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As Molly walked to downstairs, she heard Sookie frantically yelling at Jackson. Her mother told her they were having dinner together, and said to wear something nice. Which, Molly had ultimately decided that since it's not a Friday night dinner, the nicest thing she had to wear was a sweater and cargo pants.

The redhead smiled as she leaned against the canopy, watching Sookie cook. It was something she had done a lot of while growing up. She missed when Sookie would watch her and Rory, let them put in the simplest of ingredients.

She also missed, "pumpkin spice!" Not that Sookie had ever stopped calling her it.

"Hi, Sook." Molly lifted her hand in a small wave, walking through the kitchen and to her sisters room. The door was closed, but Molly walked in anyway, knowing Rory had been sat at her desk studying.

The brunette smiled as her sister walked in, "hey. Just getting a bit of work done before our house is filled with loud Danes men." Rory joked, scribbling down into her notebook as Molly sat on the bed.

"The only loud one is Wyatt.. but, I have a feeling he'll be particularly quiet at this dinner." Molly was not excited for the dinner. Though her and Wyatt had made up, there was still an unresolved tension.

"You ever gonna tell me what's going on with that?" Rory asked, turning in her chair to face her sister.

"Tell you?" Molly nearly laughed, she didn't care if it sounded demeaning. Rory wanting to know her personal life wasn't something Molly was willing to give her.

"I'm your twin, you can—"

"Trust you? So you can turn around and—" Molly stopped before she said anything stupid, she had been doing that too much lately. Stupid shit just spills out, "y'know, I'm just gonna go chill in my room until they get here." The redhead mumbled, runni a frustrated hand through her hair.

Molly had walked up to her room, ignoring her mother as she tried to talk to her. She knew what she was going to say, and it was dumb. Stay on your best behavior or don't go sneaking of with blondie. As if the woman hadn't noticed her spending the last few weeks without Wyatt at her side.

It wasn't long before she heard a knock on the front door. She didn't bother to move though, knowing she would be called down when it was time to eat. Why her mother had chosen to welcome Jess with an extravagant dinner? She had no idea.

Her plan of staying alone in her room was ruined though, "door stays open!" She heard her mother yell, Molly knew by the loud footsteps coming up the stairs who the woman was yelling at.

"That woman thinks I'm trying to get in your pants all the time. Could you imagine what she'd be like if she knew what—"

"Shut up." Molly hushed the blond, fearing her mother could somehow hear what he was saying.

Wyatt grinned, walking into the room and falling down onto her bed. He stayed a few inches from her, though he wanted nothing but to take his chances by moving closer.

"Where's Jess?" Molly asked, sitting up on her knee's, the boy staying on his back.

"Mm, bothering Rory." Wyatt answered, his eyes slightly glazed over as he stared up at her. Molly nodded, fortunate the boy was meeting her sister rather than following Wyatt up. The blond stayed with his soft blue eyes, a crack of a smile forming on his face.

Molly's brow raised, heart pounding at his gaze, "what?" Wyatt only shrugged, "I don't like when you do that." She mumbled, turning away from his intimidating eyes.

"Look at you?"

"It makes me feel.. I don't know, but stop." Her face grew hot, hands moving to cover her freckles.

"But you're so—"

"Thing one and two!" The pair groaned out, both rolling off the bed at the sound of Luke's voice.

Molly ran out of the room quickly, trying to stray away from the blond as her emotions ran wild. Getting downstairs, she saw that the food had been moved out to the livingroom. Sookie had not held back when it came to cooking.

"I'm gonna get something to drink, you want anything?" Molly asked the blond behind her, waving at Luke as he sat down beside her mother.


"No caf—"

"I'll get that for you." Molly grinned, ignoring Luke's protests against giving Wyatt caffeine. She walked into the kitchen, staring at Jess questionably as he dug through the fridge. "Soda is right there." She pointed out the can that was right in front of himz

"Not what I'm looking for." He kept his voice quiet grabbing two beers and offering one to her. "Wanna ditch?" Jess asked, Molly stared at the beer, then to the cola she told Wyatt she would get.

As her hand gripped the beer, Jess snuck out the back door, the red head following. In her mind, they were going to drink them and go back inside. Jess took his beer, opening it against the railing of the porch.

"I suck at opening these." Molly said, stepping beside him, attempting to copy his actions.

"Let me." Jess took the beer, popping off the cap, both teens unknowing to the woman walking outside.

"Aw, are those for me?" Lorelai cooed, startling the two as their attention was on opening the alcohol. She took the beers, drink from one with a grimace, "refreshing." She spoke sarcastically, glaring at the boy.

"Mom, we were just—"

"You, inside." Lorelai pointed to the door, not wanting to hear her daughter's excuse.


"You're lucky I don't ground you." Lorelai warned, the red head rolled her eyes.

"Are I already?" Molly retorted, the woman gave her a stern look at the teen dragged her feet back into the house. The girl walked inside, annoyed with her mother as she found her way to the table.

She took her seat, between Wyatt and Rory, everyone staring at her questionably as she sat down empty handed.

"Where's Jess and Lorelai?" Molly stayed quiet at Luke's question, slouching down in her seat.

The man stood from his seat, the table suddenly growing quiet as they listened for what came next.

"What happened?" Wyatt whispered, leaning towards the girl. Jackson continued eating, oblivious to the tension in the room as Sookie stared at the kitchen with a panicked look.

"Jess is about to get a talk from Lorelai." Molly responded, careful not to let her sister hear.

Wyatt leaned back, his eyes filling with an unexplainable emotion. He was hurt, his mind jumping to a terrible theory. They couldn't have though, they wouldn't.

He didn't ask any more questions, too scared of the answer he would receive.

Just as Molly opened her mouth to speak, Luke's voice hit her ears, growing louder with every word.

"-and I know what I'm doing! And I'm getting a little tired of your condescending—"

"I've never been condescending!" Lorelai argued back, the three teens at the table all looking to each other with worry.

"Oh, you have two kids so you know everything, right?"

"Uh, yeah, I have two kids so I know a little more than you about raising two teenagers."

Molly could see Wyatt shift uncomfortably, hating hearing the woman yell at his father. Molly hated it too, the way he mother spoke to Luke as if she knew everything. Lorelai Gilmore doesn't know everything.

"You know, I've raised a kid on my own, too."

"Yeah? And you can barely handle him!"

"Should we.." Rory started, but Sookie and Jackson were too interested in the drama to actually stop it.

"Excuse you, but who is there every day making sure nothing happens. That's your fear, right? I mean, do you really know how often Molly is at the diner? How many nights I've made sure she had a decent dinner? At least my child trust's me!"

"Wow, two pies." Was all Lorelai had to say. She didn't have an argument for the truth.

"I should go." Wyatt kicked out his chair, knowing the dinner wasn't going to last much longer. Molly nodded in agreement as she heard the back door slam shut, knowing Luke had stormed outside.

Walking into the diner the next morning, Molly was unsurprised to see the lack of her mother sat behind the counter. Instead, a partially asleep Wyatt was sat in her place, scribbling down on an overdue assignment. The red head took a seat beside him, Luke instinctively getting her a cup of coffee.

"Need the answers?" Molly asked, tossing her back pack onto the counter.

Wyatt's head lifted, "would you? Usually I'd have it done but withh Jess.."

"You get distracted?" She smiled as he nodded, "don't worry, I get it." Molly took out her folder, handing over the homework she had actually done.

"Danish?" Luke asked as he placed down the to-go cup.

"Two, please."

"Is your mother still outside?" Luke peaked out the window with a glare, searching for the woman.

"No?" Molly answered, turning back to look at the side walk. "I was gonna take one to Beau." She told the man, watching as he nodded unsurely.

"Does Izzy want one too? I haven't seen her in a while." Luke didn't pay mind to Wyatt as he shook his head, attempting to get him to keep his mouth shut.

"Um.." Molly looked to the blond.

"I can take her one, and one for Ash." Wyatt said, frowning at the girl beside him.

"You two should get to school, it's almost eight."

As Molly exited the school, she stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Luke, was stood waiting, a face of disappointment and frustration. She nearly laughed as she took her place beside him.

"Who's in trouble?" Molly asked, sitting on the concrete step beside him. His arms were crossed tightly over his chest, a sort of sternness to him that Molly had rarely seen.

Sure, Luke was a naturally grumpy person, but he was never truly angry. At least never with Wyatt. She'd never even seen him raise his voice too much at the boy. But whatever had been done, Luke was not pleased.

"Did you help him?" Luke asked, jaw tight as he stared at the girl.

"Help who? Wyatt and I haven't been—"

"No, no, I know when you two have done something. The kid has the worst poker face. I'm talking about Jess, he's—"

"Yo, pops, what're you doing here?" Wyatt questioned as he got down the steps.

"Where's Jess?" Luke asked in response, the blond only shrugged, facing Molly with a look of confusion.

"Gilmore! I'm coming over!" Beau ran over to the group, a puppyish smile on his face, oblivious to Luke's frustrations.

Wyatt rolled his eyes at his best friend, "have fun with Lorelai." The blond muttered, positive the woman would find a reason not to like Beau.

"She loves me." Beau shrugged, though he'd never had a real conversation with the woman. Molly shook her head at the boy, tossing her skateboard onto the sidewalk and stepping on. "That's not fair, I have to walk." Molly rolled her eyes, reaching out and linking her pinky with his.

Beau started walking pulling her along with him, purposely taking her over every bump.

"Hey, be careful with her!" Luke yelled out as they walked away.

As the two got down the street, Jess walked out of the school, his attention caught in a book. Luke walked out from where he stood, marching beside the teen. Wyatt watched with caution and amusement, following to see what would happen.

"Hey!" Luke called out and Jess stuffed the book into his pocket, "how was school?"

"Great." Jess answered sarcastically, Wyatt nearly laughed, knowing he hadn't bothered to speak to anyone.

"Learn anything good?"

"Oh, yeah, tons of things. I got gold stars plastered all over my forehead." Wyatt chuckled at Jess' response, keeping a slower pace.

He knew Jess didn't want to be associated with him at school and Wyatt wasn't sure he wanted to be associated with Jess. With a group of jocks staring at him, Wyatt pretented as if he were walking home.

"I had an interesting call today." Luke said, glancing back at Wyatt. "Wanna know who it was from?"

"Not really." Jess murmured out.

"Can I guess?" Wyatt asked, knowing there were few people who would call Luke and make him this upset. "Taylor?"

"Yup, you know who Taylor Doose is? He owns the market."


"He said you came in today." Luke stated as they got up to the crosswalk.

"He did?" Jess didn't care, he was unamused by the meaningless conversation. If he'd done something, he had one hell of a poker face.

"And he said you took some money out of a little donation cup to help repair the fridge. I told him he was crazy, you wouldn't do that. Thought that he was just trying to start trouble, then I hung up on him." Luke stated, Wyatt had a feeling he knew where this was going, "but don't get me wrong, I enjoy hanging up on Taylor, and he is crazy."

"He really is." Wyatt stated, though neither we're paying too much attention to him. He didn't care though, he was waiting for the fun part.

"But I was wondering if maybe, any of the other things he said, were true."

"What do you think?" Jess spat out in question.

"I think that if you tell me that what he's saying is not true, then I'm gonna believe it. Because he's also prone to over exaggerating when it comes to you kids." Luke said, earning a simple nod in agreement from the blond behind him.

"Okay, then it's not true." Jess stated, clearly just saying what Luke wanted to hear.

"That doesn't sound very convincing."

Jess stopped in his tracks as they reached the edge of the bridge. He turned to Luke, chest rising with frustration, "what exactly do you want from me? You bring me here to this place. You put me in a school system that says the pledge of allegiance in six different languages—"


"-Two of which, I've never heard of before."

"Occitan and Catalan." Wyatt knew they still weren't listening, but he couldn't stop himself from blurting out.

"You took me away from my home! My friends! And now you want what from me?"

"I'm trying to help you!" Luke defended himself, but Jess didn't care.

"Well, stop trying! Stop talking to me! Stop following me! And stop asking me questions! Just stop!" Jess shouted out in frustration. Wyatt didn't like that he was yelling at his dad for simply trying to help. All the man wanted was to make sure he turned out okay.

"That's what you want?"


"That's really what you want?"


"Fine! You got it!"

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Wyatt stood frozen, shocked in the way they resolved their differences. He and his father had been in plenty of arguments, but they had always ended with a hug. Not.. whatever just happened.

He watched as they stormed away, side by side on the long bridge. He nearly laughed at their angry walks, the pettiness being amusing.

Then, his laugh was spilling out, faster than Jess's body hit the water. Luke had shoved him, sending the stubborn teen flying off the bridge. And Jess had no reaction, he just stood in the water, glaring after the man as he continued walking away.

Wyatt, now toppled over with an uncontrollable laugh, ignored Jess's anger as he came out of the water.

"Need a towel?"

Molly, Beau and Rory were sat at the kitchen table, the boy using Rory's smarts to help him with his last few assignments. He'd been cramming, stuck with late homework, finals and sports, he'd barely had time to study.

"I can't believe you're graduating in a week." Molly mumbled, punching random numbers into the calculator.

"Ain't going no where 'til fall." He reminded her, watching as Rory wrote out the equation for him.

"Still, I've still gotta go the rest of the year without you."

"We've still got prom." He smiled up at her, Rory now interested in their conversation rather than her homework.


"Yeah, I asked your sis and she said yes. It was out of pity but—"

"It wasn't a pity, 'yes'." Molly corrected, though he refused to believe otherwise. "You're an—"

"Girls?" Lorelai shouted out as she walked into the house.

"In here!"

The woman walked into the kitchen, smiling as she saw them sat at the table. The smile quickly disappeared as she noticed Beau sat with him.

Her brow raised unsurely, "Arrow?" The woman teased.

"Beau." The teen corrected, nervously looking down at his papers.

"Do I have to worry about you?" Lorelai asked, stepping towards the boy as he shook his head.

"Not in the slightest." It was the truth, Molly knew that and somehow, Lorelai did too.

"Alright, so what're we—" a knock on the back door interrupted the woman as she reached for the papers. She set them down, walking towards the door and allowing the person in.

"Luke?" She questioned as he walked into the house, out of breath and frustrated.

"I just pushed him in a lake." The man blurted out as he walked in.

"Wyatt?" They all asked, unsurprised and entertained by the thought.

"Jess." Luke stated, walking aimlessly through the kitchen, "i got this call from Taylor that he thinks Jess stole fridge money and I went to confront him and he was being impossible and Wyatt was doing that thing he does when people argue—"

"Blurt out random things?" Molly and Beau both asked, receiving a quick nod from him.

"I got a little.. overwhelmed and I just—" Luke did the motion as if he was shoving someone, "pushed him in a lake!" Luke began to pace, "this is bad."

"That depends. Can he swim?" Lorelai questioned, slightly annoyed by the man as he'd barged into their home.

"He's fine. Wyatt's with him."

"They teach us CPR in—" Beau closed his mouth as Lorelai glared at him.

"I just, I lost it. I don't know why. I've never wanted to do that to Wyatt and—and you were right. I'm in so far over my head, I can't see my own hat." Luke poked his head, his voice hoarse as he'd gone from yelling to an almost whisper.

"Try turning it around." Lorelai retorted, Molly letting out a light snicker. "You guys mind giving us a second?" Lorelai aksed the three sat at the table, each getting up in a second.

Beau and Molly walked outside, both breaking into hysterics as they pictured Luke shoving Jess into a lake. As they sat on the porch swing, Babette walked up to them, a frantic look on her face.

"Molly, sweetheart, have you seen pierpon?"

"I haven't. You can ask my mom, she's inside." The woman nodded, rushing into the house.

"That her cat?" Beau asked, the girl giggled, shaking her head.

"It's her gnome."

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