An Urgent Letter

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Everyone in the academy were going over the arrangements for the gala and making sure everything was set and ready. "Everything is looking splendid so far, Luther. You and your siblings are sure to make this the best Hargreeves Gala ever!" Grace smiled. "Are you going to dance with her?" Vanya pointed out with a giggle and Victoria and Grace joined in. Luther looked between the three, confused. "Who?" He asked. "You know...the one you have a crush on, Allison..." Vanya teased. "Oh...I..." Luther stammered but stopped once Pogo came up with a piece of paper in his hand, surely a letter. "A letter, Mrs. Hargreeves." He said as Grace took the paper and opened it, reading it slowly. "Dear Grace Hargreeves, our land is facing a terrible crisis, we request the assistance of Pogo and yourself at once. Time is of the essence, sincerely yours, citizen." Grace read out loud as each sibling stopped what they were doing to listen.

"What sort of crisis?" Diego questioned. "Why are they in need of you and Pogo?" He asked. "It is quite vague, isn't it?" Grace agreed, reading the letter again once more. "Well, despite the lack of detail, the two of us must go at once." She continued. "Why didn't they ask all of us to come?" Allison asked. "I'm not sure but even if they requested all of us, some must stay behind." Grace responded. "But you two can't leave right now! The gala is tomorrow!" Klaus butted in after a shot of whisky. Grace took in a deep breath and looked to the floor for a second before taking Luther and Pogo into the other room. "Luther, you'll be in charge of everything." She said as Luther gave a small and faint gasp. "Including the Hargreeves Gala." Grace added. "M-Me? Run everything, run the gala, by myself?" Luther questioned in worry. "You will have your siblings to help you, of course, but yes. Until me and Pogo returned, all our duties will be appointed to you." Grace replied, placing a hand on his huge shoulder.

"But I've never run anything by myself before! Do you really think I'm ready, Mom?" Luther exclaimed. "I do, Luther."


"What?! You mean Mom and Pogo are not attending the gala?" Allison screamed after Luther told them everything when he was pulled aside. "Oh and I made that suit and dress for nothing!" She then sighed, slumping onto the couch. "You're doing this all by yourself? Oh, I don't feel so good..." Victoria said as she felt light-headed. "She's gonna faint!" Klaus exclaimed. Vanya stood up and held her sister in her arms. "I got her." She said and let Victoria sit next to her and Ben put a hand on her shoulder but only Klaus could it, which made him smile. "I know...I know..." Luther sighed, giving a glum look. "I'm scared too but don't worry, guys, we can pull this off if we all work together!" Luther said like a true leader and the siblings cheered in response. 

"Well, what are we standing around here for? We have a dance to prepare!" Allison smiled but then saw Victoria's state. "Victoria, is everything alright?" She then asked as her and the siblings turned to her. "Hm? Oh yes...I'll get the birds to pratice." The red-head replied, standing up and walking out to the gardens. "What's up with her? The Hargreeves Gala is tomorrow, she should be happy! Why isn't she happy?" Klaus questioned, pointing to where she walked out. "Well, you know how she is with social events." Allison pointed out. "But...I've never seen her like this before..." Luther added in response to Allison's statement. Vanya took a quick sigh and then looked up. "She keeps having those nightmares..." She muttered to them. "The ones about Five?" Allison questioned. "You got it, she tells me their getting worse."

"How long has she been like this?" Luther questioned. "A while..." Vanya responded, shrugging her shoulders a little. "You know what? I can't remember the last time I've see her smile! I mean, really smile. Every time she does, it looks forced." Klaus said. "That's not all that's different about her. You know, she's been receiving enormous amount of gentle callers! Why, nearly every man is demanding to take her out!" Allison added. "Well I mean, she is quite pretty." Klaus replied, tapping a finger to his chin. Luther seemed annoyed and a bit confused, even though he liked her. "Allison, why is this so much of a shock to you?" He asked. "It's not really the number of suitors that surprises me, Luther. But the fact, that she rejects all of them! I simply can't understand it!" Allison responded.

"And you say she's still dreaming about...Five?" Luther continued, facing back to Vanya and she nodded. "She can't seem to get that monster out of her mind." She explained, shrugging again. "But he's been gone for months. What is she afraid of?" Allison piped up. "You know what we gotta do! We gotta turn that frown upside down!" Klaus exclaimed with a smile. "I agree but how?" Allison gasped after Luther finished. "Idea! She should sing a song at the gala! It'd be a perfect social boost for her." She suggested. "That's a great idea! She has an amazing voice!" Klaus complimented. "What about her stage fright?" Vanya asked. "Oh please, Vanya, it's high time she got over it!" Allison pouted.

"Have you guys seen my baton? I can't seem to find it anywhere." Victoria asked, walking back into the room. "Victoria...we've decided that we want you to do more than direct the bird choir tomorrow." Luther smiled. "We think you should sing a song, darling!" Allison exclaimed. Victoria shivered a little. "S-Sing? All those people? Oh...I'm not sure I can!" She whimpered. Klaus laughed and swung an arm around the red-head. "Come on, reddie! It'll be fun!" He hiccuped. "You have a lovely voice, sis, and it'll get your mind off of..." But Vanya stopped before saying the name as she saw Victoria's expression. " know..." She finished, looking down. "Well...uh...okay..." Victoria muttered.

"Awesome! You are going to bring the house down!" Klaus yelled in laughter.



Grace and Pogo were being transported by carriage to the place that was told in the letter as the sky darkened a little. "We should be arriving soon." The carriage driver said. "Grace, are you certain that Luther can handle things on his own?"  Pogo asked the robot. "He and the rest of his siblings have been through difficult situations before. If there's anyone I can trust with running the home, it's Luther." Grace replied. Pogo sighed and then looked out the window and saw the sky. "It does not look safe..." He muttered and Grace looked to the sky as well, agreeing. "We'll have to travel by foot." She said.

Pogo helped Grace out the carriage and the two began to walk along the long and in the middle of nowhere road. "I wonder if that storm is the crisis. It does look peculiar, I mean the clouds are blue!" Grace questioned but Pogo's eyes widened in horror. "Blue clouds? Wait a minute...last time we saw blue clouds..." He said and then realization hit him. "Grace, we must turn back!" Pogo exclaimed over the cloud's thunder. 

"Too late, robot and monkey." A familiar voice boomed over the clouds and then a evil cackle sounded through out.

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