𝒊. ara's new neighbor

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✧ ara's new neighbor ✧


CAMERON'S HEAD LAID ON ARABELLA'S CHEST. Arabella and Cameron were having a cozy moment, snuggled up together while watching The Hunger Games.

As they enjoyed the movie, Cameron couldn't help but express his admiration for Peeta, saying, "Bro, I would do anything for Peeta. He's so fine." Meanwhile, Arabella took a puff from a joint and blew the smoke towards the wall, adding to the relaxed atmosphere. Arabella shared her own thoughts, saying, "I would do anything for Katniss. She's who I aspire to be. One day, I wanna overthrow the government."

They caught the muffled voice of Johnny Lawrence discussing the building. Arabella took another puff, casting a glance toward her window. "Who's that?" Cameron inquired, pointing to the teenager in the red and white hoodie. Arabella nonchalantly shrugged, "New neighbor. He's cute, your type. Nerdy," she added with a wink, eliciting laughter from Cameron. "Are you referring to Eli?" she asked inquisitively.

Arabella smiled knowingly. "Well, duh! He consistently comments on your Instagram posts, wishes you happy birthday, and seizes every opportunity to talk to you. He's a sweetheart," she nudged Cameron, who grinned, her cheeks tinted with a blush. Just as Cameron was about to respond, a knock on the door interrupted them. Arabella groaned, prompting Cameron to shift her head off Arabella's chest. As Arabella headed towards the door, Cameron's phone pinged with a notification.

elimoskowitz_: pretty:)

Arabella noticed Cameron smiling at her phone, which made her a bit suspicious. As Arabella walked back over, Cameron looked up and asked, "Who was that at the door?" Arabella couldn't help but smirk and replied, "Someone in a red and white hoodie. They wanted to ask about my water pressure." She chuckled at her own words and sat back down, grabbing her joint to take a smoke.

But Arabella still saw Cameron smiling out of the corner of her eye and couldn't help but ask, "What's got you all smiley?" Cameron didn't hold back and turned her phone to Arabella, showing her the comment that Eli had left on her post. It seems like Cameron received a nice comment and couldn't help but feel happy about it.

Arabella playfully clicked her tongue and exclaimed, "Girl, he's totally down bad for you! You gotta get his number on Monday, no excuses," Her plea made Cameron burst into uncontrollable laughter, unable to contain her amusement. "Come on, you know it's been years since I've genuinely liked a guy. It's like they have this magical power to make me run away at the first sign of 'ick'," she explained, emphasizing the struggle she faces in maintaining romantic interest.

Arabella casually shrugged her shoulders, her expression nonchalant as she responded, "Well, if Eli doesn't turn out to be the one, you've got my new neighbor as a backup option. I actually asked him about it, and he confirmed that he'll be starting school with us on Monday." Cameron shook her head in disbelief, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips as she retorted, "Wow, you're really taking on the role of a matchmaker, aren't you?" Arabella couldn't help but smirk back, her eyes sparkling mischievously as she quipped, "Hey, if that's what it takes, you can just call me the matchmaker from now on."

CAMERON AND ARABELLA DECIDED to go to the connivence store nearby. The two girls, Arabella and Cameron, found themselves standing in the vibrant candy aisle, their eyes scanning the colorful array of treats. Their mission was clear - to find the perfect snacks for their upcoming Hunger Games binge watch. Suddenly, Cameron's face lit up with a mischievous grin as she triumphantly held up a pack of Skittles, declaring her find to Arabella. The sight brought a chuckle to Arabella's lips, as she couldn't help but be amused by Cameron's excitement.

With their desired candy in hand, the duo made their way towards the register. However, in Cameron's eagerness, she found herself distracted, rummaging through her bag in search of her wallet. Unaware of her surroundings, she accidentally collided with someone, causing her to stumble. In a split second, a pair of hands reached out and instinctively found their place on Cameron's waist, preventing her from falling. As the rush of embarrassment flooded Cameron's cheeks, she looked up, only to realize that it was Arabella's neighbor who had come to her rescue.

"Oh, hi!" Cameron exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of surprise and amusement. A chuckle escaped her lips, breaking the tension of the moment. It was clear that her encounter with Arabella's neighbor had caught her off guard, but she couldn't help but find the situation amusing.

The boy's face turned a shade of pink as he gazed at Cameron, clearly taken aback by her presence. "Oh... hi," he stammered, his words filled with a mix of surprise and shyness. Cameron's smile widened, reflecting her friendly nature. "So, I heard you're the new kid? What's your name, new kid," she playfully remarked, a mischievous smirk dancing on her lips. Miguel, still slightly flustered, managed to gather his thoughts and replied with a stutter, "M... Miguel." Cameron nodded, showing her genuine interest as she reached out to pat his shoulder reassuringly.

"Nice to meet you, Miguel. I'm Cameron. I hope I'll see you around school," she said warmly, her smile radiating warmth. With a quick motion, she took Arabella's hand and guided her towards the counter, leaving Miguel with a lingering sense of excitement. Arabella leaned in, her voice filled with a teasing tone, and whispered into Cameron's ear, "He so likes you."

Arabella let out a long exhale, her breath mingling with the air as Cameron placed all the snacks on the counter. "And, uh, a pack of Marlboro's, please," Arabella requested, her voice carrying a hint of anticipation. Cameron's gaze shifted towards her friend, a mix of concern and curiosity in her eyes. "You know, Ara, I really think you should consider quitting smoking,"
Cameron gently suggested, her words laced with genuine care.

Arabella shrugged nonchalantly, a trace of defiance in her voice. "Eh, it calms my nerves," she mumbled, as if trying to justify her habit. Cameron's brows furrowed, her worry deepening, as they gathered their belongings and stepped outside the store. They found a comfortable spot on the curb, where Arabella could indulge in her vice. As Arabella lit up, a cloud of smoke swirling around her, Cameron settled beside her, their friendship providing a comforting presence in that moment.

Cameron playfully nudged Arabella in the side, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. "Hey, I was thinking about making some friendship bracelets. What do you think?" she asked, eagerly awaiting Arabella's response. Arabella burst into laughter, her amusement filling the air. "That's a cool idea, but good luck trying to get Ryan to wear one. That guy is as stubborn as they come," she remarked, taking a drag from her cigarette. Cameron grinned, her mind racing with a solution. "Well, Luna can work her magic. I mean, they've been dating for two years now. They're like the living proof of true love," she said, her voice filled with admiration and a touch of whimsy.

Their conversation came to an abrupt halt as a loud yell pierced the air, causing Cameron to spring up from her seat. She quickly spotted Kyler and his buddies harassing Miguel. Arabella swiftly extinguished her cigarette and stood beside Cameron, ready to intervene. "Hey, Kyler! Cut it out and leave the new kid alone," Arabella shouted, her voice filled with determination.

Kyler turned towards them, a smirk playing on his lips as he approached. "So, Isabella, have you reconsidered my offer? Just me and you," he said, gesturing towards himself. Arabella scrunched up her nose in disgust, her reply dripping with disdain. "No thanks. Just back off and we won't have any more problems," she warned, her words laced with a hint of threat.

Kyler let out an exaggerated eye roll and turned his attention back to Miguel, immediately noticing the Pesto in his hands. With a cruel smirk on his face, he couldn't resist making fun of him. "Holy shit! Looks like someone had a frickin' diarrhea explosion!" he taunted, his voice dripping with mockery.

Arabella, unable to contain her anger, clenched her fists tightly by her side. Cameron, ever the voice of reason, quickly intervened, grabbing Arabella's wrist and shaking her head. "No, don't strike first," she whispered, her tone firm but calm. Arabella let out a frustrated groan, still seething with indignation. "But he's bullying him!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of anger and concern.

Brucks let out a laugh and turned to Kyler, suggesting, "Hey, we should call him 'Rhea!" Cameron winced, knowing that this was another cruel nickname they were coming up with to target Miguel. Brucks and Kyler proceeded to push Miguel around, causing him to exhale in frustration.

"Give it back, dude. It's for my grandma!" Miguel exclaimed, desperately trying to retrieve what was rightfully his. But instead of showing any remorse, Brucks took it to another level. "Oh, it's for your grandma? Shit, I'm sorry, man. You want it? Take all that shit," he sneered, cruelly opening the bottle and pouring the liquid onto Miguel. "Bitch." Kyler stated as Miguel mumbled, "Asshole."

Kyler gazed back with a cold detachment, devoid of any remorse for his actions. "What did you say, Rhea?" he bellowed, casting a palpable wave of fear over Miguel. In response, Arabella, appalled by Kyler's behavior, gasped and took a courageous step forward. "Kyler, stop it! Leave him alone!" she shouted, forcefully shoving him to the ground.

Cameron, caught in the crossfire, stood frozen, her eyes widening in uncertainty. Meanwhile, Arabella, driven by a mix of anger and protection, mounted Kyler and unleashed a series of punches to his face. The situation escalated as Brucks intervened, grabbing Arabella by the waist and forcefully throwing her aside. Simultaneously, another of Kyler's friends joined the assault, delivering kicks to Arabella's vulnerable side.

As Cameron mustered the courage to step forward and intervene, a sudden yell pierced the tense atmosphere. The authoritative voice belonged to Johnny Lawrence, who demanded an end to the violence. "Hey! Leave the girls and the boy alone!" his voice echoed, breaking the chaotic sequence and introducing an element of authority into the tumultuous scene.

The moment the teen ceased kicking Arabella, Cameron sprang into action, rushing to her side. With a gentle yet firm grip, Cameron helped Arabella up and guided her to a safe spot. Holding her close, Cameron could feel Arabella's pain as she let out a groan. "Are you okay?" Cameron asked, concern evident in their voice. Arabella nodded, mustering up the strength to assure Cameron, "Yeah, I can handle it. Just please, check on Miguel for me." Her voice was barely a whisper as she moved from Cameron's embrace to sit on the curb, seeking a moment of respite.

Cameron's jaw dropped in disbelief as she glanced over and saw Johnny locked in a heated altercation with Kyler and his buddies. It was a chaotic scene that left Cameron feeling a mix of shock and concern. Acting quickly, she whispered-yelled, "Miguel!" while vigorously waving him over to their safe haven away from the mayhem. Miguel didn't waste a second, darting towards them without hesitation.

As he reached Cameron, she enveloped him in a comforting embrace, providing a sense of security amidst the chaos. "Are you okay?" Cameron asked, her voice filled with genuine worry. Meeting her gaze, Miguel blushed slightly and managed to stammer out, "Y-Yeah. Thanks for keeping me safe." A warm smile spread across his face, appreciating Cameron's protective presence in that moment.

Cameron's eyes widened in disbelief as she witnessed Johnny with Kyler in a chokehold. Just as the tension escalated, the sound of police sirens filled the air, and a cop emerged from their car, swiftly reaching for their pepper spray. In a moment of frustration and concern, Cameron couldn't help but shout, "Hey! He was just trying to help!"

Miguel, standing by her side, nodded vigorously, adding his voice to the protest, "Hey! It's not his fault!" Despite their pleas, the officers proceeded to cuff Johnny, the situation unfolding before them. It was a chaotic and intense moment that left Cameron and Miguel feeling a mix of shock and frustration.

ARABELLA WAS TAKEN THE HOSPITAL TO BE LOOKED AT. Arabella's doctor delivered the news that she had suffered from fractured ribs due to the kicks and a sprained hand from her punches at Kyler. Exhausted from the events, Cameron had drifted off to sleep in the chair next to Arabella's hospital bed. Suddenly, she was gently awakened by a tender shake, her eyes fluttering open to see her mom and dad standing before her. "Mama, Dad!" she exclaimed, excitement and relief evident in her voice as she pulled them both into a warm embrace. As they separated, Cameron's dad, Daniel, met Arabella's gaze and asked with genuine concern, "Your mom is on her way. Are you okay?"

Arabella responded with a knowing smile, her eyes filled with gratitude. "I'm all good, Mr. and Mrs. LaRusso. Just a sprained hand and fractured ribs, but nothing I haven't dealt with before," she reassured them.

Daniel sighed, placing his hands on his hips, and offered his support. "That's good to hear. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to let us know. I know it can get lonely with your mom being away. You're always welcome to stay over," he said warmly. Arabella's grin widened, her emotions held back behind a thankful facade. "Thank you again," she whispered, holding back the tears that threatened to spill.

Amelia couldn't contain her excitement as she gasped, her eyes lighting up with joy. She eagerly handed Arabella a plate of homemade brownies, a treat she had specially prepared just for her. "Here you go, sweetie. I remember you mentioning how much you love brownies the last time we saw each other," she said, her smile radiating warmth.

Arabella's face broke into a wide grin as she carefully opened the container, savoring the scent that wafted out. The aroma was heavenly, a delightful mix of chocolate and sweetness. "Ah, thank you so much, Mrs. LaRusso. These look and smell amazing," Arabella expressed her gratitude, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. The gesture meant a lot to her, knowing that Amanda had remembered her request.

Cameron didn't have the best relationship with her dad, but there was moments like this that made it different.


LOVING ARABELLA AND CAMERONS FRIENDSHIP SM!!! cant wait to introduce ryan and luna to you guys in chapter two!!!

miguel and cameron>>>>

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