𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏

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chapter seven:
❛ after school hours ❜


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Gwen trudged down the dimly lit stairs to the basement of the high school, each step echoing in the empty stairwell. The flickering fluorescent lights overhead did little to brighten the gloomy space, casting an intermittent, stuttering light that added to the basement's stark ambiance. Gwen had just finished her AP Physics tutoring session, her thoughts preoccupied with her little brother, Max, and the nagging concern about her mom, who still hadn't returned. The idea that Spiderman-Peter Parker, if the rumors were accurate-was supposedly searching for her mom was both a strange comfort and an unsettling curiosity.

As she reached the basement, Gwen could hear the rhythmic thump of something being hammered. She turned the corner into the wood shop area, where Peter Parker and Ned Leeds were working. Peter, hunched over the workbench, swung a hammer with a determined look, while Ned hovered nearby, peering over Peter's shoulder with a mix of curiosity and unease.

Gwen approached with a playful grin. "I think you need to keep your fingers off the blades. You're gonna lose a finger," she said, her voice breaking through the concentration of their task. Peter's hammering stopped abruptly, and both he and Ned looked up, their faces a mixture of surprise and awkwardness.

"Hey, Gwen," Peter said, his tone a bit flustered. He set the hammer down with a clunk and wiped his brow. "What are you doing here?"

"Just wrapping up tutoring. So, what are you guys up to?" Gwen asked, her eyes scanning the workbench cluttered with various tools and materials.

Peter and Ned exchanged a glance, the unease palpable. Peter shrugged, attempting to maintain casualness. "We're not really sure what it is," he said, gesturing vaguely to a covered object on the workbench.

Gwen leaned in, her curiosity getting the better of her. As she peered closer, she noticed a strange, glowing purple object partially hidden beneath a pile of discarded tools. The object emitted a soft, pulsating glow that bathed the surrounding area in an otherworldly light, casting eerie shadows that danced on the walls.

"What's that?" Gwen asked, her interest piqued. Her voice was edged with curiosity, and she couldn't help but move a little closer.

Peter and Ned's expressions shifted noticeably. Peter's eyes widened, and he exchanged another quick, concerned look with Ned. They moved quickly to the object, their movements suddenly deliberate and cautious. Peter, trying to hide his anxiety, grabbed the glowing object with a gloved hand, while Ned hurriedly assisted, his face taut with worry.

"Uh, Gwen, it's... it's nothing," Peter said, his voice betraying his attempt to sound casual. He stammered as he quickly picked up the object, trying to obscure it from view. "We should, um, probably get going."

Gwen's eyes widened, her curiosity intensifying. "Why? What's so special about that thing?" she pressed, her gaze fixed on the object as Peter and Ned tried to shield it from her view.

Peter and Ned's demeanor became increasingly evasive. They shuffled nervously, avoiding Gwen's penetrating stare. "It's just... something we need to take care of," Ned said, his voice hurried. "You should, um, stay here."

Before Gwen could protest, Peter and Ned hurriedly made their way towards the stairs, leaving her alone in the basement. The suddenness of their departure and their obvious discomfort only heightened Gwen's suspicion.

Gwen rolled her eyes, frustration bubbling to the surface. She sighed deeply and walked over to the workbench, her eyes lingering on the spot where the glowing object had been. The pulsating light was still faintly visible, casting an eerie glow that seemed to pulse with an almost hypnotic rhythm.

"Great, just what I needed-more secrets," Gwen muttered to herself, shaking her head in exasperation. She took one last, lingering look at the strange object, her mind racing with questions and speculation. With a resigned sigh, she turned and made her way back up the stairs, her thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and curiosity.

As Gwen made her way towards the stairs, she suddenly heard a gruff voice from behind her. "Who are you?" The tone was menacing, and Gwen spun around sharply, her heart racing. Two scruffy-looking men stood near the entrance to the basement, their expressions hardened and suspicious.

Gwen's eyes narrowed, her irritation masking her anxiety. "Who are you?" she shot back defiantly, trying to keep her composure.

One of the men, who looked to be in his late thirties with a rough beard and a scar across his cheek, stepped forward. "You've been poking around where you don't belong," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "What are you doing here?"

Gwen took a step back, her instinct for self-preservation kicking in. "I was just leaving," she said, trying to edge towards the stairs. "I don't want any trouble."

The other man, younger and with a rough-looking jacket, glared at her. "Too late for that now. You've seen something you shouldn't have. How about you stick around and tell us what you know?"

Panic fluttered in Gwen's chest. She didn't recognize these men, and their aggressive stance made her feel uneasy. The basement, with its dim light and strange occurrences, was no longer a safe place. She turned quickly, heading for the stairs with a growing sense of urgency.

As Gwen made her way up the basement stairs, her anxiety surged. The men's ominous presence made her heart pound. Just as she was about to push open the basement door to escape, she nearly collided with Peter, who was descending the stairs.

Peter's face went from curiosity to concern as he took in her panicked expression. "Gwen, what's wrong?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.

"There are some sketchy guys down there," Gwen said urgently, her voice shaky. "They're asking questions and seem really dangerous. You need to stay out of the basement."

Peter's eyes flicked towards the basement entrance, his brow furrowing. "What? Are you sure?"

"Yes," Gwen insisted, grabbing Peter's arm. "We should call someone or-"

"Gwen, you need to get out of here," Peter interrupted, his tone firm but calm. "I'll check it out. Just go, alright?"

Gwen's eyes widened in surprise and a flash of suspicion crossed her mind. "No, Peter, I'm not leaving you down there alone. This is serious. What if something happens?"

Peter's expression grew more intense. "Gwen, just go. I'll handle it."

Gwen hesitated, her mind racing. Peter's insistence, coupled with the urgency in his voice, only fueled her suspicions. She knew something was off. Peter's behavior was not just protective; it was commanding, almost like he had a hidden agenda.

Peter's eyes locked onto hers with an edge of desperation. "Please, just go. I'll be fine."

Gwen's worry deepened, her gaze searching Peter's face for answers. The intensity in his eyes, the way he was handling the situation-it all seemed familiar. Her thoughts raced back to the times she'd seen Spider-Man in action, the way he had been so determined and forceful. Could Peter be Spider-Man?

"Are you sure?" Gwen asked, her voice trembling slightly.

"Yes, Gwen, I'm sure," Peter said, his tone brooking no argument. "Just go. I need you to leave now."

Reluctantly, Gwen nodded, her mind a whirlwind of questions and doubts. As she turned and hurried down the hallway, she couldn't shake the feeling that Peter's insistence to stay behind and handle things himself was more than just an attempt to protect her. It was almost as if he had a deeper connection to the danger below.

Gwen glanced back one last time, her heart heavy with worry and confusion. The basement, with its strange glow and mysterious men, now seemed even more troubling. Her thoughts were tangled with the possibility that Peter Parker might be hiding a secret identity-and that secret might be Spider-Man.

Gwen walked into the police station once again, her heart pounding with anxiety. The sterile environment of the station, with its buzzing fluorescent lights and echoing footsteps, felt cold and unwelcoming. She approached the front desk, where an officer glanced up from his paperwork, giving her a sympathetic look.

"Hi, I'm Gwen Stacy," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "It's been 48 hours since my mom, Linda Stacy, went missing. I need to file a report. I've been here before, but I haven't heard anything new."

The officer nodded, his expression turning serious. "Alright, let me get someone who can assist you with the report."

Gwen took a seat in the lobby, her fingers nervously drumming on her phone. The minutes seemed to drag on, her anxiety growing with each passing second. The room was filled with the low hum of activity-phones ringing, murmurs of conversations, and the occasional clatter of a dropped file.

After a short wait, Detective Martin, a tall man in his forties with a neatly trimmed beard and a no-nonsense demeanor, approached her. "Ms. Stacy, I'm Detective Martin. We're going to get started on your report. Please follow me."

Gwen followed him down a narrow hallway into a small, utilitarian room. It had a metal table in the center, a few chairs, and a large wall clock that ticked loudly, almost mocking her impatience. Detective Martin gestured for her to sit at the table and took a seat across from her.

"Alright, Gwen. Let's go through everything again. Can you tell me the last thing you remember about your mother's whereabouts?"

Gwen took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. "The last time I saw my mom was in our kitchen. She was cooking dinner. Max, my little brother, was in his room playing video games. I was in the living room, watching a movie. I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, Max was asking for a snack. That's when I noticed that my mom hadn't finished cooking, and she was nowhere to be found."

Detective Martin nodded, taking diligent notes. "And you mentioned you spoke to Mr. Johnson, your mother's boss, last night?"

"Yes," Gwen said, her voice trembling slightly. "I went to the diner to see if maybe she had gone there. Mr. Johnson told me she hadn't been to work for a few days. He was concerned but didn't have any more information."

Detective Martin's brow furrowed as he jotted down additional details. "So, to summarize: your mother was last seen at home, preparing dinner, and you discovered she was missing when you woke up. You also verified with her workplace that she hasn't been there recently."

Gwen nodded vigorously. "Yes, that's right. I've been trying to find any clues or leads, but it's like she just disappeared."

Detective Martin looked up from his notes, his expression a mix of concern and determination. "We'll file a missing person's report and begin the investigation. This includes checking local businesses, surveillance footage, and canvassing the area. It might take some time, but we'll make every effort to locate your mother."

Gwen felt a flicker of relief but was also overwhelmed by the uncertainty. "Thank you. I really hope we find her soon. I'm scared and worried."

The detective gave her a reassuring nod. "We understand. We'll do everything we can. If you remember anything new or come across any potential leads, please contact us immediately."

Gwen stood up, her heart heavy with a mixture of relief and frustration. "I will. Thank you for your help."

As she walked out of the police station, the cool air outside felt like a small comfort. Her thoughts were a chaotic whirlwind, torn between hope and fear. She was determined to find her mother and bring her home, no matter how difficult the path ahead might be.

Gwen stepped out of the police station, the cold, biting rain immediately soaking through her clothes. The heavy downpour turned the streets into a slick, glistening mess, and she tried to shield herself with her coat, but it was no use. Her hair clung to her face, and her shoes sloshed with every step as she made her way down the empty sidewalk.

She was lost in thought, her mind replaying the details of the day, when a sudden movement caught her eye. She glanced up, blinking through the rain-soaked haze, and froze. There, hanging upside down from a web line just a few feet in front of her, was Spider-Man.

His suit was dark and sleek, glistening with raindrops. His eyes, concealed behind the white lenses of his mask, seemed to be studying her intently. Gwen's heart skipped a beat, the surrealness of the moment crashing over her like the rain. The two of them stood there, suspended in an unspoken understanding, neither of them moving.

Gwen swallowed hard, her breath visible in the chilly air. Despite the rain and the urgency of her situation, she felt an odd calmness, as if Spider-Man's presence was somehow both reassuring and unsettling.

Unable to hold back her curiosity and disbelief, Gwen took a cautious step closer. Her hand reached out, trembling slightly as she touched the edge of Spider-Man's mask. The contact was brief, but it felt electric-an intense jolt of something she couldn't quite describe. His suit felt surprisingly warm despite the rain.

Spider-Man's head tilted slightly as if acknowledging her touch, but he remained silent. There was a brief, charged silence between them, as if he was weighing his next move.

Then, with a sudden, fluid motion, Spider-Man swung away, his web line retracting and propelling him upward into the stormy sky. Gwen watched as he disappeared into the gloom, the sound of his webbing cutting through the rain. She stood there for a moment longer, the rain continuing to pelt her, lost in the bewildering encounter.

Her fingers tingled where they had touched his mask, and her heart was racing. She took a deep breath, trying to shake off the encounter and the myriad questions that came with it. With her clothes drenched and her mind racing, she turned back towards the street, her thoughts a tangled mess of hope, worry, and the inexplicable presence of the superhero she had just met.




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