heard you come in but I wanted to test your awareness," Stefan replied to her, he smirked when she rolled her eyes. She knew he had a point, she needed to be more aware and cautious even in familiar places for any presences within the vicinity.

Stefan placed the glass down and reached up to brush Cordelia's hair out of her face, cupping her cheek in the process as he looked into her eyes. The blonde looked up at Stefan melting into his touch despite a voice in the back of her head reminding her that he was still earning her forgiveness for hurting her; but it faded as Stefan moved closer with the intent to kiss her. However, a sudden noise and whoosh startled the two apart and put them on high alert, Stefan kept Cordelia close as they looked around for the ones responsible. "Who's there?" Stefan asked firmly, he wouldn't let anyone harm a hair on Cordelia's head.

"We're not here to hurt you," A male voice spoke, an echo of familiarity hit Cordelia and she looked into the darker part of the room. "Trevor?" Cordelia asked as Trevor and Rose stepped out from the shadows revealing themselves. "Rose?" Cordelia questioned next as she moved forward, "Why are you here?" The two shared a look before Rose turned back to the blonde, "You saved Trevor's life. I don't like owing debts." Cordelia shook her head, "You owe me nothing, Rose. Neither of you do. You've been running for years and I... couldn't watch a family be torn apart for loyalty." Rose and Trevor smiled at her words, Stefan looked down at Cordelia and smiled with pride; one of the reasons he loved her.

"We want to offer our help like you did for me," Trevor told Cordelia, he knew she said he owed nothing but he felt like he had been blessed by an angel; he had to repay her however he could. "Help with what?" Stefan asked the two. "Elijah may be dead but this isn't over," Rose answered him. "What do you mean 'it's not over'?" Stefan asked further, he grabbed Cordelia's hand in his own. "It isn't over. The Originals, they'll come for her and Elena. They have to. They're doing it for him," Rose stated with fear pooling her eyes. "For who?" Stefan asked impatiently. "Klaus," Trevor and Rose answered together causing Cordelia to perk up, her eyes went wide. "Niklaus?" Cordelia asked and everyone's eyes landed on her.

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The next day, Cordelia called Elena to come to the Salvatore Boarding House as Rose and Trevor had shown up to give them the information they knew about the Originals in hopes to help them. Damon opened the front door for Elena, the two shared a look that Cordelia noticed when she approached to greet the brunette who was fiddling with the same necklace that Elijah had torn from her neck. "Hey Elena, come on in," Cordelia said interrupting the two, Elena nodded before walking into the house as Cordelia smirked at Damon. "You found her necklace? How romantic," Cordelia teased as Damon closed the front door, he turned to her and ruffled her hair. "Shut up," Damon muttered making the blonde laugh.

"Okay, you have to understand we only know what we've picked up over the years and I don't know what's true and what's not true," Rose explained to everyone once they were all settled together, the vampires with glasses of blood or bourbon while Cordelia and Elena didn't bother with anything to drink. "It's the problem with all this vampire crap but Klaus, we know he's real," Trevor continued for Rose, he frowned slightly as he looked at Rose and the brunette grabbed his free hand in her own. "Who is he?" Elena asked while Cordelia kept her gaze on her fingers, she knew the name and had no idea whether to deem him as a threat or not.

"He's one of the Originals, he's a legend," Rose answered Elena. "From the first generation of Vampires," Stefan added from where he stood behind Cordelia's seat with his arms crossed. "Like Elijah?" Cordelia questioned as she looked up at the two vampires across from her and Elena. "No. Elijah was the Easter Bunny compared to Klaus. He's a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal," Rose replied to Cordelia who frowned at that, her instincts told her otherwise but maybe she just deemed all of the Originals as a threat. "Klaus is known to be the oldest," Stefan told the girls. "But never confirmed?" Cordelia asked him receiving a nod, they had no solid proof besides rumours.

"Okay, so you're saying that the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me and Cori?" Elena asked and while Cordelia had been momentarily stunned by Elena using her nickname like the rest of her friends, she wanted the answer as well. "Yes," Trevor answered while Rose sighed and said, "Cordelia's situation is different." Cordelia furrowed her brows, "Different how?" Trevor and Rose shared a look before the former replied, "Rumours say that Klaus has been searching for a Starlight with the powers of Saturn who is--" Cordelia cut him off remembering what Grams used to say, "--The Queen of the Supernatural." Everyone was silent at those words, rumours went around about a powerful being that could rule over all of them but it was never proven.

"Most assumed it was for power while others claim he wants to kill them before they reached their full potential," Rose informed Cordelia who shrunk in her seat, she was not prepared for this. Stefan rested his hand on her shoulder in hopes to reassure her that he was right there and wouldn't let her be harmed. "Let's focus on Elena here--" Elena went to argue but the blonde gave her a stern look, they could worry about Cordelia later, "--What you two are saying is that Elena is in danger." Both nodded at her statement before Rose said, "And anyone who stands in his way." Cordelia scoffed, "I'll kill him if I have too." They were all silent at that and Elena sent her a worried but thankful smile.

"Look, Elijah's dead, right? So no one else knows both of you exist here," Stefan reassured the two teens sitting on the couch but both held doubts over that. "Not that you know of," Rose commented. "That's not helping," Damon snapped at the pixie cut girl. "She has a point. Starlights have a protective barrier on themselves until they reach the second last step of potential and then they become a literal beacon for all Supernatural beings," Trevor explained from his years of witnessing Starlights. "You magic, what colour is it?" Trevor asked the blonde who formed a ball of golden mist in her hands making him sigh. "The moment that turns ocean blue, you'll be a beacon," Trevor warned her leaving the blonde questioning what Clara clearly didn't know.

There was still so much about Starlights that Cordelia didn't know and it was becoming a concern to her; she couldn't work with rumours, she had to start finding facts 'cause clearly, Starlights weren't as rare as others had claimed. "Look, I've never even met anyone who's laid eyes on him," Stefan spoke bringing the topic back to Klaus, "I mean, we're talking centuries of truth mixed with fiction. We don't know if he's real. For all we know he could just be some sort of stupid bed time story." Cordelia understood what Stefan was saying but they would be idiots to ignore any of this; Katherine was running from someone and Klaus sounded scary enough to instill fear into her.

"He's real and he doesn't give up. If he wants something, he gets it. If you're not afraid of Klaus, then you're an idiot," Rose responded to Stefan with a serious expression, Cordelia knew she was right about that. "Alright, we're shaking. You made your point," Damon spoke defensively as Elena stood up, she looked at Cordelia. "Where are you going?" Stefan asked her. "School. We're late," Elena answered as Cordelia stood up and grabbed her own bag. "Let me grab my stuff, I'll go with both of you," Stefan told them. "It's okay, Stefan. We know where it is," Cordelia told him, she sent him a sweet smile before she and Elena headed out of the home; neither cared about school, they had a plan set.

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Rosemary Speaks. . .

Honestly, this book is writing itself and a lot of canon is changing for the sake of Cordelia's existence. It just shows how the smallest things change the biggest outcomes. Time is so fickle like that ─ butterfly effect!

Also, I spent some time writing out the biggest plot points for the book until the end. Which basically means it's all planned out and all I gotta do is add little things to the big things to put it together.

So basically, after Klaus and Stefan's return from the summer era, everything will change completely! So just accept that <3

Anyway, how are y'all feeling about the book so far and where it's heading?

Is there anything you wish to see? Certain dynamics or even just domestic/normal scenes between certain characters?

Thoughts, Suggestions or Questions

See you in the next chapter!
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