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"Babe, I seriously don't get what—" Molly raised a brow as Wyatt let out an exaggerated sigh, "trust me, I can handle strict parents. Your mom will love me, I swear." Wyatt spoke softer, but Molly could see the stress on his face as he readjusted his hat repeatedly.

They were walking to the school when Wyatt got a phone call from Charlie, who seemed to be freaking out over him meeting his parents. Wyatt had already been stressed over the dinner, despite them not knowing they had been dating. He still felt like he needed to make a good impression.

"It's not like they know you're gay, so.. it'll be like a friend meeting them." Wyatt frowned at his own words, whispering 'gay' in fear that people would hear.

Molly felt a hand slip into hers as they approached the school, tensing until she saw who had invaded her space. Carter was walking alongside her, catching the attention of Wyatt who waved to him, the phone pressed to his ear.

The blond stayed backnot wanting to walk up to the crowded school as he spoke to his boyfriend. He hated having to keep a relationship secret. He liked to show off who he was with, he wanted the world to know about Charlie but it was terrifying. He couldn't even bring himself to come out to hus dad.

"—and even if they don't know, I still want them to approve of you. N-not that I think you're a bad person but like my parents hate tattoos and you—"

"Can wear long sleeves." Wyatt chuckled, hoping to get his boyfriend to calm down.

"What about this summer? When you come to the lake house? Or—"

"Charlie, do you not want me to meet your parents?" Wyatt questioned seriously, resting against one of the trees outside of the school.

"No! I mean-sorta? I just don't want them to be mean to you." Charlie sighed out and Wyatt let out a light laugh.

"You're so sweet, babe, but I can handle a few harsh comments." The blond waved to the group of cheerleaders trying to catch his attention. Maybe if he hadn't been dating someone he would've walked over to them, but now the hadn't interested him in the slightest.

"They're a lot, though." Charlie mumbled and Wyatt could hear the sound of his car door opening. "Okay, I'm at school so we'll talk more later."

"Okay, have a good day."

"You too, love you!" The line went dead and Wyatt stuffed his phone into his pocket. Then, he realized, what Charlie had said and suddenly he was stuck in the grass.

Did he mean to say that?

Wyatt hadn't thought about it before, whether or not he was in love with Charlie. They had been dating for a few months, but the words had never been a question in his mind. He never said them, not to anyone serious, not to anyone other than Molly.

They were serious though, they'd been together longer than Wyatt had ever been with anyone else. He hadn't had the thought of breaking up with him, or getting bored. Even with Charlie being an hour away, he always looked forward to talking to him, to seeing him.

But did he love him?

"WD! You going to the party tonight?" Wyatt was called over by the cheerleaders, forcing him to drag his feet through the grass.

"Off Oakley, right?" He asked, blinking hard as he tried to get his mind unscrambled. "Yeah, um, you want me to get drinks?" Wyatt barely met her gaze, searching up to the school for someone.

He flinched as she put a hand on his bicep, "that would be incredibly appreciated. I could pay you back." If his mind was in the right space, maybe he would've understood what she meant, but he hadn't.

"Cool, yeah, I'll be there." Wyatt rushed away, racing up the steps of the school. The hall was crowded, forcing him to shove through the swarms of bodies. He didn't know where he was going, letting his feet take him wherever they desired.

"Woah, woah—" his shoulders were grabbed as he barreled through his classmates, "what's going on?"

He had to look down to see who had stopped him, his heart slowing at the familiar face. Yeah, she's what he needed. She can help. Izzy always helps.


"C'mon." She pulled him towards a door, what—girl's bathroom.

"Iz, I-I can't be in here." He looked around, noticing the writing on the walls, the shit talking and the lingering smell of cheap perfume.

"Anyone in here?" Izzy called out with a grin, earning no response, "no one comes in this bathroom. Now talk." She ryed him up curiously, weary of what mood he had fallen into.


"Okay, slow down." Izzys eyes went wide, stopping him as she couldn't understand a word he was saying.

"Charlie said he loves me." Wyatt mumbled, leaning against one of the sinks with a huff. "He said he loves me and then he hung up and I-I'm so confused and I don't know if I love him back. I want to, I really want to but that's scary and—fuck." Words spilled out of his mouth, coming out before his brain could process them.

"You know it's okay to be scared, love is scary, whether it's with the same or opposite sex. Everyone is scared of it at some point." Izzy spoke softly and slowly, hoping he got every word she said. "Even if you don't love him as soon as he does you, that's okay, too. I'm sure Charlie would understand." She wiped the tear that slipped from his eye.

"I should just—I should break up with—"

"No." Izzy flicked his forehead, "we are not doing this. I understand that commitment is scary for you but you can't do that to Charlie just because you're scared."


"Do you back out of a game just because someone is better than you?" Wyatt rolled his eyes at her analogy.

"No one is—" he stopped as she glared, "no, I keep trying."

"So keep trying with Charlie, okay? Because if you break up with him over this, not only are you hurting him, you'll hurt yourself. He's not like any of the girls you've dated, we both know that." Wyatt nodded slowly, his eyes closing to keep more tears from falling.

"Okay, okay, I'm not gonna run."

"Molly, how are things with that young man.. Cameron?" Richard asked, interrupting Emily and Lorelai's usual dinner bickering.

The red head smiled, "they're good and his names Carter." She mumbled, stabbing her fork into the strange food on her plate.

"What young man?" Emily questioned in a slight panicked voice. She stared at the four at the table, out of the loop of Mollys love life.

"A boy on the hockey team that Molly really likes." Richard answered, taking a sip of his drink and smiling to his granddaughter.

"A hockey player?" Emily questioned, the disappointment in her voice not going unnoticed to Molly.

"Yup." Molly muttered, stabbing harder into the food she wasn't going to eat.

"Lorelai, have you met this boy?" Emily looked to her daughter who was trying her best to stay out of the conversation.

Lorelai smiled weakly, "he's a good kid, mom." Was all she said, before Emily belittled her with her eyes. "Molly really likes him and so do I."

"Well, I'd like to meet this young man."

After a long and stressful dinner, Molly was back in Stars Hollow. Her outfit had changed, from a fancy dinner dress to jeans and a hoodie that was inevitably Wyatts. It was still chilly out, despite spring arriving, the wind was strong as she walked down the road.

Molly had never been to a party that wasn't Beau's, she didn't know how things would turn out if he wasn't there keeping everyone in check. Wyatt was going though, so was a majority of the hockey team, which had eased her nerves. The party had started a little while before she had gotten home, giving everyone time to get drunk without her.

The party was at some football players house, she had no idea what his name was and she didn't care to find out. All she knew was that Wyatt and Ryan had gone into Hartford earlier with Wyatts fake ID. She hoped he got the good stuff.

When she arrived to the house, it was already packed, far more people that Beau ever allowed at his house. She walked to the backyard, knowing thats where Carter said they would be. She could hear the family laughs and Ryans loud voice.

"There she is!" Ryan was the first to notice her, running over to lift her in his arms. "I'd kiss you hello but I think Cat might be mad." Ryan joked, still pressing a kiss to her cheek and the red head laughed, shoving him away.

"Hey, hey, back away from the girlfriend." Sam teased, pushing Ryan away with his hand that didn't have a drink in it.

"Hey, guys." Molly laughed, her attention wandering over to Carter who was making his way to her. He had a drink in his hand and a big, goofy smile on his face.

"Hey, gorgeous." She was surprised as he kissed her, the taste of alcohol on his lips. His mouth was soft on her own, breaking away to kiss where Ryan had previously.

"Hi." Molly giggled, pushing back his curls that fell over his eyes. "You need a haircut." She teased, knowing he wouldn't get one until the hockey season ended.

"Oh, shush." He kissed her once more, yet again surprising her. They had only kissed twice after their first one, making his affection catch her off guard. Molly loved it though, she loved that he wasn't ashamed to make sure everyone knew they were together.

"Im making you a drink!" Molly looked to Ryan who was running towards the drink table in the yard.

"How many shots have you guys taken?" She asked, keeping her hands at the sides of his neck, thumb's brushing against his jaw.

"I took.. three? Ryan and Wyatt took more and then we lost Wyatt to the cheer team." He pointed to where the blond was ranting, a few girls itching to get their hands on him.

"Okay, I'm gonna go save him.. can you make sure Ry doesn't try to give me alcohol poisoning?" Molly asked and Carter nodded before they split ways. Molly got to Wyatt, earning glares from the three girls around him.

"Cherry!" Wyatt wrapped his arms around her, "ladies, this is my best friend, so if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna get her to take shots with me." Molly grinned as they let out whines, the blond ignoring them to drag her over to the table that Carter and Ryan were at.

"You want to take more shots?" Molly asked the blond who was already drunk.

"Duh! I gotta take shots with the coolest chick in Stars Hollow." Wyatt exclaimed smacking the back of Ryans neck as they got to the table. "Rum for the lady." He said, reaching over Ryan who was now rubbing his neck.

"I'm making her a drink!" Ryan whined out and Wyatt shrugged, grabbing two cups for them and filling the bottoms.

Molly took a cup, hitting it against Wyatt's before choking down to content. He filled it again, and she took another. She took the bottle from him as he tried to take another for himself.

"You're gonna blackout if you drink anymore right now." She told him and he shrugged, walking over to the keg to fill his drink with beer. Molly watched with a frown, she had seen him be a dumb drinker, but he usually paced himself better.

"He's been on one all night, we thought it was best to just let him be." Carter said when he noticed the way Molly watched him.

"I guess.." Molly mumbled, dumping another shot into her cup. "To a good night." She held out her cup for Carter to cheers his to.

"To us."

Mollys attempts to get Wyatt to slow down had failed majorly when she had ended up drunk herself. The drink Ryan had made her was long gone, her cup now mostly liquor. They had started a bonfire outside, and Molly had made herself comfortable in the lap of Carter.

"You're so cute." She mumbled, pecking his lips as his hands held onto her thighs. "So sweet." She kissed him again, the alcohol making her brain dumb and she didn't care how mushy she was being.

"Thank you, baby." Carter ran a hand up her thigh as she leaned forward, hugging around his shoulders.

"I'm so tired." She mumbled into his neck, her nose pushing into his soft skin.

"I can walk you home." He offered, tracing circles into her jeans.

"Can't go home, told my mom I was staying at Izzy's." Molly mumbled, kissing at his neck and the boy let out a sigh. "I was gonna go to Wyatt's but he's so drunk I'd have to carry him home." Molly knew that Wyatt could handle himself, even in the state he was in, but he'd like end up passed out in the house somewhere.

Carter thought for a moment, "you, um, you can come to my house. It's just down the road."

She sat up, her head tilting at his words, "your parents wont mind?"

"Nah, they won't care."

Getting to Carters house wasn't nearly as bad as Molly thought it would be. She hadn't fallen, but she took a few stumbles towards the road. His house was nice, one Molly had passed several times without knowing it was his.

When they got inside, Carter made sure to help her up every step, hushing her giggles despite fighting his own. His room was past his parents bedroom, making him rush her towards the end of the hall. While they wouldn't be upset with her staying over, they would be upset to see them both drunk at two in the morning.

Carter opened his bedroom door and Molly ran inside, starfishing onto his bed and he let out a laugh. Closing his door, Carter followed her into the room, sitting at the edge of his bed. She rolled onto her back, reaching out for him with a smile.

"Sam called me your girlfriend earlier." Molly said, sitting up on her knees beside him.

"He did?" Carter smiled, his face burning hot. Molly Gilmore, his girlfriend.

"Mhm." She lifted her leg over him until she was straddling his lap. "I like the sound of it."

Carter tensed beneath her, "is this okay?" Molly asked, her arms falling over his shoulders to toy with the ends of his curls.

"Y-yeah, this is-this is fine." Carter stammered, unsure of what to do with his hands. This wasn't like when she was sitting on his lap at the party. This was different, they were closer, alone and a hell lot more intimate.

Molly noticed his hesitation as his hands wavered over her thighs, "you can touch me." She assured, leaning in to kiss him sweetly. As she moved to pull away, Carter pressed harder into the kiss, his hands finally grasping at the sides of her thighs.

There was something about Carter that felt different in a way Molly couldn't really explain. When she was with him, she felt like she was floating. When they were kissing, she swore she could do it forever. He brought something out of her that she wasn't sure anyone had actually done before.

This kiss was different, she felt all the lust and the want that they both craved yet, she had never felt more cared for. He took his time, even between the heavy breathing and light thigh squeezes, he was careful.

But Molly didn't want careful right now. She wanted him.

Her hips pressed forward, earning a shuttering sound from Carter. Molly didn't dare stop though, keeping the motion slow, but creating enough pressure that he could feel it. It was a sobering act for the both of them, neither wanting to leave the moment.

Molly broke the kiss, only to meet her lips with his jaw, then his neck, where she took her time to nip at his skin, sucking a bruise right where his shoulder met his neck. She could look at it in the morning, get a reminder that he was her boyfriend.

"Can I try something?" She asked, feeling the way his jeans rubbed against her own.

"Yea-yeah, whatever you want." Carter blurted, his pupils blown and his chest heaving.

The red head froze for a moment, thinking long about her next move. Then, she was climbing off of him until her knees pressed against the carpet of his bedroom. Carters jaw hung, eyes wide as he took a mental image of her position.

"Have you ever.."

"No." Molly shook her head, staring at the zip of his jeans.

"You don't have to, Molls." Carter assured, knowing he was perfectly fine with stopping.

"I want—" her words were cut off by the ring of her phone, screaming at her through the pocket of her jeans. Molly grabbed it, pressing decline quickly before tossing it onto the bed.

"Who was it?" Carter asked, curious as her eyes rolled.


She leaned forward, letting her hands reach for the button of his jeans and slowly, she was undoing—it's ringing again.

"You're fucking kidding me." Molly groaned and Carter grabbed the phone with a shrug, answering it for her.

"What's up, man?" Carter asked, as if the girl wasn't unzipping his jeans. "Wait, okay, shit—Molls, get up, we gotta go." Carter stood up quickly, the girl watching him with wide eyes until she processed the urgency of his voice.

"What's going on?" She stood up, following his quick steps towards the door.

"Hey, Ry, we'll be there soon, alright?" Carter spoke urgently, ushering a confused Molly down the stares. Molly watched as he hung up, shoving the phone into his pocket.

"Something happened with Wyatt."


"Did Carter just leave with Molly?" Wyatt asked no one in particular, his sight slightly impaired and his balance off from the constant drinks he shoved down his throat.

"Yeah, I bet they're gonna fuck." One of the guys joked, patting Wyatts arm.

"Nah, they wouldn't do that." Ryan said, "Cats too much of a pussy." He laughed out, holding his cup upside down when he realized it was empty.

"Oh shit, Danesy's gonna get some." Sam slung his arm over Wyatt as two girls made their way over. Wyatt had caught them staring throughout the night, two girls from another school.

"Hey." The blonde greeted, her nails scratching at his bicep. "I'm Katie." She was so close that he couldn't think of anything other than the smell of her shampoo. Apple? It wasn't the best but it was interesting enough to earn his attention.

"Wyatt." He shrugged off Sams arm as Katies friend decided to flirt with Ryan. "Want a drink?" He asked, they were by the keg, so why not offer.

"I'm okay, babe. The only thing I want right now is you." Her hand went to the back of his neck, pulling him down until their lips were inches apart. Wyatt almost fell for it.

"I have a boyfriend, sorry." Wyatt told her casually, not thinking too hard on his words.

"What?" She asked, her face twisting into something that resembled disgust.

"I have a boyfriend? Like you're totally hot but I'm in a fully committed relationship and I love him, so I should—"

"You're fucking gay?" The girl asked loudly, drawing the attention of others around them.

"No, I like chicks but I've got a boyfriend right now so—fuck." He was drunk and blurting out things that he wasn't ready to share. It all came out so fast, so easy that he hadn't given himself a chance to remember that it was wrong.

"Yo, Danesy, you're dating a dude?" Sam asked, his face matching the girls in front of him.

"Wh-what? No, I'm—" he could feel the eyes on him, "guys! I'm kidding! Of course I don't like dick, you've all seen me hook up with girls and—"

"Dude, you just admitted to having a boyfriend. What the hell is wrong with you?" Someone asked, and Wyatt didn't feel anger, he felt fear. The fear of a hundred ears all hearing his confession.

"No way Danesy a queer!"

"The captain of the hockey team? Dude must love the locker room."

"I always had a feeling."

Wyatts head began to spin, his chest heaving and he couldn't move. Every word from them like a punch in the gut. He's ruined, he won't ever get out of this one.

Wyatt felt arms around him, he could see that he was moving but he couldn't feel it. It was like he was no longer in his own body. Everything felt numb, and he had no idea who had helped him out of there.

He was shaking, his stomach turning and suddenly, he was vomiting, hunched over on the side walk as every last drop of alcohol left his body. Wyatt didn't want to move, even as he fell into the grass. The stars were pretty tonight, bright over to town as they always had been.

He could hear someone talking but couldn't look to see who. Who had helped him?

Time was lost, he felt like he was there for hours, but it had only been a few minutes. A few minutes until he saw a head of red curls over him.

"Hey, can you talk to me?" Her voice was smooth, a soothing sound to his ears. "Wyatt, I know you can hear me, okay? So please, it's going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay." He could feel her fingers in his hair, the tears that dropped from her own eyes.

He felt.. catatonic.

Nothing was okay and it sure as hell wasn't going to be.

"Can you help me get him home?" Molly asked the two above them, he could see Carter and Ryan now. Ryan mustve brought him out, Wyatt sat up quickly, only for more of the alcohol to leave his body.

"Shit, is he gonna be okay?" Ryan asked, covering half his face with his t-shirt.

Molly sat behind Wyatt as he shook, rubbing small circles into his back. She had seen him drink too much before, but this, this was worse than anything she had seen.

"He has alcohol poisoning." Carter stated, a few feet back as he avoided the puke.

"What do we do?" Molly's eyes flooded with tears, terrified of what that meant.

"I, um, we should call nine-one—"

"No, no, he can't go to jail—"

"No, Molls, he won't go to jail. Okay? They can help him and—"

Wyatt's head shook, "I'm good." He slurred out, leaning back on Molly.

"See, dudes fine, no need to call anyone." Ryan pointed out, smacking Carters arm for the suggestion he found stupid.

"Okay, but he needs fluids and like a lot of them. How the hell are we supposed to get him home? He can't walk."

They all went silent in thought, each trying to come up with a solution. They had all been drinking, so driving was out of the question. Wyatt was too heavy for either of the boys to carry.

"Fuck, I have an idea." Molly mumbled, holding out her hand, "give me my phone." Carter dug it out of his pocket, handing it over and she dialed the number.

"Who are you calling?" Ryan questioned, his eyes darting around the street, watching for anyone who may see them.

Molly sighed as she heard the answer, "Jess, I need you to get Wyatts car and come get us." She spoke quickly, running a hand through the blonds hair as he shook on her side.

"It's nearly three in the morning." Jess groaned out, but she could hear the shuffling of his bed. "Whats so urgent that you need me?"

"Please, Jess, just come get us. I need you to hurry." Mollys voice cracked and she could hear the door close and the jingle of keys. "We're on—" she looked for a road sign, "Oakley."

"K, I'll be there in a sec." She was sure Jess could hear the strain in her voice, being the only reason he complied so easily.

The line went dead and Molly placed the back of her hand on Wyatt's forehead. He was freezing, practically hypothermic. Molly took off her sweatshirt, not caring that she would get cold in her t-shirt. She rolled it to fit over his head, but he didn't move his arms much to let her stuff them into the sleeves.

"Ryan, what happened?" Molly finally brought herself to ask.

"Um.. he told everyone he had a boyfriend." Ryan mumbled, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "Its Charlie, isn't it?" He questioned quietly, but no one answered him.

They sat there, waiting for Jess who pulled up beside them in a quick stop. Jess jumped out of the car when he noticed Wyatt and Molly on the ground, the blond barely conscious.

"What the hell happened?" Jess asked, glaring at the two boys standing there.

"Just get him in the car." Molly retorted, Ryan and Carter moving to lift Wyatts dead weight as Jess opened the back seat. They got him in and Molly got into the back with him, refusing to leave his side.

"You guys can go, we got this." Molly assured the two, "I'll call if I need." She closed the door, letting Wyatt lay on the seat, using her legs as a pillow.

Jess got in, not bothering to say anything to the two before driving away. The drive was silent, nothing but Wyatts slow, heavy breathing filling it. When they got to the diner, they struggled getting Wyatt from the car up to his bed. Every step the blond had stumbled, trying his best to help them, help him.

They got to the bedroom, making sure that when Wyatt laid down he was kept on his side. Molly took off the sweatshirt and his shoes, managing to get the blankets over him.

"I'm gonna go get him some water." Molly said, leaving the room and making her way back downstairs.

She didn't want to risk going into the loft and waking up Luke, so she filled a cup with ice from the diner and got water from the tap. She grabbed a washcloth as well, wetting it with cold water before making her way back upstairs.

Jess was sat on his own bed with an open book when she walked back into the bedroom. Wyatt seemed to be asleep, which had both soothed and worried Molly as she pressed the cloth to his forehead.

"You staying here?" Jess asked, closing his book and setting it beside his bed.

"I can't leave him." Molly answered, her eyes stuck to Wyatt as he shivered.

"Okay, well, I'm going back to sleep." Jess mumbled, rolling to his side, "night, Molly."

"Night, Jess. Thank you." Molly sighed, setting the washcloth on the nightstand and walking over to Wyatts dresser. "You better keep your eyes closed cause I'm changing." She told Jess who let out a light chuckle.

"Got it."

Molly took off her jeans, tugging on a pair of athletic shorts instead and undid her bra. She set the items onto the dresser and walked back to Wyatts bed. Molly made herself comfortable beside him, doing her best to sleep despite the worry in her chest.

Wyatt woke up with the worst hangover of his life, too hot, too shaky and far too nauseous to even move from his bed. The body beside him had caught his attention though, red locks peaking out from beneath the comforter. He couldn't remember getting home, or much of anything for all that matter.

All he hoped was that he didn't do anything too stupid.

"Cher, I feel like shit." Wyatt groaned, rolling over to let his head hit her shoulder.

"I bet you do." Molly mumbled, sitting up slightly to look at him with a frown. "Do you remember anything?" She asked, reaching her hand up to his forehead the way she had several times that night.

"Not shit." He chuckled, but winced as his head pounded.

Molly frowned, "you have alcohol poisoning." She told him, "drink the water on your nightstand." Molly pointed to the full glass she had gotten him and Wyatt reached for it, taking a sip out of the glass.

"So, what trouble did I cause?" Wyatt asked, runnta hand through his hair that he desperately needed to wash. Molly didn't say anything, but her eyes told him that whatever he did wasn't good. "Cher? What did I do?" He repeated the question and he could see the tears brim her eyes.

"Um.." Mollys eyes wandered around the room, "you, uh, you told everyone that you had a boyfriend so now—"

"What?" His heart sank, "why the fuck would I—"

"I don't know, I wasn't there when it happened. You completely shut down when Ryan called and I had to get Jess to get us and bring us back."

Wyatt's head went to his hands, "fuck, what the hell am I going to do?"

"I don't know.. everyone seemed to forget about Izzy so maybe—"

"Izzy's not the captain fo the hockey team, is she?" The words came out harsher than he had intended, his head spinning with emotions that he couldn't control. "Do you know what this could do to me? To my career? No ones gonna want to sit in a locker room with me." He kicked off the blankets, his feet patting hard against the floor as he began to pace.

"Wyatt, we'll figure this out. It's gonna be—"

"Molly! My life is fucking over! It's not going to be okay!" In an instant, Wyatt had gone from anxious to angry, smashing the picture on his dresser. "Fuck! I'm seriously fucking—god, how could I be so stupid? I'm gonna have to quit the team and—"

"You're not quitting the team." Molly felt fear stab through her chest. Hockey was his dream, his passion, if he had to quit just for being himself, that was fucked. "Maybe no one will care. Maybe everyone was too drunk to remember." She jumped as he kicked down one of his trophies.

"I think people will remember me telling everyone that I have a fucking boyfriend—"

"What?" The pair both froze as Luke was now stood in the door, staring wide eyed at his son.

"Dad-I-I—" Wyatts anger decimated, and suddenly his breathing was heaved. He shook, staring face to face with his father who had heard the confession.

While Luke had never made any comments that made him come off as homophobic, it was terrifying for the boy. He had heard stories, about people coming out to their parents and being shut out of their lives completely. His father was his everything, of Luke didn't approve, then his life was truly over.

"You have a boyfriend?" Luke asked, his voice softer than what it was before.

"I-I have a.. yeah." Wyatt cried out, tears rolling down his face. "I'm so sorry, dad, I'm so—"

Luke wrapped his arms tight around his only son, holding him close with the most love he could muster. The man wasn't often affectionate, but seeing his child break down with that much fear had hurt him.

"Hey, kiddo, why are you apologizing?" Luke asked, patting a hand through Wyatt's hair.

"I don't want you to hate me—"

"The hell I got to hate you for? Molly, did I seem like the homophobic type?" Luke smiled to the girl who had her own tears, Molly shook her head slowly. "Izzy's gay and I still love that girl like she's my own. I don't care who you love kid, as long as you're happy, alright?" Luke pulled back from the hug, Wyatts tears now forming into ones of joy.

"You don't care?"

"Of course not!" Luke wiped Wyatts tears with the sleeves of his flannel. "You're my kid and I will love you no matter what."

"You're the best dad, you know that?" Wyatt laughed, his tears slowing down.

"Eh." Luke shrugged, "now, go shower, you smell like alcohol."

"Sorry." Wyatt mumbled, his face turning red. "Wait, you knew Izzy's gay?"

"Mhm." Luke hummed, turning towards the door of the room. "Tell Charlie I said hi."

Wyatts jaw fell open as his door closed, turning back to Molly who sat on the bed with a smile, hand cupping her mouth with a soft giggle. The blond had momentarily forgotten about everything else, too reassured by the love of his father to fall back into his panic. He jumped onto the bed, tackling Molly down with a laugh.

"That fucker knew." He grinned, her nose scrunching as he laid over her.

"Yeah and he was right, you smell awful."

authors note,
happy fathers day to luke danes <3

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