08 | my savior, my paradise

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song: Lonesome Town by Ricky Nelson


"there's a place where lovers go,
to cry their troubles away."

Celia walked along the deck of the large boat, eyeing the F-18s on the runway. Rooster, Phoenix and Bob, and Payback and Fanboy had been chosen for the mission with Maverick as team leader.

Hangman and Bali were called for standby in case anything happened, which hopefully wouldn't.

"Bali." A voice she had memorized by now said from behind her. Rooster walked up to where Celia was and embraced her in a hug.

"Roo, come back to me please." Celia whispered softly in his ear.

"I will." Rooster whispered just as soft.

The two pulled apart and went their separate ways, Celia to her back-up F-18 and Rooster to the mission planes.


"Dagger 1, up and ready on catapult 1." Maverick's voice said through the comms.

"Dagger spare 1, standing by." Hangman said from the plane beside Celia.

"Dagger spare 2, ready for standby." Celia said through her mic.

"Dagger 4, up and ready." Payback said.

"Dagger 3, up and ready." Phoenix said confidently.

"Dagger 2, up and ready." Rooster concluded, sounding very much like the red samurai power ranger. (im sorry i had to include this 💀)

When they got the Admiral's permission, Maverick shot into the sky first, the rest following suit.

Hangman must have noticed the concerned look on Celia's face because he turned and said, "He'll be fine."

Celia nodded and waited to listen to the radio.


The seemingly impossible mission had been going smoothly with everything until Rooster said something that made Celia's eyes widen.

"Shit I'm out of flares!" Rooster panicked.

"Rooster! Evade, evade!" Maverick shouted.

"I can't shake them, they're on me!"

Everything went silent until Rooster yelled, "Mav no!"

"Dagger 1 is hit. I repeat Dagger 1 is hit." Phoenix said urgently. "Maverick is down."

Celia raised her hand to cup her mouth in shock and turned to Hangman who had a solemn look on his face.

"Dagger 1 status. Status." Rooster demanded from the other pilots. "Does anyone see him?"


Hangman and Celia flew as fast as they could, rushing to where the radar picked up Maverick and Rooster.

An enemy aircraft was in front of us, about to shoot them down before Celia shot them with a missile at the same time as Hangman.

The plane blew up into smokes and they flew through the debris.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is your savior speaking." Hangman said cheekily.

Celia cleared her throat in the most obvious way. "Saviors. Plural, asshole."

He just ignored that comment and continued with his flight attendant act. "Please fasten your seat belts. Return your tray tables to their locked and upright positions." Rooster laughed, half in relief. "And prepare for landing."

"Ladies and gentlemen, Bali Airlines congratulates you on your successful mission." Celia decided to joke along. "For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisle clear until we have parked at the gate."

"Congratulate me in person once we land, Bali." Rooster said.

"Oh don't worry I will." Celia smiled. "Cya back on base."

Celia flew away with Hangman to land on the ship's runway. When both of them exited their planes, they laughed and hugged and shook hands.

"Well done, partner." Celia nodded once in approval.

"You too, amateur." Hangman gave his best smile but anyone could tell he was joking.

The ship's crew prepared the barricade for Maverick and Rooster's plane to stop at. After a rough landing, the two stepped out and everyone rushed towards them. It was hard to bear anything, with everyone cheering and shouting. But Celia thought Rooster had said something.

Celia pushed towards the crowd to embrace Rooster in a hug. "I'm glad you kept your promise."

"Of course I did. My savior, my paradise." Rooster said, seemingly out of breath before connecting their lips. He held onto Celia like his life depended on it and kissed her like it would be his last.


A/N: the new first chapter has been posted!

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