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no tv, no phone and no boys

Sunday morning, Molly woke to a rude awakening by her mother. The woman tore off her blanket's and dragged her youngest out of bed by her ankles. Molly had been a deep sleeper, and it wasn't until a cup of ice water was being poured over her head that she sprung awake. Lorelai stood over her daughter, who stared up at her with wet hair and dark circled eyes.

The second Lorelai's arms crossed over her chest and a stern, motherly glare was sent down to Molly. The girl knew she'd done something, but she couldn't pinpoint what. She hadn't gone out with Wyatt the night before, rather gloating in her own bed over the passionate kiss she'd received.

The kiss she couldn't stop thinking of. Molly would've been an idiot if she had denied herself to him; Tristan was a damn good kisser. She had stayed up most of the night on the phone with Izzy, telling her every detail of the date.

And Molly hadn't thought to have done anything wrong, until Lorelai spoke up. "You went on a date and didn't tell me?" Her mother's electric blue eyes had a mixture of anger and betrayal; Molly's flooding with guilt.

"Rory's a fucking sni—"

"Rory knew?" Lorelai questioned, Molly was now confused. If Rory hadn't told her, who had? "I got a call from Emily this morning, on how she was just so thrilled about your choice in a boyfriend. When I asked her what she meant, she told me she saw you in Hartford yesterday going full Pretty In Pink!" Lorelai exclaimed, her arms flailing as she paced around the tight spaced room.

"I was not going Pretty In Pink!" Molly retorted, an open mouthed 'are you kidding me' expression taking over her tired face.

"You're totally Andie Walsh." Rory stated, poking her head into the room innocently.

Molly glared back at her sister, "shut up."

"Hey! Be nice to your sister." Molly rolled her eyes, pushing herself up from her bed and taking her towel from behind her door. "I'm not done talking to you!" Lorelai called out, following Molly from her room as she tried to make her way into the bathroom.

"I'm not going to run off and get pregnant, if we do it I'll be sure to—"

"If? You've gone out with this boy once and you're thinking of having sex with him?" Lorelai questioned, her eyes wide and her voice cracking.

"No, it was a damn hypothetical! But yeah, maybe if we're dating for a while, who knows!" Molly retorted, her arms flailing frustratedly as she walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

"You're grounded!" Lorelai yelled through the bathroom door, Molly swung it open with a gasp. "For a month, no tv, no phone and no boys." Lorelai claimed, not a playful glint hidden in her demanding eyes.

"That's barbaric! Wyatt's a boy, are you saying I can't go to the diner?" Lorelai opened her mouth to answer, but quickly closed it with furrowed brows. "So Rory can hang out with her stalker, but I can't hang out with the one guy who seems to like me because there's a possibility that someday I'll have sex with him?" Molly spat out, her frustration clouding her reason as she stood glaring coldly to her mother.

"Rory's what— no! I'll talk to your sister, but for now, yes, you're grounded. And that means no Wyatt."

Molly laid on her bed, her room dimly lit by the lamp on the nightstand. She'd spent the rest of her day ignoring her mother, locking herself in her bedroom to avoid confrontation. It wasn't unusual for her to wound up grounded, but the circumstances were different this time. Most times, she'd end up grounded from seeing Wyatt because they'd done something worth getting in trouble for— not because she'd kissed a boy. She thought her mother was being dramatic, that her reasoning was invalid. Though, she'd also blamed herself for not telling Lorelai and the words that slipped out in her fit of frustration.

Several taps on her window brought her attention from the ceiling. She didn't have to take many guesses as to who it could've been, since only one person had been brave enough to climb the dying tree to get to her bedroom window. Molly quickly double checked that her door was locked before unlatching the window and allowing the blonde to slip through.

"Where have you—" she cupped his mouth, muffling his loud voice from exposing himself and getting her into more trouble.

"I'm grounded." She whispered, removing her hand with disgust when she felt his tongue press to her palm.

"What'd we do?" Wyatt asked, laying himself comfortably onto her bed as if it were his own.

"We didn't do anything." Molly mumbled, laying beside him, resting her chin on his arm as she laid onto her stomach. "Emily saw Tristan and I yesterday and told my mom before I could."

Wyatt snickered at her words, "how'd that go? The not date."

"Turns out it was a date." Molly told him, a smile creeping onto her face as she thought of it. "He kissed me." She didn't think about it as she told her best friend, he was supposed to be happy for her; even if it was someone he hadn't liked.

"He kissed you?" Wyatt asked, sitting up slightly, staring down at her with disturbance.


"Like-like what kind of kiss?" He questioned, calming as he rested against the headboard. His focus moved to the ceiling, not wanting to see the grin on her face as she went over the events.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, was there tongue? Did he go for the ass gra-" Molly smacked his shoulder, her face reddening at his questions.

"No, it was sweet, like— I don't know, it was a nice kiss." She shrugged, no longer containing her giddy smile as she explained it. "He was sweet, the whole day. I really like him, WD." Molly mumbled, staring up at a far too quiet Wyatt. She couldn't read him, his emotions flatlining, seeming to be in deep thought.

"He was good to you then?" Wyatt asked, needing the reassurance that he didn't have to beat up some rich kid—though he really wanted to.

"Really good to me." Wyatt gave her a half smile, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her onto his chest. "What's this for?" Molly giggled into the unexpected hug, her arms squished at her sides.

"I can't hug my best friend?" Wyatt joked, squeezing her tighter and she groaned out, fake gasping for air.

"Too tight—"

"Shut up, enjoy the moment." His grip loosened but he didn't let her go, taking in the short time of her in his arms. "I'm glad you're happy, Cherry." He mumbled, allowing her to push herself out of his arms, grinning back at him.

"Promise? I really want you to like him." Molly said, his nose scrunched and he purposefully placed his attention away from her.

"I wouldn't say like him, but if you're happy, blah blah— I'm kidding, I'm happy for you." He chuckled, receiving a hard glare from the red head beside him. "When he leaves you and hurts you, though, I'm going to be the one cleaning up the mess." Wyatt mumbled, Molly sat up quickly, shocked at his seemingly harsh words.


"If, I meant if." He corrected, wishing to take it back the second the words left his mouth. "And— and I'd gladly be the person who cleans up after— no, I mean, when your heart gets broken, I'm going to—"

"WD, shut up, would ya?" Molly interrupted and the blondes mouth clamped closed, his palm rubbing frustratedly over his face. "You should leave before Mom figures I haven't gone bananas." She said, nodding towards the window he'd come through.

"Or you could come with me?" He suggested, a mischievous smirk coming to play on his face.

"Go home, get some sleep and I'll see you in homeroom." She said, waving him off and his smile fell, replacing with an eyeroll.

"Fine, don't forget we have a presentation for bio." Molly's eyes widened at his words, the blonde laughing lightly as he escaped from her bedroom. She ran after him, sticking her head out in time to see him dangling from the branch.

"Presentation? On what?"

"See you in homeroom, Cherry!" Wyatt yelled out as he dropped, not caring to answer her question as he ran off.

"Molly! What was that?" Lorelai called from the kitchen, "Wyatt better not be up there!"

"He's not, mom! You've just gone bat shit!"

authors note.
short chapter, i apologize.

also if y'all don't get the pretty in pink reference.. im going to be very disappointed because i realized molly is literally living andies life atm

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