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You are enough just as you are.

Β Β  JULIETTE EYES FLICKER OPEN, momentarily disoriented as she groaned in pain as the back of her head throbbed. She sat up slowly as her hands instinctively reached for her head, wincing with each movement. As she soon came to her senses, she realised where she was.

She was in a field, a vast expanse of golden wheat swaying gently in the breeze. The sunlight painted the field in hues of amber and gold, casting long shadows that stretched towards the horizon. A sense of familiarity filled her as she sighed, she knew where she was.

"Why is it always you that ends up getting knocked out?" A voice spoke from behind her, causing a grin to crawl onto her face as she stood up, dusting off the grass that had gotten onto her dress, which was now a long dress made out of silk, way different from the types of dresses in the year 2009.

"Maybe I was just made for dramatic entrances, but I think it's because people like Elena more than me so they go for me first." She replied, her voice laced with humour as she turned to the speaker.

He wore a tunic made of fine wool, dyed in rich earth green. His long brown hair hung down his face as he smiled at the girl. "I like you better than Elena," he spoke again, taking steps closer to Juliette, his eyes not once leaving hers.

Juliette's heart skipped a beat as she processed his words, her mind reeling with confusion and disbelief. Despite her assumption that these repeated encounters were merely a figment of her imagination, the intensity of his gaze and the sincerity in his voice made her question the boundaries between dreams and reality.

How much she wished that he was real.

"Flattering, considering you're just a figment of my imagination." Juliette quipped a playful smile tugged at her lips as she took a step closer to the man, her arms going around his neck as their faces were inches apart.

"Oh, I've missed you, my sweet Juliette." He whispered, his mahogany eyes scanning her face whilst his arms wrapped around her waist.

"I've missed you too, Elijah," Juliette responded, leaning closer to the man, her eyes falling to his lips as she got closer and closer. But instead of kissing him, she lightly shoved him away from her. "Care to explain why I haven't seen you in weeks?" She asked pointedly, tapping her feet.

Elijah chuckled as he glanced Juliette up and down, biting his cheek as he grabbed the blonde's hands, "You are quite adorable when you're mad."

Juliette couldn't stop the blush creep on her face despite how hard she tried, a smile gracing her lips before she realised that she got distracted, "Don't deflect, Elijah. I've waited weeks for you to show up when I fall asleep, and yet every night I have the same nightmare over and over again. The only time I have a good night's sleep is when you show up."

Elijah's expression softened, and a flicker of regret crossed features. "I apologise for my absence. Unfortunately, we have no control over these dreams, Juliette. They occur randomly, regardless of your desire to see me. I understand your frustration."

He gestured for Juliette to join him on the grass, his gaze tender as he looked upon her. "Sit with me, Juliette. You're going to wake up soon." Elijah urged gently, gesturing to the space beside him.

Reluctantly, Juliette complied, sinking down beside him with a sigh, leaning over and placing her head on his shoulder as they both stared out at the horizon.


JULIETTE SHOT UP FROM HER SLUMBER, breathing heavily as she noticed Elena next to her, concern evident on her face. The blonde looked around and felt frustration fill her when she realised that she was not in a field with Elijah, or her bedroom but in an abandoned-looking house.

"Juliette, finally you're awake" Elena said, her hands immediately going to untie the ropes tying her older sister's hands together.

"Elena? Where are we?" She questioned, her memories compromised by the man who filled her dreams.

Before Elena could answer, a woman walked into the room, a shocked look on her face as she stared at Elena. "What do you want with us?" The youngest Gilbert exclaimed, her eyes set on the woman before her as she helped Juliette up from the couch.

"Oh my God, you look just like her." The woman stated, astonishment written all over her face. Elena proceeded to tell the vampire she wasn't Katherine, while Juliette winced as she touched the back of her head, seeing that there was blood on her fingers when she looked at them.

I just love getting blood in my freshly washed hair!

"What do you want?" Elena questioned the vampire, who looked like she was getting more and more angrier as the seconds passed. Suddenly the vampire slaps Elena, causing her to go flying into the couch, knocking her out.

"I want you to be quiet."

Juliette gasped as she ran over to Elena trying to shake her awake, when that didn't work she looked at the vampire. "Hey! There was no need for that, was there?!" She exclaimed, rolling her eyes as she watched the vampire smirk at her.

"Now you pipe up, I've got to say, you are the better-looking one."

Juliette looked back at her sister to make sure the vampire did not see the blush creeping up on her face, "Hmm, well you're not really my type, I don't usually go for psychotic vampires."

The vampire laughed before she walked out of the dusty and abandoned room, leaving the blonde with her unconscious sister.


JEREMY WALKED THROUGH THE HALLS OF SCHOOL, spotting Stefan Salvatore from across the corridors and made his way over to him. The vampire closed her locker as he said, "Hey, Jeremy."

The brunette sighed, "Look, Elena and Juliette have got to tell me if I'm supposed to cover for them. Jenna's cool with you and her and with Juliette hanging out with Damon but you guys are pushing it."

The vampire furrowed his brows, confused as he asked, "What are you talking about?" The teenager rolled his eyes, "You and Elena, look I'm glad you're back together and that Juliette has Damon but if they are going to sleep over" Stefan cut off Jeremy before he could finish, even more confused.

"Wait, wait... hold on a minute. We're not back together."

"She didn't sleep over at your place last night?" Jeremy asked.

Stefan shook his head as he crossed his arms over his chest, "No, neither did Juli. I mean I saw them at the party but that was it. They didn't sleep over."

Jeremy's brow furrowed in concern as he and Stefan stared at each other in confusion, "Cause both of their beds hadn't been slept in and Mrs Lockwood said Elena's car was still in the driveway. Where are they then?"


Stefan sighed as he turned to Damon, standing away from students as they walked to class. "This has Katherine written all over it."

"Katherine's in the tomb. Trust me; I'm the one who shut her in." Damon said, cockily as he smirked to himself. On the inside, he was worried sick for Elena, the girl he loves, and Juliette, his best friend.

"Did you?" Stefan questioned.

With a sigh, Damon's jaw clenched as he prepared to defend himself against Stefan's scepticism, "Did I what, Stefan?" He asked, his tone edged with irritation, his patience growing thin.

Stefan's expression remained impassive, though his eyes betrayed a glimmer of concern. "Well, I know the hold that Katherine has on you." He remarked.

"She's in the tomb, period. End of story."
he asserted, his voice brooking no argument. "But she did say something to me right before I shut her in. I thought she was lying."

Stefan's curiosity flared, a spark igniting within him as he leaned in eagerly, "What did she say?" He asked, his voice tinged with anticipation.

Damon's eyes flickered briefly, a shadow passing over his features as he reluctantly revealed what Katherine had told him. "Elena's is in danger."

Stefan's eyebrows shot up, his disbelief evident. "What? And you didn't think you should ask her to elaborate?" He questioned, his voice laced with surprise.

"Everything she says is a lie. How am I supposed to know if she's gonna start spouting out the truth?" Damon countered.

"We have to go talk to her."

Damon's eyes narrowed, a flicker of concern evident in his face as he opposed, "No, no. Let me tell you how that's gonna go: We're gonna go ask her for help, she's gonna negotiate her release which we're gonna be dumb enough to give her and she's gonna get out and kill us! This is exactly what she wants!"

The younger Salvatore's expression hardened, his gaze steadfast as he met Damon's with a strong determination. "I don't really care."

"It's a bad idea, Stefan."

"It's Elena."


Juliette's mind always thought of the moment she woke up in a hospital bed after her parent's death. Jenna and Jeremy were glued to hers and Elena's sides as they recovered quickly.

The doctors said it was a miracle that they survived, they had somehow both managed to get out of the water-filled car and swam up to the surface. Juliette found it mind-boggling how she never remembered that moment, and neither did Elena. They had a lot of questions.

However, they were all soon answered after they found out that it was Stefan who had saved them. The blonde had always been thankful to the vampire for saving them, but deep down inside of her, she regretted being saved.

The fact that she had to live her life without her parents by her side haunted her for many months after the truth came out. She hated the fact that Stefan saved her instead of just letting her die alongside her parents.

She might get her wish today.

Juliette listens in to her capturer's conversation, Elena's head placed in her lap as she brushes through her brunette locks with her fingers.

As she listened, she noticed that Elena was waking up.

Elena sat up from her sisters lap and looked around the place, almost like she forgot where she was. But when she looked at Juliette she remembered their slight predicament.

"How's the girl?" The woman could be heard from the other room as she spoke to her companion. Elena opened her mouth to speak but Juliette stopped her, placing her fingers over her own lips, telling her to be quiet.

"Still passed out."

"You didn't touch her, did you?" The woman whom Juliette had found out was named Rose spat.

"Give me some credit." The man, Trevor, scoffed, "So did you call him?"

Rose looked up from a dusty book, an irritated look on her face as she answered, "No I called one of his contacts. You know how this works."

Elena and Juliette glance at each other, eyebrows furrowing. Why is this man so important that you can't contact him directly? Why does he need contacts?

He must be really important if he's too lazy to pick up his phone and answer a call.

Juliette softly smiled at her own words before her interest piqued as Trevor spoke once again.

"Did you or did you not get the message to Elijah?"

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