A rickshaw ride with avneil

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Heyyaaaa peeps!!!

I am having a good news for you..
But i will say at last ..
(now don't scroll at last  to see the what's that.)

Enjoy reading 😎


And I loved avni for this very reason. The way she had the guts to take all sorts of risks to make
me feel happy, to make me enjoy that day of my life with her, and to endure scoldings from her
family for that … I felt blessed to have her in my life.
Once that confession-call ended, we felt relaxed, as if we had got a weight off our hearts.
We had just taken a left turn to enter her street when our cab suddenly tilted to the left. The three
of us slid down towards our left and our hands grabbed our seats, trying to keep our bodies upright.
More water rushed in. There was now about half a foot of water in the cab. Our shoes were floating
somewhere inside.
Our tilted cab failed to move ahead, no matter how much the driver accelerated. The left front-
wheel seemed to be stuck in a pothole. In order to move ahead, the driver asked me to push the cab
from behind. So I jumped out into the puddle. It felt just like jumping into the shallow end of a
swimming pool except, in a swimming pool, the water is not so dirty and you are not in your jeans
and shirt.
I stood barefoot in that puddle. My feet touched small stones with sharp edges and some bushy
which might have been weeds or some small, watery insects. It was a little scary. The water came up
to my thighs. Even rolling up the jeans to my knees did not serve any purpose. I went behind the cab.
The driver was still accelerating hard and avni kept saying, ‘neil … Sambhaal ke … Dhyaanse.’
I pushed the cab hard, but nothing happened.
‘Sahib aur jor se …’ shouted the driver from inside.
Of course, he was shouting and talking to me. But I was lost in my thoughts …
I was supposed to catch my flight in six hours. I should have been back in my hotel room in
Delhi, taking a nap so that I could wake up by 4 a.m. and go to the airport. But I was far away, stuck
on a road in a different city, in wet jeans, a wet shirt and, perhaps, wet innerwear too, standing in a
neverending dirty pond, pushing a cab to take my girlfriend back to her home.
To be honest, I had no hopes of making it to the airport in the morning. Of course the trip to the
States was important and, for that, catching the flight a few hours from now was important, and for
that returning to the hotel  was important but, above all, to get her home was the most
‘Sahib aur jor se …’ shouted the driver one more time.
Finally, we were successful in getting the cab out. I observed avni, who had turned around in
her seat and was looking at me, breathing a sigh of relief.
The depth of water on the street ahead was terrifying. Going on in that small cab did not look like
good decision at all. After a little brainstorming we concluded that rest of the distance could only be
crossed by rickshaw. Because of its big wheels a rickshaw seemed to be the only viable option. So I
walked down the road, still barefoot, to find a rickshaw. And I happened to find one, with much
difficulty, but the rickshaw-walla did not agree to drive on that flooded street. When he finally did
agree, it was because I paid him ten times the normal fare and, that too, in advance. My necessity was
his opportunity.
I sat on the rickshaw and got back to the cab. I noticed blood on my right foot—I had a cut on my
right toe. But there were other things to worry about. Back at the cab, I asked the driver to wait for
me till I came back after dropping her home. I took his cell number and gave him mine.
Avni got out of the cab and sat on the rickshaw. She was so shocked by everything that was
happening that she forgot to get her sandals and it took me a few minutes to find them. (Searching
for your girlfriend’s footwear in the back of a car, your hands dipped in a dirty pool of water …
Who says love is always a pleasant experience!)
The water level on this street was the highest and I warned the rickshaw-walla, ‘Bhaiya yahaan
par jaraa dhyaan se …’ The wheels of the rickshaw were almost submerged in the water and, at
times, the water was splashing at our feet. The rickshaw puller’s thighs moved in and out of the
water on the road as he paddled strenuously. But we were making progress and, in another five
minutes, our journey was going to end.
And with that would end our being together, so close to each other for so long that day. In the next
few minutes I was going to see her for the last time, before I left the country. All this was running
through our minds.
And that instant turned into an emotional, romantic moment.
Other than our rickshaw, there was no vehicle in that deserted street filled with water. Submerged,
the entire street appeared so desolate. A different kind of silence prevailed and the loudest noise was
the churning of the water from the wheels of our rickshaw. The moon in the sky above saw us
together, in that hard time, attempting to get out of it, our care for each other. She was resting her
head on my shoulder, her hands were in my lap. With my right arm around her shoulder I was
supporting her as the rickshaw made its way on the uneven road. And in my other hand I was holding
her sandals. Taking her sandals from my hand and dropping them on the footrest of the rickshaw,
she held my hand and said, ‘neil! Our love story is so different … Isn’t it?’
‘Hmm …’I smiled.
‘The way we found each other,’ avni said.
‘The way we kept talking on the phone and chatting for the past few months,’ I added.
‘The coincidences.’
‘The way we fell in love without even seeing each other.’
‘The way we finally met and spent the entire day.’
‘And the way we are now.’
Indeed, everything was so different about our love story.
‘Can I say something, avni?’
‘Yes,’ she said with such warmth.
‘I am glad that such a night came in our life. You know why? After our marriage, sitting together on our terrace on beautiful nights, we will recall this hard time so many times … I feel so good that
I am able to get you back to your place,’ I said.
She pulled my hand towards her and.....


How's it?

The difficulty which neil faced for avni for his love just to get her out of these difficult situation and he kept  avni his  first priority more than his work..

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Are are ruko zara.....



Pta h pta h maine kaha tha happy news ke bare me...

To the news is ...

This book An everlasting Love has won second prize in teenFix Awards..
So will give double update tomorrow..for my readers 😊😊😊😊

Silent readerssss plsss do vote ....🙏


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