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"Stella !" A woman shouted. "What are you doing ? You're gonna be late for school !"

"One second, I'm coming, mom !" The young girl exclaimed, taking her school bag.

Her phone vibrated on her bed. She grabbed it and noticed a notification from Facebook.


She smiled and liked the post. She was about to leave her room when she began to cough. She put a hand on her throat and began to cough even more. She rushed towards the bathroom and leaned over the sink while she was running out of air.

Suddenly, she spat then took a step back when she realized a dead butterfly came out of her mouth.



Lying in Stiles' bed, Lydia was watching her boyfriend sleeping, his mouth wide open.

"I like when you talk to me like that." He whispered, smiling with his eyes closed. "You're dirty."

Lydia laughed while shaking her head. She got out of bed to put on the dress she was wearing the night before.

She looked at the window. It was calm outside.

Too calm.

Lydia frowned and thought about her premonition again.

A bee landed on the window. She stared at it. Suddenly, the insect tried to sting her behind the glass. Lydia flinched.

"Lydia ?" Stiles asked, opening his eyes. "Babe ?"

Lydia turned to him.

"You're already awake ?"

He frowned.

"Why are you wearing clothes ?"

He tapped the pillow next to him.

"Come here, we haven't talked enough last night."

"We didn't talk much because we were busy doing something else and every time you wake up, you think it was a dream."

"It wasn't ?"

Lydia rolled her eyes and lay down next to him.

"No, Stiles, you're not dreaming." She said.

"Prove it."

Lydia leaned over him and kissed him slowly and languorously as she ran her hands through his messy hair. Stiles put his hands on her hips and moaned.

Their lips separated.

"You're not dreaming." She whispered.

Stiles smiled at her like an idiot.

"I'm not dreaming." He repeated.

"You are my boyfriend and I am your girlfriend."

"Girlfriend." Stiles added, nodding his head, ready to give her another kiss.

"I'm going to take a shower." Lydia said, heading to the bathroom.

"Can I come with you ?" He asked. "We could have a chill day today. Just me and you. I could hold your hair and put soap on your back."

"I think I can do this alone." She replied.

Her dress fell on the floor while she was smiling at her boyfriend, amused.

When she left, Stiles bit his pillow before falling back on his bed, frustrated.

"You're not dreaming, Stiles, you're not dreaming."

"Very nice, Dunbar." said a blonde girl to Liam while he was training on the empty basket field.

She picked up the ball with her hands. She approached him.

"If I was easy to impress, I'd swear you're not human."

He frowned.

"How do you know my-"

"You're supposed to thank me, not asking me questions." She replied, handing him the ball.

"Thanks." Liam said. "But how do you know who I am ?" He insisted.

"I know it, that's all."

She smiled.

"I'm Jen."

She leaned towards Liam.

"With one N." She added, amused.

Liam stared at her with a curious look.

"It's been a while since I'm watching you play, you're very talented. It would be interesting to have more people like you on the team this year."

"People like me ?"

"Yes, you know, people who are special."

She paused.


"I'm not sure I understand what you mean." Liam retorted, a bit confused.

Jen chuckled.

The school bell rang.

"It was nice meeting you, Liam. Welcome to UCLA." 

"Alright, Stella." Malia said, closing the door of the hospital room. "I want you to explain to me what happened to you exactly."

"I'm fine, my mom just panicked and she took me here." The teenager replied, sitting at the edge of an examination table.

"She said you had an asthma attack. Are you asthmatic?"

"No, are you even a real nurse ?" Stella retorted. "Who agreed to hire you ? You have almost no experience."

Malia frowned.

"What makes you say that ?" She asked, putting a stethoscope on her head.

Stella raised an eyebrow.

"So, you're not going to tell me anything ?" Malia said. "I can hear your pulse and I know you're hiding something from me."

"How can you hear my pulse if... Whatever."

Malia shrugged.

"As you wish, Stella, I could have helped you, but you missed your chance."

Malia grabbed a bowl full of candies. Stella reached out her hand, but Malia tapped her fingers.

"That's not for you." She said.

Stella frowned.

"That's not for you either." She replied.

"We're done here, I'm going to call your mom." Malia said while walking toward the door.

"Wait !" Stella exclaimed. "If I tell you what happened to me, you swear you won't repeat it to anyone and you won't think I'm crazy ?"

"What I think is that you're trying to manipulate me to have some candies." Malia replied.

"I didn't have an asthma attack, something kept me from breathing. I ran into the bathroom and... I spat a butterfly."

Malia stopped, her hand on the doorknob. She frowned.

"A butterfly ?" She asked.

She turned around.

"What does it looked like ?"

"I don't know." Stella said. "It left while my mother was trying to calm me down."

She paused.

"Do you believe me or not ?"

"Hey, Dave !" Mason said, sitting next to him. "You choose Molecular Biology too ? It's a really exciting subject, isn't it ? I mean, human DNA is really impressive. Nobody has the same DNA."

He paused.

"Except twins."

"You know a lot about it." Dave replied with a smile.

"On biology, yes, I know a lot of things, but I can't say the same thing about twins. I mean, I had a twin, but he died so..."

"I'm sorry, how did it happen ?"

"Twins embolization syndrome."

Dave frowned.

"I ate my twin in my mother's womb."


"Yeah, I know." Mason said. "Sometimes, I wonder what it's like to have a twin."

Mason smiled.

"I heard there was going to be a welcome party tomorrow night for the students." He said.

"Do you want me to go with you ?"


Mason shook his head.

"No !"

Dave raised an eyebrow.

"No ?"

"No, I mean yes." Mason said. "Yes, I mean no."

He paused.

"You'll be with me, Corey and-"

"And Liam ?"

Mason nodded.

"You could get to know each other better."

"We share the same room and we still can't get along." Dave replied.

"He's complicated." Mason added. "Give him a little time, he just had a difficult breakup and-"

"A breakup ?" Dave chuckled. "I don't want to date Liam. I'm not interested in him."

He paused.

"Not like that." He added.

"So... You don't like boys ?" Mason asked.

The biology teacher entered the classroom before Dave could answer.

Meagan was crossing the street when she almost got hit by a bike.

"Don't you ever watch where you're going, Jefferson ?" A boy exclaimed, laughing.

"You suck !" Shouted another boy on a bike.

They disappeared into the woods while they kept laughing. Meagan kept walking on the sidewalk.

"Hey !" Someone shouted behind her.

She turned around and saw Nolan Holloway. He approached her and handed her a picture.

"It fell off your notebook." He said. "This tree. It seems like you're very interesting in it."

She remained silent.

"You don't have to be scared of me." He added.

Meagan walked away.

"Stiles is back ?" Parrish asked.

Seated behind his desk, Mr. Stilinski nodded.

"With Lydia ?"

"Apparently, she had a vision."

Jordan frowned.

"A premonition ?"

"Something like that, she thinks we're all in serious danger." The sheriff said.

"She's a banshee. It means that people could die. I think we should be worried."

"Honestly, I've been worried every minute since my son told me his best friend was a werewolf. I wish he'd told me he robbed a bank. That's something you expect to hear as a rational parent."

"But not as a sheriff." Parrish added. "Anyway, we have a new case. Two bodies were found completely mutilated in the woods. According to the autopsy, it was two young boys. They were completely devoured by ants."

Mr. Stilinski raised his eyebrows.

"Ants ?"

"They literally attacked them."

"Attacked ? I'm not an expert, but ants don't attack humans, do they ?"

"That kind of ants does." Jordan replied.

"I guess that's not going to be a classic investigation ?" The sheriff asked.

Jordan shook his head. Mr. Stilinski sighed.

"Why is nothing normal happens in this town ?" 

"She's going to die !" Malia exclaimed, in the corridor of the hospital.

"What ?" Melissa asked.

"Stella, the patient who came this morning, she's going to die !"

An old woman sitting on a bench stared at Malia.

"Lower your voice, you will scare the patients." Melissa whispered.

She turned to the old woman and smiled at her.

"They should be scared, they're going to die too !" Malia retorted.

Melissa took Malia's arm and took her to a place where no one could hear them.

"What are you talking about ?" She asked.

"Lydia and Stiles didn't come back for anything." Malia said. "Something's coming. That girl told me she spat a butterfly, it doesn't remind you anything ?"

"Listen, we have to stop acting like supernatural is the cause of everything." Melissa said. "There's a lot of strange things happening every day at the same time. It's called coincidences."

She paused.

"Scott is the Alpha and he's not here anymore. Beacon Hills is fine even if he's not around."

"Well, I'm not." Malia retorted. "I miss him. A lot."

"I miss him too."

"I sleep with his jersey every night."

Melissa frowned.

"You sleep in his bedroom every night ?" She asked. "That's why I keep hearing weird sounds at night. I thought it was a squirrel. I hate these things."

She rubbed Malia's back.

"I know you like Scott, sweetheart. He will come back."

"Yeah, I love Scott, but I like squirrels too."

Suddenly, the old woman fell off the bench and coughed on the floor holding her stomach.

She spat a butterfly.

"You still think it's a coincidence now ?" Malia asked.

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