Meeting With Pogo and Grace

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The seven siblings, including Ben but only Klaus could see him, walked into the academy in search of their robot mother and ape servant. Pogo greeted the kids but he then saw their concerned expressions so he sat them down and they began to explain everything.

"And when all our powers combined together, with Victoria's green telekinesis surges and Vanya's big blue ball, everything that was destroyed was gone and so was Five. The portal wasn't even there when we looked, I mean it would make sense if he got trapped again since that's what happened last time, right? And then we though we had vaporised, liquidated, grassed him, and Diego and Victoria, Vanya-" Klaus had kept going on about the incident that was a few minutes ago without taking a small breath or pause. "I see..." Pogo said after all that. "Master Luther, may I speak with you in private?" He then said, turning to the gorilla-like academy member. "Oh boy, I hope he's not in trouble..." Allison said with worry. "Pogo, wait! You didn't even let me get to the part about Allison's sickness!" Klaus called out. "Simmer down, Klaus. Let's let them be." Diego said just as Luther and Pogo exited the room.

Pogo lead Luther into the kitchen downstairs, making sure no one else was listening or around to see. "We didn't kill him, did we?" Was the first thing Luther said to Pogo. "No, it is not useful in your power to commit such a thing." He replied. "Pogo, what do we all do exactly?" Luther questioned, sitting down on a chair at the table. "I mean, we've fought crime ever since we were kids. But with these few problems we had, Klaus getting high all the time, Victoria stuck in her thirteen-year old body, and Vanya when she wasn't able to discover her power. Why were we able to form that portal together together to defeat Five and where is he now?" He explained as Pogo sat on a chair opposite Luther.ย 

"All of your job is to restore justice in the world as well as your powers being the use of that. It's complicated but from what I've witnessed, all of them turn something into what it is on the inside. The first time you all used them, you nearly blew this place up, luckily we were able to stop you." Pogo explained. "So we're too strong together?" Luther stated as Pogo gave no answer to that question. "But Five, on the other hand, his heart was as cold as stone." He continued. "Does he even have one?" Luther said with a small chuckle. "Every human and creature has a heart, some just simply refuse to show it." Pogo replied with a sad smile but Luther still needed his answer. "So what did we all do to Five?" He asked. It was a small pause between the two.


"What?!" Luther exclaimed. "Nothing, Master Luther, he escaped before your powers could all hit him and after all, his power is time travel." Pogo stated. "But we managed to stop him and make everything back to normal! Everything's fine now! The powers should have worked." Luther said, trying to find reason. "They did and Five saw that. He saw he could not break the bond you all have so he gave up his havoc to save himself." Pogo replied, standing up from his chair. " do you know that's what happened?" Luther asked. "I know Five and so do you. He's smart enough to know when to flee." Luther gave a look of horror. "So he's still out there? We have to find him! No one is safe as long as he is free!" He said, standing up from his chair and tried to walk out. "No, Master Luther." Luther turned to him in disbelief, was he going to let that monster roam free? "Five knows not to make another attempt to take over, not without time to contemplate his next move. When he appears, that's when we take action!"

"But what if-" Luther tried to make a statement but got cut off. "Master Luther Hargreeves, we do not know where Five is. The only thing we can do is wait for him to come out of hiding. When he does, I want you and the others to be ready, understand?" Pogo said. "I...I understand, Pogo." Luther replied, giving in to Pogo's statement. "Good, now me and Grace will make sure to be at watch at all times in case he comes out and tries to attack the academy." Pogo explained. "Yes, Pogo." Pogo nodded with a smile at Luther.ย 

Luther came back upstairs and back to the sitting room and told the others everything and what they had to do. "So we're just going to sit around and do nothing? That's what the monkey said?" Diego asked in disbelief. "Diego, there's nothing else we can do." Luther answered. Victoria gave a small whimper, saying "He's out there? Waiting?" Vanya put an arm around her and held her close to comfort her. "Aw, great! Five's not even here and he's still scaring Victoria! I'm gonna find and give that punk a piece of my mind. " Diego pointed out. "Luther's right, Diego. We can't do anything now but wait." Vanya said.

And so, they waited and waited and waited. After a few months had passed, the seven assumed Five had left for good and they moved on with their lives. But they were wrong...they were very wrong...

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