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"Scoops Troop, do you copy? Billy has found us."

Mikes yells for help echoed through the mall. After the group had attempted to get secure in the car, it was revealed that Billy Hargrove had found them, causing everyone to quarantine in the mall once more.

"I think I can take him." Rocky said honestly. "I just need a distraction."

"The flayed? You absolutely can not." Max shook her head.

The upside down car was Jonathan's idea to try. They needed the ignition cable but there was no way of getting it with the car leaned over the way it had. After they all positioned themselves behind it, ready to shove, the car didn't seem to make any movement.

"Let me try." El spoke up as her and Will stood infront of the car and panting teens. She walked forward, hand out reaching as they all moved. The metal sounded like it was being bent, possibly buffing out. El panted, giving a yell but failing.

"Back to plan A." Rocky announced. "With just a little leverage, I really think I can knock Billy out long enough to get us out of here."

"Rocky, you're a genius." Mike gapped in his direction, his words clearly striking something inside him.

"I am?" the Byers boy gapped.

"He is?" Max lokekd in disbelief

"I know what to do!" Mike announced loudly.

It wasn't long until some of the group was pushing, the others yanking down on a metal pole that they managed to lodge beneath the car. Between both the pressure, the loud echo of the car falling over went through the mall. Mike took a deep breath. "Told you. Physics."

"Uh, there should be a latch. Check under the wheel." Jonathan nodded as Nancy hurried toward the front door. "You see it?"

"I don't know. Hold on." she struggled to lean over.

"You see it?" Jonathan asked again.

"Watch out." Rocky encouraged Nancy as she backed up, Rockys hand reaching under.

"You know what you're doing?" the Wheeler girl gave a worried look.

"Are you kidding? Of course I do." he gave a harsh yank, the hood popping open. Rocky flashed Nancy a smirk. "Told you."

"I don't know." the older Byers looked around. "It should be right here. Rocky?"

"Hang on." he circled the car.

"Nancy!" Mikes yells cut them short, looking over quickly.

"Oh hell no." Rocky panicked, making sure Max, El, and Mike hurried off as he pulled Will and Lucas behind the car with him. The Mind Flayer fell through the roof of the mall and let out a loud screech. Rocky looked in worry as he tried to his best to get sight of the other three, the massive creature making his heart rate speed. Dustin's voice began to ring from the walkie.

"Please confirm your safety! Just answer! Is anyone there? Are you okay!" Dustin's yells echoed, barley being heard over the Mind Flayers snarling. "Griswold family, do you copy? Do you copy?"

A minor crash was heard, the Mind Flayers loud screech flying through the walls of Star Court. A crash followed, the Mind Flayer destroying The Gap suddenly. Rocky winced, panicking as he looked for the trio. "I don't know where they meant."

"They're smart." Nancy reassured him. "They found a way."

Lucas grabbed his wrist rocket. Rocky kept an eye out as he stood up and shot toward the right. The second he had, he ducked down as the balloon popped from the distance. The Mind Flayer screeched loudly as he turned at the sound.

"Go, go, go, go!" Jonathan encouraged quickly when The Mind Flayer was far enough, Rocky pulled Will with him. They ran through the back way, through the empty halls, making it out back to the car.

"I can take him." Rocky gapped at Billy, still in his car.

"Don't worry." Nancy pulled the gun out as Jonathan messed with the car. "I think I got it."

"Want sold back up, just incase?" he offered.

"Yes." Nancy agreed as Rocky stood with her, pulling his curtain rod from the car.

Billy gassed it in their direction, the headlights lighting up Rockys eyes. Nancy fire the gun as Billy drove to them, Jonathan trying to get the car running. "Shit, we got to go!"

"Go to hell!" Rocky yelled as he threw the curtain rod, shattering the window shield as Billy gave a sudden turn when blinded, the perfect opportunity for a car collided with him, knocking him away from Nancy and Rocky. "Oh, holy shit."

"We gotta go!" Jonathan announced when the car started up the car.

"What about the others?" Rocky looked in worry.

"We'll lead it away from them." Nancy spoke quickly as Robin and Steve ran over quickly.

Rocky looked to Billys wrecked car. "Go, i'll stay."

"What? No!" Jonathan gapped at his brother. "Get in the car."

"Just trust me." Rocky begged him. "Lead it away from here, we can handle the rest."

Jonathan hesitated. "I love you."

"I love you too." Rocky said in return. "Go."

Jonathan drove off, leaving Rocky in the parking lot as he looked toward Billys car, the door opening. "Okay, big boy. Time to slow you down."

Rocky walked over as Billy slowly stood up, staring at Rocky. The Byers boy inhaled. "You wanna throw the first punch?"

Billy stormed his way, Rocky was quick to hit him in the jaw. Before Billy could recover, Rocky hit him again, and again. Billy grabbed his wrist tightly, Rocky using it to his advantage to head butt Billy harshly. "That's what you get for being such a piece of shit!"

Billy hit him in the face as Rocky stumbled at the inhuman strength, hitting the ground. Billy leaned over him, the Byers boy sending his foot into his nose before getting up again and uppercutting him. Blood flew from Billys mouth as Rocky shoved him harshly into the car, panting. Unlike Billy, he was still just a human boy, and was loosing his strength slowly.

Billy latched onto Rocky, changing their positions as he repeatedly hit Rocky in the face, his back to the hood of the car, punch after punch.

"Rocky. Rocky, wake up." he was being shaken, but couldn't figure out who it had belonged to. There were lights, reds and blues all around. The sirens echoed. "Rocky!"

"Did we get him?" Rocky asked, his swollen eyes stayed shut as the horrible pain flooded his entire body. "Oh, holy shit."

"Hey." Max held his face when he opened his eyes, Rocky realized he was in the back of an ambulance.

"Is everyone okay?" he mumbled. Max's tears fell down onto his swollen lips, bruised jaw, broken nose, black eyes, possibly cracked cheek bone. "Why are you crying, California?"

"It's over." Max sniffled. "They got him."

Rocky didn't understand completely, but he didn't need to. Max leaned down and laid her head onto his chest, Rocky placing his arm around her shoulders. "It's gonna be okay, Max. I promise."


kylie speaks

at least he got his wish in
beating up the mind flayer,
he just didn't get the final

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