A Visit To Herb

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Five fell back into the floor after Victoria's yelp. The red-head rubber her head and observed the boy on the floor. "Five? What are you doing in my room?" She questioned. "I wasn't watching you sleep! I mean...I was going to wake you up for breakfast and..." Five snapped his fingers and a gold bracelet appeared in his hand. "G-Give you a gift!" He stammered. "Wow, it's lovely...thanks..." Victoria smiled at the gift. "Let me put it on for you." Five said and placed it on her wrist. "It's beautiful." Victoria stated, observing it. "It's nothing compared to your beauty." Five smirked as he placed his index finger under Victoria's chin. The ginger whimpered from his touch and gulped. "Well, I'll wait outside until you're ready for breakfast. By the way, what would you like? Pancakes, eggs and bacon, waffles?" Five said and he started to walk towards the door. "Um...pancakes would be nice..." The ginger mumbled. "Of course and anything to drink? Coffee, perhaps? A personal favourite of mine!" Five added to his question. "No thank you, tea would be fine." Victoria smiled.

"Anything my lovely bride wants." Five smirked. "Please don't call me that." Victoria said with small hesitation. "It really makes me uncomfortable." Five only scoffed and then chuckled. "Well, you have to get used to it dear because you are my bride." He stated before he left the room and shut the door. Victoria looked to the bracelet on her wrist and sniffed. She then looked to the ring on the necklace around her neck, letting another sniffle but one full of sorrow and woe. "Oh dear, what have I gotten myself into?"

That night at dinner, Victoria observed the dish in front of her but didn't take a bite out of it. Five noticed and became concerned for her. "How are you liking your food, my dear?" He asked but show a smirk to give the ginger a sense of his usual state. "It's...nice..." She muttered under her breath. "Are you sure? You've hardly touched your food..." Five said with small concern in his voice. "I just don't have an appetite tonight...can I go to bed now?" Victoria replied. Five put down his fork and towards his bride-to-be. "Of course but my question, do you love me?" He asked, looking the girl deep in the eyes and brought out a rose for the girl. Victoria's eyes looked back and then back forward in a nervous way. "U-Umm...no...but the rose is lovely, my favouriteย flower." She stammered to the time-traveller. Five's facial expression changed when she said the opposite to the answer he wanted. "Fine, but keep the flowers. Personally I find them quite hideous."

The next night was no better either for the duo. "Oh darling!" Five called to Victoria and walked over to her. "I made you this crown. I thought it would look so magnificent on your pretty head." He grinned, showing a crown to her. Instead of the usual gold, it was dark like black tar and the jewels on it were red as if some devil had made it. Victoria gulped and looked down to the floor. "It...um...I don't think it would." She muttered. "Oh, come on! I'm sure it would, my queen!" Five smirked. "I'm not your queen!" Victoria shouted to him. "That's right, you're not...yet, at least." He replied. "Which reminds me, do you love me?" He then asked in eager. "NO! And I get that thing away from me!" The ginger exclaimed, swatting the crown away from her. "Okay, so you don't like the crown..." Five snapped it away and then took in a sigh. "How about...a baby-blue sapphire? A fire ruby?" He suggested and the gems appeared in his hands. Victoria didn't dare to look at him. "Pretty ancient...come on, love, give me a smile." Five said. "It's nice..." Victoria sighed but not with a smile.

The next night after that was not any better. Five came to Victoria's bedroom door and knocked on it. "Victoria! Your knight in shining armour is here!" He said in a sing-song voice. Victoria opened her door slightly and stared at him for a few moments before slamming it shut. Five groaned and rubbed his nose bridge. "Come now, dearest. You've been in there all day." Five said. "Go away!" Victoria exclaimed from the other side. "Iย have been more than patient with you..." Five muttered. "But you don't want to make me angry!" He added in a small shout. "Go ahead, get angry! You ask me the same question every night and the answer is still no!" Victoria replied. "Oh please, you can't stay in there forever!" Five said with snide. "Oh, really? I have an endless supply of food in here." Victoria said with a smirk. "Will you come out...please?" Five scoffed. "No, thank you!" Victoria shouted. "You come here this instant!" Five screamed. "No, and you can't make me!" Five gave a glare and spat "Have you forgotten who I am?!" and spacial jumped into the red-head's bedroom, pulling her closer by her shirt.

"You promised yourself to me and you are going to be my wife! Love me or not!"

"Fine! Marry me then! Don't wait for me to love you because there is no way in this world that I could ever love a monster like you!"

"Is that so? Well, let's stop wasting our time then, we'll be married first thing in the morning, whether you like it or not!" Five then let go of Victoria and she fell the ground with a small thud but stumbled up.

"Which means you should start showing me some respect!"

"I don't care! I'll never love you! How can you expect me to love you when you keep me prisoner? How can you exceptย anybody to love you when you're incable of any love yourself? Where's the Five I grew up with? The Five I know?"

"That's it, missy! Go to your room!"

"You're not my mother!"

"Well, I'm your future husband so get used to my orders!"

"I'm your future wife and you'll need to get used to my nagging!"

"Whatever! We're still getting married tomorrow!"






Victoria slammed her bedroom door and Five groaned. "Women..." He muttered and then heard a sobbing noise coming from the ginger. "She...She's not crying, is she?" He said to himself. "I-I didn't mean to make you cry." He tried to reason. "Oh shut up, will you? You'll get to me...you'll get to...stop crying already!" He complained. Five sighed and rubbed his neck, looking to the floor. "There's gotta be a way to put a end to this..." He sighed.


Herb raced around his home, putting things away, until a knock came from his front door. "Give me a second..." He called to it. It was a few seconds of silence until another knock came again. "Hold on!" He said and made his way to the door. "Hello, who is it-" But Herb stopped himself once seeing the old timer's face in front of him. He gulped and Five let himself in. "Herb, old friend! Hope you don't mind that I've dropped in for a moment and sorry about the weapons but...listen, you're good at giving advice, right?" Five questioned. Herb nodded in reply, afraid to say anything to one of the most best killers in the timeline. "Good because, surprise, surprise, I need advice. Yes, I know, someone like me needs advice but if you tell anyone about this, I'll tie you up and chop your fingers off slowly and then the rest of your body." Five threatened in a whisper. "A...Alright, well, would you sit down and have some tea?" Herb stammered. "I'm more of a coffee guy myself." Five stated as he sat down. Herb sat opposite and had to hold his hands together to stop himself from shaking. "Now...what's troubling you, Five?" He said. "It's my...fiancee, Victoria. Surely, you heard about our engagement." Five started. "Word travels fast and so I've heard. She and Vanya actually came here for advice on her decision to whether or not come to you." Herb replied. "Oh, well, she's not exactly happy." Five said. "Well, you did take her away from her family, which is also yours. But you can expect her to be-"

"Tell me something I don't know!" Five exclaimed. "Yes, I expect her to be fussy at first but I've swore my dignity to please this woman. I've given her all the luxury and comfort a girl could need and she doesn't give me as much as a smile. She just sits in her room and crys! Tell me Herb, what am I doing wrong?" He shouted. "I'll help you if you keep calm, Five but show me your hand." Herb responded and Five did as he was told but showed a confused look. "You read fortunes now?" He questioned. "Spare time at the Comission." Herb muttered and then went back to analysing Five's palm. "Ah! So many years in the apocalypse in sadness and tears, you've been very lonely without anybody." He said. Five found that to be false. "I'm not lonely!" Five exclaimed. "The love of a girl can make you complete and to win her heart, you need to be caring and sweet." Herb continued. Five groaned and hit his head on the wooden table. Herb rolled his eyes. "Just tell me how to make Victoria happy!"

"To replace sadness, you must act with kindness." Herb said. Five looked at Herb as if he was insane. Herb showed a look of confusion. "Learn of Victoria's interests, and to impress her, be kind to her!" Five raised his arms in annoyance. He leaned back into his chair with a groan. "Kind?! I 'ought to wash your mouth out with soap! Do you even know who I am?!" Five exclaimed. "Do you want the girl or not?" Herb questioned. Five was about to lash out at him but took a deep breath and calmed himself. "Okay, so how do I do this...kind thing?" He asked. "Give her gifts, do something for her." Herb stated. "I've given her plenty! Jewels, a crown, flowers-" Herb sighed and rubbed his nose bridge. "Something she likes, not want you want her to like!" He said. "Hmm...well, I remember something about that she likes music, drawing, caring for animals and tending to plants..." Five stopped himself and smirked.

"Wait a minute! That's it!" He said and leaped out of his chair, running to the door. Before opening the door, he turned back to Herb. "You're good, Herb!" The door then slammed and Five was gone. Herb took a sip of his tea and chuckled. "If only Five knew where this is going to go."

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