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"You're taking AP history?" Molly asked as she read Wyatt's schedule. They were on their way to school, first day of senior year.

"Yeah." Wyatt answered casually, parking in his assigned spot. "So, I was thinking—"

"Is that Ryan and Neveah?" Molly interrupted, pointing to the two getting comfortable beside the tree.

Wyatt laughed, "he's been all heart eyes over that girl." Wyatt said and Molly grinned looking back at him. She leaned over and kissed him, short and sweet as she undid her buckle.

"Your fan clubs staring." Molly mumbled against his lips, unable to contain her smile.

"Let em stare." Wyatt kissed her harder, wishing he had a darker tint to his windows. He didn't care though, he was kissing the girl of his dreams and he wanted everyone to know it.

Molly broke away for a breath, "we should head inside." She told him, reaching for the door handle.

"I'm gonna talk to the guys. I'll see you in homeroom?" He asked, opening his own door as she stepped out.

"Yeah, and don't worry, I got snacks." She told him, closing her door to head towards the school. Molly and Wyatt always had the same homeroom and she had been prone to sneaking snacks in for them.

"Molls." Mollys attention was caught by Ryan, who was now alone by the tree. "Carter's still pissed so try not to flaunt you and Danesy so much." Ryan advised and Molly frowned, the guilt rising to her chest.

"Fuck, you're right." Molly mumbled, glancing back to Wyatt who was already stuck in a swarm of jocks.

"Oh, also, can you watch Hazel Saturday night so I can take Nev out?" Ryan asked and her smile quickly reappeared.

"Where are you taking her?" Molly asked, nodding towards the school and he walked with her.

"The aquarium. Do you think she'll like it?" Ryan asked, waving towards his team as they walked by. "I've never been but I remember you said it was really cool and—"

"She'll love it." Molly assured him with a smile, watching as he pushed open the door, holding it open for her. "Thanks. I'll see you at lunch." She waved as they split to their separate halls, heading towards their lockers.

Molly got to her locker, entering in the combination and shoving her backpack inside. She could hear the whispering behind her, hushed giggles at the lockers on the other side of the hall. Molly turned around, raising a brow when she noticed the girls staring at her.

"Are you dating Wyatt?" Angela, the preppiest girl in Mollys class. She couldn't stand her.

"Um, yeah?" Molly answered, rolling her eyes and turning back to her locker.

"I know we never really talked before but—"

"Molls!" Izzy shouted from down the hall, waving to her as she carried her notebook.

"Hey, Iz." Molly took out her pencil and notebook book before closing her locker, leaving Angela unheard. "So, senior, how's your day?" Molly asked, linking her arm with the other girls.

"Pretty good, senior." Izzy grinned, knowing that they had dreamed of this year forever. "Wheres goldie locks?" Izzy asked as they walked towards their home rooms.

"With the bears." Molly mumbled, rolling her eyes as she didn't like most of his friends.

"He's gonna be late." She said, just before the warning bell rang.

"When isn't he?" Molly joked, "I'll see you at lunch." Molly waved to her as she walked into her class.

She made her way to the back of the class, wanting to be as far from the teacher as possible. She knew Wyatt would want to sit in the back as well, making sure to save him a seat beside her. Molly noticed a girl she hadn't seen before walk in, her eyes wandering the class for a friendly face.

Molly smiled to her, already liking her style and noticing the pins on her bag. She made her way over slowly, a nervous smile on her face.

"Can I sit?" Molly nodded quickly, knowing Wyatt could sit on the other side of her. "Thanks. I'm Mina." She held out her hand and Molly took it with a warm smile.

"Molly." The redhead responded, "where'd you move from?"

"Farmington." She answered, taking out her notebook and Molly noticed the Smiths and the Cardigans pins on her bag.

"You've got great taste." Molly pointed to the pins and then the smiths shirt she had on.

"You're a smiths fan?" Mina asked with surprised look on her face.

"Not as much as my boyfriend, but I love the smiths." Molly said, her boyfriend, it still felt weird to say.

"Oh, do you—"

"Hey, Mrs Pepper! How was your summer?" They were interrupted by the loud voice booming through the classroom.

"You can never escape the loud jocks." Mina muttered, watching as Wyatt's voice didn't get quieter as he greeted everyone else.

"Tell me about it." Molly laughed as he made his way over.

"He's kinda cute though." Mina whispered, making Molly smile harder as he got closer. "What's his name?" Mina asked, turning to Molly with a curious smile.

"Wyatt Danes—"

"Yes, baby?" Wyatt asked, kissing her cheek as he sat down beside her.

"Oh, shit. I'm so—"

"It's okay." Molly laughed, wiping her cheek and the blond pouted.

"You new?" Wyatt asked, moving his seat towards Molly's.

"Yeah, I just moved her." Mina answered and the blond smiled his usual kind smile.

"I'm Wyatt." He reached over Molly and held out his hand.

"Mina." The brunette smiled and looked to Molly, "so, I'm guessing this is your boyfriend?"

"Nah, he's just my side piece." Molly joked and Wyatt flicked her thigh. "I'm just kidding." She laughed, feeling his forehead press to her shoulder.

"Hey, Danesy, finally get rid of that boyfriend?" Wyatt tensed at the comment, raising his head to see one of their classmates laughing at him.

"So funny, Trent." Wyatt retorted, sitting up to glare at the other. "Homophobic piece of—" Molly rested her hand on his knee, noticing the way he began to shake. Mina frowned at the couple, picking up on the comment and hearing Wyatt's mumbles.

"Ignore him." Molly turned and kissed his temple, "he's just jealous you can pull both sides."

Wyatt let out a weak laugh, "shush."

"This—" Molly sighed as he kissed her neck, "isn't studying." Her hands roamed his hair otherwise, bringing his mouth back up to hers.

"Wait, you said you had to ask me something?" Wyatt pulled away, and she stared back at him, caught by surprise.

"Oh! Richard wants you to come to dinner on Friday." Molly remembered her mom's shocked words after getting off the phone with grandma.

"Wait, really?" Wyatt sat up, surprised that they would invite him to dinner. The last time he was in their home her was heartbroken.

"I think it'll be a.. yeah, it's going to be a disaster." Molly laughed knowingly. Emily always did something to go against her.

"I'll go. For you, and Richard. I kinda of like your grandpa." Wyatt said, a smile appearing on his face. "Honestly, Emily doesn't bother me. She never cares to talk to me." He told her and Molly rolled her eyes, sitting up against her headboard.

"That was before we were dating." Molly retorted, knowing Emily would want to dig into every detail about him.

"Maybe it wont be so bad?"

"What?" Wyatt asked as Lorelai laughed, watching him walk up to the door.

They had rode together, which had turned out to be Wyatt and Lorelai's carpool karaoke. They liked the same music, which Molly had learned quickly. Wyatt insisted on being the one to knock on the door, so they let him get out first.

"You're excited?" Lorelai asked, chugging down the rest of her coffee as she walked up the steps.

"A little." Wyatt answered and he knocked on the door, reaching for Molly's hand as she stood beside him.

The door swung open, a grinning Emily Gilmore behind it. They were all surprised to see the smile on her face as she opened the door. Then, she saw Wyatt and her smile quickly faded.

"What are you doing here?" The woman asked, pointing to the blond beside the door.

"Dad invited him." Lorelai defended, making her way into the home.

"Well, if you were invited come on in." Emily insisted, and the three teens walked into the home.

"Richard!" Emily shouted once she had closed the door. "He's in the louge." She stated, storming her way towards her husband.

"Guess I'm a surprise to her." Wyatt chuckled, following them into the lounge. "Mr. Gilmore!" The blond exclaimed as he walked into the lounge, noticing the man's staring at his wife.

Richard stood from his chair with a smile to greet Wyatt, "please, call me Richard."

"Nice to see you again, Richard." Wyatt offered out his hand to the man and Richard took it with a firm grip.

"Why does my dad love your boyfriend so much?" Lorelai asked, wondering if he had liked Christopher this much.

"I'm not sure." Molly answered taking a spot in the love seat as Wyatt shook hands with her grandfather. "Hey, grandpa! I'm here too." She stated and Richard looked away from the blond and took his seat.

"Hi, Molly, hi girls." He waved over to Lorelai and Rory stood at the doorway.

"Hi, grandpa!" Rory ran over and Wyatt took that as his chance to sit beside Molly on the loveseat. He didn't smile for long as Lorelai squeezed herself beside him.

"How long until Emily—"

"Wyatt, how have you been treating my granddaughter?" Emily was always straight to the point, never missed a best.

"Isn't that a question for her? I mean I'm biased." Wyatt responded, and Molly nudged him for throwing her into the conversation.

"Ah, yes. Molly?" Emily ques the red haired teen and Molly smiled, glancing over at Wyatt.

"He's incredible. I mean, he—" Molly looked at Wyatt in search for words. "I love him." Molly answered truthfully, reaching for his hand to hold.

"And do you love her?" Emily questioned him, and that had always been an easy answer for her.

"I do." Wyatt looked at the girl beside him and smiled lovingly, his ocean blue eyes staring into hers.

"You're eighteen?" Richard asked the blond and he nodded slowly. "You'll be eighteen next month." Richard pointed to Molly and everyone sat confused.

"Woah, dad. They're not going to get married." Lorelai stated when she realized what he had implied.

"I never said.." Richard shook his head at the woman, "you two can do whatever you want." The man said to the teens, lifting up his newspaper.

"Richard tells me you're to be a professional hockey player." Emily spoke, pouring herself a drink before taking her seat.

"That's the dream, ma'am." Wyatt answered with a smile, keeping his hand in Molly's.

"So it's just a dream?" Emily questioned with a judging brow.

"No, I have scholarship's coming out of my—I'm going NHL draft next year." Wyatt told her as Molly squeezed his hand, stopping him from swearing in front of the woman.

"Is that some big sports thing?" Wyatt struggled not to laugh at her lack of knowledge of sports.

"Mom, no need for twenty questions. Wyatt's a great kid and he's good for Molly." Lorelai's support still caught Molly by surprise. This same woman had been skeptical of his every move at one point.

"I just wanted to get to know the boy my granddaughter is dating." Emily responded and the twins looked at each other with knowing eyes.

"I know him, mom."

"She's getting so big." Rory cooed as she sat across the table from where Molly was feeding Hazel.

"She's six months next week." Molly responded, letting the baby hold her bottle as she fought for it. "And she looks just like her daddy." Molly raised a brow at the baby, there was never a need for a dna test.

"Who is her mom?" Rory asked, realizing she had never heard anything about the girl.

"I really don't know." Molly answered, looking at Hazel who smiled up at her.

"Lor, can a guy not nap in your home?" Wyatt grumbled as he walked down the stairs, Lorelai following quickly behind him.

"Molly, what is he doing here?" Lorelai asked, pointing to the blond.

"Jess was being loud and he wanted to nap after skating." Molly responded, holding the baby against her chest.

"Hi, pretty girl." Wyatt walked over to the baby, reaching out for her and Molly handed her over. Lorelai watched the act with horrified eyes, Rory was too focused on her homework to care.

"Okay, I'm getting you a chastity belt." Lorelai stated, walking back up to her room to finish the laundry she had began to fold.

"She acts like we ever have a second alone." Molly muttered, watching as Wyatt walked around the kitchen with the baby.

"That look is what's getting you the belt." Rory said and Molly turned quickly to her sister.

"What look?" The red head asked, not realizing her sister saw right through her.

"You're practically screaming at him with your eyes to have your babies." Wyatt let out a laugh at Rory's words.

"I'm afraid you're gonna have to wait a few years for that one, babe." Wyatt teased, heading towards the livingroom with the baby in his arms.

"Do you have a plan or something?" Rory questioned the blond and he poked his head into the kitchen.

"Maybe." Wyatt answered with a smirk.

"What are your plans?" Rory asked but he shook his head.

"C'mon, shouldn't I know my future?" Molly asked, watching as his smile turned flustered.

"It's just a thought, not even a plan really." Wyatt shrugged them off as Hazel began to fuss. He grabbed her binky, rocky her to sleep in his arms.

"And?" Rory asked impatiently, turning in her chair to see him.

"You ladies just gotta know? I'm gonna get into the big league by the time I'm twenty. You will be in your sophomore year of college, if I get drafted close we can move in to—I swear I don't think about this—"

"Well don't stop talking now. This I can hear everything in this old house." Lorelai reminded him, and he set Hazel into her crib.

"We move in together?" Molly asked, wanting to hear the rest of his plans.

"If that's what we're both ready for, that's the dream." Wyatt responded, leaning against the countertop after walking into the kitchen. "Then when you graduate, we can get married—"

"Okay, I don't want to hear the rest." Lorelai stated, walking into the kitchen. "You're so young. Also, can you stop leaving your gross protein shakes in my fridge?" Lorelai shoved the bottle at the teen as she dug through the fridge.

"I was going to drink this." Wyatt argued, shaking the contents that the women didn't dare ask of.

"My little firecracker.." Lorelai sang out to Molly, which only meant one thing.

"What?" Molly asked, knowing she wanted something.

"Get him out of here." Lorelai pointed to the blond, who was only guilty of taking a nap and drinking a protein shake.

"Wyatt? Get Hazel dressed and we can go to the football game with you."

"Y'know, I'm kinda glad you're not a football player." Molly said, reaching over to rip a piece off his pretzel.

"I thought you liked when I played football." Wyatt had played football when they were younger. She had gone to the games but that was only to cheer for him and Izzy in marching band.

"It's too slow, also, you look hot when you're all.. yeah." Molly waved at him as if he knew what she was referring to.

"Hey, Danesy." Wyatt's attention was pulled away from the girl as one of their classmates walked over to them.

"Hey, Seth." Wyatt greet the other, sitting up from his chair. "How've you been?" Molly watched as Wyatt shook his hand, not quite understanding the bro hug.

"I've been good. Mollys your girlfriend? Dude, she has a baby?" Molly nearly laughed at the question, readjusting Hazel on her lap.

"Seth, when did you see me pregnant?" Molly asked him and he thought back to the last time he saw her.

"Who's baby is it?" Seth asked, walking over to Molly and waving at the baby.

"A friends." Molly answered, holding Hazel closer to herself as he nodded.

"Okay." Seth rolled his eyes with a chuckle at her defensive demeanor. "Nice to see y'all!" He waved, making his way up the bleachers.

"Hazel, we got haters." Molly joked, bouncing the baby on her leg.

"Seths an airhead." Wyatt shrugged, reaching for the baby and Molly turned away. "C'mon, Cher." He whined, but the girl shook her head.

"Can I have your snickers?" She asked, and the blond laughed.

"Sure, can I hold my niece now?"

The game was nearly over when Wyatt and Molly were greeted by the other couple. They were surprised to see them now, since Ryan planned to be out later.

"Is that daddy?" The baby bounced with joy the second she saw Ryan and he took her from Wyatts arms.

"Oh, Nev." Ryan hadn't introduced them. The girl he was dating hadn't met the girl he loved more than anything.

"So this is the famous Hazel? You are even prettier than I expected." Neveah smiled big at the baby who had nothing but love to give back.

"Isn't she the cutest baby ever?" Molly asked rhetorically, knowing Hazel was perfect.

"She definitely looks like her dad." Neveah stated, looking from Hazel to Ryan with a smile.

Ryan grinned proudly, "would you like to hold her?" He asked the girl, so proud of his tiny creation he called a daughter. Hazel laid so content in his arms, staring at her dad with so much love and curiosity.

"I'd love to."

"Where have you been all day?" Luke asked as they couple sat at the counter. He had seen Wyatt when he woke up that morning, but not since and it was now nine o'clock.

"Had some work outs, went to Mollys and we just left the game." Wyatt answered, standing behind Molly as she sat on her usual stool.

Luke nodded and looked to the red head, "are you staying the night?"

"You think my mom would allow that?" Molly retorted and Luked nodded, knowing Lorelai wouldn't let her stay the night now that they were dating.

"Make sure you lock up when you leave." Luke said, having just flipped the sign to closed. "Also, you're working in the morning." He pointed to his son and the blond nodded affirmatively.

"K, but tryouts are tomorrow so I gotta leave early." Wyatt responded, wrapping his arms over Mollys shoulders.

"Well, I need you here so find someone to cover the rest of your shift." Luke stated, wiping down each of the counters.

"I'll do it." Molly said, knowing that it had been a while since she had worked a shift in the diner.

"You're not going to sneak away to nap, again?" Luke asked, remembering the last time she work he had found her sleeping Wyatt's bed.


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