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A consistent bouncing motion on her bed caused Mariah to awaken from her slumber. She groaned loudly and attempted to open her eyes. Her attempts failed and she gave up, trying to fall back asleep.

The bouncing began again and she grumbled incoherently. Again, she attempted to open her eyes and after many tries, she was finally able to pry them open. The blonde squinted at the figure that was bouncing on her bed in irritation.

"What the hell?" She muttered. The bouncing stopped and the brunette who stood on the bed smiled widely. "Good, you're up!" Savannah Carlson exclaimed. Mariah slowly sat up and looked at her clock and sighing. "What are you doing here? How did you even get into my house?" Mariah asked.

Savannah flung herself down onto the bed and laid on her back, staring up at the blonde who looked down at her. "Your mom let me in before she left for work," Savannah answered simply. "Of course," Mariah muttered. Savannah stood up abruptly and turned to her friend. "Get up and go get ready or we'll be late for school," she commanded.

"I don't wanna go to school. It's Friday, can't we just ditch?" Mariah whined. "Mariah Adeline Coleman wants to ditch school? That's a first. What happened to wanting perfect attendance?" Savannah said in amusement.

"I'm tired, that's what happened," the blonde mumbled, rubbing her tired eyes with the back of her hand. "That's too bad you still have to come. It's the last day and we still have finals. But look on the bright side, there's a party tonight. And we have to discuss what we're wearing," the brunette said. "Can't we just do that after school?" Mariah questioned. Savannah shook her head, "Nope. We have a lot to discuss and I wanna see Christian."

"You can literally see your boyfriend whenever you want," Mariah pointed out. "Shut up! You're coming, end of discussion. If you don't, your mom will kill you for missing finals. Now let's go," Savannah said. "Fine, whatever," Mariah muttered. She angrily threw her covers off of her body and stood, glancing at her friend who smiled triumphantly. "Hurry up, we have to meet Veronica before school starts," Savannah said.

The blonde rolled her eyes and walked into her bathroom and began brushing her teeth. "I'll pick out your outfit!" Savannah called from the bedroom. Mariah grunted and Savannah took that as an 'okay' to do so.

After taking a shower, Mariah re-entered her room. As soon as she did, clothes were being thrown at her face. "I'll be downstairs," the brunette said before leaving the blonde's bedroom, closing the door behind her. Mariah sluggishly got dressed and when she was done, she picked up her backpack and exited her room.

"All right, I'm ready," Mariah said as she entered the living room. "Finally," Savannah muttered, standing up from the couch and walking to the door. The two left the penthouse and headed toward the elevator.

After exiting the building, the girls began walking to school, discussing random things as they did so. When they arrived in front of the building, Veronica Lodge and Christian James stood by the steps leading into the school. They were obviously waiting for Mariah and Savannah to show up.

"Sorry for making you wait, Mariah wouldn't get out of bed," Savannah apologized as she walked over to the two. She placed a chaste kiss on her boyfriend's lips and Veronica pretended to gag at the sight. "Again?" Christian questioned, raising an eyebrow at the blonde.

"Forgive me for trying to get a few more minutes of sleep," Mariah deadpanned. Christian rolled his eyes playfully and Veronica chuckled. "Here," Veronica then said, holding out a brown bag and a cup of coffee. "Savannah said that you'd need this."

Mariah took the bag and the coffee from her friend's hands. She took a long sip of the coffee and sighed contently. "You are a lifesaver," she mumbled. She opened the bag to reveal two donuts and smiled in delight. "Have I ever told you that I love you? Because I really do," Mariah said as she took one of the donuts out of the bag and took a bite.

"You only love me when I bring you food," Veronica accused with a smirk. "No, I love you all the time. Just more when you bring me food," Mariah admitted, taking another bite of the donut. "You and your love of food. I'm surprised that you haven't gotten fat yet with the amount of food that you eat," Christian said as the four began walking up the steps and into the school.

"I guess I'm just lucky." Mariah shrugged. The four continued walking, only stopping when they reached one's locker. After gathering the remainder of their things from their lockers, they all talked for a little while longer before splitting up to go to their designated classrooms. Mariah and Veronica went in one direction and Savannah and Christian went in another.

"You ready for this Algebra exam?" Mariah asked. Veronica shrugged, "Not really. You?" Mariah frowned, "Eh." The two glanced at each other before looking back at the classroom door. And with that, they entered the room with their heads held high and mock confidence on their faces. In reality, they were terrified. Algebra was a tough class and they knew that this exam would be difficult.


After school was finally over, Mariah, Veronica, and Savannah sat in Mariah's bedroom. The two brunettes were rummaging through Mariah's closet trying to find something for the blonde to wear to the party.

"What about this?" Savannah proposed, holding up a black crop top and a pair of jean shorts. Mariah scrunched up her face and Savannah released an aggravated sigh. "You're impossible, did you know that?" Savannah asked her friend who shrugged. "You have to wear something," Veronica pointed out and Savannah nodded in agreement.

"I don't understand why we have to go to this party. We're freshmen, we should enjoy our youth," Mariah said. "We are freshmen, yes, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun," Savannah said, wiggling her eyebrows. "We're just gonna have some fun, it's not like we'll be drinking alcohol or doing drugs," Veronica said.

"You never know. Peer pressure exists," Mariah replied. "And when have you known us to give into peer pressure?" Veronica asked. Mariah sighed, "Well, there was that time--"

"Don't answer the question," Veronica interrupted. "Yeah, that's what I thought." Mariah smirked. The two brunettes continued to look for something for Mariah to wear. After about ten more minutes, the blonde agreed to a white blouse and a maroon skater skirt. She opted to wear her black Converse, much to Veronica's dismay.

They all got dressed and left Mariah's home. Mariah sent a quick text to her mom informing her that they were on their way to the party as Savannah hailed a cab.

Once inside the vehicle, Savannah gave the cab driver the address to the house and he began driving. After about an hour of driving and mindless chatter, the cab finally pulled up to a two story house. Veronica paid the driver and the three exited the cab, watching as it drove away.

Savannah clapped excitedly and began walking toward the front door, Veronica on her tail. Mariah sighed, texted her mom of her arrival at the party, and reluctantly followed after her friends.


The party was getting crazier with each passing half hour. Mariah had lost her two friend almost an hour prior and was still desperately trying to find them. She was not having a good time at all. What with the constant sweaty bodies bumping into her and the occasional hand on her butt. She was fed up with it and wanted to go home.

A boy walked up to her with a cigarette in his hand. He held it out to her, "Hey, you want a smoke?" Mariah glared at him before taking the lit cigarette from his hand and throwing it onto the wood floor. She lifted her foot slightly and stomped it on the cigarette, twisting her foot on it and putting it out. "Does that answer your question?" She asked and he scowled at her before walking away.

A few minutes later, she finally spotted Veronica talking to some guy and marched over to her. "I have been looking for you for an hour. Where the hell have you been?" Mariah exclaimed. Veronica turned to her and smiled sheepishly opening her mouth to respond when Mariah shook her head. "It doesn't matter, where's Savannah?" Mariah asked.

"She's somewhere with Christian. I think they're in the kitchen," Veronica answered. Mariah nodded and took the brunette's hand before dragging her in the direction that she thought the kitchen was. When the girls enter, they see a few people in the kitchen, among them were Savannah and Christian who were making out on the kitchen counter.

Mariah pulled Veronica over to them and nudged her friend who pulled away from her boyfriend. "Oh hey, there you are. Where have you been?" Savannah said with a wide smile. "Where have I been? Where have you been? I've been looking all over the place for you," Mariah said. "I was with Christian. See? Here he is," Savannah said and Christian waved.

"Sav, I wanna go home," Mariah deadpanned. Savannah sighed before nodding, "Fine, let's go." She hopped off the counter and waited for Christian to do the same. When he did, they all walked to the exit of the kitchen.


It all happened so fast. One minute, the four were about to leave and the next, everyone was running around frantically and screaming that the house was in fire. The house was on fire.

Mariah was roughly pushed away from her friends. She whipped her head in every direction as she frantically searched for them. She was being pushed forward by a numerous amount of people and she fought against them.

Spotting Savannah, she pushed her way through the terrified teenagers and made her way toward her. "Savannah!" Mariah gasped. "My ring, I can't find my ring," Savannah said. "Your ring?" Mariah questioned loudly over the roar of screams and voices. "My mom's ring. The one she gave me before she died," Savannah said. "I can't find it. It must have slipped off in the chaos."

"Savannah, we have to go," Mariah yelled. "I have to find it," Savannah called back. Mariah shook her head and grabbed her friend's wrist, yanking her towards an exit.

The house was on fire.

Mariah coughed profusely as the smoke continued to enter her lungs. Her grip on her Savannah's wrist tightened as she pushed her way through the crowd. She lost that grip when someone's body slammed into her own and she is knocked to the ground. Two pairs of hands quickly picked her up and she was being pushed through the crowd again. Savannah was nowhere to be seen.

Mariah couldn't understand why it seemed to take forever to get to the door. She craned her neck around in every direction in an attempt to spot her friend. Finally, she was pushed out the door and she quickly descended the porch steps. She began coughing again. The house was on fire.

The blonde collapsed onto the ground and took deep breaths of air. "Mariah!" Christian yelled. She shakily stood from the grass and turned to him. "Are you okay? Where's Veronica?" She immediately questioned him. "I'm fine and so is she," he answered. "Where's Savannah?" He asked.

Mariah looked around at the crowds of people coughing and trying to breathe. People were still exiting the house but she couldn't find her friend. "I don't know! I lost her when we were trying to get out," Mariah answered. Terror began to settle in her bones as she continued to look for her friend, growing more frantic.

The last person stumbled out of the home as the two continued to look for Savannah. "I don't see her!" Christian shouted. Mariah let out a terrified gasp. "Her ring. She must have gone back for her ring!" Mariah exclaimed. The blonde began to speed walk back toward the house. She was about seven feet away from it when Christian grabbed her.

"No you stay. I'll go," he said as he ran toward the house. As soon as he was about to set his foot on the porch, the house exploded. The forced knocked Mariah off of her feet and terrified shouts filled the air. A groan left her lips as she rolled on the ground. Her ears were ringing.

She lifted her head and saw Christian a few feet in front of her, groaning in pain. Her vision began to darken as people began rushing toward her and the boy, asking if they were okay. Mariah couldn't hear them though. She was on the verge of unconsciousness. Right before she passed out, one last thing escaped her lips. "Savannah."

The house was on fire.


Mariah's head laid on Archie's chest as she concluded the story. She practically held her breath as she waited for the boy to say something, anything. He remained quiet.

She slowly lifted her head and sat up, her eyes boring into his face. He didn't look at her for a moment. When he did, his eyes held sadness and he reached his hands up to her face, wiping away her tears. She hadn't realized that she was crying.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered. He didn't know what else to say. Mariah closed her eyes briefly before opening them again.

"After the fire, nothing was the same. I wasn't the same. Savannah was gone and I was a mess. I couldn't help but think that it was my fault. I couldn't stay there anymore. After months of living in New York without her, I just couldn't take it. I would have nightmares. I still get nightmares. My mom was scared that I'd have a psychotic break or try to hurt myself or someone else. It was becoming too toxic of an environment for me. So we left. That's why I'm here. I don't know why my mom decided to move us back here though. I guess she missed this town or something. So, yeah," Mariah explained quietly.

The two sat in silence for a while. After a few more minutes of quiet, Archie finally spoke. "You're amazing, do you know that?" He said. Mariah glanced at him in confusion and he began to explain. "You've been through so much and yet, you're still here. You've never given up on yourself, on life, or on people. You always try to make other people feel good even when you don't. You always smile and laugh and crack jokes. You are not weak in the slightest. You are the strongest person I know," he said.

A small smile came to her face at his words. But as soon as it came, it fell. "News reports say that the fire originated in the kitchen. Some drunk kids were roasting marshmallows and must have caused. But I'm not sure if that's the case. If that's what caused it," Mariah muttered.

Archie frowned, "What do you think caused it then?" Mariah looked down at her hands and sighed. "The cigarette," she mumbled. Archie shook his head, "You put out that cigarette," he dismissed. "But what if I didn't? What if it rolled toward a curtain and caused the fire or something?" She questioned.

Archie shook his head again, "The probability of that being the case is slim. That fire was not your doing. Savannah's death was not your fault." Mariah closed her eyes again and the two grew quiet.

"Can you promise me something?" Mariah questioned. "That depends on what it is," Archie replied. "Promise me you won't tell anyone about Savannah. Not Betty, or Jughead, or even Cheryl," she said. Archie opened his mouth to protest but Mariah spoke before he could. "I'm just not ready for anyone else to know, okay? Promise you won't tell anyone?" She said, her eyes pleading.

Archie looked down at his hands. He had an internal debate with himself before he sighed, nodding his head in confirmation. "Okay. I promise I won't tell anyone," he said. The blonde nodded her head and a relieved breath left her lips. The two were quiet for a moment before Mariah spoke again.

"Can I stay here tonight? I really don't feel like driving home," Mariah asked him. He smiled and nodded his head in confirmation. "What do you wanna do?" He questioned. "Sleep," she answered. Archie smirked, "Together?" Mariah slapped his chest repeatedly. "I said sleep, not have sex," she groaned.

"We could always do both," he suggested with a shrug. Mariah glared at him, "You know on second thought, I think I'll just go home." She stood from the bed and began grabbing her things when Archie chuckled. "Mar, I was kidding," he said. Mariah scowled at him, "You're not very funny Archibald." She continued to pick up her things and he sighed.

"Hey, I'm sorry," Archie said. Mariah stopped her movements and turned to look at him, her eyebrows raised. He sighed again.

"Stay. Please stay."


Here is chapter twenty three and the reason why Mariah left New York. If you couldn't tell the beginning that was in italics was a flashback. I hope you guys liked this and the reasoning wasn't disappointing. This has been the plan since I first started writing this book so, I hope it was good. I also really hope that you all enjoyed this chapter. Also, if you haven't noticed, this book is updated on Thursdays and Sundays so that is the updating schedule. This chapter is going up later than Thursday because I hadn't written it because I was busy. But hey, it's Sunday. Have a great day.

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