𝒙𝒊𝒗. two worlds

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✧ two worlds ✧



Cameron and Arabella sat side by side, their attention fixed on Cameron's phone screen as Miguel attempted to talk to Sam. The video call had started off with a tense exchange of pleasantries, but it quickly became apparent that things were going downhill. Miguel's face, usually so full of confidence and determination, now reflected frustration and disappointment as he tried to navigate the conversation. His brows furrowed, and every now and then, he let out a small, exasperated sigh.

Cameron, observing the scene, found it hard to believe that Miguel was still clinging to the hope of rekindling things with Sam. After everything that had happened between them, it seemed crazy to her that he would still be trying. Arabella, sitting beside her, crossed her arms and gave Cameron a knowing look, her expression mirroring Cameron's disbelief.

When Miguel finally ended the call, he walked over to them with slumped shoulders and handed Cameron her phone. The look on his face said it all—he was defeated. "How did it go?" Cameron asked, even though she already knew the answer.

Miguel rolled his eyes and let out a heavy sigh. "Not great," he admitted, his voice tinged with a bitterness that hadn't been there before.

Cameron shook her head, unable to hide her frustration. "My sister is a dickhead, Mig. Forget about her," she said, her tone a mix of blunt honesty and protective anger. She couldn't stand seeing Miguel get hurt over and over again by someone who clearly didn't appreciate him.

Arabella, who had been watching the whole exchange with a critical eye, nodded in agreement. "She's probably eyeballing Robby right now," she added with a casual shrug, her voice carrying a note of sarcasm that made Cameron snicker.

Miguel's face twisted in disbelief at Arabella's comment. "Oh my god," he muttered under his breath, clearly exasperated by the whole situation. It was as if he couldn't quite believe that Sam might be interested in someone else, even though the possibility had been staring him in the face for weeks.

Cameron chuckled nervously, sensing that they might have hit a sore spot. She softened her tone, trying to be more gentle as she spoke. "Miguel, you need to move on. Trust me. It's not worth it," she said, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Miguel let out another sigh, this one even deeper than before. He looked down at the ground, his mind clearly racing as he tried to process what Cameron was saying. "Yeah, I guess," he mumbled, but there was a lingering doubt in his voice. It was clear that moving on was something he knew he needed to do, but the thought of it seemed overwhelming.

Arabella reached out and placed a comforting hand on Miguel's back, giving him a reassuring pat. "You deserve better, Mig," she said softly, her voice filled with warmth and encouragement. "Someone who actually appreciates you for who you are."

Miguel nodded slowly, but his eyes were distant, lost in thought. He knew they were right—Cameron and Arabella always had his best interests at heart—but knowing it and actually acting on it were two very different things. Sam had been his first love, and the idea of letting go felt like giving up on something that had once been so important to him.

Cameron, sensing his hesitation, leaned in a little closer. "Listen, I know it's hard," she said, her voice gentle but firm. "But holding onto something that's not there anymore is only going to keep hurting you. You need to let go so you can find someone who'll treat you the way you deserve."

Miguel looked up at her, his eyes searching hers for a moment, as if trying to find the strength he needed to move on. He knew she was right, and deep down, he knew it was time to start thinking about his own happiness instead of clinging to a past that wasn't going to change.

"Yeah," he said finally, his voice a little stronger this time. "You're right."

Arabella smiled at him, giving his back another reassuring pat. "That's the spirit," she said, her voice lightening the mood a little. "You're gonna be okay, Mig. We're here for you."

Miguel managed a small smile, one that didn't quite reach his eyes, but it was a start.

Ryan and Luna were stretching their legs in the dojo, preparing for their first lesson of the day. The air was filled with the rhythmic thud of Robby's punches against the heavy bag. Luna glanced at Robby, then at Sam, who had just walked in while talking animatedly on her phone. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease.

"I think it's still weird that we're in a dojo with our best friend's ex and our sensei is her dad who literally kicked her out for joining Cobra Kai," Luna said, her voice laced with anxiety. Her eyes flicked nervously between Robby and Sam. "Ryan, Cam is gonna be so pissed when she finds out. You know how she gets when she is pissed."

Ryan, sensing Luna's growing discomfort, reached out and rubbed her leg in a comforting manner. "I know, I know," he said, trying to maintain a hopeful tone. "But it seems like Robby is trying to be a better person."

Luna tilted her head slightly, giving Ryan a skeptical look. "I hope so," she murmured, clearly still uncertain.

Just then, Daniel walked in with an air of authority and cheerfulness. "All right, perfect attendance on day one!" he announced, his eyes scanning the group.

Sam sighed and took her place alongside Ryan and Luna as they gathered around Daniel. "So, what's our first lesson, Mr. LaRusso?" Ryan asked, his grin hinting at his eagerness to get started. Luna bounced on her feet, excitement evident in her body language.

Daniel clapped his hands together. "Robby and Sam will be working on something together since they already know the basics," he said. "But Ryan and Luna, follow me."

He led them outside the dojo and into the front area, where the dojo's car and various outdoor areas awaited. "Luna, you can clean the car. And Ryan, you can paint the fence," Daniel instructed, picking up a bucket of paint and a brush and handing it to Ryan. He then gave Luna a bucket of soapy water and a rag.

Luna's eyes widened in confusion. "We're doing chores?" she asked, her eyebrows knitting together.

Daniel, with a smile, nodded enthusiastically. "No, it's part of the process, trust me!" he said reassuringly before turning and walking back inside to discuss Robby and Sam's activities.

Ryan and Luna exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of bewilderment and resignation. Luna's lips curled into a small frown as she watched Daniel retreat. "Well, this is definitely not what I expected," she said, still holding the bucket of soap and rag.

Ryan shrugged, trying to stay positive. "It's all part of learning, I guess. Maybe there's a method to this madness."

Luna took a deep breath and nodded, steeling herself for the tasks ahead. "Let's just get it done," she said, trying to keep her spirits up as she headed toward the car. Ryan followed, bucket and brush in hand, ready to tackle the fence.

As they began their chores, the dojo's activities continued inside. The smell of paint and soap filled the air as Ryan and Luna worked diligently, their initial apprehension gradually giving way to determination.

Hawk, Arabella, and Cameron stood together near the entrance of the dojo, casting curious glances at Chris and Mitch. Hawk was deep in thought, his fingers tapping his chin as if weighing an important decision. "What do you think? Shithead One and Shithead Two?" Hawk asked, his voice dripping with mock consideration.

Cameron let out a nervous chuckle, her eyes darting between Chris and Mitch as they seemed to falter under the scrutiny. "I was thinking more Mary-Kate and Asshat," Arabella suggested with a smirk, her tone laced with playful derision.

Hawk burst into laughter, clearly amused by the suggestion. Before Chris could respond, Hawk cut him off abruptly. "Well, I'm Chris—"

"Did I say you could speak?" Hawk interrupted, his voice rising in a commanding tone.

Miguel, sensing the escalating tension, strolled over with a casual smile. He patted Chris on the shoulder in a friendly gesture, attempting to defuse the situation. "Guys, look, they're just messing with you," Miguel reassured, giving Chris a supportive dap. "Besides, everyone knows your names are Assface and Douchebag."

Miguel's nonchalant attitude lightened the mood, and the trio of Hawk, Arabella, and Cameron couldn't help but chuckle. Mitch leaned closer to Chris, whispering with a smirk, "Dips on Assface."

Cameron's attention was diverted as the doorbell rang, and she turned to see an older man walk in. The man scanned the room with a practiced eye, and Cameron squinted, trying to place his face. There was something oddly familiar about him, but she couldn't immediately identify him.

Arabella noticed Cameron's distracted gaze and followed her line of sight. "What's wrong, Cam?" she asked, her concern evident.

Cameron shrugged, still trying to piece together where she'd seen the man before. "I think I've seen that guy somewhere..." she trailed off, her eyes narrowing as she observed the man more closely.

The older man walked past them, heading toward the office. Cameron hesitated before calling out, her curiosity overcoming her hesitation. "Sir, what's your name?" she asked, her voice steady but tinged with uncertainty.

The man turned to look at her, a smirk playing on his lips. "John Kreese. And you are?" he inquired, his eyes gleaming with a mix of curiosity and recognition.

Cameron's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the name. She had heard all about John Kreese from her father, and the name immediately triggered a connection. "Uh— Uh, Cameron LaRusso, and this is my best friend, Arabella Williams..." she stammered, her voice faltering slightly.

Kreese's eyes widened in surprise at hearing the LaRusso name. "Wow, another LaRusso in Cobra Kai," he remarked, clearly taken aback. With a nod of acknowledgment, he turned and walked into the office, leaving Cameron and Arabella in stunned silence.

The two friends exchanged a puzzled glance. "Another?" they said in unison, their confusion palpable.

Cameron's eyes widened as realization dawned on her. "Holy shit. My dad might have used to be in Cobra Kai," she said, her voice a mixture of shock and disbelief. Arabella's eyes grew wide with astonishment, her mouth forming a small 'o' of surprise. The revelation left both of them reeling, as they processed the implications of Cameron's discovery.

Luna and Ryan started their assigned tasks with a mixture of reluctance and determination. Luna tackled the task of cleaning the car, scrubbing it with the rag and soapy water. The sun beat down on her, making the work feel even more grueling. The repetitive motion of wiping and rinsing left her feeling exhausted. After a while, she put her hands on her hips and let out a dramatic sigh.

"This is so pointless," Luna complained, dropping the rag into the bucket with a splash. "Why are we doing this? I thought we were here to learn karate, not wash cars."

Ryan, who was steadily working on painting the fence, looked over with a sympathetic smile. "Come on, Lulu. I remember Cameron telling us that this is part of how Mr. LaRusso teaches. You know, the whole wax on, wax off thing. It's supposed to build discipline and teach us the basics in a way that makes us better at karate. We just have to trust the process."

Luna glanced at the fence, already streaked with fresh coats of paint. She looked back at Ryan, her frustration evident. "Fine, but this is seriously exhausting," she grumbled.

Ryan put down his paintbrush and wiped his hands on his pants. "How about this—let's switch. You paint the fence, and I'll clean the car. That way, we can both get a break from the monotonous task."

Luna hesitated for a moment but then nodded. "Okay, that sounds fair," she agreed, feeling a bit relieved at the prospect of changing tasks.

They swapped places, and Luna picked up the paintbrush with a newfound resolve. She began applying strokes of paint to the fence, her movements a bit clumsy at first but gradually becoming more precise. The paintbrush glided over the wood, leaving a fresh layer of white behind.

Meanwhile, Ryan moved to the car, rolling up his sleeves and getting to work. The sun had made the car's surface hot, and the soapy water quickly became warm as he worked. Ryan scrubbed away at the grime, his hands working in smooth, rhythmic motions. As he cleaned, he noticed how much more relaxed Luna seemed while painting.

"This isn't so bad," Luna admitted, her frustration melting away as she focused on the steady, repetitive task. "I guess there's something to this after all."

Ryan nodded, his voice encouraging. "Exactly. It's all about the process. Plus, it's kind of satisfying seeing the results of our hard work."

The two continued their tasks, finding a rhythm and even starting to enjoy the work. The fence began to look pristine under Luna's careful strokes, and the car started to gleam again, thanks to Ryan's efforts. They chatted occasionally, sharing lighthearted banter as they worked side by side.

After a while, Daniel returned to check on their progress. He smiled approvingly at their work, clearly pleased with how they were handling their tasks. "Looking good," he said, nodding at the freshly painted fence and the sparkling car. "Keep it up. Remember, this isn't just about the chores—it's about learning patience, attention to detail, and discipline."

Luna and Ryan exchanged glances, their earlier complaints now replaced with a sense of accomplishment. They continued working, now more invested in the process and determined to see it through to the end.


splitting ep 2 in 2 chapters cause im lazyyy

but i need some ideas for this fic!! help me out! what do you want to see happen in this fic?

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