bonus chapter

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will and lavvie

Lavender and Will had the relationship that everyone around them envied. The other teens in their school always thought them to be the perfect couple— but they weren't a couple. They were simply two best friends who didn't seemed to do anything without the other.

That's all they ever would be, just best friends.

Except for one night.

The night of their prom, Lavvie and Will decided to make it easier to go as each others dates. They paraded around the prom as if they were the hottest ones there, Lavvie knew they were. The evening had been fairly uneventful, up until Lavvie was crowned prom queen.

"And prom queen is... Lavender Francis!" The students cheered, Lavvie's eyes widening with excitement as she embraced Will in her arms.

"Lavvie! Get your crown!" Will laughed, squeezing her back quickly as she squealed, skipping up to the stage.

"Congratulations!" The girl who'd announced her name exclaimed, giving Lavvie a short hug before the tiara was placed on her head.

"Wait- do I have to give a speech?" Lavvie quickly whispered, adjusting the tiara and allowing the satchel to be placed over her shoulders.

"Yeah." The girl, Jenny, responded slightly nudging Lavvie towards the microphone.

"If you're gonna cover me in pigs blood, do it now!" Lavvie immediately joked into the microphone, only few people laughing at the reference, others staring confused. "Okay, tough crowd." Lavvie laughed awkwardly, her eyes scanning the crowd of teens for a specific tall male.

"Honestly, don't know how I ended up here, but thank you to the people who voted for me. To the other beautiful ladies who deserve this tiara probably way more than I do, you're fu-bloody incredible and you don't need society to tell you that! Anyway, it was a blast coming here tonight but I am ready to get this after party going, who else?!" She yelled, Jenny quick to take the mic from her before she was able to say any more.

Lavvie didn't care to wait on the stage, she took the tiara from her head, clutching it in her hands and ran back to Will. She threw her arms around his shoulders, jumping onto his back and he caught her with ease.

"Party at mine!" Lavvie shouted, pointing forward for Will to leave the crowded building.

"Your parents aren't going to be happy." Will mumbled, carrying her outside to her car. She got off his back, shrugging her shoulders at him without a care in the world.

"When are they ever?" She retorted, noticing they were followed out by several others who were buzzed for another one of Lavender's ragers. Will rolled his eyes, getting into the passenger seat and she got into the drivers.

Lavvie set her tiara on Will's head before starting up the car, taking no time to pull out from the the lot.
They drove to her home, which was just outside of the small town. Once they got there, the pair ran inside Lavvie running to find all the alcohol she could.

"Take a shot with me." Lavvie said, pouring to shots and handing one towards Will.

"If you take this tiara back." Will told her, removing the tiara from his head and putting it on hers.

"But you're just the prettiest princess in all the land!" She sang, twirling around in her shimmery pink dress.

"Clearly, you have not seen yourself." Will mumbled, tapping the cup against the counter and holding it out to the girl. Lavvie did the same, a bright smile permanent on her face as she clinked the cups.

It wasn't long after their first shots, that Lavvie running back to do more with the others who had arrived. Will sitting in a small circle of people in the garden, sharing a joint. The music was loud, the teens louder, each finding new activities inside the girls home.

"Okay, okay, I'm gonna go find Will." Lavvie giggled, buzzed from the alcohol.

"Why don't you two just fuck already?" Kendall, a girl from her class asked playfully, Lavvie only rolling her eyes at the question. "Oh come on, it could be like two best friends taking each other's virginity's! No strings, just a done and over with thing and you'd still be the same afterwards, just no virginity." Kendall exclaimed, Lavvie stared back at her, doe eyed and in shock.

"I don't think it works that way." Lavvie responded, her attention being brought to the glass door, spotting Will sat in the grass, laughing.

"For you and Will, I'm sure it can." Kendall pushed the idea, Lavvie not knowing what to think of it.

She wasn't completely against it. She trusted Will eith her whole life and she loved him, but there could be consequences. She didn't want to lose him.

"I'm just gonna see how my night goes." Lavvie laughed, waving quickly to the girl and away from the conversation. She walked outside, making her way to him and sitting behind him, hugging his body for warmth in the cold night.

"There's prom queen!" One of the guys joked, the circle mainly Will's friends.

"Can prom queen get a hit of that joint?" Lavvie asked, reaching her hand out to Will—ignoring the intoxicated guys around her that she wanted nothing to do with. Lavvie hadn't had the best interactions with the guys in her school, most of them only wanting to get in her pants.

"Mhm, it's strong so-" Will paused, watching Lavvie take a long, hard hit from the joint. "Or do that." Will chuckled, passing the joint to the next person as she let out several pained coughs.

"What? Princess never smoke weed before?" One of the guys asked, earning a high-five from another.

"Don't be a dick." Will warned, his hands reaching to hold Lavvie's protectively.

"It's fine, Will." Lavvie mumbled quietly, resting her chin against his shoulder. It wasn't unusual for Will to get overly protective over Lavvie, especially when it came to other guys—she just didn't want a fight to break out.

"Yeah, Will, it's fine." The guy laughed, as if he'd been the funniest person in the world. His friend beside him was the only other to laugh, the three other guys in the circle all staring at Will, expecting an outburst in Lavvie's defense.

"How about we just head inside?" Lavvie whispered, tugging at his coat pocket, noticing his building irritation.

Will nodded, Lavvie standing from her spot behind him and holding out her hand. She pulled him up, dragging him inside the crowded house. It wasn't long though, until the two were separated once again.

Lavvie rolled her eyes when she noticed Will missing from her side, making her way up to her room to get a change of clothes—the dress not comfortable enough to do the things she wanted. She opened her door, expecting an empty room but Will was laid on her bed, a book in his hands. She smiled, closing the door and locking it (to change) and jumping onto the bed on her stomach.

"You're lame, who reads at parties?" Lavvie asked, sticking her head through the gap in his arms so he had no choice but to look at her.

"Not really feeling it, I guess." Will mumbled, his eyes filled with warmth as he stared at her effortless beauty.

"I can tell everyone to-"

"No, no, it's your party, go have fun." Will told her, setting his book on his lap but keeping his arms around her.

"It's no fun if you're not with me." Lavvie pouted, struggling to keep her attention fully at his eyes. She didn't know whether she'd had one too many drinks, or if the words Kendall had said to her weren't entirely bad. All Lavvie knew, was that in that moment she liked the idea.

As fast as the idea popped into her head, the words came spilling from her mouth, "we should have sex."

"You're annoying." Will laughed out, believing her to be joking—but she wasn't. Her face stayed serious, his laughter faltering. "You're-you're serious?" He questioned, the idea of it making his heart race a million times faster.

"Yeah, a no-strings thing, we're best friends and I'm sure nothing will change afterwards." She repeated the words Kendall had said, somehow they felt harsher coming from her mouth and she wanted to rephrase the second she spoke. "I trust you, Will and if you're fully on board, I'd like you to take my virginity."

"You mean, like right now?" He asked, his mind had a thousand things running through it. Not one of his thoughts were fully opposed to the suggestion, only the rules.

"Yeah." She answered quickly, she didn't want to wait anymore.


-lol sorry ur not getting will and lavvie smut bc it just doesn't feel right

any way, at least 4 awkward minutes later-

Lavvie laid flat on her bed, wide eyes glued to the ceiling as pants left both hers and Will's mouths. They both were in shock, Lavvie a bit uncomfortable at the new feelings flowing through her. They'd done it though, they had lost their virginity's to each other.

"That was.." Will began, having no words to describe the way he'd felt.

"Weird." Lavvie finished for him, Will humming shortly in agreement. "I mean, it's supposed to be the first time, right?"

"I guess." Will mumbled, yet he had enjoyed every minute of it, even in the first few extremely awkward moments.

"If you weren't my best friend, I'd probably be so in love with you right now, then I'd get my heart broken." She joked, sitting up to put a big t-shirt over her naked skin. She hadn't realized when Will didn't find her words amusing, in fact, he was heartbroken.

"Lavvie?" Will spoke quietly, the natural brunette turned to him as she tied the her hair up before laying back down.


"Why don't you- nevermind." Will squeezed his eyes shut, unable to get the words he'd been dying to say out. He didn't want to ruin the friendship, even if he knew he had feelings for her long before then.

"What's wrong?" She asked, rolling to her side to face him.


"Don't you say 'nothing', either, I know when you're upset and lying." She quickly interrupted, not wanting him to keep anything from her.

"Why is the idea of being more with me so revolting to you?" He asked her, her mouth falling open in the slightest as nothing could've prepared her for that question.

"We're-we're best friends, Will, we have been since we were kids. Why ruin that with something as stupid as love when it'll just end in tragedy?" She half-answered him, no real excuse in her mind other than she didn't want to lose him.

"You're gonna fall in love someday, Lavender." He assured her, knowing how she didn't want to believe it. "Sometimes, I just wish it was me that you'd fall for."

authors note.

this chapter is for all of my incredible followers, for the suffering will and lavvie shippers, the hotties, the readers who will probs hate this, me, -darlingvoid who gave me the idea.
thank you to all of you <3
and thank you for 400 follows!

in addition, i actually don't like lavvie in this chapter but 1. shes a stupid teen and 2. i love will and he deserves the world.

also this chapter was WEIRD to write for some reason and idky

n e ways i hope you enjoyed this!

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