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๐™๐™ƒ๐™€ ๐˜ฝ๐™๐™Š๐™’๐™‰ ๐™ƒ๐˜ผ๐™„๐™๐™€๐˜ฟ ๐˜ฝ๐™Š๐™” spun his head around so quickly Clara could've sworn it was right about to pop out of socket. He seemed surprised to see the blonde, and she felt her heart strings pull a bit as an overwhelming smell took over her nostrils.

Before Clara, was a room in the compound she hadn't seen before and stumbled on upon while searching for Kol. The bedroom was full of dispensed bodies โ€” both male and female โ€” that had either their throats ripped out or damn near close to. The blood from each and every one of them made the grey veins under Clara's eyes grow darker and her bloodshot eyes were returning, but she quickly turned away to try to avoid it. She had better control now, she hasn't fed on any person since she'd flip her switch back on, and she didn't want to ever again.

There was five bodies, two boys and three girls, laying lifeless on the ground with blood seeping from the wounds on their neck. Then there was a cute brunette, who was still alive, in Kol's arms. The boy was that same figure in Clara's nightmares, the frantic psychotic Kol they told scary stories about.

"I know we said that it was okay if you wanted to feed on people," Clara stated, covering her mouth as she fought the urge to bite right into the girl Kol was holding unconscious in his arms. "But we said not in front of me."

"Don't you want some, love?" Kol asked, tilting his head a bit to the side as he had a familiar smirk written on his face. "Just a bite?"

"Kol," Clara let out a shaky breath, swallowing harshly as she tried to not think about how delicious it would be to sink her teeth in the girls neck. "Stop."

Kol didn't take the girls warning, and instead moved the brunette in his hands so that he and the girl would be facing Clara. He moved her long, curly hair to the side of he showed the blonde the two puncture wounds on her neck.

Clara's eyes hovered, and she felt her fangs protruding through her gums no matter how hard she was fighting the urge. She rushed forward using her vamp speed, and shoved Kol with as much might as she could muster. The brown eyed boy stared in disbelief as the sudden anger Clara had, and while he was pushed back, he dropped the brunette to the ground in a heap.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Clara hissed through her fangs, her veins and bloodshot eyes still clearly visible. She was angry, and getting more by the second, thanks non triggered werewolf gene.

"You're a vampire for God's sake! Act like one!" Kol yelled back, his voice echoing throughout the room. Usually, Clara would've winced at his loud voice, but she wasn't that affected.

"Don't pull that card, Kol," Clara answered, her voice wavering a bit as she was taking a deep breath. "You know I don't feed on people because I can't control myself. What is wrong with you?"

"You're leaving me."

Kols eyes couldn't meet Clara's because of the sudden emotion he was feeling, and for the first time in his life, tears were brimming and threatening to fall.

"You were listening to me and Hayley," Clara stated, one of her biggest fears becoming known now.

"So you're going to be human again? You were just going to drink the damn cure and leave me?" Kol snapped, his brown eyes turning a darker color as the anger now seemed to be bubbling in him.

"Kol, I was looking for you to talk to you about me being human," Clara responded quickly, his arms flying up. "We could be human together, Damon and Iโ€”"

"Oh, so Damon's involved now?" Kol cut off the blonde, and her lips gasped a bit about how Kol could be so frustrating and jealous all at the same time.

"Are you actually serious right now?" Clara yelled, narrowing her blue eyes at her boyfriend. "Kol, there's a way we can be human together. We can grow old together, we could have a family and a house, we'd have each other."

Kol took a threatening step closer to the blonde, a determined and angry glance covering his face. His lip was curled up, and he gently bent his head down so he was close to Clara's face. Usually, when he did this, it was him leaning in to give the girl a big smooch on her cheek or lips, but this was completely different.

"You know, I used to miss being human," Kol replied, his voice low and husky where it was almost scaring Clara. "But now, I can't think of anything more miserable on earth."

Clara swallowed hard as the tears were about to fall right out of her blue eyes. She searched Kol's face to see if he was lying, or if he was just upset, but he seemed genuinely truthful.

"You don't want a life with me?" Clara asked, her voice so quiet it was like a mouse.

"I want a vampire life with you," Kol answered, backing up his face a bit so he wasn't nearly as close as he was before.

"I'm taking the cure," Clara stated, her wet eyes fluttering from the ground to Kol, to see his reactionโ€”but it didn't seem like he had one. "What do you want from me, Kol? Being a vampire has been such a fucking roller coaster that I wished I was dead rather than having to feed off of a living person. How can you not understand that?"

"It's called control, love, you learn it over time," Kol said with narrowed eyes.

"Oh, like the great psychotic manic Kol Mikaelson?" Clara retorts, crossing her arms over her chest in disapproval. "You liked me when I was a human and you were a vampire, what changed now?"

"Because now I can't imagine a future where you grow up and I stay like this forever," Kol responded, his voice quivering a bit. "Because I can't imagine seeing a grey, winkled Clara laying in a hospital bed as I have the rest of eternity to live without the love of my life."

Clara's eyes widened as he said love of his life, because even though the two had been together for more than a year, they hadn't said the three words yet. Mostly because Clara was so scared if she said them that Kol would run away from the commitment.

"Is being a human so bad?"

"Why do you want to be a human so bad then? Am I not enough for you to want to stay a vampire?"

"Kol," Clara sadly smiled, a tear just begging to slip down her cheek. "I love you, with my entire heart. I didn't think I could ever love someone this way, and have them return it just as much. Of course you're good enough for me, but being a vampire, I just can't do it anymore."

Kol's eyes left Clara's to look to the ground, he knew she had just confessed her whole life for him, but the I just can't do it anymore part is what killed him.

"Then maybe we shouldn't be together."

Clara's lips parted, and her breath got hitched in her throat as she really felt the urge to cry. Kol hesitantly rose his eyes to meet Clara's, and it broke his heart to see her like this, but he knew it had to be done. She was right, being a vampire was slowly suffocating Clara, and it was only a matter of time before she switched her flip or killed an innocent again. Her pure heart couldn't take that anymore, and no matter how much Kol loved her, he'd have to let her go.

"You...You want to break up?" Clara asked slowly, trying to make sure her voice didn't crack while doing so.

"I do."

Clara's breathing has rapidly increased, and she felt as she her heart was breaking from losing her mom all over again. "Kol, c'mon you can't mean that."

Kol hesitated, because the begging tone in Clara's voice made him want to wrap his warm arms around her waist and hold her like that for hours. So, instead of giving in, he raises a single hand to place him palm on Clara's right cheek, using his thumb to stop the tear slipping down.

"You, Clara Lockwood, will find someone else who truly deserves you," Kol started, looking at the girl with such love and affection he feared he was about to cry himself. "You have such a big and beautiful heart, and any man who is lucky enough to call you his should never let you go. But here I am, doing that exact thing."

Clara let more tears slip from those sad blue eyes, sniffling as she felt Kol press his lips against her forward. She closed her eyes, wanting this moment to last forever, because she didn't want what was coming next.

"You deserve the chance to grow old, to have children of your own in a huge, beautiful house with a husband who is just as good as you," Kol continued when his lips left Clara's forehand.

"I want you," Clara chokes out, raising her hand to wrap his frail fingers around Kols palm on her cheek. She looked up, making eye contact with the chestnut eyes she loved. "I love you, Kol."

"And I will love you, always and forever," Kol responded, licking his pinks lips as his eyes flickered a bit. "But you will find someone who will love you just as much, you will have so many choices because you're so amazing, love. But I don't deserve the pure and gorgeous Clara Lockwood, no, I'm nowhere close to deserving you."

"That's my decision, Kol, please," Clara begged, her hand holding Kol's tightly as she didn't want him to leave.

"Goodbye, darling," Kol spoke slowly, almost as if he didn't want the moment to end either, but still, he released his palm from Clara's and turned on his heels. He refused to look back at the sobbing girl, because if he did he feared he would swing back around and kiss the girl and abandon his plan of leaving the girl for the better.

So, he left.

a/n: supperr short chapter but i didn't want to throw anything else in because the main idea was the breakup. so don't forget to comment & votes babes!!! next chap starts at the beginning of s2 ;-)

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