FIFTEEN | Performances

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Gif by geckoes

"How was the dinner?" Mariah asked her mom the next morning. "It was so fun. Just to sit back and enjoy some time with my friends and not having to worry about work," her mother gushed happily.

"Well, I'm glad you had fun. I'll take my money now," Mariah said, holding out her hand. Amara narrowed her eyes. "What is with you kids? All you care about is money," she said. "You said that you would pay me back," Mariah defended.

"Oh yeah," Amara mumbled. She went to her bag and grabbed her wallet, pulled out a stack of money, and handed it to her daughter. "Mom, I didn't spend this much money," Mariah said. "Well then consider it a thank you. And your allowance," Amara said.

"Now get to school. Oh, and I'll be at the Variety Show, to support Veronica. If you had decided to audition then it would've been great to see you perform," Amara said as she gave Mariah a look. "Sorry to disappoint," Mariah said, though she wasn't sorry. "Maybe it's not too late," Amara said hopefully. Mariah shrugged and picked up her bag. "I'll see you later mom," she said.

"Yeah, see you later," her mother replied somewhat sadly.


When she got to school, the first thing she did was look for Kevin. She spotted him at his locker and quickly made her way over to him. "Kevin, do you think it's possible to squeeze me into the Variety Show?" Mariah asked. He gaped at her and shook his head. "Are you crazy? We're already booked," he said.

"Oh come on. There has to be a way for me to perform on stage," she said, her eyes pleading. "I'm sorry Mar, but there's nothing I can do," he replied, closing his locker. "Please, Kevin. My mom has wanted to see me on stage for the longest time and I didn't realize how important it was for her until this morning. Please Kevin. I want to make her happy," Mariah begged.

Kevin sighed and looked around the hallway. "Okay, I'll squeeze you in. But only because I think your mom is awesome," he said. Mariah smiled and hugged him tightly. "You're the best!" She exclaimed. "I know," Kevin replied. She pulled away and gave him one more smile before walking to her own locker.

Archie stood at her locker waiting for her and she sighed. "You know, we argue almost as much as an old married couple," Mariah said as she reached her locker. Archie smiled. "So you're actually talking to me?" He asked. "I told you I wasn't mad," she answered, opening her locker. His face fell, "Yeah well I would rather have you mad at me than disappointed."

"That's too bad," she answered. "I get why you are. Hell, I'm disappointed in me. I don't know what's wrong with me, why I do the things I do. I'm always messing everything up," Archie said and Mariah nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you are," she said. Archie looked at her incredulously. "You're not supposed to agree with me," he said and  Mariah shrugged  "Well it's true," she stated and he sighed.

"How can I fix this?" He asked, taking a step closer to her. "You can start by apologizing to Veronica. Make it dramatic, she loves that," Mariah answered.

Archie sighed. "I'm serious," he said. "So am I," she replied. The bell rang and she closed her locker. "See you later Archibald," she said and went to class.


After school was the Variety Show. Kevin managed to get Mariah a spot and she was thrilled. Her mother texted her that she arrived and Mariah couldn't contain her excitement. She couldn't wait to surprise her mom. She was backstage getting ready and Kevin was onstage and presenting.

"Hello, Riverdale High, and welcome to the 75th annual Variety Show!" Kevin announced to the audience who cheered in response. She applied her lipstick and grew nervous all of a sudden. "Hey, what are you doing back here?" Archie asked, walking up to her. She turned to look at him, "Getting ready to perform."

"Whoa, you're singing tonight? Since when?" He asked. "Since this morning, I begged Kevin to get me a spot. For my mom," she replied and Archie smiled. "You're gonna kill it," he said. "I don't know about that. But you will, for sure. And I'll be here to congratulate you when you do," she said. "You seem to have a lot of faith in me," he said.

"Of course I do. You're an amazing singer and I know that you'll do great," Mariah said. Archie smiled, "Thank you," he said and she nodded. "Have you apologized to Veronica yet?" She asked him. "Not yet, but I will," he replied. "Good. Do it soon," she said.

Josie and the Pussycats walked on stage to perform and Valerie was with them, much to Mariah's surprise. They went on stage and did a great job. When they were done, Mariah went to congratulate Veronica. She gave the girl a hug. "You were so good," Mariah said and Veronica laughed. "Thanks, and you'll do great," she said. "Kevin told me that you were performing," Veronica added.

Mariah turned and saw Valerie and Archie hugging and she sighed. "It seems like I always see something that I'd rather not see," she muttered. "Don't be jealous, Mar. They're just friends," Veronica said and Mariah scoffed. "I'm not jealous. And do you really think that they are just friends? Look at them," the blonde said. "I do think that they are just friends because they are. Trust me, I know," Veronica answered.

"You should go talk to Archie. I think he wants to apologize," Mariah said, changing the subject. Veronica nodded and began walking away, "Good luck," she said to the blonde. "Thanks," Mariah muttered.

She took a deep breath and released it. Archie was about to go on stage and he turned to the blonde who gave him a thumbs up. He nodded and walked out on stage. Mariah stood next to Veronica off to the side and prepared to watch him. "Stick to football!" Reggie yelled. Mariah rolled her eyes and Archie turned his head to where she stood with Veronica.

Mariah smiled and nodded her head encouragingly. Archie turned back to the front and took a deep breath before he began singing. Mariah smiled widely as she watched him sing. He was doing so amazing and Mariah was so proud of him. Veronica left to go sit in the audience and Mariah crossed her arms over her chest.

When Archie finished, the audience cheered and he looked like the happiest boy on Earth. Mariah cheered loudly and jumped up and down. Archie took a bow and walked off stage toward Mariah who immediately threw her arms around him.

He picked her up and spun her around and the two laughed. He put her down and continued to smile. "You were so amazing," Mariah exclaimed. "Really? You're not just saying that?" He asked. "No, you were awesome, Arch. I'm so proud of you," Mariah answered. Archie hugged her again and she smiled. "I should go, join my dad in the audience. But, good luck. I know you'll do great," Archie said once he pulled away.

She nodded in thanks and he left. After a few more performances, it was finally her turn. A piano was rolled onto the stage and she sighed nervously. "The last performer was kind of a last minute one. This performer is singing for the first time in a while but, she will definitely knock your socks off. Without further ado, I present to you, Mariah Coleman," Kevin said and the audience cheered.

Mariah walked onto the stage and sat down at the piano. "Hello everyone, I'm going to sing a cover of Rockabye by Clean Bandit. This one is for my mom," Mariah said. She took a deep breath and placed her fingers above the keys of the piano. She released the breath and began playing. It felt good to be on stage, singing and playing the piano. It was in that moment that she realized just how much she missed it.

When she was done, the audience was cheering and she stood. She scanned the crowd until her eyes landed on her mother who was on her feet and clapping. She could tell that the woman was crying, though they were tears of joy and Mariah smiled. She curtsied and walked off the stage, the smile still on her face.


After everyone cleared out of the auditorium Mariah stood in the hallway of the school and looked for her mom. "Mari!" Her mother called and Mariah turned just in time for the woman to slam her into a hug. "Thank you," her mother whispered. "You were so amazing," she added. Mariah pulled away and smiled. "I wouldn't have gone up there if it wasn't for you. You've always been my biggest fan and you're always doing so much for me. I just wanted to do something for you," Mariah said.

"I love you mom," Mariah added. Her mother pulled her into another hug and squeezed her tight. "I love you too sweetheart," she replied. "Now, go find your friends. I'll see you at home," her mother said and Mariah nodded.

She walked down the hallways and looked for Archie and Veronica. She spotted Archie and Valerie and they were hugging. When the two pulled away, they looked at each other. Valerie leaned up and Mariah knew that she was going to kiss him. She wanted to leave but she couldn't tear her eyes away from the scene. Before their lips could meet, Archie pulled his head back and away from Valerie.

He said some things to her but Mariah was too far away to hear. Valerie's eyes landed on Mariah then and Archie looked back at her. Mariah's eyes widened though she stood frozen. When her brain began working again she moved her feet and turned to walk in the opposite direction. A hand grabbed her forearm and she didn't need to turn to know that it was Archie.

"Hey, where are you going?" He asked. "Uh, to find Ronnie or something," she stuttered. "You were so amazing," Archie said. "Thanks," she whispered looking down. "You saw what happened with Valerie, didn't you?" He asked and she nodded. "Why didn't you kiss her?" She blurted as she looked up at him. "Why would I?" He asked in confusion.

"Because you like her," Mariah answered. Archie shook his head, "How many times do I have to tell you that she's just my friend?" He asked her. "Until I believe you," Mariah said. "We're just friends," he said. "She didn't seem to think so," Mariah replied, raising her eyebrows.

He sighed and looked down, "I don't like Valerie. Not like that," he said. "Why not? I mean she's pretty and nice plus she can sing. She's like, a total package," Mariah said.

"Because I like someone else," Archie answered honestly and Mariah frowned, "Oh. Well, whoever it is, you should tell them. Before it's too late," she answered sadly. Archie was quiet for a moment before he nodded. "You're right. I'll tell her when I see her," he said. "Well good luck," she said and began walking away.

Mariah walked as quickly as possible and turned the corner. It was then that she realized that Veronica, Betty, and Cheryl were right. She did like Archie: a lot. And the thought of him liking someone else hurt her more than she'd like to admit. She could faintly hear footsteps behind her but she ignored them until someone grabbed her arm.

Archie pulled Mariah backward and turned her toward him. He pulled her closer and let go of her arm. He placed his hands on either side of her face and leaned in, pressing his lips onto hers.

Mariah stood in shock, unable to think of what to do. The wheels in her head started turning and she kissed him back. Their lips moved together perfectly and Mariah found herself smiling into it. She pulled away with the smile still on her face. "Why did you do that?" She asked.

"I said that I would tell you how I felt the next time I saw you. I see you. And what better way to tell you than by kissing you?" Archie replied.

"So, I'm the girl that you like?" Mariah asked in confusion and Archie laughed. "Yes you are, you doof," he answered with a chuckle.

"Oh," she said quietly. Yeah," he said in the same tone of voice. "I like you too," she said and he smiled. "Good. Because you have no idea how badly I've wanted to kiss you and I would really like to do it again," Archie said. Instead of replying, Mariah stood on her tip toes and pulled his head down to hers and kissed him again.

"When I told you to go find your friends, I didn't think you would be doing this," a voice said from behind them. Mariah pulled away and looked at her mom. Archie cleared his throat. "Hi, Ms. Coleman," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.. "Hello, Archie," Amara replied. She looked between the two with a smirk on her face. "Don't mind me, carry on," she said before waking passed them and out of the doors.

The two were quiet for a while before Mariah began laughing. Archie looked at her in shock and then began laughing as well. The two laughed in the hallway that was surrounded with people. But to them, they were the only people there.


I had no idea how to end this chapter but there you go. They kissed! Woo hoo! I was originally gonna have them kiss later on but this seemed like the perfect moment to me. Do you guys think it was too soon? I didn't want to have them get together in the very last chapter but I don't know, maybe this was too early. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Be sure to comment and vote and have a great day.

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