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chapter five:
❛ arguments ❜


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Gwen stood by the punch bowl, feeling out of place in the crowded party. MJ had dragged her here with the promise of Spider-Man making an appearance, and Gwen was curious to see if Peter Parker and Spider-Man would be in the same place. Her eyes scanned the room as Peter and Ned walked in, whispering to each other.

Gwen approached MJ, holding out a cup of punch. "Here, MJ. I got you this," she said, handing over the drink.

MJ took the cup with a grateful smile. "Thanks! Peter and Ned just walked in."

As Gwen glanced over, she saw Peter's eyes widen in surprise upon spotting her. She gave him a sarcastic grin. "We're here to see Spider-Man," she said, draping her arm around MJ and steering her away.

MJ, sensing an opportunity, leaned in and said, "You know, Gwen, maybe it's time you talked to Peter. It's been a while."

Gwen shook her head firmly. "No way. It's too late for that."

MJ, however, had other plans. She gave Gwen a gentle but firm push towards Peter. Gwen stumbled slightly, catching herself just before crashing into him. Before she could react, MJ gave her a final nudge, and both Gwen and Peter toppled into the pool with a splash.

They surfaced, dripping and sputtering. Gwen glared at MJ, who was already slipping away with a look of satisfaction. "What the hell, MJ?!"

Peter, trying to keep his composure, swam to the edge of the pool. "I'm really sorry about this," he said, brushing water from his face. "It was an accident."

Gwen, clearly irritated, shot back, "I don't understand why MJ is so persistent about us talking. It's not like it's going to fix anything."

Peter, trying to stay calm, responded, "Funny, Ned's been saying the same thing. He's been trying to get me to understand why this is such a big deal."

Gwen's frustration mounted. "Yeah, well, it's just not going to work. You can't just fix things with a few words."

Peter's expression grew serious. "I get that you're mad, and you have every right to be. But this isn't about just fixing things. It's about understanding why things went wrong."

Gwen's eyes flashed with anger. "Understanding? Peter, you said my dad deserves to be in prison. Do you have any idea how hard my mom has worked to keep our family together? For years, she's been busting her ass to make sure we're okay!"

Peter's face fell. He looked genuinely regretful. "I was twelve, Gwen. I didn't understand the whole situation. I was angry and said things I shouldn't have."

Gwen's voice shook as she continued, "Well, it's not that simple. You don't get to just apologize and expect everything to be okay. You don't get to erase the hurt you caused with a few sorry words!"

Peter tried to reach out, his voice filled with remorse. "I know I can't just make it all better. I'm really sorry for what I said. I didn't realize the impact of my words then. I should have been more considerate."

Gwen took a step back, her eyes brimming with tears. "It's not just about what you said, Peter. It's about how you made me feel. Like I was just a problem to be dealt with. Like my family's struggles didn't matter."

Peter's shoulders slumped. "I understand. I was wrong, and I wish I could take it all back. I've been trying to figure out how to make things right."

Gwen shook her head, wiping her eyes. "You can't just fix things by talking. You can't just show up and expect everything to be okay."

Peter's voice cracked with emotion. "Gwen, please, I want to make it right. I want to understand. I want us to be friends again. I know I messed up, but I'm trying."

Gwen's frustration reached its peak. "I don't know if I can forgive you. I don't know if I can forget how you made me feel. It's not that easy."

Peter's face showed a deep mix of regret and sadness. "I understand. I'll give you space if that's what you need. Just know that I'm sorry, and I hope one day you can see that."

Gwen, her emotions too overwhelming to handle, turned and walked away. Peter called after her, "Gwen, wait!"

But she didn't stop. She left the pool area and walked out into the night, her heart heavy with unresolved pain and frustration, while Peter stood by the edge of the pool, feeling the weight of his mistakes pressing down on him.

Gwen's anger was palpable as she pushed her way through the crowded party, searching for MJ. The music thumped loudly, and the room was a blur of colors and moving bodies. Finally, she spotted MJ leaning against the wall, a drink in her hand, chatting casually with a few friends. Gwen marched over, her expression fierce.

"MJ!" Gwen's voice cut through the noise, startling a few partygoers. MJ looked up, her usual nonchalant demeanor in place.

"What's up, Gwen?" MJ asked with a casual shrug.

"Why are you so obsessed with me and Peter being friends again?" Gwen demanded, her frustration evident. "It's like you're on a mission to make it happen."

MJ raised an eyebrow, seemingly unfazed. "G, calm down. I want you and Peter to be friends again because it's obvious you're in love with him. And you need to take a chill pill."

Gwen's face reddened with a mix of anger and embarrassment. "What are you talking about? I am not in love with Peter!"

MJ's gaze was steady. "Oh, come on. It's pretty clear to anyone with eyes that you're not over him. You've been acting distant lately, and it's probably because of Peter. He feels bad about what happened, and I bet he still has feelings for you too."

Gwen's fists clenched at her sides. "You don't know anything about my feelings or what's going on with me. Why do you keep pushing this?"

MJ's expression remained calm, though her tone was firmer now. "Because I care about both of you. I see how this is eating you up inside. Peter's not the bad guy here. He made a mistake, and he genuinely feels remorseful."

Gwen shook her head, frustration boiling over. "You don't get it, MJ! I don't need you to play mediator. I can handle my own issues."

MJ's patience wore thin. "Fine, Gwen. If you want to pretend everything's okay and that you're not hurting, that's your choice. But don't act like I'm doing something wrong by trying to help."

Gwen glared at MJ, her anger unabated. "Whatever, MJ. Just stay out of it."

Without another word, Gwen turned on her heel and stormed out of the house. The cool night air hit her like a wave, but her anger kept her warm. She looked up and saw Spider-Man swinging away from Liz's house, the red and blue figure cutting through the dark sky. Intrigued and still feeling a mix of emotions, Gwen quickly grabbed her bike and started pedaling after him.

As she rode through the quiet streets, her mind churned with frustration and unresolved feelings. She turned corners and pedaled faster, trying to keep up with Spider-Man's swinging pace. Her heart raced not just from the physical exertion but from the emotional turmoil she was in. She was determined to follow Spider-Man, feeling a strong suspicion that he might be Peter.

Eventually, Spider-Man slowed his swinging, landing gracefully on a rooftop. Gwen parked her bike a short distance away and climbed up the fire escape of a nearby building, her breath coming in short, ragged bursts as she reached the top.

She crouched behind a rooftop vent, watching as Spider-Man stood still, seemingly lost in thought. Gwen didn't approach him; instead, she kept her distance, observing. Spider-Man's posture and the way he moved only deepened her suspicion that he was Peter. The night air was cold, but Gwen felt a mix of warmth and anxiety.

Spider-Man remained on the rooftop, looking out over the city. Gwen stayed hidden, unsure of what to do. She wanted to confront him, but she wasn't ready yet. The argument with MJ and her lingering doubts about Peter's true identity made her uncertain.

Finally, Spider-Man turned and began to swing away again. Gwen stayed low, following him discreetly. Her curiosity about his true identity and her emotions were at the forefront of her mind.

She was determined to see where he was going. What was he following?


short chapter i apologize! but i cant wait for next chapter cause her and spiderman get stuck in the storage unit together 🀭 which is why i leaving you guys on a cliffhanger


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