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After showering, Vante walked downstairs to inspect the kitchen. Even before Vante woke up, the maids and butler were awake. They were already cleaning the house. A cook and his assistant had already begun preparing the ingredients for today's breakfast.

"Good morning, Mr. V." The chief butler welcomed him respectfully, a little grin spreading across his elderly face and into his eyes.

Slowly accustomed to his new identity as Vante Scarlett, he smiled back, welcoming the head butler.

"Good morning, Butler Sunghyon."

"You get up so early. Were you unable to sleep last night? Butler Sunghyon inquired, taking note of the dark bags beneath his eyes. Vante also yawned.

"It's my first time here, which is why I couldn't sleep well last night," he explained, casting his gaze about the home. He realized the maids were staring at him.

Their eyes were filled with confusion and dissatisfaction. Aside from their Late Sir, Vante was the only male their Master invited inside this home. They questioned what their connection was.

"Are we going to have a new Man of the house?"

"He seems familiar. "I forgot where I saw him."

"Hmph. Nobody can replace Late Master. I will only regard him to be the sole man in this house.

"But he is gone. Do you believe it is time for our Master to find someone? Little little master requires a mother."

"It's been just two years. Our Master has not yet moved on. "He adored Sir so much."

The women continued to mumble and whisper to one other, discussing their male guest. They couldn't stop comparing him to their late sir.

Furthermore, Jungkook's home assistants were not well-versed in social media and entertainment, so they did not identify Vante as an actress.

The maids had barely stopped muttering when they noticed Butler Sunghyon's warning glare. Vante and Butler Sunghyon could hear their chat. It was disrespectful to talk of their visitor in such manner.

Vante disregarded them and asked Butler Sunghyon to accompany him to the kitchen.

"Butler Sunghyon, who is in charge of the kitchen today?" Vante questioned as they moved towards the kitchen.

"This is Chef Seong and his helpers. Are you hungry, Mr. V? I suppose they've finished preparing today's breakfast. "You can eat ahead of time."

Vante instantly shook his head and waved his hands. Butler Sunghyon mistook his objective. "No. I am not hungry yet. I'm just wondering if I might use the kitchen today to prepare breakfast for your Master and Do-Yun. I'd want to thank them for taking care of me last night and letting me remain here for a bit."

Butler Sunghyon gave a gentle chuckle. "I apologize for that, Mr. V. I admire your initiative, but Chef Seong has finished cooking the whole meal for today. "Why don't you cook dinner instead?"

"Dinner?" Vante's eyes widened after hearing that. It is easier to prepare morning meals than evening courses.

"Yes, Mr. V." If you like, you may build a lunchbox for each of them. We'll just ask Yoongi to pick it up here and deliver it to the Master's office," Butler Sunghyon said, noticing some hesitancy in his eyes when he used the word 'dinner'.

'Dinner and lunch are identical. They're both more difficult to make than breakfast,' Vante said to himself. However, he had no option.

"Okay. I understand. I'll just pack a lunchbox for them later. Do-Yun will have to attend school, right?

"Yes, Mr. V."

When they got in the kitchen, the dinner had already been served. It was a simple breakfast of fresh vegetable salad, toasted bread with ham and cheese, two sunny-side up eggs, melon fruits, and coffee for Jungkook and milk for Do-yun.

"The breakfast is ready," Chef Seong said with a poker face.

He didn't even welcome Vante or glance at him. He completely disregarded him. Chef Seong, like the other people in the mansion, was only loyal to their late sir. When he noticed another guy in the house, he suspected that someone was attempting to replace their beloved sir.

Butler Sunghyon was the only one who treated Vante well. He remained neutral.

"Mr. V, if you choose, you may give this food to our Master. "He might be awake now." He leaned closer to Vante. "A breakfast in bed!" Butler Sunghyon grinned as he whispered to him.

He couldn't cook for him this morning, so sending breakfast in bed was a good idea.

"Sure, let me bring this to your master!" Vante didn't seek Chef Seong for permission before grabbing the tray nearby. He placed the plates and cup of coffee on the tray before turning to go.

Chef Seong and his staff just cast a curious look at Butler Sunghyon. What was he attempting to accomplish here? Only Do-Yun, his assistant, and Butler Sunghyon were permitted to enter Jungkook's chamber.

"Butler Sunghyon! We knew it! You're simply pretending to be kind in front of him. You're also against this man, so you requested him to deliver the meal to our Master's bedroom. You want him to be chastised by our Master, correct? "Good job!" Chef Seong praised Butler Sunghyon, touching his shoulder with a broad grin on his face.

"Eh? Of course not. I asked him to do it with good intentions in mind. Besides, I doubt the Master will chastise him. Don't you realize that the Master was the one who authorized him to be here? He will live with us starting today!" Butler Sunghyon stated happily, flashing them a goofy smile.

Chef Seong: "..."

Assistant Cook: "..."

Maids: "..."

"Just one more thing!" Mr. V has made Little Young Master happy. He adores him, so treat him with kindness and respect. Understood?"


Butler Sunghyon said thoughtfully, "I guess this house will become lively once again," before leaving the Chef and his helpers dumbfounded.


Happy Reading

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