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- The Forbidden Zone

Night had fallen upon the Outer Banks as Olivia not long returned home only to hear the sound of music blasted loudly surrounded by a large amount of teenagers who were drinking and dancing with one another. Olivia looked down at the pool beneath her surrounded by everyone who was cheering her and Sarah's name, she was slightly buzzed but had somehow persuaded Sarah to jump into the pool with her as she loved summer party's and you would never see Olivia not at a party especially at her own house.

"You jump, I jump, right? Together" Sarah smiled grabbing Olivia hand and without any warning she pulled the Thornton girl with her jumping off the roof off the house sending the two girls into the warm water below them. Olivia let out a startled scream as her body emerged into the clear pool water as she resurfaced hearing loud cheers from the teenagers pushing her hair out of her hair, " Sarah! You bitch!" She playfully scoffed wrapping her arms around her best friend.

" Oh, come on. This is suppose to be the best summer yet" Sarah stated with a smile wrapping her arms around her best friend waist spinning them around in the water causing the two girls to laugh loudly before the two swan towards the steps and stepping out of the pool. " You know I've missed how exhilarating my brother's parties are. I'm glad you forced me to come, I know we've not spent much time together this summer but everything has been chaotic lately but I love you"

" I love you too. What kind of best friend would I be if I didn't drag you here. Plus it's a bonus to piss of Rafe, you know he misses you" Sarah softly muttered causing Olivia to roll her eyes in annoyance shooting the Cameron girl a look and told her, " that story ended so long ago. I've moved on and why would I want to waste my time on a man that will never be faithful or treat me with the respect I deserve. It was best for the both of us to go our separate ways but just because I've broken up with your brother doesn't change our relationship. Your not just my best friend... you're like a sister to me"

Sarah beamed brightly wrapping her arm around her shoulder as the two girls headed inside the house to grab themselves a drink when Topper wrapped his arms around Sarah, " I'm stealing my girlfriend from you. You've had her most of the night" Sarah laughed at the expression on Olivia face before Topper took her hand dragging her out of the room.

Olivia snatched a drink out of some guys hand that was walking past her, " what the fuck, bitch?" He hissed but the blonde beauty ignored him downing the drink before walking further into the room only to see Rafe surrounded by teenagers that was heavily intoxicated only for her eyes to widened to see Rafe selling everyone around him Cocaine.

Olivia gulped at the sight of the white powder that was lined up on the table, she couldn't understand how people could do willingly ruin their lives by taking drugs as when she first got together with Rafe he was sweet and kind but when he started getting hooked on drugs he changed he got more angry and aggressive and didn't want to be in a relationship like that which is why that is one of the reasons she broke up with him.

"Olivia" Rafe called out with a smirk on his face snapping her out of her thoughts as she turned her attention to Sarah brother, " Huh? What?" She muttered placing a small smile on her face as she walked over to Rafe who was forming two small bundles of cocaine into two separate lines, " what do you say? Wanna get a hit?"

Olivia scoffed folding her arms across her chest with a shake of her head, " I'm good thanks. I'll stick to alcohol. I just find it pathetic that you have to take drugs to find just a little enjoyment in your lives" the blonde smiled tightly turning on her heels walking out of the room bumping into her brother who looked pissed off about something but brushed past his sister storming further into the house.


A little while later, Olivia was laid in bed on her side as she attempted to go to sleep when the sound of her door opening caught her attention causing her to turn her head only to see Sarah walk in as she climbed into Olivia bed wrapping her arms around her best friend and whispered, " Hi. Are you asleep?" Olivia licked her lips letting out a tired sigh as she glanced at Sarah and softly replied, " No."

A comfortable silent was heard when Sarah spoke up once again and questioned, " Liv, why am I such an idiot?" Olivia laughed as she raised her brows with an amused look, " you really want to go there? Did something happen at the party?" Sarah nodded her head in confirmation pushing her hair out of her hair as she glanced at ok is with an hesitant expression before she let out a sigh in defeat and muttered, " Yeah, um... it's what didn't happen."

Olivia frowned in confusion sending the blonde an concerned look and told her, " you know you can tell me anything even if it's about my idiot of a brother" Sarah stayed silent for a moment turning to look at Olivia and informed, " I told Topper I was ready to have sex. Then when it came down to it, I don't know... I, I couldn't do it" Olivia awkwardly nodded her head before she raised her brows and curiously questioned, " did he get mad? Did he stomp?"

Sarah giggled at the Thornton girl nodding her head in confirmation and added in, "Oh yeah. He's a stomper." The two girls laughter died down as Olivia took Sarah hand in her own, " Well, it had to feel right. That's what you always say. If my brother can't respect that then fuck him." Sarah let out a sigh staring up at the ceiling and muttered, " I know, but it did feel right. He was so sweet the entire day"

" I can't believe I'm gonna ask this but why didn't you, then?" Olivia questioned with a look of disgust on her face as she didn't want to know anything about her brothers sex life. Sarah frowned with an confused look on her face as she didn't know why she didn't go ahead with sleeping with Topper as she was caught in the moment but then things went to fast and she panicked , " I don't know"


Olivia's sunglasses were lifted to the crown of her head as she narrowed her eyes at her brothers boat that was passing the HMS pogue boat when JJ let out a whistle as he admired Topper new boat with a nod of his head, " you guys see that? That's the Malibu 24-MXZ, the world finest wakesetter. Number one in luxury, quality, and performance. 200k easy"

" we picked the wrong parents" Pope muttered under his breathe as they all watched the boat pass them causing Olivia to roll her eyes when she noticed her brother who was with Sarah as she informed, " I hate to break it to you guys, but that's my idiotic brother and his girlfriend" Kie glared over at the couple as she didn't like the two of them because Topper is self centred and treats everyone who isn't in his circle like shit and with Sarah the two of them had a massive fallen out and had hated each other since then.

The five teenagers watched the boat slowly stroll past them rubbing it into the three boys faces that their boat wasn't as nice or expensive as Topper's. Sarah lifted her sunglasses on the top of her head as she glanced over at Olivia sending her a small smile which the blonde girl returned as even though Kie and Sarah aren't friends anymore Olivia never choose between them and remained both of their friends, "You don't have to act like you don't see us, bitch" Kie hissed glaring over at the Cameron girl with a look of hatered on her face.

Olivia sighed in annoyance shooting Kie a look as she was about to defend her best friend but stopped as she knew the curly haired girl probably wouldn't listen anyway causing her to shake her head in amusement as she moved to sit next to JJ laying down on her back and moving her sunglasses back over her eyes, " Hey, Liv? If i kissed right now, would you freak out like you did John B?"

The blonde girl eyes widened as she took off her sunglasses sitting up as she stared at JJ with wide eyes and muttered, " first of all, you could try but I'll punch you in the throat and secondly how do you know about that?" JJ laughed in amusement shaking his head at Olivia as he glanced over at John B who's attention was focused on driving the boat, " Oh, come on, Liv. John B tells me everything and this isn't any different. It's kind of funny, really"

" it is not funny, it was so awkward and I didn't expect him to kiss me and I kind of just froze and before I had any time to react he pulled away" Olivia trailed off with a thoughtful expression on her face as JJ hummed with a nod of his head and replied, " when he told me what happened between the two of you I was kind of surprised. I mean, I was the one to push him to make a move on you. It's kind of obvious that he has a thing for you ever since he met you but didn't have the balls to do anything. I always thought that you reciprocated his feelings with the longingly look you always send to one another"

" I do not stare at him in a longingly way" Olivia gasped with an offended look on her face causing JJ to scoff in disbelief as he didn't believe a word she had said causing her to roll her eyes as she glanced over at John B biting her lip slightly before turning her attention back to JJ, " but thank you for pushing him to open up" JJ smiled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder bringing her into a side hug, " someone had to do it and to be honest I think everyone is getting fed up watching the two of you when it's obvious you both like each other but won't do anything about it"

Olivia smiled looking down at her hands when the boat suddenly stopped causing the blonde to stand up, climbing out of the boat after Kie as the five teenagers made their way over to John B van driving them towards where JJ works so they could do more research regarding the royal merchant, " Alright, keep a look out. We're behind enemy lines." JJ spoke up pulling out his gun as John b pulled up at the country club in his van.

The Thornton girl eyes widened in disbelief shaking her head as she smacked the back off his head as he always seems to pull out the gun in public, " Yo, come on, man. Just put it back. JJ" John B warned narrowing his eyes at his best friend who didn't seem bothered in the slightest as she shrugged his shoulders and resorted, " what? You can never be too careful."

Pope climbed out of the back of the van where he was sitting with Olivia and Kie before leaning against the window where JJ was sitting and stated, " I predict that bringing a weapon to a four-star hotel will likely cause more problems than they solve" Olivia and Kie both nodded their heads in agreement as they climbed out of the van as none of them needed to get arrested for carrying a firearm illegally, " He's right you know. You can't solve everything by carrying a gun everywhere it's dangerous, JJ"

"Thank you" John B muttered glancing at Pope and Olivia agreeing with his two friends while Kie glared over at the blonde boy in annoyance and snapped, " I swear to god, I'm gonna throw that thing in the ocean, JJ. Put it back" John B snatched the gun out of JJ hands and tossed it into the glove box carelessly causing JJ eyes to widened as he scolded John B, " you can't grab a gun like that. Can't forget my badge. Professional busboy."

JJ stepped out of the van walking next to Olivia who was speaking with Kie watching the two girls laughing together when Pope spoke up from behind him and curiously questioned, " So, where are we going now?" JJ was swinging his badge in his hands as the five teenagers made their way to the entrance of the country club, " we're getting on the internet because only rich people have electricity right now." JJ spoke as he glanced over at Kie and Olivia from over his sister.

"You know you could of just asked me to invite you over so you could use my brothers computer" Olivia trailed off only for the three boys to send the blonde girl an exasperated look as John B shook his head and muttered, " I'm pretty sure if your brother find out he would make our lives more than living hell than he already does" Olivia sighed as she sent him an concerned look entwining their fingers together and quietly asked, " are you okay?"

John B looked down at their entwined hands before lifting his head to look into Olivia's blue eyes and replied, " Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be" Olivia shot him a look like she didn't believe a word he was saying, " I know these last couple of weeks you've been going through a lot but I want you to know you can talk to me about anything. I'm here for you John B" JJ, Pope and Kie all frowned in confusion as they watched Olivia and John B walk through the entrance as the blonde boy was about to sneak them in the back way, " hey, hey, hey, where are you guys going?"

"Just trust me, come on" Olivia called out to her friends who exchanged a look but shrugged their shoulders and followed after the blonde beauty who smiled at a red headed older women, " Hey, Mrs Evans it's good to see you" the red headed women smiled at the blonde girl only to scrunch up her face in disgust seeing who Olivia was with, " Hello, Olivia. How's your mom?"

Olivia shrugged her shoulders with a small smile and replied, " she's good, Mrs Evans. She's probably around here somewhere but I'll tell her you said hi" everyone's eyes snapped towards her, some where judgemental, most in envy. Olivia was the type of person everyone wanted to be around, with her incomparable beauty and unrivalled popularity and it didn't help that both her and Topper was well know because of her mother.

She had a bright smile on her face, leading her friends where the computer room is ignoring the judgemental looks she was receiving from everyone as she was bringing in four teenagers who didn't look like they belonged there at all compared to Olivia who in everyone's eyes seems to be perfect in everything she does and how she presents herself and the other women in the country club wished they had the confidence that this blonde girl had and it seemed she just didn't care what others thought of her and would never pretend to be someone that she's not.

"Sweet lord, the internet" Pope breathed out rushing towards the computer once Olivia opened the door to the room with her friend's following after the blonde beauty. JJ closed the door behind him before making his way over towards Pope with a mischievous glint in his eyes and stated, "Let me get in there. Gotta check on my insta models" Kie rolled her eyes smacking the back of his head lightly and scolded him, " we don't have time for that"

John B opened up his backpack digging through to find the map before placing it placing it down beside Pope, " Coordinates, please?" Pope asked glancing over at John B who immediately read out the Coordinates on the map, " 34, 57, 30, north, 75, 55, 42, west" Pope search the coordinates into the computer that came up with a clear picture of the area, " Boom, continental shelf right there"

"Okay, well, if it's off the deep end, it's not gonna be much of a treasure hunt, is it?" Pope rhetorically questioned with his brows furrowed as the five teenagers surrounded the computer as he zoomed in closer to see a better picture causing John B eyes to widened in surprise staring at the computer screen and stated, "Shit, it's on the high side. It's only 900 feet"

Olivia frowned in confusion turning to glance at John B with a curious expression on her face, " is that doable or something?" JJ shrugged his shoulders casually glancing between his friends, " that's not too deep. Yeah, totally doable" Pope scoffed in disbelief shooting the blonde boy a look and sarcastically asked, " Okay, will we be taking your personal submarine?"

The Thornton girl laughed lightly with a shake of her head and resorted, " Yeah, I'm sure we could take scuba gear again for 900 feat of water and hope that one of us can survive for that long. I mean, John B barely even made it to the bottom of the marsh, there is no way he'll be able to make it 900 feet" John B hummed as he looked over at the blonde girl standing behind Kie knowing that she was right and they needed to think of another plan to get to the bottom of 900 feet of water, "How do you know this, Mr. Dive Master?" John B questioned turning his attention over to JJ folding his arms across his chest.

"The salvage yard.." JJ began to explain only to receive looks of confusion from both Olivia and Kiara sending him an nonchalantly expression hoping that he wasn't being serious but to their surprise they was no amused look on his face and knew it wasn't gonna go down well especially since ever since summer started the group of teenagers have been on this treasure hunt, " they got drone that can drop 1,000. It's got a 360 camera and everything. It's for like deep dives and stuff, it's exactly what we need"

John B furrowed his brows sending JJ a look and curiously inquired, " and can your dad get his grimy little hands on that?" JJ awkwardly cleared his throat looking around at everyone before he answered, " Well, my dad's grimy little hands got his ass fired. I guess the salvage captain frowns on showing up shitfaced, turns out. But the drone's there. It's in the impound yard out back."

" how much did you say was on the Royal Merchant again?" Kiara questioned with a thoughtful expression on her face as John B glanced at her with a shrug of his shoulders when both he and JJ spoke up in simultaneously and told her, " 400 mil" Pope stood up from his seat rushing towards the door and blocking it with his arms spread out wide causing Olivia to sigh in disbelief as she moved towards the door pushing Pope out of the way,

"Nope, nope. Absolutely not." Pope said shaking his head frantically trying to get his friends to listen to him but it was no use as they exit the room and made their way out of the country club and climbed into John B van who immediately pulled out once everyone was inside, " Pope, we're not stealing the drone. We're borrowing it"

" Humans are the only animals that can't tell fantasy from reality" Pope quoted back to John B who had a puzzled expression on his face looking at his friend through the rear view mirror and asked, " did you come up with that?" Olivia shook her head leaning against the window and replied, " Albert Bernstein came up with that. What? Why are you all looking at me like that? I read"

Kie laughed in amused smiling at her best friend as while she comes across as a dumbo blonde Olivia is actually really smart and a lot of people underestimate her for it, "but it applies this whole treasure hunting thingy. So, which is it?" Pope continued turning around in his seat to face both John B and Olivia, " fantasy or reality?"

"Huh, who would of thought Olivia has the brains as well as the beauty. While JJ over here is still trying to figure out how to roll the joint he's been licking for the past five minutes" Kie commented causing everyone to laugh in amusement while JJ rolled his eyes narrowing his eyes at the girl, " Yeah, laugh all you like but it's not as easy as it looks" Olivia pouted looking over at JJ with a teasingly look on her face, " Aw, poor JJ. It's okay that this is the closest you've ever been to second base"

"Olivia you can't say anything. The only date you went on was with that Kook that liked disappeared for an hour and we both know how that went" JJ raised his brows sending Olivia a look who turned around in her seat glaring over at the blonde boy, " the only reason you found out is because you eavesdropped on my conversation with Kie and that is not how that date went"

Pope had a curious look on his face staring at the blonde girl and curiously questioned, " why what happened?" Olivia let out a heavy sigh ignoring Kie who was laughing knowing exactly what JJ was talking about, " So I went on this date with this guy and I thought it would be a good idea to have a drive up to the mountains. Anyway, on the way back down he looked like he wasn't feeling very well and he was like ' can you please pull over?' So I was like yeah no worries"

" so I pulled the car over and he gets out like a fucking ninja, right?" Olivia exclaimed missing the amused looks she was receiving from everyone, " and he disappears into the bush. And he's gone for like an hour and during that time I was on FaceTime with Sarah as I didn't know weather I should go looking for him or not as it was a long time to be gone. Anyway, he ends up coming back to the car. The sun was almost down and was pretty much dark and he had no pants on anymore"

"He then proceeds to tell me that he had to do a shit in a bush and he also told me he toppled over and fell into his shit. So it went all over him and that he had use his pants and his undies to wipe it off" Olivia continued causing John B, JJ and Pope to laugh loudly at the blonde girl, " I wasn't gonna to drive him home stinking my car out with his shit. I called him a taxi and left him there"

"Olivia!" Pope exclaimed laughing loudly with John B and JJ who shook their heads finding the whole story hilarious while Olivia folded her arms across her chest with a fake smile, " Yeah, it's just so hilarious isn't it? It was the worst date I've ever been on" Kie who was quietly chuckling to herself rubbed her hand up and down Olivia arm to comfort her of her misery that the boys found enjoyment in when Pope calmed down and then repeated, " fantasy or reality?"

" why are you so weird, Pope?" JJ questioned as he had his full attention on his joint still trying to roll it but was ignored as Kie shrugged her shoulders and muttered, " it's fantasy, but possibly reality" John B and Olivia shared a look when he smiled looking at his friends and repeated, " Reality" JJ who had finally rolled his joint placed it in his mouth about to light it as she added in, " virtual reality"

Pope grabbed the joint from JJ and threw it across the van shooting him a disapproved look and said, " keep the signal clear" JJ huffed in annoyance as Kie and Olivia climbed out of the van as soon as John B pulled up, " you know what you're problem is?" JJ questioned only for Pope to roll his eyes and muttered under his breathe, " you?" JJ scoffed in disbelief shooting his best friend a look and told him, " No! It's that you need to relax, man. You're always so tense"

" I'm not too tense" Pope defensively exclaimed narrowing his eyes at JJ as Olivia walked past John B side of the van only for him to grab her arm stopping her from following Kie, " Hey, don't worry. You got this" Olivia laughed shaking her head in amusement raising his brows as she gestured towards the two boys in the back of the van, " it's not me I'm worried about. We'll be fine. We've been in much worse situations"

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