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"No, this goes here. Jesus, can't you do anything—" Molly snickered, chewing at the end of her pen as she watched Izzy begin to shout at the boys. She knew this would happen, they weren't good listeners and definitely didn't know how Izzy's mind worked.

"She's gonna rip one of those poor guys' heads off." Molly heard, feeling an arm fall casually over her shoulder.

"Hey, you're the one who thought you'd bring your college buddies to do help set up." Molly retorted, letting her head lean against him. "The band will be here to set up later, Izzy is just a stickler for details." She mumbled, clicking her pen down in her hand.

"Really? I haven't noticed." Beau teased, squeezing Mollys shoulder, "how're you? You haven't called in a while."

"Oh, yeah, I've just been busy. Exams are soon, Ryans got me watching Hazel most of the week and now I've got college essays to write for early applications and—yeah." Molly sighed, resting her head against his chest.

She never realized how much she had missed Beau until he came home. Having him away at college for most of the year had been something Molly didn't think she would struggle with. He had become her best friend, the person she had begun to go to for everything.

With summer around the corner, she couldn't wait to have him back in her sights constantly.

"Speaking of, where is that baby you're all so in love with?" Beau questioned, having yet to meet the group's newest addition.

"With her dad, then my mom's gonna watch her tonight." She answered, cocking her head towards the three boys she had met earlier that day. "Do they know Wyatts.. um.."

"Dating a guy?" Beau asked, a tinge of protectiveness in his voice and she nodded. "No, but I wouldn't have brought them if I didn't know they'd be okay with it." He assured, letting his arm fall off her shoulders as one of the guys waved him over.

"You better go make sure they don't get wacked." Molly snickered, nodding over to them and Beau made his way to the group.

"So, condoms are in the bathrooms along with lube and—"

"Jesus, Ash." Molly laughed, her face burning red as the girl shrugged.

"Hey, you never know if Wyatt will want to have himself some birthday sex." Ashley stated, "and if someone else decides they need some, they're there." She winked to Molly, insinuating something that Molly wasn't sure how to process.

"Yeah, um, thanks." Molly mumbled, her cheeks only growing redder. She had thought about it but never mentioned it to Carter.

"This is so fucking sick!" Molly squealed as her body was lifted from the ground. With Wyatt's strong arms around her, she trusted that she wouldn't full, still clutching onto him in case he dropped her.

"You really like it?" She asked, laughing lightly as he set her down.

"Hell yeah! A band? Kegs? Beer pong? You even decorated the smoke room!" Wyatt exclaimed, his smile larger than she had seen it in months.

Izzy and Molly had paid a local band for music in the yard, both spending most of their savings without a second thought. They had gotten Beau's college buddies to get them alcohol and set up several drinking game's behind the stage. Their designated smoke room had even been decorated in a way they knew Wyatt would love, with as much weed that Izzy could get from her brother.

"It was a team effort." Molly smiled and his arms wrapped around her tightly.

"It's amazing, Cherry." She felt a warm kiss placed on her cheek as he drew back.

"Good." Molly grinned, her eyes falling behind him, "I think my boyfriend is getting your boyfriend to take shots." She pointed out to the drink table where Charlie, Carter and Ryan were all holding shot glasses with a bottle of vodka between them.

"He's never drank before." Wyatt mumbled, his brows knitted together as he watched them carefully.

"Wanna join them?" She asked, nudging his back.

"You go, imma find Beau." Wyatt squeezed her shoulder before walking towards the house. Molly watched him curiously then made her way over to the three boys.

"Come here, sis, take a shot with me." Ryan ran over to Molly, taking her hand to pull her towards the drinks.

She squeezed between Ryan and Carter, her boyfriend pressing a soft kiss to her temple. Ryan picked out the rum he knew she loved, grabbing her a cup of her own.

"Ou, what's that?" Charlie asked, pointing to the rum with a quiet cough, his throat still burning from the vodka.

"Better than the shit you just took." She stated, watching as Ryan poured her the shot. "Wanna try?" He nodded, holding out his cup for Ryan to pour the shot.

Once their shots were poured, they all held out their cups, clinking them together for a quick 'cheers' and then downing the liquor. With a sour face, Charlie excused himself to go find Wyatt. Leaving Molly with her boyfriend and Ryan, who had only seemed to be at the beginning of their shots.

Now being tipsy, with a cup of Ryans special, Molly wandered the yard, her head bopping slightly to the band. She had met the members beforehand, most of them in their late teens/early twenties. They wouldn't have stuck out if they were in the swarm of teenagers.

The song stopped as Molly stepped to the side of the stage, waving to the lead singer with a small smile. They had talked earlier, knowing she would do this eventually. She had to work the courage up to it though, and that courage seemed to be brought on by alcohol.

Chet, the lead waved her up and Molly stepped onto the stage, cup still gripped into her hand. She took several nervous steps up to the microphone, setting the cup down at the edge of the stage.

"Hi." She choked into the microphone, feeling the gaze of a hundred eyes on her. "So, uh—" she glanced back nervously to Chet, who smiled supportively, "bare with me on this." Molly laughed into the microphone, knowing what she was about to do was far out of her comfort zone.

"You got this, baby!" Carter shouted, knowing what she had planned.

Molly smiled, giving a simple nod to the band behind her and the cords of the guitar began to play. Soon followed by the drums, then bass and she knew there was no going back.

Wyatt was exiting the house, excited as he heard the band begin to play one of his favorite songs. Only, as his eyes landed on the stage, he noticed the red locks behind the microphone.

"Holy shit." Wyatt gasped, shoving his way over to his friends who were supporting her beside the stage.

"Did you know she was doing this?" Beau asked, seemingly just as surprised as Wyatt.

"No." Wyatts mouth hung open, eyes wide as the first verse left her mouth.

"Another head hangs lowly, child is slowly taken~" Wyatt had heard Molly sing, they had always messed around in his car listening to his mixes. This though, her voice was nothing like their foolish cracks in his car. She was incredible, he had no idea she sounded this good.

He sat in awe, captivated by her voice as her eyes squeezed shut in fear of the crowds reactions. She had nothing to fear though, everyone was just as shocked as he was.

"But you see, its not me—" her eyes opened and fell to the edge of the stage, "its not my family, in your head, in your head, they are fighting."

As she reached the chorus, they all began to cheer, watching as her confidence boosted. Through the song, she grew more comfortable. She relaxed behind the microphone, a smile growing on her face through every powerful word.

"Did any of you know she could sing like that?" Wyatt asked and their heads shook.

"Dude, do you not remember our fifth grade concert? She had the solo." Izzy stated, smacking his shoulder but Wyatt shrugged.

"We were like ten."

The song came to an end and Molly scurried off the stage, red faced and giggling with adrenaline. She ran over to Wyatt, who embraced her tight in his arms.

"Holy shit, Cherry!" He laughed out proudly, letting go as she bounced on the balls of her feet.

"I didn't make a fool of myself, did I?" Molly asked, blowing a strand of hair from her face as the boys stared at her.

They all had the same starstruck look, all impressed and taken by surprise by Molly. They had never thought she could do something like that. She wasn't someone who purposefully brought attention to herself, she never sang for anyone but her shower head. Now, they all knew that she had a hidden talent.

"Baby, you were incredible." Carter exclaimed, placing his hands at the sides of her face. His smile was strung ear to ear, proud of what she had done and more in love with her than ever.

"You think?" She wasn't fishing, she truly wanted to know if they thought she was any good.

"Dude, that was fucking awesome. You got some pipes on you, Molls!" Ryan clapped a hand on her shoulder and she giggled wildly.

"Thanks, guys." She mumbled just before Carter planted a sweet kiss amongst her lips.

"I love you." He whispered onto her mouth, drawing back slowly as her eyes fluttered back open.

"I love you, too." Molly leaned into his side with a smile, turning to look at the birthday boy. "Where's your boy?" She asked, lightly kicking his shin and his brows furrowed.

"Fuck." He pinched the bridge of his nose, "Ry, you got him drunk, go find him."

"Wha—ow! Ow! Okay!" Ryan flinched as Wyatt flicked his forehead repeatedly. "God, if you want your dick sucked that bad just go—fuck you!" Ryan cried out, finally walking away after receiving a smack to the back of the head.

"You're a dick." Molly glared playfully at Wyatt, his arm slinging over Beau's shoulder.

"I know."

The party was long over, teens fanning out to go home around two. The group, however, hadn't had enough. The eight teens were sat in Beau's beloved basement, passing around a bottle of whiskey and a joint.

Molly was sat on her boyfriend's lap, the joint between her fingers as she held it to his mouth. She could hear her friends talking around her, but nothing drew her attention from the boy she was in love with. She drew back the joint, feeling his hand against her cheek and his mouth pressed to hers, blowing the smoke into her own lungs.

"Shit, that was hot." Ryan blurted as Molly exhaled, her face burning hot, remembering they weren't alone. She wanted them to be alone.

"Yeah, I'm tired though so.." Molly mumbled, turning back to Carter, "come cuddle?" She asked, standing from his lap and he took her hand, standing with her.

"Oh, yeah, I'm tired too. Come on Charlie." Wyatt teased loudly, "if anyone needs me, don't. Imma be with my hot ass boyfriend." Wyatt announced, pulling a flustered Charlie up with him.

"At least wash the sheets when you're done!" Beau called out as Wyatt rushed up the stairs.

"There's condoms and lube in the bathroom!" Ashley shouted louder, her hands pawing through Izzys hair. "Don't you guys forget that, either." Ashley said with a sincere smile.

"Oh, gosh, Ash. No." Molly groaned out, her face burning hot and she began to pull Carter upstairs.

As they got to the top of the steps, Molly brought Carter in, kissing him with a giggle on her throat. His hand tangled in her curls, holding her close as his back pressed to the wall in the livingroom. If anyone walked upstairs, they would never hear the end of it as their tongues danced together.

Carter pulled back, his breath heavy, "what was that?" He asked, a lopsided grin prominent on his face.

"I wanted to kiss you like that all night." She sighed out, pecking his lips once more before continuing up to the rooms. "I'm assuming Wyatt's in the big room so.." she looked at the guest bedroom door, if walls could talk.

"Guest room?" He pointed towards it and she nodded hastily.

"Yeah, go ahead, I'm just gonna steal a shirt or something to sleep in." She said, letting their hands disconnect as they walked to opposite rooms. Molly walked into Beaus room, taking one of his many Zeppelin shirts to replace her clothes with.

She walked into the bathroom, stripped from her jeans and cropped top. Leaving herself in her underwear and the t-shirt that was far too large for her. Her hair was a mess, curls frizzed from the humidity and her makeup had begun to seep behind her eyes.

"Fuck." She combed her fingers through her hair, looking around the bathroom for anything to clean off her smudged mascara. She nearly ran down to hug Ashley when she noticed the package of makeup wipes on the counter, beside the other essentials she had brought.

She grabbed a wipe, cleaning her face quickly and threw it into the trash. As she went to leave, she stared at the box, it had already been opened. Oh, Wyatt. She smiled at the thought, and left the bathroom to find her boyfriend.

As she got into the room, she made sure to lock the door, her action not going unnoticed by Carter. He sat up in the bed, his shirt already discarded to the floor. Molly couldn't get enough of him, the way he was so effortlessly perfect in every way she could ask.

"Cuddle time?" He asked, holding out his arms and she walked over, letting herself fall on top of him.

"I love you, Carter." She said, her legs tangling into his own.

"I love you, Molly." He tucked her red curls back, kissing her lips briefly but that wasn't enough for her.

"You know I trust you, right?" She asked, her heart speeding to a pace she didn't deem possible.

His brows furrowed, "I'd hope so."

Her balled hand fell to his chest, palm opening slowly against his bare skin. He watched as she lifted her hand, feeling the plastic against his skin. It was a condom, one of the ones from the bathroom.

"You—" he swollowed hard, "you want to?"

"I'm ready if you are." Molly leaned up against his chest, cradling his face in his hands and kissing him with all the love she had.

But he pulled away, keeping his forehead against hers, "not like this." He whispered, a hand cupping the back of her neck. "I want it to be special for you, not while we're high in Beau's guest room."

Molly didn't know why she was surprised. Maybe it was the fact that he was so sweet about it. Maybe it was how he hadn't jumped at the chance for sex. She was okay with it though, he was right, it needed to be special. Even if she had thought anywhere with him it would be just that.

"Hey, I love you, okay? I want to do this, just not here." He assured her when he noticed the way her face fell. She wasn't upset, just a bit embarrassed.

"I love you, too." She mumbled, adjusting her position to lay against his chest.

Wyatt fell back onto the bed, his breath heavy as sweat soaked his skin. Charlie laid beside him, blissed out with the same deep breathing as his boyfriend. It had started awkward neither knowing where to go from the heated makeout that began when they entered the room.

Charlie had been the one to walk into the bathroom when they got upstairs, he was the one who walked in the bedroom with a bashful smile and promise of giving Wyatt birthday sex. While it felt awkward, nothing felt forced, both caught between giggles and tender kisses. Wyatt was gentle through it, afraid he would hurt the boy he had fallen crazily in love with.

Now, with a full condom discarded into the trash and an empty travel sized bottle of lube, they were closer than ever.

"Was it weird for you?" Charlie asked once his vision had cleared, noticing the way Wyatt had fallen into silence. Wyatt glanced at him in question, "being with a guy." The blond merely smiled, rolling to his side and pressing a tender kiss on Charlie's temple.

"Being with you was perfect."

When Molly woke up, she was greeted in the kitchen by the smell off coffee and pancakes. Beau stood by the stove, wearing a pair of joggers and lacking and shirt, with a spatula in his hand. At the island, Ryan was sat with a bottle and Hazel in his arms.

"Morning, Molls." Ryan smiled, holding the bottle carefully for his daughter.

"Morning, Ry." She responded, pressing a kiss to his forehead before smiling down at the baby. "Good morning, sweet girl." Molly cooed, brushing a hand over her hair.

"How'd you sleep?" Beau asked, waving the spatula like a true housewife.

"Very good. It's always so cold in that room but Carters like a heater." Molly walked around the counter, wrapping her arms around his waist. She felt his body relax at her touch, the hand he wasn't using to flip pancakes now cradling her head.

"You okay?" He asked, causing her to look up to him with a smile.

"I've never been better, actually." She answered honestly, earning a dramatic gasp from the boy behind the counter.

"You got laid!" Ryan exclaimed, the baby in his arms spitting out her bottle to fall into a cry. "Shi-shoot, sorry, babygirl." His voice softened, setting the bottle onto the counter as he rocked her in his arms.

"I didn't get laid. Shut up." Molly muttered, letting go of Beau to get herself a cup of coffee. "People can be happy without sex, y'know." She stated, reaching into the cupboard for a mug, regretting to leave her jeans in the bedroom as the long shirt rose up her legs.

"Breakfast, and a show? Whew, Cher." Wyatt whistled as he walked into the kitchen. Molly tugged down the shirt and Beau reached above her, helping her get out a mug.

"You'd think your sex drive would be drained by the amount of condoms missing from the box." Ryan snickered, and they all eyed the marks drawn down his bare back and chest.

"Like you know how many condoms come in a box. You ain't ever used one." Wyatt retorted, flicking the side of Ryans head before smiling down at the proof of his words.

"Good, night?" Beau smirked, nodding to the excessive amount of marks on Wyatt's skin.

"Oh, bro." Wyatt grinned, his face burning red at the memories, glancing over to Molly as she poured her coffee. "How bout you, the cherry still unpopped?" He teased, clapping a hand onto her shoulder and she rolled her eyes.

"Mhmm." Molly hummed, bringing the mug to her mouth with the straightest face she could muster.

He rose a brow at her, almost as if he hadn't believed her response. He didn't question any further though, instead, turning back to Ryan to ask for Hazel.

"You hold her yet?" Wyatt asked Beau once he had managed to get the baby in his arms.

"Nah, kids aren't really my thing." Beau answered, setting the pancakes onto a plate before they burned.

"C'mon, bro, she's a cutie." Wyatt said, walking around the counter with her. Besu scrunched his nose at the baby, shaking his head slowly and the blond sighed. "Remind me not to ask you to babysit my kids." Wyatt muttered, turning back towards Ryan.

"Thank fuck, I wouldn't wanna watch your spawns. I could only imagine the crazy shit they'd get into." Beau grumbled, looking to Molly as he grabbed the plate of pancakes. "Get out plates while I wake up the girls?" He asked sweetly, setting the pancakes on the table.

"Yeah, and get Carter up for me, too?" She requested, planting a kiss on his cheek as he nodded.

"I got the boyfriends, you get the girlfriends." Wyatt said, handing Hazel back to her father.

Once the two disappeared up the stairs and Molly began to set up, Ryan set Hazel in the portable crib he had brought with him.

"So, how come you never tried shit with Beau? I swear he's like in love with you." Ryan asked, walking over to help Molly by getting out forks.

"He's like a brother, y'know? Like.. like how we are." She pointed between them with a smile and he nodded slowly. Molly glanced briefly to check his expression, hoping she saw what she wanted and not a sign of this hurt her mother had warned her about.

"Don't worry, Molls, I'm not in love with you or anything." Ryan chuckled, "if I was, I wouldn't let you be with my best friend. Would I?" He winked to the girl, which had only rattled her brain more.

"Well—" she was interrupted by a scream and then a slam of a door, followed by loud footsteps coming quickly down the stairs. Beau stopped, staring with a look of terror.

"Oh, shit! Did you walk in on Iz and Ashley..?" Molly asked with a laugh, reaching into the fridge for the orange juice.

Beau nodded slowly, "was it hot?" Ryan asked, hopping down from his stool to claim his spot at the table.

"No." Beau retorted, smacking the back of Ryans head.

"You idiot! You should've—"

"Ow! Ow!" Wyatt cried out as he ran down the stairs, Izzy hitting him repeatedly with a slipper. "It wasn't me!" He screamed out, laughter following them down the steps.

"Beau!" Izzy pointed to the man and his eyes widened in fear.

"I-I made breakfast."

authors note,
hit 300k reads last night!!!
also publishing this while on ft w wnderify

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