[6] 𝗧π—ͺπ—œπ—‘π—¦ 𝗠𝗬 𝗔𝗦𝗦

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'The girl shattered into pieces'


MAY, 19 2007

"DAD, WE'VE BEEN AT this for hours." I said to him, we were at the back of the cabin, learning how to use a bow and an arrow.

"Yeah, dad. I want to go do something other than this." Jeremy said making me roll my eyes at him.

"You just want to go call your little girlfriend." I said to Jeremy as he glare at me.

Jeremy's eleven and I'm twelve.

He's been crushing over this girl who I don't know.

"She isn't my girlfriend. She's my friend." Jeremy said as dad laughed us.

"Alright, kids. Come on. You guys need to learn how to use these just in case one day you'll need to when you guys go hunting." Our dad said making me sigh.

"Dad, what could we go hunting for. I hate it." I said to him as he knelt down to me.

"Because you never know who will happened and I want you and your brother to know to protect each other. If I'm gone you're the one who's going to learn how to hunt when you come up here." He said to me tugging my hair behind my ear.

"Nothing is going to happen to you dad." Jeremy said to dad as I nodded.

"Jer, is right. We can all come down here to hunt. And we'll learn how to use this." I said raising the bow in my hand.

"And plus, I think I'm getting better at this than Jeremy." I said to him as Jeremy let out a scoff.

"No you're not." Jeremy said with confidence picking up the bow and the arrow and lining himself in position and aiming to the red x that is marked in the tree hitting on the end of the x making me laugh.

"Totally. My turn." I said to Jeremy as I positioned myself and the bow taking a whole deep breath before letting go of the arrow and it went straight to the center.

Good aiming.

"Bam!" I said running to Jeremy and dancing in front of him as he rolled his eyes at me.

"I hate you!" Jeremy said to me as I ruffled his hair.

"Love you too." I said as I laughed making my dad also laugh watching me having fun and beating Jeremy at this.

"Okay, you two. Keep working on it meanwhile I'll tell your mom to make your favorite dessert." My dad said making Jeremy and I jump with excitement.

"Yes! Yes, yes!" We both said making our dad smile.

"Okay, then. Keep going and I'll be right back." My dad said making Jeremy and I practice more.

We never understand why our dad wanted us to do this but sometimes it made it fun that I could beat Jeremy.


"I looked everywhere." Scott said making me cross my arms.

"For what? Your sense of humor?" I asked him making him glare at me.

"I really miss the old you." He said to me making me fake smile.

"Well, she died." I said making him regret what he said. The old me died when they killed me and turned me. And what can i do? I make fun of it.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." He said to me making me laugh. "It's fine." I said to him as he still regret what he said.

"So, the owner just left his dog? Is the dog still available?" I asked Scott.

"Is he dead?" Stiles asked Scott.

"Okay, first, he's not dead, he's just missing. And yes, the dog is still available." Scott said annoyed.

"He left his car, his dog." Scott said to us.

"Okay. Was he, like-could he have been a virgin maybe?" Stiles said putting his sweater making me roll my eyes.

"You're still with that?" I asked him as he gave a nod.

"Did he look like a virgin? Wes he, you know, virginal?" Stiles asked Scott.

"No, definitely not." Scott said putting his sweater.

"Deaton makes me have sex with all his clients. It's a new policy." Scott said making Stiles freeze and stare at Scott he had a smile on his face making me laugh. Stiles just stare at both of us not even laughing at the joke Scott said making Scott and me clear our throats.

"No, I don't know if he was a virgin. And why are you talking like he's already dead?" Scott said making me hum.

"He probably is." I said with a shrug.

"He's just missing." Scott said making me shake my head.

"Missing and presumed dead because he's probably a virgin, Scott." Stiles said as I scratched the back of my head.

"And you know who else is a virgin? Me." Stiles said making this awkward for me to be here. Stiles and I haven't had-um sex at all.

"I'm a virgin, okay? And you know what that means? It means my lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat to my life." Stiles said as I turned to Scott.

"Okay, I need to have sex, like, right now." Stiles said making me look down awkwardly feeling shy.

Am I going to die because I'm a virgin too?

No, I'm dead already, right?

"Someone needs to have sex with me, like, today. Like, someone needs to sex me right now!" Stiles said as he slammed his locker door shut making me jump at the sound of it.

"All right, I'll do it." I hear Danny say making Stiles shout.

"Ah." Stiles said turning to look at Danny.

"What?" Stiles asked Danny.

"Come to my place at nine. Plan to stay the night." Danny said to him making me let out a sigh. Thank god. I mean I would but I'm not ready I think i don't know. "I like to cuddle." Danny told Stiles.

"Oh." Stiles said turning to face us.

"That was so sweet. Are you kidding?" Stiles said in an awe.

"Yes, I'm kidding." Danny said to Stiles.

"Okay, you know, you don't you with a guy's emotions like that, Danny." Stiles yelled at him as Danny stopped and looked at me.

"Ask aurora. She's your girlfriend." Danny said making me freeze in my spot not moving feeling extremely awkward in this position. I don't like Danny right now.

"I mean- he's right." Scott whispered making me hit him on his side as he let out a groan.

"Shut up." I said to him before looking at Stiles who was already looking at me as I gave him a smile. Danny made this awkward-ugh.

"Let's go!" I heard coach say making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Well, time to run!" I said to them as Scott closed his locker and we went out to the lockers room.

"Jeremy!" I yelled as I ran to my brother,

"what's up?" He asked me making me frown.

"Where have you been, I barely see you." I said to him playfully pushing him. "you know-around." He said to me awkwardly making me frown. "Around where?" I asked.

"You know." He said with a chuckle.

"Well, I don't. Not the point. Um, anyways, do you know where aunt Jenna keeps mom's diaries?" I asked Jeremy as Scott and Stiles were behind me.

"Um, no actually. I saw that she had them out in the table but then she moved them." Jeremy said making me nod.

"Why?" He asked me.

"Because I want to know if mom knew about the supernatural." I told Jeremy as he nodded, as we headed outside I heard mumbling from beside us making me turn to see some random girls looking at my brother.

"Since when do girls like you?" I asked with a frown as he gave me a smirk.

"Since, I've been working out." He said making me chuckle.

"Right." I said to him.

"What? Jealous?" He asked me making me laugh.

"Jealous of what?" I asked.

"Of me?" He asked making me laugh.

"I don't need to be jealous of you because I know I'm hotter than you! I have a boyfriend." I said to him.

"And you don't have a girlfriend." I said to him.

"I do!" He said to me making me laugh.

"Who? It can't be popular girls. Lydia will definitely not be into you." I said to Jeremy making his reaction look serious.

"Why do you say that?" He asked me making me laugh.

"She's my friend I know her." I said making m him nod.

"Right, like your romeo." He said turning to Stiles.

"What about him?"

"He's not popular." Jeremy said.

"No, but he's perfect." I said to him as he rolled his eyes at me as he walked away from me as I laughed going back to Stiles.

"Hey." I said to him standing beside him, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey," I said letting out a sigh.

"You okay?" He asked me making me look up at him.

"Yeah, just tired." I said to him as everyone was running except for us.

"Do you want to sleep over at mine?" He asked me making me look up at him.

"I-if you want?" He said with a stutter making me peck his lip.

"I would love that." I said to him as he gave me a smile before we heard a scream making us pull away and run to where we heard a girl yell.

We ran more down to the woods when we stopped, I immediately covered my mouth seeing a guy tied up in a tree. Dead.

"Oh my god." I said letting out a gasp. Scott immediately came to us.

"It's him, isn't it?" Stiles asked Scott.

The guy who went missing, who left his dog at the animal clinic. There's a string-no more like a dog leash around his neck. Stiles immediately called his dad to get here. He's dead. And the killer just left him there. Someone killed an innocent guy.

Why would they do that? Is it all connected? With the rest of the murders.

Β  Β  Stiles dad arrived after and he asked all of us to leave, I think the girlfriend of the guy came running crying, she saw her boyfriend dead. His name was Kyle. He used to go here. He was a senior. We began to leave, stiles, Scott, Isaac and I.

"You see the way the twins looked at him?" Isaac asked Scott, as I held Stiles hand.

"Twins my ass." I said annoyed.

"Yeah, you mean like they had no idea what happened?" Stiles asked Isaac.

"No, no, they knew." Isaac said.

"The kid was stranger with a garrote, all right? Am I the only one recognizing the lack of werewolfitude in these murders?" Stiles asked us. I don't know about that? Never heard the human sacrifices part except on shows and movies.

"You think, it's a coincidence they turn up, and then people start dying?" Isaac asked Stiles as they stopped.

"Well, no, but still don't think it's them." Stiles said as he crossed his arms as he still had my hand.

"Scott?" Isaac asked making Stiles and Isaac look at him.

"How about you?" Isaac asked Scott.

"I don't know yet." Scott said, I would agree to the I don't know yet. We don't know what is really going on.

"You don't know yet?" Stiles asked Scott.

"Well, he's got a point. Seriously, dude, human sacrifices?" Scott asked making Stiles scoff. He's going to ramble.

"Scott, your eyes turn into yellow glow sticks, okay? Hair literally grows from your cheeks, and then will immediately disappear, and if I were to stab you right now, it would just magically heal, but you're having trouble grasping human sacrifices?" Stiles said whispering the last part making Scott turn to Isaac giving him a nod.

"He's got a point, too." Scott said making me nod.

"I don't care, all right?" Isaac said turning to look behind us.

"They killed that kid. They killed the girl that saved me. And I'm gonna kill them, too." Isaac said as he walked away making me shout.

"Count me in!" I said as he gave me a thumbs up making stiles and Scott glare at me.

"What?" I said with a shrug.

"I gotta go." Scott said to us as we nodded.

"See ya later." I said to Scott as he walked off leaving me with Stiles.

"So, what's next?" I asked Stiles as we walked off back to the school.

"Uh, find out why they killed Kyle." Stiles said to me making me sigh.

"I hate this so much. People are dying." I said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, I know." He said to me as I sighs.

"I'll make you a deal." He said to me.

"What kind of deal?" I said to stiles.

"You come with me to find out what happened. And I'll take you out to eat and watch a movie." He said to me making me smile.

"I like the sound of that." I said to him as he gave me a kiss on my neck making me laugh as we both walked to school hand to hand.


"You think he can help?" I asked stiles as he opened to the door for me as we enter the animal clinic.

"He knows more about this than any of us." Stiles said to me. Deaton walked out as he smiled at us.

"You both out to school early." Deaton said making me nod.

"Yeah, free period, actually. Um, I was just headed home to see my dad." Stiles said making me nod.

"You know, I guess you probably heard people are kind of getting murdered again." Stiles informed Deaton.

"It's his job to figure it out." Stiles told him. "I gathered as much from the sheriff title." Deaton said to us.

"Yeah, I'm, you know but it gets kind of hard for him to do his job when he doesn't have all the information. And we all know he's missing pretty much half the story here, right?" Stiles said making Deaton nod.

"So I stared thinking, and I remembered someone who does have a lot of information. Someone who always seems to know more than anyone else around here." Stiles said to him as I just simply stood there.

"You." Stiles told Deaton making him nod as he let out a sigh.

"All right, follow me." Deaton said as we followed him to the back.

"All the symbols and things, the triskeles, the bank logo, the mountain Ash, all of it is from the Celtic druids." Stiles immediately told Deaton as we went to the back of the room, Stiles leaned against the table as Deaton on the other side of the table.

"And anyone who has ever looked up human sacrifice before knows that the druids had a pretty big hard-on when it came to giving one up to the gods. You ever hear of the Lindow Man?" Stiles asked Deaton as I took a seat.

"Two thousand year-old body found in England? He was found strangled head bashed in, throat cut. Threefold death." Stiles said to Deaton. When did he had the time to search that up.

Probably the slap Kyle's girlfriend gave him made him more nerdy, I like it.

"They also found pollen grains in his stomach. Guess what favorite Druid plant that was." Stiles asked as Deaton took out a peace of plant out making Stiles stop speaking.

"Mistletoe." Deaton said placing it on the table.

"I'm just telling you everything you already know, aren't I?" Stiles asked Deaton.

"Then why aren't you telling us?" Stiles said raising his voice a little.

"Why don't you ease down a bit," I said to stiles getting up from my seat and standing beside grumpy stiles.

"Maybe because you've spent every moment of the last ten years trying to push something away... denying it. Lying about it. Becomes a pretty powerful habit." Deaton said to us. He's saying the truth. Lying does become powerful.

"All right, so this guy, is he a Druid?" I asked Deaton.

"No." He said to us.

"It's someone copying a centuries-old practice of a people who should have known better." Deaton said.

"Do you know what the word Druid means in Gaelic?" Deaton asked us making me shake my head no.

"No." Stiles said.

"Wise oak. The Celtic druids were close to nature. They believed they kept it in balance. They were philosophers and scholars. They weren't serial killers." Deaton said making hum and shrug my shoulders.

"Yeah, well, this is." Stiles said making me nod.

"A very smart serial killer." I said before Stiles phone buzz and he took out his phone, and answered it.

"Hey, I can't talk right now." He said through the phone making me use my super-hearing.

"You need to get to the school now! The music teacher is missing." I heard Lydia say making me turnt to Stiles.

"Wait, what?" Stiles asked her.

"Okay, are you sure he's missing?" Stiles asked her through the phone as I heard Lydia's scared voice.

"Not just missing, taken." Lydia said to making me turn to Deaton who didn't know what was happening.

"Stay there, we are on our way." Stiles said before hanging up.

"Our music teacher was taken." Stiles told Deaton.

"Another person taken. Which means they might die if we don't find them." I said to Deaton.

"We need your help." I said to Deaton.

"I'll go with you." Deaton said making me and stiles nod.

"All right, let's go." I said as we headed out to Lydia-which meant back to school.

Our teacher went missing.

Lydia knew for some reason he went missing.


I don't know.


How do you guys like this so far? I'm so happy I got them together. Some more drama will come along the way. Spoiling you this for Today ssh 🀫


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