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formal fights

It was Friday night, meaning Molly had to suffer through yet another dinner at her grandparents. Richard was in Prague on business, leaving the four Gilmore women unattended. As usual, Emily had spent the evening talking on topics that had gone uninterested to the three others. Molly had zoned out, her eyes only focused on her plate as she heard Emily and Lorelai begin to argue over avocados.

She hadn't been brought into conversation until Emily had grown annoyed with Lorelai's dislike for avocados.

"Tell me all about Chilton formal next week." Molly bit into her cheeks as Emily looked to the girls.

Tristan had invited her days ago, Molly obligated to say yes, despite not wanting to spend a night surrounded by his schoolmates. She hadn't heard Rory bring it up either, allowing her to wait until last minute to tell her mother. Of course though, Emily had to have known.

"There's a formal?" Lorelai asked, looking to Rory who's mouth hung open in surprise.

"How do you know about the formal?" Rory questioned the older woman.

"Yeah, how do you know about the formal?" Lorelai added, looking to an unphased Emily.

"I read my Chilton news letter."

"Since when do you get a Chilton news letter." Molly rolled her eyes, hoping the topic would drown out into another petty argument between the two women.

"Well, as a major contributor to Rory's education I figured I had the right to ask for a news letter to be sent to my house.." Emily excused herself from her seat, beginning to walk into the hall. "And it's a good thing too, since you don't bother to read yours. One of us should be up to date on the going's on at Rory's school." Emily walked back towards the table, the news letter now in her hands.

"Hey. Mom, I read Rory's news letter."

"You did?" Emily asked, clearly not believing Lorelai's bluff.

"That's right."

"What was the picture on the cover?"

"How long do we have to sit and listen to this? There's a dance. We all know mom doesn't read any papers." Molly whispered into her sisters ear.

"I don't think mom knows she doesn't read the paper." Rory responded in a hushed voice, a silent giggle leaving both their mouths.

"So you have a formal coming up?" Lorelai asked Rory, finally sick of arguing with her mother.

"Yeah, but I don't think I'm gonna go." Rory answered in a quiet voice.

"Nonsense, of course you're going. I'm sure your sister will be attending with Mr Dugray." Emily said, smiling over to the red head who nodded slightly.

"Mom, if Rory doesn't want to go she doesn't have to go." Lorelai said before looking to her youngest, "you knew about the dance?"

"Yeah, Tristan asked me a while ago.. guess I forgot to tell you." Molly mumbled, her fork scratching at her nearly empty plate. "Can I be excused?"

"Of course." Emily answered and Molly pushed herself out of the chair before her mother could tell her otherwise.

Molly walked into the livingroom, laying back onto the couch, her eyes bouncing over every board on the ceiling. It wasn't long until Rory walked in, a pout on her face as she took a seat beside Molly.

"So.. you're going to the formal at Chilton?" Rory asked, Molly sighed, sitting up to face her sister.

"Guess so, I mean, I'd feel like a shit girlfriend if I told him no just because I didn't want to spend a few hours around some prep students. Plus, it could be fun, I really think you should come." Molly insisted, a soft smile sent to Rory who looked to be debating in her head.

"I don't know, I mean I don't really like dances and I'm sure Dean would've want to—"

"Screw Dean, if he doesn't want to go I've got an idiot blonde who's always ready to show off. He'd drive those Chilton girls wild."

"I really don't think Dean would like that. I mean me going with WD, that's—" Rory laughed to herself, cheeks tinting a shade of pink, "that's weird."

"What's weird about it? He's been Izzy's stand in date for the last few years." Molly shrugged, Rory's head shaking at the thought.

"He's got a girlfriend now and seriously Molly it's Wyatt. I'll just ask Dean." Rory mumbled, the redheads eyes rolling and she fell back onto the couch.

"Ashley wouldn't mind sharing for—wait, did you just agree to go?"

"I said I'll ask Dean."

"So you'll go." Molly smiled to her sister, "it'll be fun, I promise."

"A Chilton dance? That's so cool. I mean, it's probably gonna be like a real ball, right? I've always wanted to go to a ball." Ashley said, stomach laid against Wyatt's bed.

Molly was sat on the floor, sketchbook open as she tried to draw the girl in front of her. Izzy was beside Ashley, half asleep as she listened to them talk. Wyatt was in and out, running between his room to the diner each time Luke called for him.

"It's not that formal." Molly said, using her finger to smudge the led. "But next time I'm invited to a ball, I promise I'll bring you as my date."

"Oh shit, stick up the middle finger right up to those homophobes? Cause I'm sure Iz wouldn't mind joining, right hun?" Ashley grinned, nudging the tired girls side.

"Mhm, I'm sure if we muzzle Tristan and Wyatt, they can go as each other's dates." Izzy said, reaching over Ashley to grab the can of pringles and set it between them.

"Who am I dating?" Wyatt asked as he walked in, throwing his flannel onto his pile of clothes by the door.

"Not me." Ashley answered, his brows furrowed and he walked over to the girl. "Sorry WD but we've declared this a hetero free zone, we're protesting the patriarchy in the morning." She stated, smirking up to the blonde as he took a seat beside Molly on the beanbag.

"Do you see any heteros? Cause I don't." Wyatt looked around the room, shrugging with a smug smile and the three girls stared at him questionably. "Hah, I'm kidding, I'm straight as shit. You all know this." Wyatt said awkwardly, reaching forward to grab Molly's notebook.

"I'm convinced." Molly muttered, the blonde rolling his eyes.

"Swear." He stuck his right hand up and they all continued to stare at him. "What?"

"Nothing." Izzy shook her head, smiling to herself.

"It's 2000, I say we did pretty good at collecting the few somewhat openly queer people in Stars Hollow, you think?" Molly said, tear her book out of Wyatt's hands.

"Look's like Wyatt's trying to collect the whole rainbow." Izzy giggled, the blonde rolling his eyes at her suggestion.

"From an outsider's perspective it just looks like I've got three girlfriends." Wyatt joked, flipping his hat onto his face. "Now, if my dad calls, tell him I've died or some shit." He yawned out, sinking further down onto the bean bag.

"Oh shit, should we hide the body?" Molly asked, poking Wyatt's leg with her pencil.

"I'm sure there's a hatchet somewhere so we can cut him up and then burn the evidence." Izzy said, Wyatt sat up, his hat falling to his chest revealing his wide eyes. "Only joking." Izzy assure him and he rolled his eyes, laying back down.

"Or are we?"

"So, Molls, can I do your makeup for the dance?" Ashley asked, taking one of Izzy's pringles as she smiled to the redhead on the floor.

"Please do. I'm so bad at makeup it's a crime." Molly told her, Izzy laughed, nodding in agreement.

"She tried her makeup for eighth grade formal and looked like a baby raccoon." Izzy added, Wyatt letting out a breathy laugh beneath his hat.

"I could've done a better job." Wyatt mumbled, earning a smack to the leg from Molly.

"It wasn't that bad!"

"Oh, yes it was. You'd think for someone with such good artistic abilities that you'd be good but nope." Izzy retorted with a giggle, smiling sheepishly as Molly sent her a glare.

"I'm getting coffee and away from you jerks." Molly mumbled, throwing doen her pencil and leaving the room.

She walked down to the diner, smiling to Luke as she took her spot behind the counter. Taking a mug, she reached for the coffee pot, the man glaring at her as he grabbed it.

"Get out from behind the counter or I'm putting you to work." He told her, she only held out the mug, a flamboyant smile set on her face.

"Will I get payed?" She asked, his brow raising at her. "I'm broke. I have like two cents to my name and I—" Luke started pouring the coffee, rolling his eyes at the teen. "I'm serious."

"Right, if I hire you I'm going to end up doing more work than I already do."

"I'm not Wyatt." She sang out, setting the mug down once it was full. Luke nodded unsurely, turning away from the girl and into the kitchen.

Ashley and Izzy walked downstairs, smiles on their faces, "we're going to the library, wanna come?" Izzy asked, sneaking a donut from the counter.

"You really just asked if I want to go to the library?" Molly rose a brow at the girl who laughed knowingly, shaking her head at herself for even asking.

"See you later then." Izzy said, throwing up a peace sign as she bit into the donut.

"Wyatt's half asleep if you want to put whipped cream in his hand or something." Ashley said as she followed the girl out of the diner.

"I like that idea!" Molly called out to the wide eyed girl. "Lucas, I'm taking a pie upstairs."

"Have you ate dinner?" Luke asked as he walked out of the kitchen, arms covered with plates, leading to a disaster. Molly jumped up from her seat taking two plates from the man.

"Not yet. Where do these go?"

"Grilled cheese—"

"Kirk?" Luke nodded and Molly set the plate down to the suspiciously quiet man.

"Window." Luke pointed to the table by the window for the second plate and she took it over. "I'll make you and Wyatt burgers. I haven't seen him eat today." The man said as he finished serving the food, making his way back towards the kitchen.

"Just call me down when they're done." Molly told him, leaning over the counter.

"Sure thing."

She walked back upstairs, taking her coffee and pushing open Wyatt's door. He was still layed on the beanbag, hat over his face, snoring lightly. His arms were tucked behind his head for support, halfway off the beanbag with his bottom on the hardwood floor.

"Your bed would be more comfortable." Molly said, setting her mug onto his nightstand.

His head lifted slightly, hat falling below his eyes, "I'm good." He mumbled, sitting up and rubbing his tired eyes.

"Izzy stole your girlfriend." She told him, taking the bed for herself. He stayed quiet, staring at the ground beside him. "You okay?"

"Yeah—yeah, I just—" his eyes squeezed shut, a light laugh leaving his mouth.


He sighed, getting up from his spot and making his way to lay beside her on the small bed. His face fell into the pillow, words muffled as he spoke.

"I'm gonna need you to speak up, Danes."

"I feel like a fucking dick." He muttered, lifting his head to look at her.

"Aren't you?" She joked, a playful grin on her face but he didn't laugh. "What happened?"

"Nothing. Nothing happened, I just, sometimes I get this thought that they're actually into each other. Which is so stupid because I don't think they'd—"

"Who's they, Wyatt?"

"Izzy and Ashley." His face fell back into the pillow and she stared at him, confused by his accusations.

"Are you jealous?" His head shook and she was even more confused. "I'm seriously not getting what you're saying." She told him, he groaned loudly, sitting up and staring at her with frustration.

"I'm not jealous of the fact that my best friend, hell, my little sister so obviously has the hots for my girlfriend. That's the problem, because if they got together, I think I'd be more happy than anything." He spoke quickly, the words coming out in a blur but she understood.

"So you don't have feelings for Ashley?"

"No, Molls, I do, hell I may even love her but I don't think she can love me like that. But if she can love Izzy like that, I want her to be happy, I want both of them to be. I just don't want her to feel like she has to force her and I because of her da—" he stopped himself, mouth clamping shut before he could say another word.

"Because of her what?"

"I can't say, it's not for me to say." He answered, sitting back against the headboard. "I just want them to be happy." He spoke quietly, his eyes closing to hide the tears that had started to form.

"Who's to say they're not?" Molly asked, laying back beside him, her head falling to his shoulder. "You deserve to be happy too." She felt his chest rise with an aching breath at her words, her arms wrapping around him as he started to cry.

"I-I don't even know why I'm crying, fuck." He laughed as he hugged her back, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I think I am happy, as long as you guys are. You're all that matters." He said the last part so quietly she barely caught it. She broke the hug, smiling to him and wiped his tears.

"You matter too, Wyatt. You matter so much." She felt tears brim at her own eyes.

"God, you're so fucking corny." He shoved her away, laughing out and proceeding to wipe away his tears.

"I'm telling the truth, idiot." She retorted, giggling along with him.

He sat at the edge of the bed, his back turned to her, "wanna smoke?"

She rolled her eyes, "why do you always do that?"

"Do what?"

"You don't just let yourself feel for a moment."

"You sound like my therapist, now, you can either join me on the roof or sit here and contemplate cleaning my room." He said, sliding open the window and leaning against the frame.

"Luke's making burgers for us."

"We can eat them after."

"That dress is going to look so good on you." Ashley said, laying out her endless amounts of makeup she'd brought over.

Molly's dress had been hanging from her closet door, recently purchased from a small outlet store in Hartford. She would've had her mother make her one as she had Rory, but when she saw the dress from the window she had to have it.

"You think so?" Molly smiled, sitting at the chair in front of her vanity.

"I know so." Ashley sang, taking out a bottle of primer to apply to Mollys face. "Thank you for letting me do this, I really didn't think you'd agree to it."

"No, thank you for doing it. I'd probably show up looking like a circus act." Molly chuckled, her eyes closing as the other began to apply the cream.

"Honestly you could go without the makeup and still out-do all those bitches." Ashley said, Molly trying to hold her smile back. She could feel her start to apply a light laying of concealer beneath her eyes, proceeding to keep them closed. "Can I ask you something?"

"You just did." Molly mumbled, a stiff laugh leaving Ashley's mouth.

"It's about Wyatt." Molly fell serious as she said it, nodding slightly. "Is he gonna break up with me?" Ashley asked, Molly's eyes opened wide, curious as to what gave her the idea. "It's just, this last week has been weird between us and I feel like he's drifting away, maybe I'm drifting away. It's stupid, I know but—"

"It's not stupid. I think you two just need to talk, there's some things that I can't say and some things I know you're not saying. So, I really can't answer that honestly because I don't know. I know he really likes you, we all do, you're one of us now." Molly tried her best to explain without telling her what the blonde had said days prior.

"I really like you guys too and I think that's what scares me the most. If something were to happen with me and Wyatt, I would hate to not have you guys as friends anymore. Believe it or not, the cheer squad doesn't really understand the concept of friends." Ashley continued to apply the make as she spoke.

"You wouldn't lose us. You'd have to do something absolutely terrible for that to happen and I'm not sure you're capable of terrible." Molly opened her eyes to see a tear fall from Ashley's, the girl wiping it the second it dropped. "I know it's not my business but.. is there something more than just Wyatt that's bothering you?"

Ashley's head fell, bottom lip pulling between her teeth, "nothing that's new." She mumbled, taking out a small eyeshadow pallet. "Close your eyes."

Molly did as she was told, "you know you can talk to me, right?"

"I know, it's just that talking isn't going to make it stop. I'm used to it."

"Used to what?"

"My dad. His opinions, the way he thinks and acts, I have to be used to it. It's not like my mom will say anything, she just sits there with her fucking glass of wine and—god, I'm sorry." Ashley stopped herself, the guilt of letting out her feelings overwhelming.

"Don't be sorry, Ash."

"I'm almost done." The brunette smiled, trying to stray from the topic. "Then I'll do your hair, cause this, is not working for me."

It took nearly an hour to get Molly's hair to tame and get her into the dress. When they'd finally finished, Lorelai had been yelling for them to come down, impatient to see her. Rory had finished before them, waiting with Lorelai to see the finished look.

"Come on! I wanna see!" Lorelai yelled as Molly pulled on her sheer gloves. She had heels to go with the dress, a simple pair of black wedges that hid beneath the dress. She wouldn't have worn them, had she not been going to a dance with people likely to judge her every move.

Ashley ran out of the room, stopping at the top of the stairs, "the elegant, Molly Gilmore!" Molly came out dramatically, waving to her mother and sister as if she were a princess.

"Who is this and where is my daughter!" Lorelai exclaimed, a gaping smile at the red haired teen.

"You look amazing!" Rory was in awe of her twin as she came down.

"So do you!" Molly smiled as the doorbell rang, Sookie coming in seconds later.

"I got taco's!" She announced, holding the bag in the air. Sookie stopped as she saw the girls, gasping out, "oh my god! You're movie stars! Im serious.. at some point tonight, walk down a flight of stairs."

"You missed it! I just did. I can reenact it if you'd like." Molly said, Sookie's face lit up more.

"No, no! You don't have to! Here, have a taco!" Sookie handed her the bag, Molly looking into it curiously.

"I think I'll make a mess." Molly said, setting the bag back down. The front door opened, a frantic Wyatt and Izzy rushing inside. They froze as they saw Molly, jaws hanging with wide eyes at her appearance. "I don't know if I should be worried about your faces or—"

"You look—you're—I feel like I'm in the twilight zone." Wyatt blinked repeatedly as he stared at the girl.

"I think what he means is that you look absolutely beautiful." Izzy said, hitting his shoulder for his gawking manner.

"Thank you. You should see Rory though, I'm not sure where—" Rory ran out of her room with a bottle of hairspray. "There's the princess!"

"Oh my! Rory, you're stunning!" Izzy exclaimed, the brunette's face flushing red with a cheeky smile.

"Thank—" the doorbell rang again.

"Mom, did you invite the entire town?" Molly questioned, her mother shaking her head with a light laugh.

"We're in here!"

Emily walked into the house, "we're in here? Is that how you—oh, look at you two! I need my camera, let me get a picture!" The twins looked to each other, the three around them backing away as Emily got out her camera.

"I'm gonna get going." Sookie said as she left the kitchen.

"Alright, call me when you make it home." Lorelai told her and Sookie nodded, turning towards the door.

"And you call me if you need help up the stairs or something." Sookie responded, smiling to the teens as she left. "Bye!" She sang out, walking out the door.

"Why would you need help up the stairs?" Emily asked, Lorelai smiling stiffly at the question.

"No reason, girls, get in pose!" The twins hurried to distract their grandmother from questioning their mothers condition any further.

"Why aren't you moving?"

"I'm comfortable." Lorelai shrugged, clearly lying.

"Are you hurt?"

"Grandma, my feet are aching in these heels, please, take the picture." Molly said, catching the older woman's attention.

"Ahh! You're gorgeous!" Emily started taking the pictures, snapping several from different angles. "Okay, now a few separate." Emily said, waving Molly from the picture and she sat at the stairs.

"This is the famous Emily Gilmore?" Ashley whispered, Wyatt and Izzy giggling by the couch as they whispered, pointing slightly to Emily.

"That she is." Molly answered, standing back up to get her pictures.

The doorbell rang once more, "it's open!" Lorelai yelled out, the door slowly opening.

"I didn't know if I should just walk right in or—wow." Tristan breathed out deeply as he saw his girlfriend, her smile big as she walked over to him.

"Oh, wonderful! I can get pictures of the both of you!" Emily exclaimed, Molly rolling her eyes as she only wanted to leave.

"Just a few, we've got to go." Molly told the woman, earning an eyeroll from her as well.

"Fine, fine, you're just such a beautiful couple." Emily said, taking pictures before they'd even got into position.

"Okay, that's good." Molly grabbed Tristan's hand, attempting to drag him from the house before too much could be said.

"Back by eleven! No funny business!" Lorelai shouted out, earning a thumbs up from Molly.

"Yes, ma'am!" Tristan smirked as he said it, a hard glare from Lorelai at the name as they exited the house. Izzy, Wyatt and Ashley followed them out, all not wanting to be stuck inside with Emily.

"You drive safe, that's precious cargo." Wyatt said, his arms crossing over his chest as he watched the couple get into the car.

"Got it, goldie locks!" Tristan retorted, getting into the drivers seat.

"Have fun! Don't get pregnant!" Ashley yelled as Tristan started the car.

"Abstinence is the best protection!" Izzy added and Molly stuck her head from the window with a smile.

"Easy for you to say!"

The drive to the dance had been quiet, something off in the way Tristan had been behaving. She could tell he was bothered, whether it had been Wyatt or something else, he was upset. The closer they got to the venue, the more frustrated he had seemed.

"Tristan?" She finally spoke up as they parked, his head falling back against the seat as he shut the car off.


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He mumbled, eyes squeezed shut, lying through his teeth.

"Babe, what's wrong?" She took his hand, a sigh leaving his mouth as his shoulders relaxed.

"My fucking dad. He's been on my ass lately, more than usual. Doesn't help that he's real fucking pissed that he wasn't able to meet you tonight."

"I told you I'd love to meet your parents." She said, he shook his head at the thought. "Why don't you want me to meet them?"

"Because, you're—they're—they won't like you and I don't want them to say anything that'll upset you." He muttered out, reaching into the pocket of his blazer.

Molly's face fell as she saw what he had, "so instead you're just going to drink?"

"I didn't even want to go to this dance, I thought you'd like it." Now she was irritated.

"Real fucking nice." Molly muttered, unlocking her door and kicking it open as he drank from the flask.

"Where are you going?" Tristan asked as she stepped out of the car.

Molly leaned down, glaring at her boyfriend, "I'm going inside." She told him, slamming the door close and walking away. She heard his door open, her heels smacking hard against the concrete with each irritable step.

"You don't have the tickets." He said, walking lazily behind her.

"Good thing you do." She retorted, not looking back as she continued her way towards the doors. She felt his arm link into hers, the flask now tucked back into his jacket, replaced with two tickets.

"So you're gonna be mad at me all night?" He asked, she stiffled a laugh.


"C'mon, Red, you can't—"

"Tickets, please." Tristan handed over the tickets, and they walked through the door.

"I'm sorry, alright? I didn't mean it like that."

She rolled her eyes, "just pace yourself, I'll try not to embarrass you in front of your friends." She muttered, placing on a fake smile as they walked into the crowded room.

It wasn't long until she felt the gaze of many, the eyes of jealous girls and curious boys directed to her. Tristan's demeanor changed as well, a smug grin replacing his frustration as he paraded his girlfriend around. It wasn't a surprise for him that they'd caught their attention, he knew Molly wasn't hard to miss.

"I'm gonna get some punch." Molly said, letting go of his arm as he'd slowed, seeing his friends. She walked towards the table, taking a glass for herself and filling it with the red liquid.

"I wouldn't drink that." She was met with two girls, one blonde, the other with curly raven hair.

"Unless you want to be stumbling out of here." The raven haired added with a grin.

"Probably shouldn't, seems I'll be driving tonight." Molly said, glancing over to where Tristan was.

"So, you must be Molly Gilmore. Gotta say, you're not what I expected." The blonde stated, looking the girl from head to toe.

"And what'd you expect?" Molly questioned, setting the glass down and her head tilted slight with curiosity.

"Well, another Rory."

"Yeah, you're like totally hot." The raven haired exclaimed and Molly nodded unsurely.


"Oh, I'm Louise and this is—"


"Tristan talks about you nonstop. About his hot, badass girlfriend." Louise told her, Molly smiled slightly at her words.

"He's not wrong." Molly responded, a sly grin on her face.

"How are you and Rory twins? You don't look anything alike." Madelaine questioned.

"We're fraternal."

"You're in a frat?" Molly nearly rolled her eyes at the question.

"We don't look alike." She corrected, now tempted to drink the punch as it seems they had.

"Well, I can tell you're the better twin. Rory's kind of.. all school no play." Madelaine told her and Molly nodded, backing away slightly to get a look around the room for anyone else to talk to. "Speaking of your sister, who's the hunk?" The blonde pointed to Rory as she walked in with Dean at her side.

"Why don't you go see?" Molly suggested, the girls not taking another thought before walking towards the other Gilmore.

"Already making friends?" Tristan asked, coming up beside her.

"Totally!" Molly exclaimed sarcastically, taking his hand in hers.

"I came to save you from them but seems you did that yourself."

"Mhm." Molly hummed, still annoyed with her boyfriend. "Let's dance." She said, trying to distract herself from going off on him by dragging him towards the open floor.

"Or we could go to somewhere else." He suggested, Molly stopping in her tracks. "There's plenty of empty rooms we can sneak into."

She knew she shouldn't, but it was tempting. A way to get out some of her frustrations, possibly even talk without listening ears.

"Lead the way." She muttered, Tristan guiding her towards a the hall.

He took her upstairs, opening the first door he could find. It was a small office, walls aligned with books and a desk sat by the open window. As he closed the door behind them, Molly let go of his hand, knowing he hadn't brought her up to talk his way out of her bad side.

Tristan turned to her as he clicked the lock, back against the door, hesitant to make his move. He didn't have to though, because Molly moved first. She kept him on the door, one hand pressing his chest to keep him back, the other along his jaw.

Tristan was surprised as she kissed him first, the quick movements of frustration vibrating at the touch of their lips. His placed at her hips, holding her closer to him. Her hand on his jaw slid down, firmly wrapping around his neck.

Tristan pulled back with wide eyes, "what are you doing?" Her hand fell, her big blue eyes innocently staring back at him.

"Sorry, I was—" he took her hand, placing it at the back of his neck.

"Don't do it again." He said, she nodded, his hands around her waist turning them with her back now at the door. His lips placed at her neck, kissing lightly until he reached her collarbone. He sucked on the soft skin, teeth grazing lightly as her breath hitched.

"You're gonna leave a mark." Molly breathed out, her head falling back against the door.

Tristan pulled away, smirking as he looked to her chest, "oops." He shrugged, taking the flask from his pocket as he back away from her.

"Real fucking classy Tristan." She muttered, wiping the tender love bite he'd given her.

"Oh, we're being classy?" He questioned, practically dancing around the room as he proceeded to drink far more than he should.

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Like what?"

"Not you! You're being a complete fucking jerk, to everyone else, I get that! But me?" She wanted to cry, she hated yelling at him. She hated being upset with him. She loved him, but the way he was behaving wasn't okay with her.

Tristan didn't say anything, only staring at her as if she had two heads. She didn't wait any longer, unlocking the door and swinging it open. She practically sprinted back to the hall.

She wanted Rory, but she had been occupied by Dean, dancing slowly on the floor. For once, she envied them. They were having a good night, a seemingly sweet couple enjoying themselves. She thought that's how her night would've gone.

"Are you lost?" Molly had leaned against the post, teary eyed as she watched her sister. She had been stood beside the table Paris was at, the blonde annoyed by her presence.

"No, no, sorry. I'm just—" Molly wiped the tear that had fallen, Paris' harsh eyes softening.

"You alright?" Paris questioned.

"Yeah, I'm just, not having the night I thought I would be." Molly answered, a thin smile forcing to her lips.

"You've got a—" Paris pointed to her collarbone, and Molly nodded.

"That'd be Tristan." Molly mumbled, Paris' face falling as she'd still had a crush on the boy. "You're Paris, right?" Though she'd already known her name, she wanted the girl to like her.

"Let me guess, Rory told you all about me." Paris muttered, Molly pulled out the empty chair beside her.

"Yeah, but who's to say I listen to anything she says?" Molly retorted with a warm smile, "plus, Izzy's put in a few good words."

"Izzy's nice." Paris mumbled, a sliver of a smile forming. "Still hasn't called me though."

"She's probably just nervous."

"Why would she be?"

"Oh, uh, she just gets shy sometimes." That was a lie. "I can give you her number if you'd like?"

"Really? I thought she'd make a great friend, she's super smart and—yeah, yeah, her number would be great." Molly took a napkin, along with a pen that sat at the center of the table, scribbling down her best friends number. As she handed her the napkin, a boy sat across from them, Paris glaring to him. "Why were you talking to Rory?"

"I was just trying to get her number." He shrugged, Molly's brows furrowed, isn't he her date?

"You—did you tell her?" Paris asked, he nodded lazily, Paris jumping up from the table in a rush.

"So, what's your name?" He asked, leaning over the table with a smirk.

"You wish." Molly spat, a spiteful smile to him and he rolled his eyes. She got up from the table, noticing Paris now in Rory's face, her words not at all quiet.

"You can just tell everyone that Paris Geller couldn't get a date to the dance. That she had no one and since she couldn't just not come, she had to get her mother to ask her cousin Jacob to take her and that she had to give him gas money just to get him to do it. Go ahead! Tell them!" Paris shouted out. Molly felt bad, watching the sheer embarrassment and pain on the blonde girls face as she realized she'd told them herself.

As Paris ran away from the table, Molly sat beside her sister. Her head fell to Rory's shoulder, "so, how's your experience with the Chilton kids? All you dreamed it would be?" Rory questioned, clear sarcasm staining her voice.

"And more." Molly's eyes closed, wanting to disappear from the room.

"Oh, no." Rory gasped out, moving up from her seat.

"What?" Molly questioned, only to see Tristan far to close to Dean. She was sure that her drunk boyfriend was prepared to take out his anger. And what better target than her sister's boyfriend who she had talked very lowly of. Molly got up from her seat, following Rory to the two.

"Hey, what's going on?" Rory asked, standing between them.

"Nothin', just getting to know your boyfriend." Tristan answered, Molly stood at the other side of the two.

"It's going real well, don't you think?" Dean retorted, his voice booming with anger.

"Oh, yeah, we're just about to build a clubhouse."

"Okay, well I hate to break up the party, but we should go." Rory said, glancing to her sister anxiously then up to Dean.

"Yeah, Tristan, let's go." Molly took his hand, but pulled it away as Dean tried to leave with Rory. Tristan got close to Dean, chest nearly pressed against his and he was shoved back.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Dean shouted, Tristan's anger rising at the contact.

"You will not push me again!"

"Are you seriously trying to act tough? You're wearing a tye for god sakes!"

"Outside! Now!" Molly's eyes went wide, he was really about to fight him. While she would've gladly hit Dean on her own time, the circumstances weren't ideal. They needed to leave.

"I'm not fighting you, it would be like fighting an accountant! I'll call you when I need my taxes done." Tristan took his collar, shoving him back with rage before they were quickly pulled apart.

Molly went to Rory, arms wrapping around her securely. Sure, Molly was upset, but the fear in Rory's face made her calm, wanting to make sure she was okay.

"You don't want to fight me Tristan!" Dean shouted, his loud voice making Molly's anxiety grow.

"Why not?!"

"Cause I'll kill you, idiot!" The threat sounded sincere, yet Tristan hadn't seemed to take a hint. It only scared Molly more. Tristan broke free of the other students hold as Dean walked away, Dean stopping him before he could do anything. "Do not come near her, ever again." Tristan didn't say a word, frozen as Molly let go of Rory.

Molly didn't know what to do, she wanted to leave, but she didn't want to leave with Tristan—he was drunk. She sure as hell didn't want to leave with Dean and Rory though.


"Tristan go cool the fuck off." Molly shoved away his hand, walking out of the building.

She hadn't brought a coat, which had been idiotic on her part as it was the middle of winter. She sat on the steps, taking out her phone from her purse hanging off her shoulder. She didn't know who to call.

Her mother was out of the picture, with her injury and the idea that she'd never let her speak to Tristan again. If she called Wyatt, he was likely to walk in to finish what Dean wouldn't. Izzy hadn't even turned sixteen yet. Ashley failed her drivers test. She was stuck.

She stared at her phone, the recent call list screaming at her with the name that sat at the top.

"Fuck." She muttered out, pressing the name, hoping her night didn't get worse.

"What the hell happened?" Was the first thing Molly heard as he jumped out of the truck. She was sat in the spot she was thirty minutes prior, her body shivering with cold tears on her face. Wyatt took off his jacket, placing it over her shoulders before helping her up.

"I don't want to talk about it. Please can you just take me home?" She pleaded, she knew what would happen if she told him. Wyatt nodded, unsure as he got her into the warm truck.

He closed the door, stopping as he looked to the venue. He had an idea as to why she had called him to get her instead of Tristan bringing her back. He was tempted to act on it, but with the state she'd been in, he resisted.

Wyatt got into the truck, taking a blanket he had for camping and unfolding it. "Warm enough?" He asked, she nodded, still shivering though she was plenty warm. He stared at her, hoping to get something out of her before they left, to give him a reason to march inside and hit Tristan straight in the jaw.

"I really don't want to talk about it." She repeated, Wyatt sighing out and putting the truck in drive.

"Do you want coffee?"

"I just want to go home." She mumbled, her head leaning against the window.

He didn't ask again, driving back to Stars Hollow with the quiet tunes from the radio. She was glad he'd stopped asking, she didn't want to think about her night. She wasn't even sure what to do with Tristan. Or if she'd forgive him. She wanted to though, she hated that she wanted to solely on how much she loved him.

She could feel Wyatt looking to her every few seconds, checking to see if she was okay. Her tears had stopped, the mascara applied hours earlier now smudged beneath her eyes. As they pulled into her driveway, she took the sun mirror down, wiping away her smeared makeup.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Molly said, taking the blanket off of her, and handing his jacket back.

"Are you gonna—"

"I'm fine, WD, I swear."

"Pinky swear." He offered out his pinky, the girl staring at it with a frown. "Liar."

"Thank you for getting me." She said, closing the door and walking up to her house. Her grandmother's car was still parked in the driveway, only enhancing her anxieties of walking inside.

As she opened the door, she was met with the sound of the TV playing. Emily and her mother sat on the couch, smiles on their faces. It was a sight for sure, something she hadn't expected to walk into.

"Ah, Molly, sweat heart, how was the dance?" Emily asked, noticing the girl as she stopped by the steps.

"It was great, I'm just—I'm super tired, I'm probably gonna crash." Molly said, her mother's face falling at her words. Lorelai could tell when she was lying, not that had a dead giveaway, she just knew her daughter.

"Are you sure? We're watching a movie, why don't you get pajamas and join us." Lorelai offered, patted the spot beside her.

"I'm okay, mom. Rory should be home soon, I think her and Dean got coffee after they left." She didn't know what they had done, but given her sister wasn't home yet; she may as well vouch for her.

"Okay, go get some rest." Emily waved the girl off and Molly smiled to her, walking up to her room without another thought.

authors note.
yeah, uh..
i apologize for this one, that's my bad.

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