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"A romantic comedy." Stiles said, standing in line at the entrance of a movie theater. "What do you think ?"

"It's Halloween, Stiles." Lydia answered. "We can't watch romantic comedies."

"Oh, come on ! We could reserve a room just for the two of us so we could kiss each other while watching Romeo and Juliet."

Lydia frowned and turned towards him.

"Romeo and Juliet is a romantic tragedy."

"That's why I said we would especially kiss during the movie !" Stiles retorted.

Lydia shook her head and approached a ticket counter. 

"Two seats for Halloween." She said.

A blonde girl gave her two tickets and a large box of popcorn. Lydia walked into the building while Stiles discreetly returned towards the counter.

"The toilets are on your right." The girl said.

"No, I just wanted some information." Stiles said. "Just to be sure, is there zombies in this film ?"

The blonde girl frowned while chewing her gum.

"Any vampires, ghosts or aliens ?" He added. "Do they eat people's brains ? Is it going to be scary ?"

"Next !" She exclaimed.

"What about the park ?" Malia suggested, walking on the sidewalk.

"The park ?" Scott said.

"Yes, there's enough space for the dog and he can even make friends."

She looked down at Mack as he was walking next to her. She was holding a leash.

"Do you want to go to the park ?" She asked him.

All of a sudden, a bunch of children disguised as monsters appeared. One of them reached for the dog who ran away, frightened. Angry, Malia grunted at a boy and made her eyes glow. The children screamed before running away.

"Malia !" Scott exclaimed.

"What ? It's Halloween." She said.

They looked around to find Mack, but the animal wasn't far away. He had stopped at the feet of someone who was none other than Kira Yukimura.

She took the dog in her arms and walked towards them.

"I think this belongs to you." She said.

Mack licked her cheeks.

"He's never like that with me." Malia said, frowning.

Scott looked amused. He caressed Mack's fur.

"I think he made a new friend." He said.

Kira looked up at him and smiled. Scott stared at her for a moment.

"Ew !" A little boy exclaimed, looking at Malia's claws.

Malia looked at him.

"Trick or treat ?" He asked.

She grabbed his candy bag and grunted at his face. The child ran away, crying.

"Malia !" Scott exclaimed.

"What ?" She retorted, shrugging her shoulders.

She ate a candy.

"It's Halloween."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


"Oh my God !" Stiles exclaimed. "Oh my God, she's going to get killed ! I can't look at this."

"Yes, you can." Lydia said, sitting next to him.

"Tell me when he's going to kill her in the movie so I can close my eyes at the right moment."

Lydia frowned.

"It's a movie, Stiles. I can't predict when her death is going to happen."

A scream escaped from the screen and everyone in the room jumped.

"Now it happened." Lydia said.

"And that's enough for me !" Stiles retorted, getting up.

"No !" Lydia said, forcing him to sit down. "I'm going to go get popcorn and you're going to stay here."

She stood up and patted Stiles's head. 

Arriving in the queue, she noticed a little girl in the hallway. She wore a purple fairy costume and was playing with a magic wand.  She went to the restroom.

"No ! Please ! No !"

Lydia stiffened. It was the voice of a little girl.

Intrigued, she left the queue and went to the restroom to try to find her. When she entered, the place was empty. She turned back to go out but walked on something. She picked it up.

It was a magic wand. 


"Beacon Hills is a cool town." Ava said, sitting in the backseat of Mason's car. "Thanks for inviting me for the holidays."

"This is completely normal." Mason replied while driving. "You're part of the group now."

Ava met Liam's gaze in the rearview mirror. He smiled at her and she smiled back at him before leaning back against her seat. She watched the decorated houses parade through the window. Lanterns illuminated the gardens and pumpkins were present at every corner.

"Who are you going to be tonight ?" Liam asked.

"When I was little I used to turn into a gnome to scare my brother." She said.

A silence settled in the car. It was the first time she mentioned Dave since he was dead.

"Now that I think about it, he was probably pretending to be afraid."

She paused.

"Maybe I should turn into a demon, what do you think ?"

Mason braked suddenly and they jumped. Ava removed her hair from her face.

"Relax." She said. "It was just a joke."

Mason stiffened while looking in front of him.

An old woman turned towards them through the windshield. She wore a long black cloak and looked like a witch. She cursed in a foreign language and then continued on her way.

"Creepy." Liam said.

Mason kept driving.

"Where was she coming from ?" He asked.

"What was her costume ?" Corey asked.

"The real question is was she actually disguised ?" Ava added, amused.

They laughed and continued to discuss. A few minutes later, they arrived in a neighborhood where loud music resonated. In front of a big house, about fifty young people were dancing and shouting, wearing costumes of all kinds. 

"Let's have some fun, guys." Mason said.


"You'll become a good veterinarian, Scott." Kira said.

"Yeah, thanks to some people who have believed in me." He replied.

After spending an hour playing with Mack in the park, Scott, Malia and Kira were headed back home.

"Are you going to leave after the holidays ?" Kira asked.

"Yes, I came back to spend time with my mom and Malia."

Kira looked at Malia. She was running with the dog in front of them.

"She made a lot of progress." She noted.

"I know we didn't talk about us, but I-"

"You look great together." Kira said.

Surprised, Scott didn't know what to say.

"You know, I learned a lot with the Skin Walkers. I learned that you have to appreciate the happiness of a person, even if you're not a part of it."

He frowned.

"I am happy." He added. "I'm happy you came back."

They looked into each other's eyes for a long moment.

They heard screams and rushed towards Malia.

She was arguing with an old lady at the edge of a sidewalk.

"It's not because you're my grandmother's age that I can't break your face !" Malia shouted.

Scott grabbed her arm to calm her down. Mack barked. The old woman screamed at the dog who ran to hide behind Scott. Kira approached, intrigued. 

The old woman looked at her. The wind rose and leaves began to fly around them. Instinctively, Scott grabbed Malia and Kira's hand while stepping back. 

Kira saw movement in the trees a few feet away. She narrowed her eyes and saw a form standing on a lamppost.

"Scott ?" She whispered.

The old woman gave a last scream before disappearing in a street corner.

Malia pursued her.

"Malia !" Scott exclaimed. "No !" 

They followed her and finished their race in a dark, narrow alley. Malia groaned, disappointed.

"Trick or treat ?" A child asked behind them, handing them candies.

"Did you see an old woman come here ?" Scott asked.

The child shook his head.

"Trick or treat ?" He repeated.

"Go play somewhere else !" Malia exclaimed, irritated. "Come on, let's go home ! I hate Halloween !"


"Okay, forget what I said earlier, this party sucks." Mason said, joining his friends in a backyard. "I met a group of people who thought they were dressed as the Guardians of the Galaxy when they were obviously dressed as the X-Men !"

"So what ?" Liam retorted. "It's not supposed to be the same universe ?"

Mason's eyes widened in shock.

"Don't ever repeat that again or our friendship is over."

Ava and Corey laughed. 

"Do you want to dance ?" Corey suggested.

Mason smiled and took his hand before moving away, leaving Liam and Ava alone.

"So, are you having fun ?" Liam asked.

"What about you?" She asked. "Are you having fun ?"

He smiled, amused and held out his hand.

"Do you want to dance ?"

"I was waiting for you to ask me."

They melted into the crowd and shook their heads on a rock rhythm. In the euphoria, someone pushed Ava and she fell to the side. Liam rushed towards her and help her to get up.

"You're okay ?" He asked.


She met his eyes and Liam stiffened immediately.

One was blue and the other one was brown.

Liam blinked to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

Ava's eyes were normal again. 


Lydia woke up with a gasp. Stiles straightened up beside her.

"Babe ?" He asked. "Did you have a nightmare ?"

Lydia stayed quiet.

"I told you that movie was a bad idea."

He lit a lamp and stroked her shoulder.

"You're alright ?"

"It's not the movie." She said. "Something strange happened today."

"Something strange like a penguin playing chess or an UFO flying across the sky ?" 

"Something like a little girl screaming for help."

"Come on, babe, you just feel like that because it's Halloween.  Everything's fine. Come here."

Lydia leaned her head against her boyfriend's chest and closed her eyes.

Everything seemed calm again. 

At least that's what she thought.

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Favorite moment ?

Theories ?

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