chapter five.

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"Well..." Valor crossed their arms, raising their brows at Valiance. "Ladies first?"

Valiance snorted, rolling her eyes. "Coward. Aylin?"

The little skykid's eyes widened as Valiance offered her hand. "Are you sure? I mean, is it safe?"

"Yeah, Sylva's sassy but trustworthy," Valiance assured. "Come on, let's show these two how it's done."

Aylin hesitantly reached out, and Valiance grabbed her hand before she could rethink. "See you on the flip side!" she cried as she tugged Aylin towards the hole. With a great leap and a cheer, Valiance sent the two of them plummeting into the dark.

Both girls screamed as they fell. Valiance out of joy, the thrill of the drop sending butterflies exploding through her stomach as golden tears sprung into her eyes. Clinging to her hand, Aylin sounded closer to hysterical, eyes clenched shut as they continued to fall.

And fall.

And fall.

And then all of a sudden light appeared below, the greenish tone illuminating the curve of the tunnel. Valiance's cape flared to slow their fall as the stone floor rushed to meet them. They hit the ground hard, tumbling rather than sliding down the steep slope. It was only when it began to level out that Valiance retook control of herself, stumbling to her feet to skate out of the tunnel with Aylin dragged along behind.

The stone beneath her feet switched to soft, flat earth, the passage opening into an underground cavern of sorts. Gently swaying grass tickled Valiance's ankles as she and Aylin skidded to a stop, both girls breathing hard.

"Oh yeah! That was awesome!" Valiance pumped her fists into the air triumphantly. "Awesome!"

"Oh skies, no," Aylin gasped, finally releasing her death grip on Valiance's hand. The blue-clad girl stumbled away on weak legs, catching herself against the cave wall to breathe heavily.

Sylva's laugh floated lazily towards them, and Valiance turned to find her standing with her hands propped on her hips. "I like her." Sylva said, nodding at Aylin.

Before either girl could respond, an echoing course of shouts arose from the hole where the tunnel let out. Valiance jumped to the side just as Eden tumbled out, landing in an unceremonious heap on the ground. Valor followed close behind, coming to a more graceful stop as Eden picked herself up.

"You pushed me!" The red-caped skykid fumed, whirling on Valor. Her cheeks were flushed gold with anger.

"You shouldn't have stood so close to the edge." Valor retorted, crossing their arms. Valiance snickered behind her hand.

Eden had opened her mouth to continue when Aylin was there, putting herself between the two as she so often did. "Not cool, Valor," she said, staring down her nose at the much taller skykid. "They could've gotten hurt!" She turned to Eden, gaze softening into that tender expression she wore like a mask. "But Eden, you didn't. We're all fine, and we're here. Let's move on."

To Valiance's eternal bewilderment, both of her hot-tempered friends cooled under Aylin's firm stare.

"Fine, sure, whatever," Eden grumbled, crossing their arms. "Where are we, anyways?"

"I'm glad you asked," Sylva grinned. "Right this way, everyone. Our destination awaits."

She stalked off with a dramatic swish of her silver cape, leaving Valiance and her friends to follow. A short walk, a butterfly ride, and another tunnel later, and the cave opened into a vast subterranean cavern.

They linked hands again and Sylva led the way as they wove between pillars of mossy stones, pausing to recharge their light on friendly jellyfish or glowing mushrooms. Valiance couldn't help staring at the beauty of the place. It was so peaceful, with no skykids or signs of those dark creatures.

Then she was suddenly distracted as Sylva switched to a dive, plummeting swiftly towards a hole in the clouds. Valiance's eyes widened as a gust of wind sprung from seemingly nowhere, gripping her and her friends and tossing them easily through what appeared to be a cloud tunnel.

Cool, went Valiance's brain. Who knew the forest was so tunnel-y?

Then all at once the tunnel opened up and light flooded Valiance's senses. A gasp escaped her lips as she laid eyes on the paradise before her. Floating islands covered in greenery and beautifully built structures, with touches of gold brightening its edges... It was beautiful. The world seemed to agree with her, if the countless light creatures milling about were any indication.

"Where are we?" Aylin breathed, the awe evident in her tone.

Sylva smiled at their bewildered expressions, tone bemused as she said, "Welcome, skykids, to the Wind Paths." 

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