Part Two

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"Come work for me." He states in a demanding way, but he sounds anything but demanding. If anything he looks like one of the fascinated fans outside. A child on Christmas morning.

Eul's eyes widen in surprise. Had this been some strange dream all along? Maybe the mans drink was poisoned and at any moment he would topple out of his chair. If that were the case, No Eul was absolutely sure she would lose her job here. She waited a few seconds for Mr. Kim to laugh and say how gullible she'd have to be to believe he would ever hire someone of her stature, but that moment never came. The man only inspected her, his eyebrows raised as he waited for her answer.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Miss Eul, I never kid." Though her mind told her it couldn't possibly be true, No Eul couldn't find the slightest hint of him trying to hold back a laugh or even a smirk.

Eul laughs breathlessly, unable to completely grasp this sudden turn of events. "I don't even know who you are; it's a far cry to ask me for anything more than a refill."

The corner of Taehyung's mouth tugs up ever so slightly. Everything that comes out of this girl's mouth is everything he's ever wanted to hear. He still can't quite believe she's real, who wouldn't accept a job offer from him right away?

"Well let me introduce myself." Eul stumbles back when Taehyung stands from his chair. He extends a friendly hand for her to shake. Eul stares at it for a few seconds before she finally decides to take it. "My name is Kim Taehyung. I'm a professional singer that is in dire need of an assistant. To be exact, I need someone like you."

"Like me?" She points to herself to make sure he isn't referring to someone else, although now that she thinks about it, it'd be rather silly to think he wasn't speaking to her since no one else had been involved in the conversation. She waits for the punchline she's sure will come, but to her surprise, no such thing happens. Instead, this man stands in front of her with a knowing smile and an impossible offer. "You don't know me nor what I'm like." She retorts, although her brain is moving a hundred miles a minute.

She just gets better and better, he thinks to himself. Who wouldn't jump at the chance to be known by me?

"Not yet, no, but c'mon, would you really rather stay at this dead end job, getting paid less than minimum wage, living paycheck to paycheck, only to get talked down by every customer?"

"Customers like you, you mean?"

He smirks again, and there's a mischievous glint behind his eye which catches No Euls attention. "Come on, I won't bite. Not yet, anyway," he challenges. Eul scoffs at his comment, but stands to consider his offer nonetheless. She searches through every possible scenario, trying not to take too long so Taehyung won't retract his offer. Despite her best efforts, there was no harm she could find in accepting this job opportunity. Maybe the only reason she still felt hesitation was because they didn't get off on the right foot. Her possible future boss was willing to put that behind him, so why couldn't she? It wasn't like she's never worked for a complete and total douche-bag. The only difference this time is that she might actually get paid enough for it to be worth putting up with a jerk.

"Alright," Eul finally decides, "I accept your offer."

"Great! I'll just pay for my bill and we can go."

Eul's eyes widen in surprise. "Wait, I can't go now! I'm still on the clock, and I'm supposed to give a two week noti-"

"That's right, you are still on the clock, so why don't you use your remaining time at this job to be useful and take care of the payment for me." He pulls out his shiny credit card and waves it in the air nonchalantly like that small thing doesn't contain enough money to pay off all of Eul's college loans. Eul looks at him incredulously.

"Don't the servers take care of the checks here?"

"Well, yes-"

"Then here," he urges, handing her his credit card, "I don't have all day, and if you're going to be working for me, then neither do you."

The audacity of this man has Eul speechless, and No Eul is not someone who ever has a lack of words to snap back with when someone gets her fired up. She wants to cut her eyes at him and give a snarky comment, but she needs money, and this job will give her just that. This situation may be odd, but she knows she needs to start taking it more seriously. She really can't afford to let this opportunity get away from her, so she buries the fire within her deep down and swallows her pride. There's more important things than pride.

Eul hurries to find Jungkook since the bill for Taehyung is under his server name. "I need you to take care of Mr. Kim's bill. He's ready to pay." She hands Jungkook the credit card.

Jungkook gives her a surprised glance, but does as she says, nonetheless. "He hasn't even touched the creme brûlée, but I'm not one to complain, that makes my turn time better." Eul chuckles, understanding the glee shown on the boy's face. Her manager is always fussing about having a good turn time. To put it simply, turn time is how much time it takes to get a customer order, get them their food, and get them to pay for the food. The faster the process, the better since that means you'll have another table available for more customers.

When Jungkook gets the receipt printed out, Eul reaches out her hand and offers to take it to his table.

"You can help as much as you want, but you're not getting my tip," Jungkook affirms with a joking, but not actually joking, tone.

Eul responds with an eye roll so intense that Jungkook felt worried by the lack of iris that he could see. "I'm not trying to take your stupid tip, I'm not that low."

"Unless, of course, it's for Uri. If he needs something you can ask me for-"

"Jungkook," Eul cuts him off, smiling sweetly at the boy's concern, "I'm fine. We're fine, okay? Just worry about yourself, kid."

Even if Eul did need it, she would never even consider taking money from Jungkook. He's one of the youngest working at the restaurant, but he works hard for every single penny, and he doesn't spend his money unwisely. Eul doesn't know the details, but she knows Jungkook desperately wants to leave home and that everything he makes is going to getting his own place.

"Sign the top copy of the receipt and you'll be all set." No Eul sets the receipt in front of Taehyung, along with a pen.

Taehyung picks up the plastic pen, twirling it in his fingers as he inspects it. "God, this thing is so cheap."

"What is more suited to your taste, Mr. Kim? Would you prefer a pen dipped in gold?"

"Actually, I got this pen in Dubai-"

"I don't care about your fancy pen. Just sign the receipt."

"Ah, yes. Of course!" Eul was surprised to see the dignified Mr. Kim with a slight tint of pink dusted on his golden cheekbones. Seeing him flustered was almost enough to make her flustered.

After putting his elegant and probably well practiced signature on the paper, he stands from his chair, grabbing the side of his coat to straighten it out. "Let's be on our way," he commands. Eul scrunches her eyebrows together. This man must not comprehend very well that people don't revolve around him and live solely to please him.

"I told you, I'm still on the clock, and I have a lot of respect for my current employer and my coworkers, so I'm not going to leave them in an inconvenient situation just to act on what might just be one of your passing whims."

Taehyung had to remind himself not to let his mouth hang open so he didn't look like a fool. Everyone always fixes their schedule to accommodate him, not the other way around. The fact that No Eul wasn't someone he could easily get made him want her even more. It left mystery and something to be desired. He had to work to get her, and that was something that definitely roused his interest. The corner of his mouth tugged up in a crooked smile. "Alright, Miss No Eul, tell me when you're available for an appointment to discuss the details of the job with my manager."

Eul smiled slightly. That's more like it, she thought to herself. "I'm off tomorrow. Is that too soon?"

"No!" Taehyung assured a little too eagerly. He clears his throat, embarrassed by how unprofessional he seemed, "uh- no, that should be fine. Here's my card. Make sure you call before 9:00 p.m tonight, ask for Dahyun, she'll give you our address and what time to come in."

Eul nods her head in understanding. "Alright, thank you."

For some reason, Taehyung was thrown off by her sudden politeness. As much as he enjoyed seeing her fired up, this was nice too. He quickly turns his head to the side, pretending that something in the restaurant suddenly caught his interest, but he was honestly just trying to hide how dazed he was by everything Eul did and said. "I look forward to hearing from you. Have a good day, Miss Eul." With that, Taehyung turned on his heel and braved himself to face the crazed fans outside the safe walls of the restaurant once again.

As Eul listened to the distant screams of Taehyung's fans, she looked down at the business card Taehyung had just handed to her, studying it in her hands. She could hardly process what had just happened. Everything was so sudden. The whole situation was unexpected, so much so that she thought at any moment she'd hear her alarm beeping, signaling for her to wake up and get ready for work, but no, this was real.

"I have an interview tomorrow," Eul breathed out incredulously.

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